Pixie Magic Ch. 09

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A transformative game of tag.
5.4k words

Part 9 of the 18 part series

Updated 09/28/2023
Created 05/13/2023
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Chapter 9: A transformative game of tag.


My arms were still wrapped around Fern when I regained consciousness, although I was still pretty groggy. Fern tossed and turned all night, crying out at times. It sounded like she was reliving her nightmare encounter with Randy.

"Please put the gun down! Don't hurt her! I'll do anything, just don't shoot her! Randy! Nooo!" were some of the things she said in her sleep. She woke up and cried after that last statement. I did my best to calm her, holding her tight, wishing there was some way I could help her get past the memories of that nightmare she lived through.

She was asleep now, thank God. She needed the rest.

I heard noises in the Great Room downstairs, so I carefully separated myself from Fern, moving slowly and stopping frequently until I was able to leave the bed without waking her. I put on the frock I borrowed from Kip and went downstairs.

Holly was there, clearing the table and setting up for breakfast.

"You're up early. Did you sleep well?" she asked, smiling.

"Not really," I answered truthfully, "Fern had nightmares throughout the night, and she was crying in her sleep."

"Poor Fern," Holly said sympathetically, "She went through so much yesterday."

I helped Holly pick up the empty wine bowls and wipe down the table.

"Can you use your magic to make her forget what happened, or cheer her up, or something?" I asked.

"Magic would only make things worse for her," Holly replied, putting out fresh bowls for breakfast, "She needs to work through her grief and trauma. We pixies tend do get over things very quickly, but Fern was assaulted and saw our mother killed, so that's going to take more time."

"Isn't there something we can do to help her?" I asked.

"What she needs is a distraction," Holly replied, "Fortunately, the Festival of the Full Moon is tonight and that should bring her around."

"Any ideas about what we should do in the meantime?" I asked.

"I'm not sure," Holly replied contemplatively, "Let's see how things go this morning."

"What are you two talking about?" Fern asked entering the room.

"I was asking Holly for ideas about what we should do this morning," I replied quickly.

"I really don't feel like doing much of anything today," Fern said listlessly.

"How about some breakfast? Kip, Cal, Tip and Dela went out to pick some fresh berries. They should be back any minute," Holly offered.

"I don't know," Fern said, "I guess I don't have much of an appetite. Maybe I'll just sit on the upper branch for a while."

She turned around and started for the stairs.

"I'll keep you company," I volunteered.

"No, Sky. Stay here and have some breakfast. I'll be fine," Fern said despondently as she started up the stairs.

I turned and looked at Holly.

"Go with her," she mouthed.

My stomach growled as I started up the stairs. I caught up with Fern and sat with her on the large branch at the top of the stairs. I put my arm around her, and she put her head on my shoulder. Neither of us spoke a word.

As usual, the forest was alive with sounds. Normally, the bird chatter varied between food, sex, and predators in the area, but for whatever reason, the chatter this morning seemed to be all about sex. I tried to remember what the sound of the bird calls were like when they meant nothing more than meaningless tweets, but the graphic descriptions were too detailed to ignore. Online pornography sites weren't half as erotic as some of those bird calls. The front of my frock was beginning to tent from my erection.

"I wish there was something I could do or say to cheer you up, Fern," I said quietly, while turning slightly to try and hide my arousal.

She sighed, "I'm sure I'll get over it. We pixies tend to recover pretty quickly from these things."

"That's what Holly was saying," I said, "I just wish there was something I could do."

"Just hold me, Sky; what you're doing now is fine."

We stayed like that for some time, I'd guess about an hour, maybe longer, until we heard a voice behind us.

"Are you two going to sit there and mope all day?" Holly said in a mock stern voice, "Fern, I'm surprised you would treat our guest that way. He's going to start to think we're a bunch of gloomy goblins."

"Just leave us alone, Hol," Fern said, without looking at her sister, "I'm just not in the mood."

"What you need is a distraction," Holly insisted, "Just like what we used to do after Vix bullied you when we were kids."

Fern looked alarmed as she turned quickly to look at Holly, "Oh no! Holly, don't you dare!"

"Too late," Holly said, smiling.

I turned in time to see Holly sprinkle pixie dust over Fern's head.

Fern quickly morphed into a gray squirrel!

"Damn you, Holly. I'm too old for this," Fern chittered.

I couldn't help smiling, despite myself. "How did this cheer her up when you were kids?"

"She used to get mopey after Vix picked on her," Holly explained, "So, we turned ourselves into squirrels and chased each other up and down the trees. It was a lot of fun and we used to laugh ourselves silly afterwards."

"Yeah, but we were only 8 and 10-years-old at the time," Fern chittered sourly.

"So, you're going to turn yourself into a squirrel and chase Fern around?" I asked.

"Me? No," Holly said closing her fist and her eyes, "That will be your job."

Holly opened her eyes and her fist. I saw the sparkling dust in her hand just before she threw it over my head.

My body tingled for a second and when I looked down, I saw my legs were covered with gray fur. My feet were bigger, and my toenails had elongated into sharp claws. My arms were shorter and more muscular, with sharp claws on my hands. I felt an instinctive twitch of the muscles in my lower back and felt a fluffy tail brush against the ears at the top of my head.

"Oh fuck!" I chittered, "I never asked for this!"

"Quit complaining. You were the one who said you wanted me to use magic to help Fern," Holly retorted, "Besides, judging from the size of your erection, I think that being a squirrel is turning you on."

"No," I protested, "I was listening to the birds—"

"Holy shit, Sky," Fern said, giggling, "I've never seen such a big cock on a squirrel; and never one so erect."

"This is so embarrassing," I said as I tried to hide my cock with my paws, only to feel my sharp claws against the skin on my cock.

"Ouch!" I squeaked and I withdrew my paw and tried to cover my cock with my bushy tail instead.

Holly and Fern both laughed at my predicament.

"Poor baby," Fern said mockingly, while swishing her tail seductively, "I'll tell you what, if you can catch me, I have a place where you could put that thing."

She scampered past me down the branch.

"This will be easy, she's going to run out of branch, and I'll have her," I thought, scampering after her.

"Don't forget to get back here before sundown for the festival!" Holly called out.

Scampering down a tree branch as a squirrel is not as easy as it looks. There's a natural tendency to claw the branch to avoid slipping. But you also have to quickly withdraw the claws, otherwise you can't leap forward. Fern already had a head start as she raced down the branch with ease. From my perspective, it looked almost reckless. Apparently, she hadn't forgotten the skills she learned as a child.

"Aren't you afraid you're going to fall?" I called out to Fern.

"Nothing to it," Fern called back laughing, "just don't stop and don't look down."

"Shit," I chittered to myself. I had been looking down at the branch and the ground below this whole time. I looked ahead at Fern, who was now on the outermost part of the branch. The branch bent under her weight.

I took a deep breath and made a dash for her, knowing she had no place else to go.

I was wrong.

Fern leapt and easily grabbed the branch of the nearby pine tree, a distance of perhaps a foot. She laughed as she scampered up the branch towards the trunk.

"Oh fuck," I chittered again as the branch I was on moved up and down after Fern's jump. I continued to run to the end of the branch, realizing I would have to make the same one foot jump that Fern made, only I had to do it from one moving branch onto another moving branch.

I ran to the end of the branch and just as I was ready to jump, I retracted my claws too soon and my foot slipped. I made the leap a little too early and found the branch I wanted to land on was slightly over my head.

I reached up in midair, frantically clawing for the branch. I managed to grab a small twig with one paw. The twig bent downward under my weight while my momentum continued to carry the rest of my body forward so that I was now upside-down and under the more stable part of the branch. I extended my legs and desperately reached up and clawed at the trunk-end of the branch with my feet, hooking my claws at the very last second.

I held on for dear life as the branch swayed up and down under my weight. I was upside-down, facing outward as the forest seemed to bounce up and down around me. I stayed like that until the branch stopped moving, catching my breath in the process.

"You should time your leap when the branch you're jumping from is moving up, not down," Fern chittered casually with her back leaning securely against the trunk of the fir tree. Her voice did little to hide her amusement at my predicament.

"Thanks for the advice," I chittered back sarcastically as I clawed my way upside-down and backwards towards the thicker part of the branch before climbing upright.

"April made that jump when she was only 3 months old," Fern continued.

"Yeah, well April is a precocious child," I said, inching ever closer to Fern, "Besides, she's been a squirrel a lot longer than I've been."

"And Joey—" Fern began.

"Let me guess, he made that jump at 10 weeks," I interrupted, I was almost within springing distance to Fern.

"Nope. Eight weeks," Fern said, springing to her feet, "Now that you're recovered, let's try this again."

She clawed her way up the tree, just as I was about to catch her.

I was never a good climber as a kid. Unless there was a tree or rock with a solid foothold, I usually didn't get very far. However, as a squirrel, the sharp claws on my hands and feet were ideal for climbing trees. Added to the fact that my weight was negligible compared to my human weight, I found climbing trees to be fairly effortless.

After a few moments of adjustment to working my claws, I soon was able to run up the tree after Fern. She ran out onto another branch, but now I could see that there was an overlapping branch from another fir tree at the end of the branch she raced out on.

She was already heading down the trunk of the neighboring fir tree when I made the transition between the overlapping branches. Racing down the trunk of a tree had its own set of problems and adjustments, but it wasn't long before I was able to master the transitions.

We raced across the forest floor, climbed up and down different types of trees and made longer and longer leaps between branches for most of the morning. Fern squeaked in delight with each leap and bound, finding it increasingly more difficult to leap and dodge her way out of my grasp as I gradually mastered the acrobatic skills of a gray squirrel.

But at the same time, I was running out of gas. I hadn't eaten anything since last night and even Fern could hear my stomach growling as I got closer.

"Fern, wait!" I gasped, slowing down, "I need a time out."

"Was that your stomach I heard?" she asked, stopping her run.

"It was," I admitted, "I could use something to eat right now."

"Okay, we'll pause our game for now," she said cheerfully, "I could eat something myself. Follow me."

She led me across the forest floor to an old tree trunk lying on the ground in the latter stages of decay. She sniffed around a bit before suddenly tearing into the soft decaying wood. Within seconds she held a white wriggling grub in her paw.

"Here, eat this!" she said, holding the grub in my face.

"Ew! I'm not going to eat that thing!" I protested, jumping back and wrinkling my nose.

"It's good, honest," she said, "Try it."

"You eat it, then maybe I'll consider it," I replied.

"Suit yourself," she said as she quickly downed the grub. She closed her eyes and smiled in a look of satisfaction.

"I thought you were mostly a vegetarian, except for eggs," I commented.

"As a pixie, I am," Fern replied, "But as a squirrel, I find that my body prefers squirrel food. You really should try the grubs."

She clawed into the decaying wood and produced a second grub. My stomach growled loudly when I saw it. At this point I was hungry enough to eat almost anything, even a grub.

"Fine, let me try it," I said reluctantly.

I took the wriggling larva from Fern and put it in my mouth. It wriggled briefly in my mouth before I bit down on it. It tasted like smokey bacon. I couldn't believe how much I liked the flavor.

"Well, what do you think?" Fern asked.

"Iab canb bleeve how goob this tasteb," I answered with a mouth full of grub. A small trickle of grub juice dribbled out of the corner of my mouth. I quickly wiped it up with my paw and licked it off my claws.

Fern laughed at my response. "You can store some of that in your cheeks, you know," she said as she tore away the decaying wood in search of more grubs.

"I can't believe how good this tastes," I repeated after swallowing.

I hopped onto the decaying trunk and sniffed around. When I detected the smokey bacon aroma, I dug into the wood furiously and was rewarded with a couple of grubs. I ate them both before remembering to share with Fern.

Between us, we must have eaten close to a dozen grubs.

We retreated to a "grove" of nearby ferns, where we laid back to digest our meal.

"That was good," I said lazily.

Fern was on her back, looking up at the sky with a satisfied smile on her face. Suddenly her eyes went wide.

"Fuck!" she squeaked excitedly, "Get up! Move now!"

She jumped up and ran for the decaying tree trunk. I jumped up and followed her. That's when a shadow briefly blocked the sun followed by the sound of swishing wings as a red-tailed hawk barely missed me with his talons.

"Damn!" I heard the hawk say.

Fern ducked into a narrow gap under the decaying log, and I followed her. When I got to the other side, I followed her as she scampered along the side of the tree trunk. She found a small hollow in the decaying wood which was just big enough for the two of us to huddle in. It was damp and smelly but proved to be an effective hiding place from the hawk, who searched about for a bit before looking for easier prey.

"That was close," Fern said after we waited for over half an hour to make sure the hawk had left.

"Thank you," I said to Fern, kissing her affectionately.

"You're welcome," Fern said, and started to comb her paws through my fur.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Looking for ticks," she replied while combing her way along my back.

Thinking about ticks made my scalp feel scratchy. I tried to reach up with my paws but found my short squirrel arms didn't reach. That's when I discovered I could scratch my head with my hind leg.

"Hold still, will you?" Fern said as she pulled a tick from the fur on my back. She quickly put it in her mouth and ate it.

She found one more before we traded places, and I checked her. I found one near her ear and showed it to her.

"If you're not going to eat it, then give it to me," she said.

I decided to try it. It wasn't nearly as tasty as the grub and twice a wriggly, but I thought that eating it was some sort of poetic justice. I found a second tick and gave it to Fern.

"Are you ready to resume our game?" she asked after swallowing the tick.

"I would be, except with all this running around and excitement, I'm no longer horny," I confessed, although she only had to look at my crotch to confirm the statement.

"Maybe I can do something about that," Fern said as she licked the fur on my face and gently scratched behind my ear.

"That feels nice," I squeaked.

"Let's go up a tree where we'll be a little safer," she whispered.

She led me to a wide branch of a nearby fir tree. There she kissed and licked her way down my neck until she found her way to my cock. She carefully licked around with her long tongue, until I was as erect and horny as I had been earlier.

"Fern let's just forget about the chase and make love right now," I cooed.

She sat up and kissed me lightly on the cheek.

"That wasn't the deal," she teased, "Besides, having you chase me makes me horny."

With those words she scampered up the tree and out onto a long branch.

I scampered after her and the race was on. With a nearly full stomach and the experience gained from this morning, I was able to keep pace with Fern as she tried all sorts of acrobatic tricks to get away from me. Twice I came close to catching her, only to see her change direction at the very last minute and leap out of the way, laughing gleefully as she did.

It was at this point that I had to admire Holly's decision to turn us into squirrels. I had never seen Fern laugh so much as she did that day, delighting in her ability to scamper about and tease me at the same time. While I was a little exasperated at not catching her, I enjoyed the chase and stayed horny thinking about what I would do once I caught her.

It wasn't until mid-afternoon that I came up with a plan. Fern scampered along the forest floor, not far from a small stream that was down to a trickle in early June. I suddenly stopped chasing her and quickly hid behind a thicket of ferns.

When Fern looked back and didn't see me, she stopped running and slowly wandered back, wondering what happened to me.

"Sky? Sky? Where are you?" she called out, "Are you alright?"

When she passed the thicket of ferns, I leapt out and grabbed her.

"Gotcha!" I squeaked, as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Eeek!" she squeaked in delight from my surprising appearance, "You tricked me."

"And what if I did?" I asked as my erection poked her in the back. Rubbing my cock against her soft fur made me even hornier.

"Is that thing for real?" she asked, "I can't believe how hard you feel."

"I've been waiting all day for this," I said, "You made me work for it."

"I've been waiting too," she said softly, "I'm glad you caught me, even if it was a trick."

She raised her tail and presented herself. The smell of her arousal filled my brain and seemed to permeate the entire forest. I grabbed her waist, being careful to retract my claws as my cock easily slid into her slippery hole, Sparkle's enhancement notwithstanding.

"Ohmygod!" she squeaked delightedly, "You should have tricked me hours ago."

"If I had known you were this horny, I would have," I replied soothingly.

My cock twitched in pleasure as I began my thrusts slowly, hoping to savor every inch of that velvety sleeve. We both moaned in unison in our high-pitched squirrel voices.

After about a minute of these long, sensuous thrusts, Fern spoke up.

"Uh, Sky?" she chittered, "Have you ever seen two squirrels fucking?"

"Sure," I answered, "Why do you . . . oh!"

With that no-so-subtle hint, I started thrusting away as fast as I could; and as a squirrel, that was much faster than I imagined. Suddenly, every nerve in my body tingled with delight. The faster I went, the better it felt.

"Fuck, yeah!" Fern squeaked as her fur bristled with pleasure.

My cock twitched and tingled in lustful zeal while Fern's vaginal walls squeezed me tighter and tighter.

"So tight," I moaned.

"Don't stop," she panted.

We kept it up for almost two minutes, an unheard-of marathon for squirrels, before I felt a tingling contraction in my balls.