Pink Magnolias


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I was basically pushed out of the game because my mage character needed a long rest in order to be able to do spells again. I became a spectator as Kate had seemingly found a way to get a character into the game even though she was supposed to be the DM. The mystery woman and Mark the archer flirted and then the mystery woman said that she was going to bathe herself in the pond just outside of the cave. Mark decided to watch her bathe and then ...

"No. We made a rule. No sex stuff in these games."

"That wasn't the rule." Kate said.

"Brook, back me up. We made the rule, no sex stuff in these games."

"You're just jealous cause Mark gets to have romance while your wimpy mage is off sleeping."

"Actually," Brook added "if I remember right the actual house rule was that if we added sex to the game then we had to play naked."

"That's the rule we set?" I asked.

"That's the rule YOU set."

I looked at Brook and she nodded. "Well then, I don't see you getting naked." I said.

Kate rolled her eyes and then looked at Brook. "Do you want to stop here or do you want to finish the story?"

"I kind of want to see what happens." Brook answered.

"Ok then." Kate said as she pulled her top off revealing her breasts. Then she stood up from the chair and got the rest of the way naked. Brook saw that and so did the same. Before Brook was all the way naked she motioned at me.

"You too. It's your rule."

"I'm taking a long rest. I'm not involved in the sex stuff."

"Everyone has to get naked." Kate said. "It's the rule."

Rules, rules, rules. My whole life is governed by fucking rules. Sigh. I pulled my top off and then I got my pants off without needing to stand up. There, now we were all naked even though I was not participating.

Mark the archer was spying on the mystery woman but she caught him. Instead of being angry she invited him to come and join her. Mark got naked and entered the water with her. She said that she liked him and Mark flirted back. They got out of the water and then the mystery woman started to suck on Mark's cock. After that she stood up and then led Mark to the tall grass so she could lay down. She had Mark lick her pussy and then Mark mounted her and fucked her until he put all of his semen in her. The mystery woman thanked Mark for the good time and the protection of a big strong man. Mark laid down to her side and looked up at the night sky as he rested. The mystery woman got on top of him. He put his arms around her and then they kissed.

"Suddenly a sharp hellish pain cuts through Mark from his spine all the way up to the back of his head."

"What?" Brook said.

"Mark feels all of his life energy being sucked out of him and he is powerless to stop it. All the strength drains from his arms and his limbs fall limp to the ground. The last thing he sees before he dies is the mystery woman's eyes glow red before she changes into her true form. Red horns come out of her head and bat wings spring from her back. Mark is dead."

"What the hell just happened?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm dead? What?" Brook said.

Kate held up her phone to show the bestiary details for a succubus. "Yeah, you're dead. She took your life energy to take back with her to the abyss. And now all the bandits you guys were fighting before have found Agitato sleeping. Agitato, you hear a noise that makes you rise from your bedroll."

"I'm really dead?" Brook asked.

"Yes. You're dead. And Agitato didn't get a full long rest so he can only use one spell. Jim, what cha gon a do."

Just then Dale came through the front door and Kate moved her hands to cover her privates. I figured I should probably do something like that too. At firs Dale didn't notice cause he came over to us saying "Y'all still playing that stupid game?" But then he interrupted himself with "What the fuck."

"We're playing the strip version and ... we're losing." Brook said.

"Oh, ok. You didn't tell me it was like that. Now it's interesting."

"Daddy, please go."

"What do you mean?" Dale said.

"Daddy, I'm naked. Please go."

"Come on. Not like I've never ..."

"Daddy. Go. NOW!"

"Alright but next time you play like this do it in your room and not out here. And don't put your naked ass on my chairs."

Dale left for his bedroom and then instead of Kate actually letting me say what I was going to do she instead informed me that the bandits attacked so quickly that I didn't have time to do anything and so I was dead too. Game over.

Kate picked up her clothes and then ran to her bedroom. I got my pants on and then grabbed my shirt and went after her. I looked back at Brook and she didn't bother to get dressed at all. She just grabbed her clothes and casually went to Dale's bedroom.

In Kate's room I found her laying on her bed still naked just looking up at the ceiling.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes. I just don't like my dad seeing me naked."


"He spies on me when I'm in the shower sometimes."

"I've never seen him do that."

"He won't do it when you're here. But I know he does it. I think I know that when he looks at me he doesn't really see his daughter. He sees some girl he might want to have sex with. He looks at me that way but I really just want him to be my dad. Just stop thinking with his dick all the time and just be my dad. I know maybe I sound twisted cause I did have sex with you after all but I don't want him to think of me that way. I just want him to be my dad."

I came to her and she moved over to give me space to lay down.

"Pants off." she said.


"I'm naked. You don't get to wear clothes in my room so long as I'm naked."

"New rule?" I asked as I got my pants off. "What will we do if Dale catches us naked like this together?"

"Please, he's going to be fantasizing about me while he fucks Brook all night long. He won't leave that bedroom except to hydrate."

"You know, I was thinking and I remembered that you said that you'd like to spend more time with your dad."

"As my dad."

"Exactly. So, what if I distract Brook and get her out of the house and then you have your dad all to yourself."

"Distract her how?"

"I don't know. There are lots of things. Maybe we could go see a movie. Or if you need more time then that I could seduce her."

"Please. What?"

"I could. I'm suave."

Kate was shaking her head.

"I seduced you." I said.

"I seduced you." she corrected. "You just thought you were seducing me."

"I could seduce Brook if I put my mind to it."

"She fits your married lady fetish but she wouldn't have sex with you."

"I thought you said she was a slut. That she was already cheating on your dad."

"Yeah but with you? Then again, with as big of a slut as she is I'm surprised she hasn't raped you already."

"Well there you go. I have a chance."

"She'll never do it. If my dad caught her he'd be so pissed."

"Ok but whether she does it or not the important point is that I take her on this long date and then that gives you time alone with your dad so you two can spend time together."

"It's nice in theory."

"I can make it happen."

"Yeah but then after she rejects you I'll have to put up with you wanting sex from me because you can't get Brook out of your head."

"Not if she actually has sex with me."

"Never happen."

"You want to bet?"

"Sure. What do you want to lose?"

"I don't know. What do you want to get?"

"I don't know. I can't say your guitar. You just got it. And you don't actually own your computer. And I gave you your phone so you could have a phone. You don't have anything I want."

"You have something I want."

"Ok. Let's hear it."

"If I can seduce Brook and she'll actually have sex with me then I want you."

"You have me."

"I want to go on a date with you as my girlfriend."

Kate sat up and then I followed her motion. She looked me in the eyes. "You can't ask me for that."

"Yes I can. It's a bet, remember. If I can seduce Brook then I don't want you to have any other boyfriend. I'll stop seeing any other women and I'll be just a one woman man."

"Don't you mean one woman boy?"

"And you will be a one man woman."

"It'll never work between us. We talked about this."

"I know."

"We can never have kids."

"Do you want to have kids right now?"

"Not right now but in my life maybe someday."

"And when that day comes we'll look at options."

"Now you sound like you're going to ask me to marry you. No. This is too heavy."

"Ok. Backing off. Backing off. All I'm saying is that what we have between us is not nothing. I want to go on a date with you as my girlfriend and see how it is. What do you say?"

"Well ..."


"I'm thinking. I told you not to fall in love with me. Don't get possessive and attached and all that."

"What you said before kind of worried me. I don't want to just wait around in the background while you go get some other boyfriend. I want to be the one to make you happy."

She came close to me and put a hand to my cheek. It was like her eyes were drawing me in and then she kissed me.

"Ok. I know what I want." she said.

"I'm listening."

"Jim, I like you. But you know we can only just be play friends and we have to keep it secret. You know that."

"That's what you want?"

"Go ahead and take Brook on that date. And then when you strike out I own you."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that your dick and also more importantly your tongue belong to me. If I go get another boyfriend or if I have a husband or whatever is going on with me doesn't matter. I still own you. No matter what is going on, no matter if you get married and have wife or you become a priest or whatever; if I show up at your door and I want sex you have to give it to me, no questions asked."

"No matter what, huh?"

"No matter what. Even if I get horribly burned and I'm all super ugly, you still have to have sex with me. Even if I catch AIDS, you still ..."

"Hold it. Wait up there. I'm drawing the line at STDs."

"You'll just have to use a condom and take precautions cause I own you. And if my husband cums in me and I show up at your door and want you to lick me then you have to do it."

I shook my head. "No, I'm not doing gay stuff."

"You have to. I own you."

"Not yet you don't."

"Ok, fine. I'll wash myself before I ask you to go down on me. Happy?"

"And I have to put all of that on the line just to go on one date with you?"

"We both know you're asking for way more than one date. And besides that, I have to accept being your girlfriend if you can get some other woman to sleep with you. How messed up is that?"

"Ok, then let's just forget the whole thing." I said.

"No. I like the idea of you taking Brook out of the house for a bit. And I like the idea of owning you. And who knows, maybe later in life we can just be happy just being the two of us for a bit. Maybe."

"But the question is would you be happy as my girlfriend?"

"I don't know. I don't want to think about that right now."

I nodded. "Ok. New topic. Let's talk about something else."

"Who's turn is it to punish the other one?"

"Um ... I don't remember."

"You have to keep track of that. It's your job."

"Um, if I remember correctly it's my turn to punish you but you still didn't punish me completely from before."

"How are we ever going to make it even?"

"I guess we'll have to keep trying until we do."

She nodded and then scooted closer to me so she could really embrace me and kiss me. "We better get started then. Come here and fuck me."

"You're not going to steal my soul and bring it down to hell, are you?"

"Just get your dick in me. I've already taken your soul from you."

Having sex with Kate that night was interesting because I had sort of worked out what would bring her to climax. I was able to keep her going with longer and longer sex and only give her an orgasm when I wanted her to have one.

In the middle of the night we still weren't completely done fucking but I had to go get something to drink. While I was in the kitchen getting some orange juice I was startled by Dale.

"Hey. What you doing up?"

"Uh, just thirsty."

"Me too, but maybe for a different reason, huh!"

"Yeah. Hey, Dale, you and Brook, you guys ok?"

"Oh yeah. Things are great. Why? Brook say something?"

"No. I just want to be up to date."

"No, we're totally good man. Actually, Brook's passed out right now but how about we go wake her up and you have a go with her?"

"No, tonight is you guys' special night. I'll just go back to sleep."

"Kate's snoring woke you up?"

"Something like that."

"Alright man but Brook is there if you change your mind."

"Oh, Dale, Kate was saying that she wanted to do a proper Dad Daughter thing with you."

"Ugh. I know she wants to do something like that but I never have time. You see how busy I am."

"I know but what if one night I get Brook out of your hair so you can refocus?"

Dale stood there thinking. "Dad daughter stuff like what?"

"I don't know. I'm not a dad or a daughter. Maybe take her to a movie. Or a game. You're always watching the game on TV. Go to a live game. And it doesn't have to be football. Don't you have a baseball team? Or maybe take her to the skating ring. Or ride horses. I found our recently that she likes to ride horses."

"When she ever been riding a horse?"

"I mean if nothing else take her to the strip club."

"Alright. Alright. I'll find something. Strip club with my daughter. You're crazy. But that's what I like about you man. And while I'm gone with Kate you'll be here fucking Brook."

"We don't have to do that."

"Nah, it's ok man. You fuck her as many times as she wants. See the thing is, I kind of have a girlfriend."

"For real? You're cheating on Brook?"

"I decided that I wasn't going to lie to her and I went and told her one night and now I think it was a big mistake. Sometimes I do actually have to go to the office to do extra work but every time I leave she thinks I'm going off to be with my girlfriend. See, that's why I figure if I let them meet then they'll be ok with each other. They both already know about each other so why can't they be friends? And then there's you. Kind of my apology to her and trying to meet her half way."

"So what you're saying is that every time I fuck Brook it helps your relationship with her."

"Yes. Now you understand."

"Can she come visit me when I'm in school?"

"You going to pay for gas money?"

I laughed. "I'll give her a voucher so she can ride the bus."

Then Dale laughed.

After that conversation I found Kate eagerly waiting for me in her room. I fucked Dale's daughter to two orgasms straight while I was thinking of having Brook come see me on the off weekends.

The next morning Dale opened the door to Kate's room to announce that he was leaving.

"Ok Daddy." a naked Kate said from under the covers.

"Oh and Thanksgiving is tomorrow so I only have a half day today. How about after I get off work we go do something? We'll make it a Dad and Daughter day."

"Ok Daddy." Kate said.

"Great. I'll see you then."

Dale left and then Kate looked over her shoulder at me. "How did you do that?"

"Do what?" I asked as I rubbed my dick on her cheeks of her ass.

She as going to say but then Brook came to the door.

"Kate, your dad's leaving."

"Ok Brook."

"Are you two still naked from yesterday?"

"You can go away now Brook."

Brook shrugged her shoulders and then was going to leave but I said "Wait. Brook. Can I ask you a question?"

Brook stopped and then stood by the door. "Go ahead."

"If you're not busy later would you like to go on a date with me?"

"A date?"

"Sure. I don't have a lot of experience with dating so maybe you can show me some pointers. Show me what to do on a real romantic date. I have a girl I'm thinking of asking out and I could use some help."

"Sure. That sounds like fun."


Once Brook had closed the door and left Kate sat up. "How the hell did you do that?"

I just smiled.

So later that day Kate left with her dad to go do Dad and Daughter day while Brook and I were left at the house. Kate actually looked just a tiny bit worried as they left. The first order of business once Dale and Kate were gone was not to rush out and go to our date. It was too early for that. Instead we went to the sofa to have sex.

Did I take pictures? Yes I did. Brook with her mouth on my dick. Brook's nipple in my mouth. My cock in her pussy. And a handful of others.

And did I cum inside of her? Yes I did. I got a picture of my cum oozing out of her.

After her orgasm she kissed me and then said "I'm stealing your soul to take with me to hell."

"Don't say that. That is so fucking creepy."

Next we got ready, put on some nice clothes, and went to dinner. On the way there Brook got a call from Sally where Sally was inviting Brook to come by her house. Brook declined as she said she was on a date with me. Sally could not resist and asked if she could come meet us. The restaurant we were in had a private booth system set up. No one could see us or what we would be doing in there. After the wait staff had brought our dinners they wouldn't be bothering us either.

It was sort of funny how me and Brook were wearing very nice clothes but Sally was wearing a hoodie like she was sneaking around or something. I was letting Brook and Sally have their conversation in whispers because Sally seemed very cautious. Brook put her arm on Sally's shoulders and that caused Sally to lean in and kiss Brook. They made out for a bit but then Brook pulled back and shook her head. Then she pointed at me. Sally looked at Brook, looked at me, and then looked back at Brook. Sally nodded and with that Brook kissed Sally again. I sure wish I knew what that meant.

What followed was Sally coming close to me and then she kissed me while putting a hand to my cock. She looked over by the curtain that separated our booth from the hall that that servers used and seeing that it was fully closed she looked back at me. She got my dick out and then went down to suck my cock. Brook slid over to us and then leaned over Sally to whisper to me.

"Keep your Saturday night open. It's happening. Don't tell Dale. I want it to be a surprise."

It seemed like it was happening right then as well. Sally didn't stop with just sucking me either. She got out of her jeans just for enough for me to wiggle my dick into her pussy if she sat on me. She leaned back on me putting the back of her head on my shoulder as she fucked me like that.

Man, where was I going to cum. We were in a restaurant. I am sure the wait staff did not want to wipe my cum up off the floor. But did I cum inside of Sally? Was she on the pill? What were the rules? I need rules.

I know. I know. I hate rules. I hate them. I hate having to live by them. I hate having them constantly over my head with other people using them to control me. I hate that. But I learned a long time ago that if I followed the rules then I was blameless and I could call anybody out for being an asshole if they came after me because I had followed the rules.

Ah but I was saved by Brook. Just as I was about to cum Brook took my dick from Sally's pussy and I filled Brook's mouth with cum instead. After that we all ate our dinner in peace and I got a second round of watching Brook and Sally make out.

After dinner Brook wanted to go dancing. The dance club was different. I had never been to that kind of place before. The guy at the door marked my hand with an X meaning I could not buy alcohol. In my head I just decided instead that it meant I was an X man. The music was too loud and it was too dark and nobody was really dancing as far as I understood the word dancing to mean. Everyone was just bouncing and twisting from side to side.
