Play Testers Wanted Pt. 18


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Using a modified version of telekinesis, what I thought of as aerokinesis, I conjured a whirlwind to lift the bulk of the sand into a vortex which the others took portions of the grains and sent them towards the stone post. Once the last of the sand was airborne, I helped blanket the area. Since Korriban was a dark side nexus, my theory was that the sand should interact with any Force-based ritual or technology protecting the Holocron. The particles formed a thin curtain that slowly drew closer to our objective. As I had hoped, the sand began first to shimmer and then glow like embers in a fire. All but one narrow corridor, and that would be our launching-off point. We raised the curtain and discovered the Holocron was unprotected. If we could get that high, then we could claim Andeddu's prize.

"Even I can't jump that high," Aoki declared honestly.

"Did you see the distortion?" Kyanna asked.

"The dimension of the pillar is much taller than it appears from out here," Istari followed up.

"It will take all of us to reach it," Darth Andeddu announced as if it were his idea. Then he preceded to proclaim the Order we would act as a human chain with himself as the last link. I altered his plan in only one way.

"I will be the anchor," I demanded. "That way, I can help all of you smoothly channel the Force into a cohesive shape." The Sith lord did not like being second-guessed. Since he was still at the end of the sequence, he did not bitch too much. I levitated Kyanna into position. She, in turn, lifted Istari, then Aoki, and finally, the dread dark lord Andeddu was in a position to grapple the Holocron and seize it for himself. His cry of success surprised me. This challenge was too damn easy, but I reminded myself we were piggybacking on the failures of a dozen Jedi Sentinels. We reversed the process, and before Kyanna's feet touched the ground, the Sith was deep into his examination of the relic. I took out a bottle of wine I had saved for special occasions and poured a glass for everyone but Andeddu. He was too self-absorbed to drink.

"This is very unlike you, Ghost," Kyanna noticed. Her dark eyes narrowed and suspicious.

"Yeah, I was about to say the same damned thing," Aoki muttered. "This is a nice drop."

"I got that from a thankful Corellian diplomat," I replied, ignoring the comment about my typical curious nature. The moment Andeddu touched the Holocron, I recognized the aura surrounding it. While it was out of phase with this dimension, I could not detect it. Now, oh yes, I knew it intimately. I had used the very same Sith sorcery to ensnare the members of the Brotherhood using the orb. Andeddu was deep into its insidious nature. I wanted no part of it. "What I don't get is how this is a crossover event."

"Beats me," Aoki chuckled. "I am just glad it is nearly over. Once the asshole over there solves that pyramid, we can move onto more pleasant things. I won't lie. The imagery from this little soiree I would rather forget."

"I concur. This one feels wrong on so many levels," Kyanna sided with Aoki.

"Istari? What are your thoughts on the matter?" I asked. The Jedi Shadow looked at Kyanna before answering.

"It was sheer luck and my training that allowed me to survive my first attempt," the Arkanian replied. Her lovely features became a mask of fear and dread. "We should leave as soon as the Holocron is solved." The lie stood out and surprised me. If Kyanna were her master, why would she lie? True, Istari was afraid, terrified even, but something about how she survived was a blatant untruth. Kyanna's expression told me that she, too, had detected Istari's falsehood.

"When did you fall?" Kyanna asked, causing Istari to stand and move away. I refilled my glass from a second bottle and walked away. Whatever the reason Istari lied, it was not my concern. It was between Kyanna and her former padawan. Aoki joined me, and we walked around the pillar.

"What do you think?" Aoki asked as she examined the obelisk. "Hold on, what the hell is that? Is it bleeding?"

The pillar began to glow. The ruby light looked strangely diffused, but something happened to us. That unnatural arousal lashed out and was impossible to resist. Aoki groaned and staggered to her knees. I focused on the pillar and the pool of blood forming around its base. The sense of the Dark Side came out of nowhere. The paralysis struck swiftly as my feet left the ground. I dropped my wineglass and watched it tumble from my grasp and shatter on the floor. Kyanna rounded on me, and she was the source of the attack. Her long dark hair moved as if by an unseen wind, and her eyes burned orange with the Dark Side.

"Weak, pathetic, you belong to me now," Kyanna shouted. "So hungry." She gestured and ripped my robes from me. "Ha, you feel it too." Kyanna licked her lips as she closed the distance between us. Aoki stood and confronted her friend and lover. If I expected reason, I was sadly mistaken.

"Ours," Aoki managed. The power had infected her as well.

"Can you feel it?" Istari cried out as she staggered into view. "Yes, more pleasure to experience." It hit me then. When they arrived here, the Dark Side corrupted the Jedi, unaware of the raw power sleeping within the pillar. They must have awoken it too. I fought the pleasure, but I failed. The Double Dragon manifested quickly and to the three females delight. Why couldn't I remember their names? Green, Blue, and White went on the attack. I fell to the rocky floor of the cavern, and they pounced. Blue and Green each took an erection for their own. White straddled my face and ordered me to do what was perfectly natural.

"Lick me, slave," White hissed. "Just like the others." The others? Where were the other Jedi? The thought left me as I used the serpent technique and slid my tongue deep into her. I lightly teased her sapphire-hued clit while I tongued her mercilessly. So, not only were her eyes, lips, and tongue blue, but her pussy was as well, delightful. Green was deepthroating me while Blue playfully licked and stroked me.

"Think he can feel both at the same time?" Blue asked.

"Unn Duh Noo," Green moaned back.

" having a great time," Blue chuckled. "She is screaming like a banshee."

Green wasted little time on foreplay and mounted me like the worthless thing I was. I groaned as my cock sank deep into her. White climaxed and sat there shaking while Green joined Blue and faced away and took her prize. I tugged White's hips so that my tongue could slither into her puckered asshole. Sure enough, even her back door was painted blue. Once my tongue was as far as it could go, I let it thicken until she howled and begged for more.

'Worthless,' the demon sang. 'You are only good for one thing,' it rejoiced. 'Surrender to your fate.'

I did. I gave in. I let the energy fill me and lend me the strength to satisfy my betters. I was born to bend and kneel. I spun upon the broken wheel. Useless as the coming dawn. I am a slave, the maze's pawn.

"I was born to stand and rule. I hold the lash both sharp and cruel. Faithful to the darkest night. I am Mistress to the maze's might." Someone spoke aloud the countermeasure to my thoughts.

"Labyrinth of cold hard steel, perpetual wounds that never heal. I carry darkness in my soul, ever faithful to...." Her orgasm interrupted the poem. The other followed suit soon after. Blue and green were satisfied for now. I withdrew my tongue from White's ass, rolled her onto her shoulders until her cunt was facing skyward, and plunged both erections into her. A part of me found the strength to rebel. Double penetration never felt so intense. I moved with slow leisurely thrusts instead of following the urge to hammer her into the ground brutally.

"I am my own master," I choked out the words. "You belong to me, say it!"

"No, if I do, she will kill me," Istari screamed. I began pulling out, and that frightened her more than the threat of death. "I belong to you. Make me cum again, please. Hurt me. I am worthless." I thrust into her until we both climaxed. One by one, I grappled with Blue and Green and put them in a submissive position before making them climax. Once all three submitted to me, the fog lifted, and I could remember their names.

"I had to," I said. "If not, well, we would have ended up like the Jedi. Istari, what happened?"

"Answer him," Kyanna snapped, still broiling with more negative energy than positive.

"Calm yourself, seek your center," I urged. "Istari, our survival hinges on your story."

It took her what felt like forever to speak. "We all arrived here together. I was posing as a Sentinal per my orders. I swapped out my signature crystal for a yellow one. We traveled from Coruscant to Nar Shaddaa. One of my contacts was able to provide a cloaking device for the Jedi research vessel. We made three jumps after that to test the validity of its stealth capabilities."

"How did you test it?" I asked as Kyanna collected herself.

"I pretended to get drunk at one of the cantinas. I bragged about the ransom I had to deliver for a kidnapped Corellian businessman," she explained. "I returned to my ship after that and made the first jump to hyperspace, waiting to see if they tracked us or not. They didn't."

"Who sent you here?" Aoki asked as she skooched closer and reached for my upper cock. She discreetly stroked me while we waited for Istari to answer.

"A fellow Jedi Shadow delivered the message, and his name was Yoda," Istari informed us. You could have knocked us over with a feather. Yoda had been a Shadow, interesting. So, he wasn't always a diplomat. I liked the addition to the lore. Aoki gave up subtlety when she went down on one erection and stroked the other. "Damn, that looks tasty. Oh, where was I?"

"Cloak," I said through clenched teeth.

"Oh, yeah," Istari continued. "That vile bastard pretended to be the servant of Qel-Droma. That name carries a lot of weight in the Jedi Order. Just as you must have been, we were directed to the maze and, with some difficulty, mastered it. Like you, we made our way to this horrid city and seized the Holocron. That is when it began. First, it was just sex. It developed into bondage within hours. After the first few days, we were choking and cutting one another. Then I used my lightsaber to burn a fellow Jedi, and she climaxed so hard she nearly broke her jaw. In the end, we tore each other apart. I hadn't even solved the Holocron by then." Istari fell silent and refused to say anything worthwhile save this. "If you want to restore your friend, Xim, solve the Holocron."

The blood had vanished from the base of the pillar. I suspected it hungered for pleasure and pain. Without the cruelty factor, it weakened. I held no doubts that it was still dangerous, just less so for now. I conjured a cloud and rain for us to clean up our messy affair. We dressed in clean robes and attached our weapons for an inevitable conflict. Andeddu still strove to unlock the Holocron.

"Looks like he has hit a snag," Aoki laughed openly now. It felt good to hear laughter after the insidious attack earlier.

She was right. The dark lord's frustration showed as he gripped one of the pyramid's corners and tried to shift it to no avail. He attempted to move all of the available angles as we watched, and none of them budged. That is damn strange, I thought. He is doing what I would have as Kyanna cooked a meal for us using her portable stove and an impressive selection of food items. I provided the drink for our supper. I handed the first bottle of Corellian wine to Kyanna before slowly approaching the Sith. Darth Andeddu cursed as he raised the Holocron above his head to dash it on the ground. I got my first good look at the crimson surface of the device. The markings weren't Sith. They seemed to remind me of tribal tattoos I had seen in another life. Once more, whorls and spiral designs dominated a challenge.

"Perhaps you are applying pressure in the wrong spots," I suggested. "The fingerprint design seems to be a recurring theme."

The dark lord's left thumb circled over one of the hurricane-shaped ellipses. We both heard the soft yet satisfying click. Andeddu's eyes narrowed as he attacked the puzzle with renewed passion. I fled when I recognized the connection and altered my loadout with silver ammunition for my needlers. A stillness came over the lurid landscape. The spinning mirrors slowed until they halted altogether, and we abandoned our meal. Kyanna and the others formed up around me as I sensed a boss battle about to erupt. I imagined a hoard of warped individuals pouring from the mirror portals. We would soon be knee-deep in the carnage.

"Ghost, what is going on?" Kyanna asked as we watched the Sith solve the puzzle.

"I finally made the connection between the Holocron and another similar shape. The crossover takes the form of a cube," I said as Darth Andeddu thrust his fist high, and the red pyramid had altered its shape into a gilded box, a perfect block. A flash of gold and the thing leaped from the Sith's grasp. The light faded into shadow, and they arrived. The trio was as iconic as any other figures of legend or lore. The chattering heavy-set demon lumbered forward, and his empty eye sockets regarded Andeddu. The gorgeous female stepped into one of those slivers of illumination and revealed herself. Portions of her flesh had been surgically sliced, peeled back, and pinned into place. White gleaming bone shone from under the most significant piece of inverted scalp. Last to reveal herself was the leader and lady of the Cenobites. Hundreds of metallic needles pierced The entirety of her epidermis. "Pinhead." The Lady of Pain's beauty was unmatched. She reminded me of the stone goddess from the Marvel side. Pinhead embodied perfection in not just her form but her movement, gestures, and her voice.

"Darth Andeddu," Pinhead sang. Sang! She was using Kiai-Jutsu! I felt its effects worm their way in and multiply. I hummed the counter song immediately to protect us from her attack. Not since Nightwind had I run into another user of this technique. Pinhead smiled at me, but her real attention was on Andeddu. He had unlocked the Holocron. He was liable for his actions.

"Don't attack unless provoked," I ordered the others, then I returned to singing.

I reached out with the Force and snatched the gem holding the lifeforce of my one-time lover and friend, Xim the Despot. I clutched it protectively as the onslaught began. The soft tinkling sound of metal against metal registered in our ears. I remembered it from before. The sound haunted me then as it did now.

"How many have you sent to Hell Darth Andeddu? They called you God King of the Sith. There is only one God in this world, in the Labyrinth, and it is not you," Pinhead shrieked.

The chain shot out from the darkness. At one end, a wickedly sharp hook pierced the meaty upper thigh of the dark lord. He cried out in pain, but it was just the beginning. The mirror displaying the way out began to bulge outward and then bowed inward. The door was down the path out revealed.

"Move," I shouted. "We are done here." I aimed at the Cenobites in case they tried to block our escape. They didn't. No, they were far too focused on their prey to worry about us. More chains and more hooks penetrated Andeddu's body.

"You came in search of immortality. We do not cheat our honored guests," Pinhead roared in delight. "But where oh where will such power come from?" A fourth figure emerged from the stygian darkness. "Do you not recognize your own rotted corpse Lord Andeddu? We would reunite old lovers and even more ancient practitioners of the dark side." The Sith's screams of agony made the demons dance in an irregular rhythm. "Tut-tut, dark lord, this is just the beginning. Now about that raw power to fuse spirit and flesh. Ah, we have a donor within our midst." Pinhead gestured at me, and I howled in anguish. A cloud of blood gushed from every pore in my body. I dropped to the ground, as did Xim. The pulsing stone in my grasp went dark as I hoped her soul returned to its home. We crawled towards one another. I reached out, and our fingers intertwined.

"Ghost?" Xim whimpered in agony. "Don't let go. Please. I have learned my lesson."

"Forgive me," I said as I used what little energy I had left and hurled her bodily through the shimmering portal and to safety.

"Damn you," Pinhead wailed. "You have stolen our toy from us."

"Fuck you too," I said as I coughed up even more blood from my ruined shell. "I win." I jumped to my feet, stumbled to the gate, and dove through its fractured surface. The song of the Cenobites filled my ears as once more my world went dark.

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JTassJTassover 1 year ago

I enjoyed the tribute to Roger Zelazny and Clive Barker.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Overall I enjoyed it however you introduced some major continuity errors. Booker had to seperate Ghost and Katria so NPCs would not be calling him

Ghostfire nor would he have abilities such as double dragon and the tongue while he was playing as Katria. Also Aoki and Kyanna fairly religiously stuck to using Katria to refer to Booker. Why do they suddenly start calling him Ghost?


please write more of this one

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Love that you are teasing some Iron Rain story elements into this. Seems like Booker may be absorbing Nick's memories. Just wish I knew what story nick dies in a plane crash because I would love to read that one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
Here is what I thought.

For the most part it was an okay read. Then the part we're you used the creatures from Hellraiser was a big shock. Never have I seen the movie's of it and don't want to. But I'm glad he saved his former lover. Now let's see how things go from here.

FluffMeatsStoryFluffMeatsStoryalmost 3 years ago

@Ramen4life: The horror was from the Hellraiser movie series. While I don't like bloody horror, I do appreciate intellectual horror. The Outer Limits frequently had this kind of horror.

I Liked the use of the Kiai-Jutsu by Pinhead. [Or is it Kaia-Jutsu?] Now, who trained her? Chthon [Nightwind] taught Anatari Baharr [also Nightwind] who trained Ghostfire and Morelen. Has Morelen come a bad end? Or will Ghostfire come to a bad place in his personal future?

I could see another crossover that can use it: Dune. The Bene Gesserit have The Voice. They could even bring their worms into the crossover.

Looking forward to the next installment.

Ramen4lifeRamen4lifealmost 3 years ago

I'm totally confused and didn't understand half of that. Star Wars I get. Xenomorphs I get. The love craftian cthulhu stuff I like. This was just wierd for me. And the cliff hanger was just wrong. 5 stars nonetheless. I hope this is leading up to something.

lrdhawkwindlrdhawkwindalmost 3 years ago

I have to agree nice homage to the pattern and kewl of judgment

CinnaminDraconnaCinnaminDraconnaalmost 3 years ago

Not being a fan of horror, I did not like this at all. I'll keep reading the series because I love your writing. This was also boring because there was no fun sex, just that twisted horror stuff. Not sure I like where this story is going, but I can't stop reading it now. Not knowing the ending would drive me nuts, lol.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Nice homage to the Pattern of Amber.

CrazyBastidCrazyBastidalmost 3 years ago

Damn, man. Just ... damn.

That was an event I don't think anyone saw coming, but 'Broken Chains' was a big clue, now that I've read it. Very well done and completely blew my mind with a metaphorical bazooka to the face. Just what a story should be. Keep it up, man. Loving this story.

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