Platonic Chastity

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Two friends move in together. Begin to explore chastity.
2.6k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/07/2020
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Platonic Chastity

* Author's note: I wanted this story to be a bit slower and explore the real life implications of a femdom relationship on a man and woman. This first chapter is mainly setup for the remainder of the tale but I hope the reader enjoys it nonetheless.

CH 01

Taylor sighed in frustration as he looked at his cell phone, he had overslept again and was running late for his shift at the local newspaper. He graduated two years back and this wasn't exactly the exciting meteoric rise in journalism he had envisioned. Instead of chasing down political scandals or protecting our environment he was left reporting the mundane goings on of rural Kansas in the same town he had gone to school. At least today was Friday and an open weekend laid in front of him.

To say money was tight was an understatement. Taylor lived in a modest two bedroom apartments and between his student loans and car payment on his used Toyota there was no much money left to spare. What he was able to splurge on with his excess funds was a cb-6000s, he had drank a little rum last night out with friends and locked it on shortly before falling asleep. He had an odd fascination with femdom and putting on a chastity cage was an exciting frontier, part of the excitement was tempered by the fact that locking yourself with the key readily accessible killed a lot of the excitement.

Last night he had a discussion with his friend Jacci about her recent breakup with her high school sweetheart. She had been living with Brad and now needed a place to live with her first ask being her financially struggling friend with an extra bedroom. Taylor jumped at the opportunity to collect an extra $400 a month for space that was just used as a makeshift home office. Jacci and Taylor had been friends all throughout their four years of college, meeting at their freshman orientation and instantly hitting it off with their shared love of schlock horror movies. While Taylor had considered the fact that they would be a compatible match the fact that Jacci had a boyfriend stretching back to her high school days made their relationship move into the friend zone to the point where it had been years since Taylor had considered any sexual aspect. While each of them were appealing and in each other "leagues" over the four years their relationships had precluded either of them from considering hooking up and after a period of time as good friends neither really considered the possibility.

Taylor was an unassuming 5 foot 10 190 lbs and frequently was just a standard t shirt and jeans kind of guy. A thick beard and scruffy head of brown hair adorned his head. He had never had a ton of trouble getting a woman but his pessimistic demeanor and strong urge to nitpick small things on new people he met drove many of his pursuits away from him.

He had a strong adventurous urge to explore chastity and submission to women but had only dabbled with the occasional foot kissing and telling a woman to order him not to orgasm during sex. Due to these urges he was quite adept at oral as he frequently played a mind game where he was being ordered to provide oral and would leave his date perplexed when any effort at reciprocation was rebuked. In a way his inability to open up about these desires and general awkwardness when tried to covertly introduce them often drove a wedge in the middle of the relationship.

Jacci was a energetic 23 years old who stood 5 foot 5 inches and was 110 lbs. She had smallish but pert breasts and dressed in a young energetic style that included short skirts with semi sheer tights and often flats. She liked a girly style but was somewhat casual in her dress. She kept a short black bob of hair and dressed very smartly in her career as a local officer at a major bank. Unlike Taylor instead of dreading staying in this Kansas college town she reveled in its opportunities it presented and it's atmosphere. She had planned to stay and raise a family with Brad but over the years their incompatibility and complacency with each other just became too much for either to bear.

What had drawn Jacci to ask Taylor as she was in no position to want to get into a relationship as her engagement to her high school boyfriend Brad had just fallen apart. In her mind there had always been an underpinning of sexual tension and she had often had a fleeting thought about how attractive Taylor was but it was never anything more than a fleeting thought. They had hashed out the details and come to an agreement that Jacci could get her stuff in the next day after work.

Taylor lamented the fact that not only did he have little time to shower and throw on his standard roving reporter wardrobe of flannel and jeans, but he wasn't sure where the key to his chastity device was. Finally, it was located next to his bedside table as he frantically ran around pulling it off and throwing it in a sink to soak. As he left the apartment he had remembered the agreement with Jacci and left a key under the mat in case she was done and moving things in before he had returned.

Jacci was able to sneak out of work a bit early as she had her SUV filled to the brim with her possessions and was eager to get out of her living situation with Brad. They barely even exchanged good byes that morning as seven years of being together officially came to a close.

She was glad of the fact that she had asked Taylor to leave a key as she would be able to have the majority moved in before he even returned. She also wanted to cook Taylor a thank you dinner as she knew with his job and financial situation he was quite in the dumps recently. She had figured it would take her mind off Brad as well and give them an opportunity to hang out with a good friend turned roommate.

As she got to the apartment she promptly found the key and began to move things in. About halfway through she got to her bathroom items and flipped on the light to walk into the bathroom and was startled by what was staring at her in the sink. It took her a second to realize what it was but after that moment there was no mistaking it. It was a cock cage! She had never seen one in person but had discovered the subject one night when cruising the internet. Not wanting to embarrass her new lodger she simply left her bathroom items in her room and decided to pretend not to see the item in the sink.

As she cut and chopped the onions and garlic for her homemade spaghetti sauce her mind began to wander. What better way to feel sexual without having to get sexual, as long as both of them consented what was the harm? She pulled out an old necklace and with a smile looped the end of the key around the chain dropping it down her front in between her breasts. She giggled to herself as she imagined what Taylor would do when she revealed she knew his little secret.

Taylor pulled up to his apartment seeing Jacci's SUV in front and a bolt of panic ran through him. Had he left his cage in the bathroom sink and did Jacci find it? He rushed in slightly panicked but played it cool as he walked in.

Jacci gave him an enthusiastic hi and updated him on her progress. She was still dressed in her professional attire having simply replaced her heels with a pair of black flats. This was no surprise to Taylor as other than the blazer that was on over her white blouse she frequently wore flattering skirts and tights. She was very efficient in getting everything unpacked and in its logical place. Her ability to multi task helped her in getting every aspect of the spaghetti with garlic bread meal prepared perfectly. Taylor had always admired her cooking.

As Taylor walked in the door and set down his computer bag he nervously asked about her progress. Looking around he noticed a few items in the living room including a new moisturizer and some fake flowers on one end table. In addition to the delicious food cooking he could detect a faint smell of potpourri as well.

"I've gotten mostly settled into my room and everything out of my car. I spruced up the living room a bit, hope you don't mind."

"No, not at all I always get told my place could use a woman's touch so this was probably exactly what was needed."

Jacci smiled as it was her who had always said that. "I was just going to head into the bathroom and get everything arranged in there." As Jacci finished speaking she began walking in the direction of the bathroom.

Taylor quickly dashed ahead of her,"Errr, Ummm, not to be crude but I have to go something awful." This made Jacci smile, this confirmed to her that there was something to the chastity device sitting in the bathroom.

Taylor went into the bathroom and pretended to use the toilet as he took this opportunity to pocket the cage. Taylor thought he had dodged a bullet, but He did fumble a bit around the bathroom wondering where he had placed the key but figured it would turn up.

They enjoyed a nice spaghetti dinner that Jacci had prepared for them. As they sipped wine on the couch watching a movie Jacci made a bit of an exploratory move.

" My feet are so sore from being on them all day and then moving all this stuff in. Any chance I could get you to rub them a bit? I have tights on so you aren't touching my sweaty bare feet. It would be heavenly."

Taylor's mouth went dry as he meekly responded, " Sure, moving is never easy and I'm sure wearing heels all day at work before that didn't do you any favors."

"Yeah tell me about it my dogs are barking. It's amazing how throwing on a pair of pantyhose and heels gets people moving a lot quicker and makes men linger in your office a bit longer than usual." Jacci responded.

This made Taylor laugh, he was well aware of this phenomenon as it had always manifested in himself as well. The massage felt wonderful and Jacci found herself melting into the couch.

"I was also meaning to ask you if you liked my new necklace." With that Jacci pulled out a silver chain that had a key connected to it, Taylor's key to his cock cage!

"Um, um, so I guess you went in the bathroom prior to me coming home?" Taylor said as his face turned beat red.

This caused Jacci to burst out laughing. " I did, I didn't mean anything by it. I just wanted to see your face. So you wear that?"

"Only on occasion. I wore it last night after I got back." Taylor admitted.

This made Jacci smile a bit as she had met with Taylor and a couple of other friends that night and had stayed behind after to figure out the logistics of moving in today. A part of her hoped that she had something to do with the timing. It would feel great to be desired again in some way by a man, the last couple of years in her relationship with Brad she had rarely ever felt wanted or desired.

"Have you ever involved another person in your little game?" Jacci asked.

"No, I definitely wouldn't feel comfortable telling anyone else. I'm quite frankly mortified that anyone else saw that and if you wanted to find other living arrangements I would completely understand..."

"I don't need other arrangements." she touched his arm as she said this. "I can see the appeal, the desire to give up control and knowing your at the mercy of a person or device. I suppose it simplifies things as well and would let you know exactly when the other person was willing to do something. I'd be willing to keep this on this chain for you and lock you up. It wouldn't mean anything sexual between us but I think it would be fun for both of us. I can understand if you're too embarrassed."

"I am embarrassed but I think it would be fun." Taylor admitted turning red-faced but deep down he was glad of feeling some level of acceptance of his awkward desires.

They spent the next hour or so discussing the rough parameters of what an arrangement of the sort would encompass for both of them. Taylor admitted to a tights fetish that surprised Jacci, she wore them constantly and had never gotten that inkling from his behavior around her. They both agreed that this would be nothing more than a little Platonic fun. When they reached a natural stopping point in the conversation Jacci spoke up.

"Well, go put this on and go to bed."

Taylor laughed but the look on Jacci's face did not suggest that was the correct response. " But it's 8 o'clock on a Friday night."

"Do you want to do this or not? You said you wanted to 'give up control' so put on your cage, give me your phone and go to bed." Jacci smiled.

Taylor slunk away to the bathroom to put on the cage and then went to his room. Jacci followed and asked to see the proof and add the lock.

After that she pointed to her feet and added, "How about a good night kiss." A tad embarrassed Taylor lowered himself to the ground and kissed each of Jacci's feet and whispered good night. He had mentioned that being forced kneel, kiss, and massage feet was an aspect that excited him greatly.

Jacci then turned and walked back to the living room, she enjoyed more wine and popped in another movie. A sense of excitement filled her and replaced the sorrow she had been feeling for weeks since her engagement to Brad went south.

Taylor laid in his bed wondering how this scenario had transpired and whether it was a pleasant or poor development. He couldn't deny his arousal or that he always found Jacci attractive, he wasn't sure though he wanted to be a rebound fling and especially a rebound fling locked in a chastity cage. As he laid in the dark silence he heard soft moans coming from the living room and after a minute could work out that Jacci was masturbating.

Jacci felt somewhat ashamed in doing this so blatantly but was a little drunk and a little tired of feeling like she still belonged to Brad. She belonged to no man and this was going to prove it. As she finished she had second thoughts about the order to send Taylor to bed and to engage in self pleasure on his very couch, but she could tell from the quiet moans emanating from Taylor's room that he wasn't exactly unwilling in this equation.

In his room Taylor pulled the pillow around his face and wondered if the swelling in his cage would subside any time soon. He was relieved when he heard Jacci had stopped after about 45 minutes but was still unquestionably turned on by this. He had to admit that this was a bit of a dream come true.

Both Taylor and Jacci laid in bed that night feeling a bit uneasy wondering what exactly was the next step in this and how this would affect things going forward. Neither could deny though that there was one other emotion vastly overshadowing that uneasiness, pure unadulterated excitement!

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Excellent story so far. Love the character and plot development. Feeling who the people are Is important to how hawt the story is.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Interesting premise.

But... They spend a half an hour discussing what the parameters of the relationship will be. That's it? What were those parameters? What was his reaction to hearing them? What was her reaction to hearing his reaction, and watching him react physically?

A little physicality would have been nice. While she told him what she was planning on doing to him, she could have teased him. Either physically, by touching, or by letting him see her naked.

So far, no clue as to what either of them will get out of this relationship.

Three stars.

RegretsRegretsover 3 years ago
I can imagine the story improving, but...there is always a ......“but”.

When Jacci was known to be moving in that day, and he had even placed the apartment key for her to find it was just not credible that he would leave his unclean dick cage in the sink. Sorry. No way. He even appreciated that this might have the effect that she would want to find other accommodation that very day. Who could blame him for thinking was a very low thing to do. If Jacci WAS desperate to find another habitat after breaking with Brad it put her in a very humiliating position. She might have elected to stay, while feeling disgusted and having to desperately search for another situation and while putting up with this creep....and maintaining good relation by pretending that it was OK.

He is very fortunate that she does not feel that way but that does not change the fact that he could have imposed a dreadful burden on Jacci if she had been shocked and upset. He is an unpleasant creep, but the author has decided that he will be the hero of the following stories.

I feel what Jacci had every right to feel, disgust. However, this is Lit, and the story might turn hotter. I hope that Jacci stops being so damn nice. it would only take a second if I was her in her new platonic relation to decide to acquire a heavy cane and a set of speed-restraints, with wide Velcro cuffs and set out on some character development and improvement. The Velcro restraints might also serve to restrain him while being uncaged, but I would prefer handcuffs.

Further thought on Jacci’s part might make her remember that cages come with TWO keys for the padlock. Many College girls have at least a shadow idea of the “ chastity thing.” Accordingly I hope that she has a new lock secreted in the palm for when she has him restrained and makes the change of locks at the right time, and finds that she experiences a strong glow from knowing the she is the only one who knows where both keys are.

mythfitmythfitalmost 4 years ago

Nice start! Looking forward to reading the chapters that follow.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Enjoyed it.

newbootlickernewbootlickeralmost 4 years ago

Definitely a great start to an interesting situation

Cagedcompliance14Cagedcompliance14almost 4 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the feedback

Thanks to everyone for the feedback. I definitely have more chapters coming and a rough outline figured out for where the story will go. The plan is to keep it on the more realistic, consensual bdsm/chastity play versus just a fantastical story. Appreciate feedback on the editing and will give future installments a bit more of a read through polish.

Feel free to leave comments with things you would like to see in future installments and well see if they fit into my narrative.

Submisky35Submisky35almost 4 years ago

Who takers the time to count the commas, much less the words? Granted, the story could use some editing, but this IS Literotica, not Steinbeck, and for me, at least, this didn't detract from the plot. Speaking of which, I thought it was well thought out and presented, and I look forward to the following chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Excellent start to the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Desperately needs an editing pass. Great premise and potential but reads like a mudslide. 34 commas in a 2600-word story is definitely not enough.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Great start!

I can't wait for your next chapter.

mrwidehorizonsmrwidehorizonsalmost 4 years ago
Awesome start!

5 here! Please continue!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Well Done!

This has real potential...

I hope she embraces her femdom strength and turns him into her complete slave over time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Great start

Very fast start indeed: she becoming his keyholder from day one. Can't wait to see how it develops, No doubtwhen funds permit there'll be an upgrade to steel at least.

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