Pledges Ch. 04


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"What's taking so long?" she asked aloud. "Fuck it. I'll just take the stairs."

As she reached Sierra's floor, Lina opened the stairwell door. She gasped at what she saw.


Sierra and Miko stood in Sierra's doorway. They'd finally gotten dressed and Sierra had walked her out.

Miko stood just outside the door and rest her hand on the doorjamb. "Just talk to her," she admonished. "Today."

"I will. I promise."

Miko leaned close and whispered in Sierra's ear. "You'll do fine. You're a beautiful woman, Sierra. Any girl would be lucky to have you. But Lina's special too and what the two of you have is special. Just don't fuck it up."

Then Miko kissed Sierra gently on the lips.

Sierra kissed back and shivered as she enjoyed the taste of herself on Miko's lips. "Thank you, babe."

As they winked at each other, neither girl noticed Lina racing back down the stairs, tears streaming down her face.


The following Monday, Nadia Coleman sat in a booth in the Food Court of the campus Student Center. Her textbooks were splayed in front of her on the table and she was reading intently. Nibbling on a chicken fajita, she was grabbing a bit of lunch before her afternoon classes began.

The sweet and tangy sauce blended perfectly with the tender chicken, making for a delicious meal. Nadia grinned as she licked her lips, tasting the delectable sauce.

She was just about to lick her fingers when she heard a feminine voice above her.

"Does that taste good?"

Nadia looked up to see Brandi Stewart smiling down at her, holding a lunch tray.

"Mmm hmm," Nadia said as she reached for a napkin and wiped her mouth and fingers. Chewing quickly, she swallowed then smiled back. "Hey Brandi!"

"Can I sit down?" Brandi nodded toward the other side of the booth.

"Sure," Nadia said as she cleared her books away. "Have a seat."

Brandi set her tray down and daintily took her seat. First, she carefully arranged her eating utensils on the table. Then she placed her salad carefully between the knife and fork. She then placed the small containers of salad dressing in a neat line on the side of the salad. Next, she placed her water bottle on the opposite side of the arrangement. Finally, she placed her napkin neatly on her lap. Then she looked up.

Nadia grinned at Brandi's meticulous nature.

"Yeah, I'm kinda particular," Brandi joked. "I have to have everything just so."

"Nothing wrong with that," Nadia replied. "But as you can see," she said as she gestured toward her mess, "I'm not that neat at all."

Brandi laughed as she cut into her salad. "You're in good company because, trust me, most of the Sisters aren't this neat." She took a bite, closed her eyes and moaned. "This is good," she smiled.

Nadia smiled back and continued eating.

"So how's it going?" Brandi asked in between tiny bites.

"Good. But classes are a beast this semester."

"What's your major?"


"Oooh. That sounds tough," Brandi grimaced.

Nadia nodded. "Yes. Very much so."

The café au lait beauty shook her head. "I'm an accounting major and I thought that was tough." Brandi delicately wiped her mouth and then her hands with her napkin. "Well, what do you plan to do with your degree?"

"I really want to be a teacher," Nadia replied. "I've always loved science, so I want to help other kids love science too. I'm taking three heavy-duty science courses now, along with some prerequisites. Since I'm just a freshman, next year I'll add in some of the education courses."

"Good for you. That's great," Brandi smiled.

The girls sat in silence as they both kept eating. Then Brandi set her fork down and studied Nadia for a moment.

Nadia had the richest, most buttery caramel colored skin she'd ever seen. Brandi licked her lips at Nadia's warm, rich skin color. Nadia's reddish brown hair naturally fell into tight spirals that skimmed her shoulders. Her bright smile, complete with perfectly straight white teeth, made Nadia simply adorable.

To stay somewhat cool in the warm Virginia sun, Nadia wore a silky, dark brown tank top and tight jeans. She donned a pretty collection of silver bangles on each wrist with a matching choker around her neck. After admiring her jewelry, Brandi's eyes eventually lowered to Nadia's thick nipples peeking through the silky material.

The unmistakable tingle between Brandi's legs was a definite sign that she had to get to know this cute, sexy minx a lot better.

Brandi picked up her fork and continued eating for a few moments before speaking again. "So...what was your impression of our Tea? Did you have a good time?"

"Yes, I did," Nadia said as she took a sip of her soda. "Everyone was really nice."

"Had you heard of Rho Sigma Tau before?"

"Yes. I looked you all up on the Internet while I was in high school. I've been looking forward to this for awhile."

"Really?" Brandi asked. "How so?"

"Well," Nadia drew closer, "y'all are the best women on campus. And I feel like I could offer you a lot."

"Oh really?" Brandi sat back in her chair, a sly smile on her face. "Like?"

"Like intelligence. Discipline. Loyalty. Tenacity. And I'm a hard worker. And I'm very dedicated."

"I see. Well, that's a good start. But will you make a good pledge? Or a good Sister?" Brandi winked.

"I think so. But I guess we'll see, now won't we?" Nadia grinned.

Brandi snuck another peek at Nadia's full, luscious breasts and smiled back. "I guess we will, Nadia. I guess we will."


"So. Which of these girls can we manipulate most easily?"

Jade Cross, proudly wearing her Mu Lambda Sorority jacket, sat in one of the booths in the Student Center, carefully reading a handwritten list in front of her. As she sat there, she was flanked by her sorors, the twins Mya and Brianna.

At Jade's sharp words, the twins just looked at each other.

Jade looked up, irritated. "Hello? Are you listening to me? I gave each of you my list of girls who were at Rho Sigma Tau's Interest Tea. And so I ask again, which of these girls can we get to help us take these bitches down?"

"For the record," Mya said, "I still think it's pretty odd that you staked out their Tea."

"Yeah," Brianna added, frowning. "I can't believe that you actually hid down the hall and wrote down the names of all the girls that attended. That's kinda creepy, don't you think?"

Jade ignored them both. "There were twenty-eight girls that were there. But knowing Sierra and those other hoes, they'll only take a handful." She peered over the list. "I see three names on this list that may be helpful. First up is Shawna Turner. What about her?"

Mya shook her head. "Naw. She hardly goes to class. She won't make it past their initial interviews. Who's next?"

Jade went down the list. "What about Angel Reynolds?"

Brianna frowned. "Naw, she can fight. I don't recommend messing with her."

Jade snorted. "Well, here's another name. Luci Tennyson." She thought for a moment. "Wait. I know her. The shy one, right? Real nervous-like?"

"Right," Mya said. "But she's smart as hell. On a scholarship. But she's pretty timid."

"Fine. A shy, timid girl sounds perfect. We'll start with her. And I'll talk to her personally," Jade said as she gathered her belongings. "In the meantime, I need both of you to keep your eyes and ears open. If either of you have some other names of girls that might be able to help us, or if you hear who's actually been invited to apply, let me know."

Jade grabbed her books and her bag and left abruptly, not even saying goodbye.

"Damn," Mya said. "Why do we let her treat us that way?"

Brianna shrugged. "Cause she's the President of our Sorority. I mean, what else can we do?"

Mya wasn't satisfied. "Well, I'm not going to take much more of her disrespect. Or her craziness. I'm going to be watching her. Closely. So she'd better watch it."


"So tell me. Why did you decide to pledge Rho Sigma Tau?"

Angela Patton stood in the lavish sitting room of Grace Hollis, the Alumni Chapter Treasurer. She'd set up her videocamera so that it faced the sofa right in front of Grace's large picture window. Angela was conducting the first of the interviews for her sorority documentary and she'd fiddled with the camera endlessly until she had the perfect angle with the best lighting.

"Well," Grace began, as she relaxed on her plush sofa. "My mother was a member back when she went to college. From a very early age, I remember seeing her getting ready for her sorority meetings. She looked so beautiful." Grace looked wistfully into the camera and smiled. "I remember wanting to be like her so badly. Over the years, I'd heard so much about Rho Sigma Tau that I couldn't wait to join."

Angela adjusted her lens as she continued filming. "What's the best thing you like about the organization?"

"All of the lovely women," Grace laughed. "But I didn't find out what the sorority was really about until I got to college. My mom never told me the truth while I was growing up. But once I went to my first Interest Tea, I kinda had an inkling about what was going on. But once I was accepted as a pledge, my mom finally came clean."

Grace adjusted her light wool blazer. "And once I crossed, it was on! There were so many beautiful women, that I nearly flunked out of school! I spent more time in bed than I did in class!"

Angela laughed. That was her experience freshman year too.

"Fortunately, we had housemothers back then. Who promptly told my mom what I was up to. Thankfully, I got my act together."

"And now?" Angela asked. "What's your favorite thing about the current crop of girls?'

"Well," Grace said, carefully eyeing Angela's tight body. "I love everything about the current crop of girls. Especially the beautiful one standing in front of me."

Angela blushed.

Grace pursed her lips as she stared at Angela.

Because Angela's skin was so smooth and so luminescent, she only wore a light application of makeup. She used pink and rose eyeshadow along with a pinkish blush to highlight her caramel skin. A quick swipe of bubble-gum pink lipgloss really made her lips pop.

Normally Angela wore sweatshirts and jeans, especially while filming. However, wanting to make a good impression on Grace, and to keep cool in the muggy heat, Angela wore a silky pink halter top with cuffed white shorts that showed off her perfectly toned body. As a final, regal touch, Angela pulled her black ringlets into an elegant French twist.

Grace smiled as she scooted over on the sofa. "Come join me."

Angela reached for the off switch on the videocamera.

"No. Don't turn it off," Grace said as she removed her jacket. "Leave it on. You want a documentary? I'll give you a documentary!"

Angela's eyes widened. Slowly she walked over to the sofa and sat down.

"You're gorgeous," Grace whispered. "Such a cutie!" She leaned in and kissed Angela's soft neck. "I'm so glad you came over to see me."

"Ohhh," Angela moaned. Grace's lips tickled her smooth skin and she trembled.

Grace slid her hands underneath Angela's light halter top and gently stroked Angela's smooth skin. Grace slid her hands higher and higher until she reached Angela's pert, caramel-brown breasts. "No bra?" Grace whispered as she tickled and teased Angela's stiff nipples. "Such a bad girl!"

"Oooh Grace," Angela sighed. "God, that feels good!"

Grace quickly slipped off Angela's top. Before Angela could react, Grace locked her soft lips directly onto Angela's dark brown nipple.

"Oh!" Angela cried out. "Oh God!"

Grace made long, teasing licks all over Angela's tiny breasts. The soft, caramel skin nearly melted in Grace's mouth. Grace used her hands to rub and stroke Angela's body as Angela squirmed in ecstasy.

Angela ran her hands through Grace's long, auburn hair and pulled Grace tightly to her chest. Angela closed her eyes as Grace nipped and bit at her sizzling skin.

Angela slipped her hand underneath Grace's skirt, between Grace's thighs, and grinned at the sweet, sticky honey she found.

"No panties?" Angela whispered. "Looks like you're the naughty one!"

Grace chuckled but her laughs quickly turned to moans as Angela deftly manipulated her fingers over Grace's sensitive bud. "Oh Angela!" Grace groaned. "Oh baby!"

Angela, excited beyond belief, quickly slid off the couch and onto her knees in front of Grace. She slid Grace's skirt up until Grace's naked ass wiggled on the couch.

Angela quickly leaned in and slid her index finger into Grace's wetness. Angela took her other hand and swirled it around Grace's sensitive clit.

"Oh!" Grace exclaimed as she leaned back on the couch. Grace quickly unbuttoned her blouse, yanked the cups of her brassiere down and exposed her nude breasts. Grace tweaked her nipples as Angela's fingers danced over her clit. "Yes, baby! Yes!"

Angela rubbed and stroked Grace's clit softly at first, then picked up speed as she saw Grace's passion rise. Grace's sweet, sticky wetness flowed all over Angela's fingers. Unable to resist, Angela drew her fingers up to her mouth and took a long lick.

"Delicious," Angela whispered.

"Baby, please? Please?" Grace whimpered. "Do it, Angela!"

Angela grinned as she bent her head into Grace's dark triangle. Angela swiped her tongue over Grace's pussy, tasting the tangy peach-like flavor. "Mmmm," Angela moaned.

Grace nearly jumped off the couch at Angela's first lick. "Oooooh!"

Angela wasted no time in pleasing her lover as she drank deeply from Grace's heated core. Grace's nectar flowed copiously over her lips and tongue and Angela groaned in delight. Angela swirled her tongue around and around Grace's turgid clit. To Angela, there was nothing more heavenly than eating a woman's pussy.

Grace writhed and panted, her ass grinding all over her expensive sofa. She groaned as she felt her juices spill all over her thighs. She grabbed Angela's hair and completely pulled the French twist out. Once Angela's ringlets were free, Grace took Angela's head and pulled it into her wet pussy.

Angela kept up her manipulations of Grace's clit as she tongued the wet flesh. Feeling Grace's thighs tighten, Angela thrust her fingers deeper into Grace.

Grace's heart pounded faster and faster, as she hovered on the verge of an explosive climax. She tightened her legs around Angela's head as her body began to shake.

"Oh Angela. Oh Angela! I'm cumming! Honey, I'm cumming now!"

Angela licked as hard and as fast as she could. Then she tasted a burst of liquid honey.

"Ahhhh!" Grace screamed as her orgasm hit hard. Grace continued screaming as Angela licked up every drop.

When Grace's passion sated, Angela drew her fingers from Grace's pussy and licked each one of them. "Tasty!"

Panting, Grace licked her lips. "Angela, darling! That was so quick! You're such a sweetheart!"

Grace wrapped her arms around Angela and held her tightly. Then Grace pulled back and looked Angela directly in the eye. "How about you join me upstairs? And bring that videocamera with you!"


"I can't believe I'm running late again!"

Luci Tennyson strode briskly across the campus, on her way to her Organic Chemistry class. Once she reached the Science building, she quickly went inside and ran up the stairs, not bothering to wait for the elevator.

Nearly out of breath, soon she reached the third floor and bolted toward her class. Just as she reached the door, she heard a shrill voice behind her.

"Luci! Luci, wait!"

Luci turned around to see Jade Cross walking toward her. "Hi," Luci said, confused. "Do I know you?"

"You will. Come with me."

Luci frowned, her hand on the doorknob. "Umm...I'm late for class. I have to go."

Jade quickly moved so that she stood between Luci and the door. "Did I mention that I'm Jade Cross? My father is the Provost here. Again, I said come with me."

Luci just stood there, stunned.

"If you want your scholarships to continue, you'll come with me," Jade snarled.

"My scholarships?" Luci sputtered. "How you do know about my scholarships?"

Damn, Jade thought. Didn't I just tell her that my dad was the Provost? Is she that dense? "You ask too many questions, Luci. Like I said, my father is very important on this campus."

Jade paused when she saw a couple of students at the other end of the hall walking toward them. She smoothed back her long ponytail, stalling for time until the students passed, curious looks on their faces. "I have a very important project for you," Jade continued once they were out of earshot. "So come along."

Luci straightened her back. "And if I don't?"

Jade's hard stare immediately made Luci nervous. Jade looked her directly in the eye. "If you don't," Jade said, her voice low with scorn, "I'll make sure you lose everything you've worked for. Everything!"

Luci's shoulders slumped. I'm no match for this girl, she thought. Luci sighed as she let Jade lead her away from her classroom and down the hall.

Jade eased up, realizing that she needed at least some cooperation from the poor girl. She placed her arm around Luci's shoulders as they continued toward the elevators. "Don't worry. If you help us, I'll make sure that you're compensated very well. Much more than those old scholarships."

Jade stopped to look Luci in the eye again. "But if you don't, you'll be ruined. And I'll have so much fun doing it," she smirked

Luci shivered under Jade's icy glare.

Jade paused for effect. "So...what's it gonna be?"

Luci's eyes suddenly lowered to the ground as hot tears threatened to spill over. "Fine. What do you need me to do?"

To be continued...

Stephanie Rose Productions © 2008. All rights reserved.

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rorr82rorr82over 1 year ago

Cmon Lucy might be shy,timid, n quiet but shes smart n would know theres nothing that could be done to her scholarships. Other then that, great story so far n i cant wait to see how the girls stop n get revenge against Jade

germanchocolate4ugermanchocolate4uabout 7 years ago

Aargh, I can't stand that ---tch Jade. Stephanie_Rose, you did your thing creating this protagonist. She's nothing nice and you love to hate her. So good job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Enjoyed the Update

Enjoyed the update. Thought perpahs you didn't intend to finsih the story. Hope to see an update and the demise of Jade soon!!!

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