Pipe Dreams Ch. 05


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"I don't have any family," Lina muttered. She hadn't thought about not being able to tell Maggie though. She hated keeping secrets from her best friend, but this was about more than her; if their secret was it could affect a whole bunch of people. People with lives and children that shouldn't have to live in fear of discovery.

"I know its hard Lina, but it's worth it. You should give Kane a chance; there is no one more devoted than a werewolf mate." Maggie put her book down and started to struggle to her feet. Lina jumped up and held out a hand, helping pull the pregnant woman up.

"Ooof," Maggie stretched, arching her back and thrusting the rounded curve of her belly forward. Lina eyed her curiously.

"I would have thought you would be stronger, as a werewolf."

Maggie nodded. "We are. Our senses get better too but all the strength in the world won't help a pregnant woman. It's all about balance and equilibrium." She patted her belly, "This addition throws it all off, not to mention blocks my view of my feet. I can't wait to be done."

Lina chuckled.

"Hey mate, where do you think you're going?"

Mike strode into the room, going straight to Carrie's side. He nuzzled her neck and then kissed her cheek. "Hmm... you smell good." He looked up. "Hi Lina."

Lina smiled shyly but stepped back by her chair. "Hi Mike."

"I'm off to the bathroom, for like the tenth time in an hour. Your child is doing a tap dance on my bladder."

"You're already taking the blame for the bad things he does, Mike. Just wait until the teenage years!" joked Kane as he walked in. He paused until Lina smiled at him, and then went over to her. He gave her a gentle hug and a kiss on the forehead. She noticed he inhaled her scent the same way Mike had done with Carrie when he nuzzled her.

"Your meeting is over?"

"Yes. Are you ready to go?"


By the time Lina had gathered her purse, coat, and shoes, the car was waiting out front. Kane led her out and seated her carefully.

"Brr... it's getting chilly," she said. The leather seats in the car hadn't quite warmed up yet and her skirt wasn't as long as she'd like.

He held up one arm and she snuggled into him, hugging his chest. "You're warm."

"Part of the werewolf thing," he said. Lina cast a swift glance at the driver to see if he heard Kane. "Oh, don't worry, Les is one of us."

"Oh. Well, good." Lina was quiet for the rest of the drive, enjoying her spot snuggled up to Kane as the man caressed her from time to time.

Lina felt strange walking into her place with Kane right behind her.

"Sorry, I know this isn't as nice as where you live." She put down her purse on the breakfast bar and looked around the small living room and kitchen. The walls were painted a warm cream color and there were several dramatic pictures on the walls of various landscapes at sunrise and sunset. The furniture wasn't new but it was in good shape, a tan microfiber couch and chair faced a medium size TV in an oak armoire. The kitchen was small and plain but Lina liked it, everything was in arm's reach for her when she cooked.

Kane hugged her from behind. "You'd be surprised. My cabin at home is only four bedrooms and two baths. The house here is to keep up the Jacy business appearance and for the pack to gather in town when needed. This is your place; I like it because this is where you live." He kissed her neck. "It's lovely."

"Thank you. Umm . . . you can wait out here, if you like. It'll just take me a minute to gather a bag." She had been in Kane's room, even slept in his bed, but the thought of him in her room was just too much for her to handle right then. She waited nervously for him to insist that he go with her but he squeezed her and then let go.

"Go ahead. I'd like to take a look at these pictures anyway."

"Those are Maggie's. She's an awesome photographer."

Kane smiled and headed over to the wall. Lina headed down the hall to her room, shutting the door behind her. She sat down on the bed and looked around. Everything was just where she left it twenty four hours ago. It felt like something should have changed, since her whole perception of the world had. She shook her head; werewolves were real. She still couldn't believe they existed, or that she hadn't run screaming when she found out.

Sighing, she pulled out a small suitcase from the closet and began packing it. She put in some casual wear and a suit but stalled when it came to pajamas. She had a closet full of totally not sexy pajamas, mostly mid thigh sleeping shirts. She dug around; looking for the black satiny pair of shorts and matching cami Maggie gave her last year.

"Aha!" She found them in the back of the closet, still in the gift bag. She bit her lip then stuffed them in her suitcase along with a few night shirts. She blushed just thinking about wearing them but she wanted to be prepared. She'd never been in a situation like this before; she wasn't really sure how to go about it.

She slipped across the hall to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She hadn't wanted to ask for a toothbrush that morning so she had used her finger and toothpaste she found in the bathroom. She felt better with her teeth really clean. Packing that up in a travel case, she grabbed her shower stuff and took them back in her room, along with her brush and make-up.

"I'm ready," she said, wheeling the suitcase over by the door. "I just need to grab my laptop and school work."

"Do you have a lot to do?"

Lina shook her head. "Not much, just some reading and research for a project."

"I have work to do as well, plus this investigation into the drug that Carson took."

Lina paused, still bent over to pick up her laptop bag. She stood up slowly, looking at her feet. "I'm sorry that he got hurt. I feel so much guilt; I just hope he gets better."

Kane was over to her in just a moment, hugging her to his body and lifting her chin with one hand. "I'm sorry he got hurt but it was his choice to do the drugs. Carson has had some . . . difficulties lately. It was your father's choice to make the drugs. You did nothing wrong; other than being in the right place to tell us what he took and more about where it came from. You don't have to worry about it anymore; you have suffered enough from these drugs. As long as I am with you, it doesn't touch you anymore, understand?"

Lina nodded. She wasn't convinced but she would try to get past the fact that her dad was still screwing up her life from the grave. If he didn't want her involved in the investigation into where the drugs came from, she wouldn't be as far as his pack was concerned so she couldn't offer to help them either. She knew Kane only did it to protect her and really. . . She didn't want to think about it anymore. She buried her face in Kane's chest and breathed in his scent. She had other things to think about.

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Cia81Cia81over 12 years agoAuthor
Hi and Thanks

Hey guys! Sorry it's been a bit since this updated. I've been sucked into the V-day contest. I did post a new chapter for this story 2 days ago so it should post sometime this week.

Sorry for the typos/name changes in Ch. 5. My editor/beta is a bit busy personally so I'm flying solo and well, you can see how that works out! Overall though, I'm glad you like it!

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 12 years ago
Really good story

More realistic pace than some stories I have read. He is actually taking time to court her. I like that.

Gizz4mo1Gizz4mo1over 12 years ago

cant wait!!!! more please!!

defiantbutterflydefiantbutterflyover 12 years ago

I wish I was a more patient person, I really like this series but I am soooo impatient it isn't funny. I hope new chapters come soon... like now... lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
name change

on pg 2 when lina is talking to carrie you switched the name o maggie then back again. other then that wiating for the next chapter.

polgaranightpolgaranightover 12 years ago
Still Luvin This Story

When I stumbled onto this story, I at first thought that it was just another were story. Now reading all 5 chapters I found that all the characters are coming to life and the story is pushing forward. The plot is thickening and new characters are emerging nicely.

Please write more soon, can hardly wait for the next chapter.

sakurtjesakurtjeover 12 years ago

I cant w8 for the next chapter! The characters are so warm and dreamy! Makes one wish it could happen for real!

GimletEdgeGimletEdgeover 12 years ago
I like how easy going the pack members are.

It makes the fantasy aspect of the story very warm and inviting.

NightpleasureNightpleasureover 12 years ago

keep the chapters coming. I really want to see what happens when her friend returns home.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I love this story so much... there were some mistakes on top of page 2, you switched Carrie's name to Maggie instead.. other than that it was wonderful.

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