Pink Magnolias


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Sally was coming more and more out of her shell as she danced with us and eventually that hoodie got too hot for her so she took it off and tied it around her waist. That revealed that she only had on this thin camisole underneath and I could see her tits. And so could everyone else. Damn I must have looked like a stud with Sally dancing on one side of me and Brook on the other. They were being very sexual with their dancing too. Then from time to time some other guy would try to dance with us but the girls would shoo him away and then it was just us again.

After dancing for a good long while we went to sit and have some drinks. I of course went with the nonalcoholic option. We tried to find the most private and secluded part of the club that we could find but even still there were people who could look over in our direction if they would have wanted to. There in a dark corner behind a table Brook slid up her skirt, moved her panties to the side, and then started fucking me right there in the club. To a spectator it might just have looked like we were making out but she had my dick in her pussy and her mouth was actually nibbling on my ear. Sally came over to kiss me but what ended up happening instead was I easily got one of her nipples out and I sucked on it. Oh, and I was in Brook's pussy so I knew the rules for that.

"Ah." I said as I released my cum into her.

After the dance club we parked the two vehicles by the lake near the college. There I waited and stood guard while Brook and Sally licked each other to orgasm. All around, fun night.

When Brook and I got back home Dale and Kate were still out. Brook and I took a shower and we weren't even worried whether we would get caught together. Brook went to bed and passed out while I went to Kate's room and sat on Kate's bed. And then a thought hit me. How was Kate really going to react? What were my options for how to handle this?

Of course one obvious answer was there. I could just claim failure. That would be the easiest thing. I had learned that there was a difference between people saying something and following threw with it when there were strong emotions involved. How did Kate really feel about me. She'd shown very erratic behavior before.

I stood up and figured what I'd do. I packed everything into my bags and then moved the bags to the living room next to the sofa. I got the guitar and amp and then moved them out of Kate's room. Yeah. That had to be the setup. I didn't know how Kate was going to react. Thinking, thinking, thinking. She was Dale's daughter. She was controlling and possessive but in a different way from him.

I waited up for Dale and Kate to return. I had gotten back to the house at about thirty minutes past midnight but Dale and Kate came back just after 2 AM. They didn't seem super happy or super upset when they came in. Rather they both just looked tired. I greeted them as they came in.

"Have a good date with my wife?" Dale asked me with a wink.

"Acceptable." I said. "She's sleeping right now."

"I'll be sure to ask her what happened in the morning."

Dale went off to bed and then that left me there with Kate. I smiled and then took her hand. I brought it to my lips and kissed it. "I guess you're really tired, huh?"

"Was it your idea for my dad to take me to a strip club?"

"He did not actually do that."

"He did and I'm going to kill you."

"But wait. You got to spend time with him, right? Before the strip club what did you do?"

"We went shopping. And then we looked for a place to ride horses of all things but we couldn't find anything nearby. And then we had dinner and after dinner we sat by the river for a bit. And when it was getting late I wanted to go home but Daddy wanted to go see strippers and said you thought it would be a good idea if he took me along."

"Ok, well think about it. You two did some things that you like to do and you did some things that he likes to do."

"What exactly did we do that I like to do?"

"You said you went shopping."


"And the river thing, was that for Dale or you. What did you do at the river?"

"Just talking."

"That's what you wanted, right? And look, you have to meet your dad where he is. He's the kind of guy who likes to go to strip clubs. If you want to spend time with him it can't all just be what you want to do. You have to do what he wants to do sometimes too."

"Well, I still have to punish you for suggesting that to him." She tilted her head to the side and then smiled. "And now that I own you, you can never say no."

"I was thinking about that."

"Oh you can't back out of the bet after you lost."

"I would never. But I was thinking, maybe you were right all along. It would be best for you to get a boyfriend and me to get a girlfriend."

"No, no, no. Don't try to weasel out of it now."

"I'm not."

"How did your date with Brook go?"

"It was interesting."

"What happened?"

"Well, it was a wild night. Before we left we saw a new story that a giant meteor was going to hit the Earth and kill everyone so we let caution go to the wind and we had sex right there on the sofa before the date even started."


"But then we found out it was a false alarm but we'd already had sex so we didn't know what to do. We decided to just go on the date anyway and see what happened. We went to this really nice high class restaurant and amazingly enough one of Brook's friends was there waiting for us. What are the odds? Brook became our teacher as she instructed us on how to do a date correctly. For some reason her instructions included having sex right there in the middle of the restaurant. You know me, I do what my teachers tell me to do so I had sex with Brook's friend. I couldn't cum inside of her though, cause I didn't have a condom so Brook had to swallow all of my cum instead."

Kate laughed. "I told you she was a slut."

"Then the three of us when to a dance club and I had sex with both Brook and her friend right there in front of everyone. I was worried about how your dad would take the news of me having sex with his wife but Brook told me that Dale already knew about it and it was totally ok. It turns out that every time I have sex with Brook, those two fall more and more in love with each other. Isn't that weird?"

"That is weird."

"So then after we got home Brook was so tired from having so much sex with me that she went right to sleep. I promise it was from her having sex with me and not me talking her ear off about quantum states and the eventual heat death of the universe. But then as I was waiting for you to get home I started to worry. What would you really think of me if I had sex with Brook?"

"I would think that you're a slut like her."

"I guess I am sort of if you think about it. I want to have a steady girlfriend and do things right. I want to progress in a relationship from dating to steady, to being engaged and then married. I want to do things right but every time I get involved with a woman it turns out that what I want can't happen. And then I realized how stupid my bet was. I was going to have sex with Brook as a way to manipulate you into a relationship with me that you didn't want. You were right all along. Your way is much better. I can't have a claim on you."

"But I certainly can have a claim on you. I own you now. Don't think I'm giving up on that."

"So I'll go get a girlfriend and maybe I'll eventually find one who will do things right with me. And you'll have a boyfriend and I can't be upset by that."

"And when I'm pregnant with my boyfriends' baby, I'm going to visit you in your little room and demand dick and you can't say no."

I stepped towards her and hugged her.

"I'm so glad to have a cousin like you. I love you."

"I love you too. I mean, not like in love, but like a cousin or something like that. I love you. Now come on. I have to punish you."

"Right now? You want to do it right now?"

"Yes. You know how sexually charged a strip club is?"

"I've never been to one."

"Well it is VERY sexually charged. I am super horny and I need your dick. So come on."

"Yeah but I'm tired. I mean, Brook and then her friend and then Brook and her friend together. I'm exhausted."

"Get your ass to my bed or I'll find a more painful way to punish you."

So, did I fuck Kate that night? Yes I did. Kate made me give her two orgasms, one from my tongue and another from deep fucking, before she was spent enough to fall asleep. I myself actually didn't need to cum again. I'm not even sure I could have. I thought myself lucky to be able to keep an erection.

The next day was Thanksgiving. That day sucked. Brook was busy all day cooking. Dale was busy all day on the phone with someone, or pretending to be so he could avoid helping Brook cook. Kate's mom decided to come and visit along with her boyfriend and that was a hassle cause at first she thought that I was Kate's live in boyfriend until it was explained to her that I was Dale's little brother. Then she went into this long speech about how she had wanted to take me in but Dale refused. That turned into an argument with Dale, and oh man this sucked. There was a huge amount of the absolutely wrong kind of tension in the house continuing even after Kate's mom left.

Then there was Friday. That day sucked too. The four of us went shopping. There were huge crowds. I don't like crowds. I'm very uncomfortable in crowds. I like my room with my walls and my door and the ability to shut the world out when I need to. You spend long enough in the confined space of an orphanage and you get like that. I hate lots of random people bumping into me when I have no plan for what I'm supposed to be doing. I mean, if I was trying to get a girl's attention then I could handle it. If Brook wanted to have sex right there in front of everyone then I would be ok. But as it was I was just in the way and people were rushing past me and I wanted to just leave.

So yeah, Friday was exhausting. But you know, it's like I say, you have to be there for the ones you love not only during the times when you're doing what you like but also for the times when you're just doing what the other person likes.

Saturday was going to be better I hoped. It was my last day there because I was going back on Sunday. My plan was to just hang out with Kate. Kate had told me that there was going to be a college party that night and that she might be able to get me hooked up with Nancy and in the process she'd introduce me to the guy she liked. However, those plans were a bust. Dale and Kate's mom had decided without Kate that Kate was going to spend the weekend over there. Kate protested for a bit until they explained something to her about some big event. Kate's mom and her boyfriend were having an engagement party and Kate's attendance was required. I asked if I could go but I was unceremoniously told to stay out of it.

So that left me alone with my guitar sitting on the sofa. Kate hadn't even been gone that long and I was already finding the fingering to the song "Wishing you were somehow here again."

I pulled out my phone. Signal. "Hey, I miss you."

Kate "Emoji. This is stupid. Why did they pick now to do this?"

"It's the worst timing. I have to go home tomorrow."

"Emoji. You can still go to that party without me. I'll call a friend of mine to come pick you up. Everyone should be getting back to campus this weekend. Emoji."

"It won't be the same if you're not there."

"Emoji. You were a hit at the last party. Everyone loved you. Emoji. Bring your guitar and tell everyone that you're in a band."

"What time do you get back tomorrow?"

"Emoji. I don't even know. I didn't even know this was happening. Emoji."

"If you're not going to be here then I guess I'll just go home on the first bus."

"Emoji. I heard Dad say that he wanted Brook to drive you."

"On the off weekends can you come visit me?"

"Emoji. Maybe. If you're good."

"Oh, I'm not being good at all. I was expecting you to have to come by to finish my punishment."

"Emoji. Emoji. It's like that then."

"Also, I do need a date for prom."

"Emoji. When is it?"

"In a few months. Just enough time for me to convince everyone that you're not really my girlfriend."

"Emoji. But I'll have to roll a new girlfriend character when I go to prom with you. Emoji. That reminds me, do you want Nancy's number?"

"There isn't much I could do with it at this point."

"Emoji. Aren't you staying for Christmas?"

"I guess you can send it to me but with my luck after I get to first base she'll tell me tonight's her bachelorette party."


Kate texted the number but when I went to put it into my phone it turned out that I already had the number in there. That sapped my effort before it even started so I didn't have the forward momentum to actually call this girl that I didn't know. I was still mostly against going to that party. I didn't feel like being that attention seeking guy. I just wanted to sit and have the hours pass and then get on the bus in the morning. Besides, going to that big party would sort of be like being greedy. I'd had so many experiences over the Thanksgiving week that my cup did indeed run over.

Ding, Dong.

I raised an eyebrow. That's what the doorbell sounded like? I got up to answer the door as Dale was rushing out of his bedroom. I noticed the motion and then backed away though I could have gotten to the door first if I had wanted to.

Dale opened the door to find Brook's friend out there. Oh, right. I remembered. Wait, that better not be the reason they sent Kate away. Brook and Dale could have had their little threesome fetish thing without me and I could have spent the time with Kate. But no, now that I remembered all the work Brook put into this I had to accept the bigger picture. I'd see Kate again during Christmas and I had a phone now so I could text her. And maybe video chat. And maybe a little bit of sexy chat. Just playing of course.

Anyway, from the looks of things Dale didn't want to let Sally in. He told her it was a bad time but Sally said that Brook invited her. Dale let Sally into the living room and then he went to confer with Brook about everything.

Sally came and stood next to me. "Hey stud, what's going on?"

"I think you're a surprise but Dale hasn't caught on yet."

"Men are so stupid."

Dale was trying to convince Brook that it was a bad night for Sally to be over here and I really had a hard time imagining what the problem was. Brook was trying really hard without saying it directly that his dream of a girl girl threesome was about to happen.

The conversation was going on so long that I started to entertain Sally by playing guitar for her. She said she knew a few things as well and I passed the instrument to her so she could try to play a Beatles song. She was playing with chords and everything. My usual thing with the guitar was more like guitar solos meaning more like one note at a time in sequence. I mean I did learn some chords but I guess that faded over the years.

Ding, dong.

The moment the doorbell rang Brook and Dale's conversation ended. Dale looked very tense as he rushed again to answer it. This time Brook was right behind him. Once the door opened I saw that outside was a woman I had never seen before.

"Come in. Come in." Dale said while Brook looked on with and annoyed face.

"Who's that?" Sally whispered to me.

"I don't know."

The woman came into the house and now that I got a better look at her she seemed to be about thirty and the porn star she looked the most similar to would probably be Tori Welles. Yeah I know she retired from porn before I was even born but hear me out. On the porn sites all the newer porn scenes are just five minutes of sex at a time with no context, or very little. The older movies were movies. They had sets, and costumes, and bad acting, and a story. A contrived story but a story none the less. And the other good thing about them was that I could stream the entire movie and watch it, a full 90 minutes of entertainment without paying a dime. And that was the best thing. All of the newer scenes feel like abridgments and there are huge chunks cut out. The older movies are all there from start to finish, including the cumshots which always get cut off in more recent porn. Yes it's the same handful of actors fucking the same handful of actresses over and over again but the stories aren't always the same. The stories wildly differ from each other. From what I hear you can't get that kind of experimentation from Hollywood these days. Seriously how many times are they going to tell the origin story of a guy who dresses like a bat in order to beat up street punks?

"You're right on time." I heard Brook say to the woman with a sprinkle of anger in her voice. "We were just having a guest over for dinner."

"Brook, can I talk to you?" Dale said.

"I have to get dinner out of the oven. Dear, Set. The. Table."

"Brook is mad." I whispered.

"I'm wondering if I should go." Sally answered.

"Hello." the new woman said to us as she came over.

"Hi." Sally said.

"I'm Jim and this is Sally." I said.

"Nice to meet you." the new woman said. "My name is Jill."

I reached out and took her hand and then Sally did likewise.

"You guys are such a cute couple." Jill said.

I didn't know how Sally would take that or if she would explain that she was married to someone else but my brain was telling me to not cause waves or contradict anyone just then. I reached behind Sally's blue dress and pulled her to my side. "We are, aren't we. Honey, see, she thinks we're cute together."

Sally was trying to hold in a laugh as she was deciding if she was going to play along or not. "After what you pulled you're lucky we're even still a couple."

"Don't bring that up. Come on. We're at Brook's. We're not at home."

"I'll bring it up if I want to."

"Ok, but I'll just make you apologize again."


I couldn't help but let out a laugh and then Sally started laughing too. It was so silly in that exact moment. I don't know why. I guess you had to be there. We were laughing and holding each other and then Sally wanted to sit down. Jill really wasn't sure what was going on but she sat with us and I guess our laughing was infectious because she started to let out a few chuckles as well.

"Sally is a friend of Brook's by the way." I said.

"I work with Dale. We work at the same company. He invited me over tonight to meet his wife. I didn't know anybody else would be here."

"Well actually, I live here one weekend a month." I said.

"How's that?" Jill asked.

"I'm Dale's brother."

"Dale has a brother?" Jill asked with surprise.

"Ta-da. I exist. It's magic."

"It's called pregnancy." Sally said.

"The magic and miracle of life." I said flamboyantly which caused Sally to giggle and then get very touchy and handsy with me as she pulled me closer to her.

"You two have such a fun energy." Jill said.

"Yes, one day we hope to replace all this foreign fun energy with local domestic fun energy and then have this nation be fully fun energy independent."

Sally laughed and Jill at least smiled at that joke, bad joke that it was. Oh, man, I felt so guilty having this kind of fun without Kate. She should really kill me. No, scratch that. Murder was wrong. She should really punish me for this. Yes, punish me all night long. And then I'd have to pay her back for that. And then ...

"Dinner is served." Brook announced from the dining room which was really just a fancy looking extension of the kitchen. The three of us got up and were going to go but then I asked Sally and Jill to pause for a second.

"Come here." I whispered and the two women came closer to me. "Alright, from the looks of things it might be the case that Dale and Brook are not on the same page about what's going to happen tonight so if worst comes to worst how would you two gorgeous ladies like to come with me to a college party?"
