Pizza Delivery by Adonis Pt. 01

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Brit falls for Adonis, a pizza delivery perfect specimen.
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[[This story re-introduces Brit from a previous story. She tells of meeting an Adonis who is 19 and who is delivering pizza and falling for him and his perfect body. Seduction is in order]]


It was the first day of school and my ex had taken the twin girls for the night and would be dropping them off again in the morning. He had the girls on weekends and Tuesday nights. With the new school year starting, I planned to use Tuesday evenings for my alone time this year, my night for myself. The hot, humid night convinced me it was a good time to order pizza -- a small for myself and a larger one for the girls and I to share for dinner the next night.

I had decided to order from P____ Pizza as Brenda had recommended them to me. P____ was showing support for the local high school football team by hiring some of the players as his delivery drivers. Some eye candy perhaps, a chance to titilate some high school seniors. I placed the order and thought nothing more of it as I bustled about, preparing for a busy first week of school.

Jon had just turned 19 and was in his final year. He had just started at P____'s and had been given the normally slow Monday through Wednesday shifts. He was the only driver working those three nights, usually the slowest of the week. Deliveries ended at 10:30 this early in the week (it was a small community) and Jon was free after that. Football season was just starting so it allowed for a reasonable bedtime. He used his parents' car for the deliveries, so he was able to get himself home at the end of his shift.

P____ had asked his new drivers to wear their football jerseys when delivering to remind his customers of his support for the team. Jon was 6'4" and weighed 235 lb. and was an all-star linebacker. He was an impressive specimen with broad shoulders tapering to a narrow waist and had a butt and legs that other men could only hope for. His arms were well-muscled without the distention of a body builder. He had had a phenomenal season last year and was on his way to college next year. He had a bright future ahead of him if he could keep his nose clean.

I was taken with Jon from the first moment I had laid eyes on him. His towering physique caught me by surprise as he stood in the doorway with my pizzas. I was tongue-tied for the moment and barely stammered out an invitation for him to step in. It was a hot night and he had worn a pair of nylon gym shorts -- just visible below the hem of his team jersey. All I noticed at first were these incredibly muscled thighs under the bottom edge of his top. It took a double take for me to realize that he was, in fact, wearing shorts - incredibly short shorts.

Jon was eight years my junior but I found him incredibly sexy, his physicality exciting. He was an Adonis. Blonde hair, blue eyes and a smile that radiated warmth. His shyness was intriguing and I enjoyed the embarrassed reaction I got from him when I pointed out his "wardrobe malfunction" -- that his short shorts were hiding little. He wasn't able to stay long because he was on a delivery schedule, but let me know that he would be delivering the first three days of the week for the remainder of the school year. He was excited about his new job and the upcoming football season. I made of point of complimenting him on his physique again and gave him an entirely inappropriate hug before letting him go with a generous tip.

Because my weekends were kids-free, my recently enhanced sex life had renewed my libido - and my fantasies. Weekdays were date free because of the kids being home with me. All but Tuesdays. It was the one day that I had the house to myself. The rest of the week was busy and the weekend packed.

As Tuesday rolled around again and the kids were packed off to school, I began to plan my day off. But Jon was on my mind and I determined that I was going to make a 'project' of him. I had been satisfied with my sexless weekdays, but my recent uptake in interesting encounters on the weekends had sparked my sex drive. And so had Jon. I was going to try and groom him if he was game, but on a slow and steady basis. I did not want to come between him and a girlfriend and I did not want to interfere with his football.

As I grew more and more anxious about an upcoming 5 -- 10 minute meeting with Jon, I realized I knew nothing about him personally, other than he must devote a good part of his time to training. I still couldn't get over my initial reaction to seeing Adonis last week -- it had been like an electric current. I had never been so instantly attracted to someone physically like that.

I wanted to make sure that I didn't overplay my hand by being too aggressive. He was shy and I didn't want to spook him, but at the same time I didn't want to miss out on an opportunity to get to know this Adonis. He was an adult with an adult body (and what a body!) and I knew that I had intrigued him in our brief time together last week. I didn't know if he had a girlfriend. I might have few scruples, but Jon might. He was, no doubt, popular with the girls at school and may well be playing the field. I doubted this because of Jon's shy nature. I just didn't know.

I had decided I was going to order pizza every Tuesday and wear provocative outfits for his delivery. I ended up spending an hour going through my extensive wardrobe to pick an outfit with which to titilate Adonis with. He towered over me so I was going to start with heels to minimize the height difference.

I stood in front of the full length mirror after my shower and appraised myself with a critical eye. I had been a lingerie model before my marriage (and kids!) and I decided that the few pounds I had put on since only enhanced the way I filled out my various tops and skirts. I hadn't lost any of my muscle tone and I knew that Jon had found me alluring. I bounced the idea of answering the door with just a towel on, but quickly thought better of it. I had already decided to take my time and not push myself on Jon, to give him the space to decide on his own how far he was willing to let me go. But that wouldn't prevent me from putting on a full-court press in the limited time slots I had, one week at a time.

Brenda and I had double dated the previous weekend and had worn matching outfits that we bought together -- garter belt, sheer beige stockings, 4" heels, red leather skirts, a matching panty and bra set and sheer white blouses. It had been a hit with our dates, so I decided that I would wear it again tonight. The skimpy, lace panties always made me feel sexy and naughty. I wouldn't bother with the matching bra tonight because I was proud of my breasts and how their perk allowed me to pass the "pencil test". I was at home after all and I didn't need to be modest for anyone else. Besides ...

I was going to use a new "Stay Erect" gel on my nipples that I had found at the local lingerie store. The effect was reported to last several hours and would have a cooling effect, much like ice cubes might have. The gel also had a pleasant peppermint taste, but I did not anticipate that Jon would be finding that out. At least not today.

Time was flying and dinner time was approaching. I knew I could get myself all tied up in the details of getting dressed, so I called P____ and ordered the same two pizzas I had last week and now had about 30 minutes to get myself ready. I started with the gel and it had it's promised effect almost immediately, my nipples engorging as the cooling effect took hold. I gave them both a firm tweak and then put on the blouse and skirt. The sheer blouse was too much, too revealing, so I decided on a plain, V-neck pullover blouse. It was a good thing that I had decided on an opaque blouse because my erect nipples were straining the material, my areoles framing them. I was debating whether to change my blouse to a more modest, loose fitting one when the doorbell rang. Too late! Jon was here already, ten minutes earlier than I had expected.

The weather had remained hot and I had anticipated Jon would have his shorts on, but he was wearing cut off sweats with a draw string waist. What would have been a loose fit on a normal mortal was snug on his thighs. I opened the door and stood to the side, forcing Jon to squeeze by me as he stepped into the foyer.

The look on Jon's face was hard to read, but no doubt it was a bit of shock. I could see in the mirror on the back of the door that I had overdone it. Taken it too far. The heels added four inches to my height (nothing wrong with that), but the skirt was too short to hide my bare thighs above the panels of my stockings and my nipples stood out like sore thumbs in the tight top I had put on. I should have had a camisole on under the blouse at the very least.

There was an awkward moment of silence before Jon stammered out a blushing compliment about my outfit. It was a completely different look from the previous week and he had a tough time hiding his open admiration. I was in full flirt mode and asked him what had happened to the shorts he had worn last week -- that I was disappointed. It may have been true, but the tight fit of the sweats revealed a thick rod pressed tightly to his left inner thigh and I swore I could see it lengthen as he awkwardly struggled to hide it. I smiled at that and took a deep breath, thrusting my erect nipples directly at his staring eyes. He looked away, blushing, but I could clearly see the profile of his excitement grow.

He explained to me that one of his customers last week had phoned P_____ and complained about his "short" shorts and he had been sent home to put on some pants. These sweats he was wearing today were fleece-lined and hot, but were the only "cut-offs" he had. He still wore his shorts underneath instead of briefs -- the nylon was cooler than cotton. I reassured him that it wasn't me that had called because I certainly would not have been complaining. I teased that perhaps I would call P____ now and let him know about his cut-offs, which seemed to be showing an inappropriate "bulge". Jon didn't seem to realize that I was pulling his leg as he begged me not to call his boss.

I was intrigued by his discomfiture and naivety and decided that I would find a way to take advantage, if only for my amusement. Impishly, I asked him what his girlfriend would think of his being turned on by one of his customers? He flushed, but managed to blurt out that his girlfriend had left for college a couple of weeks ago and wouldn't be back home until Thanksgiving. His football season would be over by then and he had plans to have dinner with her family that weekend. That was still weeks away. They talked every weekend.

It was time for Jon to go now -- another order waiting to be delivered. As I gave him a generous $5 tip, I told him I would see him again next week. I suggested that if he wore his shorts again, I would consider doubling his tip. As I saw him out the door, I stood on my toes and gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek. I slipped my hands down to his forearm and whispered in his ear that I "miss you already". I silently hoped that his state of excitement wouldn't be too obvious on his next delivery.

Over the next several weeks and subsequent pizza orders, I toned down my overt displays, but kept up with the compliments and flirting. I used my avowed admiration for his physique as an excuse to touch him -- to stroke his arm or shoulder or (on one occasion) his butt and the back of his thigh - because I knew that doing so would put him at ease from one week to the next and give him something to think about before delivering my next pizza. Having him flex for me gave me the excuse to touch Jon in more intimate ways. To caress him even.

My time with Jon once a week just wasn't enough. They were in the middle of the football season and I had promised myself that I would not interfere in Jon's success on the field by being a distraction. But I thought about him all the time and had been calling him Adonis as a pet name. We had begun to broach more intimate topics in the few minutes we had together. I asked him if he missed intimacy with his girlfriend now that she was off to college. He teared up at that and didn't answer before having to leave on his next delivery.

I generally got ready for bed shortly after 11. My bedroom patio doors opened onto a large deck that was one level above the backyard. Tall cedar hedges bordered both property lines and acted like a privacy fence and the back of the lot dropped off into a streambed. I seldom if ever closed my blinds because of this feeling of seclusion and seldom gave my privacy a second thought. I usually slept in the nude, but enjoyed wearing my lingerie around the house at night. My tops were revealing and it gave me a renewed sense of my sexiness as I caught glimpses of myself in mirrors throughout the house. I would often stop and preen myself, lifting my breasts, dropping a shoulder strap, posing in a provocative way. Rehearsing for my next encounter with Jon or one of my weekend dates. Adonis had begun to occupy a lot of my recent fantasizing.

One Tuesday night in the middle of October was a particularly warm one (it had been warm for weeks it seemed) and I had opened the patio doors in the bedroom to catch a cooling breeze. I was preparing for bed and was admiring myself in my full length mirror as I stripped out of the gown I had tantalized Jon (Adonis) with earlier. It with a particularly alluring full length beige gown (I loved the "nude" look that beige, flesh-toned lingerie imparted) that hugged my curves, my thighs exposed by slits up the side that reached right to my waist. I had managed to orchestrate several nip slips during our time together today in the foyer and I had had a tough time restraining myself any more from just jumping his bones.

Just as I slipped out of my gown and let it puddle on the floor at my feet, I heard a twig snap in the yard. It was loud and when I looked up, I caught some hurried movement near the back edge of the yard. What caught my attention were the white sleeves of a team jersey -- they were quite a contrast to the dark background. The visible number 22 confirmed that it was Jon and not one of his teammates lurking in the bushes.

My first impulse should have been to rush over and pull the drapes closed. But the thought didn't even cross my mind. I hadn't visibly reacted to the noise and I was still standing in front of the mirror, completely nude except for my thong. I assumed that Jon wouldn't know that he had been found out. That he had been caught peeping. As I dealt with my initial feelings of shock and annoyance, a warm feeling began to creep up from my crotch - a sense of release. Jon was shy and embarrassed easily, but he was a typical young man with wants and desires and I was turned on -- incredibly so!

I knew that Jon would have a clear view of my exposed breasts and my nipples hardened, despite the warmth of the room. Although I had been teasing Jon with revealing tops and the occasional nip slip, this was the first time I had exposed myself so completely and deliberately to him. Still in my skimpy panties, I fussed about the bedroom, posing and allowing him to get an eyeful.

I had no idea whether Jon had been peeping on me for a while now, but I had to assume that he had been. I knew that I could use this as a lever to manipulate him if I chose to confront him about it, but I liked Jon and was inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. It was, after all, me that had been teasing him in my own front hall -- provoking him with sexual signals and revealing clothing. And leaving the drapes open! Frankly, I was flattered and turned on by his peeping (it was so wrong!) and now saw this as a license to take my flirting with him to another level.

For the rest of the week and through until my next pizza night, I assumed that he was watching me at night. The floor to ceiling windows in my living room were directly below the bedroom and offered the same, unobstructed view from the backyard. I went about my business in the usual way, but had chosen to wear more transparent and beige tops. My collection was extensive and I had an endless variety of lingerie : merry widows; push up and demi cup bras with matching thong panties; stockings; shorty nighties and a variety of complimentary robes. I found myself spending an inordinate amount of time planning what to wear, not even sure if he would be spying on me on that particular night or not.

When Tuesday finally rolled around, I ordered my two pizzas at my usual time, but asked P____ to have them delivered later, offering some vague explanation for the change in routine. I managed it so that it would be Jon's last delivery that night. I found myself on edge as the evening progressed, trying to decide just how to handle my knowledge of Jon's indiscretion. I was not the least bit offended by his peeping -- on the contrary, I was flattered and turned on. How was I going to play this?

I was standing in front of my full length mirror, a new pair of Victoria Secret panties on. They dipped in both the front and the back and the two halves hugged my cheeks as they curved up and wrapped over the hips and around, meeting at my vulva. The lacy material covered what was required, but only just, hiding only the bare minimum. They weren't really skimpy and complimented my muscular butt. There was a matching bra, but I forwent putting it on -- I was going to greet Jon with just a towel, my panties and my heels.

I had just applied the Stay-Erect gel to both nipples and was watching them in amazement as they grew in both length and girth. The sensation was a cooling one, the effect mesmerizing. I was startled out of my reverie when the doorbell rang. My heart was racing. I hustled down the stairs and checked myself out in the mirror on the back of the door. I had greeted Jon in a variety of revealing outfits and had teased him many times, but this would be a first. Holding the towel in place to cover my breasts would be awkward, but I wanted him to feel awkward, uncomfortable to start with.

I had been particularly gratified that Jon had continued wearing his shorts to my door for the last several weeks. Today was no exception. They were short and could not hide the evident bulge so often present when I invited him in. As he slipped in and past me, I greeted him with my usual hug, having draped the towel over my neck and my magnificent breasts. His glans made an unanticipated appearance almost immediately, the fine mesh gusset of his shorts unable to contain the growing length of his cock. When it popped out, three inches of it was immediately exposed. He had already been excited when he came in, developing an erection at the anticipation of seeing me. His feeble attempts to hide it now only made it more noticeable. I realized that he might have a tool that matched his physical stature, but I managed to "ignore" it's exposure for the moment.

This was a new situation for the two of us. There was no other imminent delivery hanging over our heads and he didn't have to leave in the next ten minutes. I asked Adonis if he would stay and join me for a slice or two. He was as awkward as I had ever seem him and I didn't wait for an answer. I asked him to bring the pizzas to the kitchen table as I led him in -- this was his first time in my house past the foyer. He was feeling awkward for sure -- this was as exposed as I had ever been for him (at least in person).

I led him to the kitchen table and offered him a seat as he placed the pizzas on the counter close by. As soon as he sat down, his erection was almost completely visible, the shorts no longer able to hide any more of it's true dimensions. At least six inches were exposed and he pretended that he wasn't aware. It was apparent that he was at least 8 or 9 inches and the tip of his glans was glistening with pre-cum.