PokeHer Face

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He has a suspicion, is that enough to make her confess?
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I just made it to my phone on time, trying to unlock it with wet fingers isn't a fun thing to do, and I just managed to do it before he would have rung off.

"I'm sorry honey, I was in the shower, I'm all slippery and wet!"

"Damn! I thought you'd save yourself for me when I get home tomorrow night. Who's making you all slippery and wet?"

For a milli-second my heart rate jumped, until his mouth quickly morphed into his beautiful smile, the smile that told me he loved me.

"Doh silly, I was in the shower, you're 5 minutes early. I'm still soapy and have conditioner in my hair."

He made the sexy little laugh he has, his teeth flashed white as he slowly shook his head.

"We have a bit of a problem so it's all hands on deck here, I need to shift so I rang....early."

His smile faded, why did he pause in the sentence? It worried me. He regained his composure and the smile returned, at least in part. I suddenly wondered if he's seen something here, something to give things away.

"Jimmi, are you OK? You look like something suddenly crossed your mind."

"Sorry Jade, something important going on, I need to go. Weather permitting, the chopper should be here in the morning."

"These three weeks feel like they are getting longer, the two weeks you are back at home feel as if they are getting shorter. I really want you back in our bed."

"Just say the word Jade and I'll quit, the money doesn't matter, but we do. I've said all along for the last five years, if you want me to get a land-based job, rather than out on these North Sea gas platforms, don't be afraid to ask for what you want."

"That job means a lot to you, plus the pay is out of this world. I love you Jimmi and I promise we have three weeks of missed fun to catch up on! I love you, Jimmi."

"I meant what I said Jade, I'll get a job in a supermarket rather than lose what we have. I loved you, Jade. Sorry I need to go."

I felt uneasy, it sounded like he said 'loved me' not 'love me', I must be getting paranoid. But something had troubled him, it was as if something had occurred part way through the video call to make his demeanour change. I looked behind me, there was nothing there to give me away, I was so careful to cover my tracks and make sure everything seemed normal. My 'special time' was carefully engineered to not arouse suspicion.

On the Friday nights I went out with the girls I was a model wife, never danced with any of the men that always sought us out in the club. I rode back in the taxi with Jimmi's sister, Beth, who dropped me off first, then I rang our doorbell, knowing his watch would signal to him I was home. I would stand and drop my coat from my shoulders and blow him a kiss into the doorbell camera, knowing he would look at it later. I never gave him, or anyone else, the slightest doubt I was anything but a faithful wife who had one night a week out with friends, whilst my husband braved the dangers of the North Sea to sustain our fantastic life.

I took the new electric blue lingerie set off the hook on the bedroom door. Still in the packaging, it was mounted on a cardboard two-dimensional part torso showing how it all fitted together. Full of various hoops it basically formed a harness. Add some pale blue stockings, matching thong I could see I was sexy as hell. It made me shiver at the prospect of showing it to Dan, up close and personal. Our liaisons were quick and lustful, there were no preliminaries, no dinners, dancing or those subtleties of seduction that were part of a typical relationship, if I took my marriage to Jimmi as typical.

For the last eighteen months it was the same, most Fridays that Jimmi was away at work. I would get ready, go to the club at least an hour earlier than the rest of the girls. Once the taxi dropped me at the club, I went in the rear staff entrance, my body knew what was coming and my scant underwear was always damp and sticky before I reached Dan's office.

I would walk in, lock the door and Dan would peel me out of whatever outer covering I would be wearing. He insisted that I would have some form of lingerie on, so my collection had increased significantly as our tryst had continued, to the point I had to box much of it, and try and hide it at the back of our large mirrored built-in wardrobes. Dan would stand and walk around me, devouring me with his eyes with the look of a hungry wolf. At five nine in heels, what Jimmi called the perfect body blessed with lustrous long red hair I knew I had it. Dan wanted it, and he took it, often pushed roughly across his desk as he jack-hammered his magnificent cock in and out of my hungry holes until I was a wretch that could barely stand.

There was no love, simply a release for both of us. He would tell me what a dirty slut I was, how he was going to stretch me out so my husband would know; that his cum would still be leaking out long after Jimmi would be home. All this degradation and humiliation only heightened my sexual pleasure and release each time it came. And that was frequently more than once during each short tryst we had. Once he was finished, I would use the bathroom to clean myself up, change into fresh 'normal' underwear and stuff my soiled lingerie into my handbag before going out the back door, walking in the front of the club to go join my none-the-wiser friends, including my sister-in-law. They all thought I had just rocked up, unaware that I had been above them for at least an hour trading my body and soul for an addictive experience.

It followed the same format of every Friday we were out. Some wine, a few cocktails, lots of talking, laughter we would dance together and some would dance with the odd male partner. But not me, I always turned them down, when they were a little more persistent, I would raise my hand and shake my wedding ring at them. But that was the secondary reason. Dan told me in the early days, if I so much as danced in the club with another man, then I could forget coming to his club early. I needed the raw sensations he gave me, something I could, and would not, ask my husband for so I made sure I kept to his request.

After a fun night out, I rode home with Beth, my sister-in-law as we giggled and chatted. I walked up our drive after she dropped me off and rang the doorbell. Looking at it, I leant forward and air kissed as sexually as I could, telling Jimmi I missed him, before I opened the door and let myself in. At some point through the night, he would see it and send me a little emoji kiss in WhatsApp as a reply.

When I woke in the morning, I could see he had messaged me, but the message wasn't quite what I was expecting. It just said there was a problem and he was delayed, he would be home on Monday. I did start to worry, did he know something, but how? He had never been to the club so there was no way he could have planted a camera there. Dan told me to always wait and look in my handbag for a few moments before going into the club, but look around. Had a car pulled into the car park behind the taxi, were there any cars in the car park where someone was watching me? If for any reason I felt I had been followed I was to go into the club via the front door. Surely, I hadn't missed anything? I put it down to a problem on the rig, it had happened before, but I felt uneasy.

Saturday morning, I washed the new lingerie as, yet again, whatever I had worn for Dan was guaranteed to be soiled. The night before, Dan had pushed me to the floor on my knees at the end of our playdate and face-fucked me, with a hand each side of my head. At the point he started to come, I knew what to do. My eyes turned up to look at him and I pushed my tongue out of my mouth as he withdrew, the elixir of our tryst coating my mouth, lips and tongue. As he pulled back, I maintained eye contact, exactly as Dan wants it, as the mixture of his juice and my drool would drip in strands from my tongue, onto my body and lingerie. He was marking his territory.

Mid-morning my phone beeped with a message from Beth. Jimmi had messaged her and told her he was not making it back and asked if she would take me out for some retail therapy for the day on Sunday. Her husband Stan was playing golf for the day so we took the train down into London and did exactly that. I was excited that he was due home the following day evening but was dismayed when I received a message mid-afternoon, telling me he wouldn't be home until Tuesday. There were no emojis, simply text, which was not the way we tended to communicate these days. I responded immediately with a sad face, a kiss and a couple of hearts and waited. Nothing came back. I called him, and it went straight to answerphone. A few minutes later Beth's phone pinged announcing the arrival of a message. As she read it, I felt sure her eyes rolled up to look at me momentarily, before she typed a response then put her phone back into her handbag. She looked at me and smiled, but it felt off. They can't know, I cover my tracks, and there is simply no evidence. It still made me feel uncomfortable. I asked her if it was important. She literally looked straight at me;

"It was Stan, apparently one of his friends has just found out his wife has been cheating on him."

It felt as if my heart had jumped into my throat. It felt like she had been staring straight into my soul.

"Oh that's awful, do we know them?"

She still looked into what felt like my soul as she replied.

"Yes, we both know him, but not her, she's a stranger to us."

It made me feel uncomfortable, I wanted to ask more but felt it was wise to say nothing.


I went back through the house tidying up Monday and Tuesday. My new soiled lingerie was now clean and dry, and joined the large collection I had gathered over the last eighteen months. I started to think it would now be wise to sort through it and get rid of some of it, the idea pained me, as none of it was cheap, and none of it had been for my husband's benefit. That may have been a mistake, perhaps I should start to reuse some of it for his return home. He said he was due home around four thirty so I went to the gym at twelve to try and get my mind to calm itself before he came home. After the first time I had fucked Dan, I was sure that the word 'guilty' was tattooed over my face, despite making an extreme effort to act naturally the first time Jimmi came home. But Jimmi said nothing, that tattoo of my shameful act was simply not visible to him. Once I realised this, I knew I was going to be safe, as long as I played by the simple rules: Act normal, don't try and over compensate, don't deny my husband, and my tryst never took place anywhere other than Dan's office on those girl's nights out.

When I came back from the gym, I was shocked. Jimmi was already back and was sitting out on the decking looking across the garden towards Conisbough castle in the distance. I stepped outside, to hear the feint rustle of the trees and some bird song. Jimmi sat there, he didn't get up to come and hug me, he simply turned his face towards me with a blank expression before turning back to look across the garden, I could feel my heart beating faster as a frightful knot formed in my stomach.

"How long, Jade?"

I wasn't expecting this, and I tried to think quickly. There was nothing that could give me away, or have a rational explanation.

"Jimmi, what are you saying! What are you implying, that I'm having an affair?"

"He turned and looked at me, his face was expressionless. I had seen it before, when we sometimes met up with friends and family for an evening the boys would play poker whilst us girls would drink and chat. I was looking at his best poker face.

The silence continued and I felt a tear fall from an eye.

"Jimmi, I haven't done anything!"

He stood up and picked up a box that I hadn't seen beside him, then tipped the contents onto the table. Eighteen months of worn lingerie sat in a heap. He sat back down, turned and looked at me with that expressionless face. I wanted to be sick right there but it would have given me away. I needed to play his game.

"You're putting two and two together and making five. I've missed you, it's not what it seems. I'm lonely when you're not here so I started to buy lingerie and liked to look at myself in the mirror, I wanted to confirm I still looked hot, be sure you'd still want me. I got embarrassed with how much I'd purchased, so stuffed it in the box in the wardrobe. I thought you'd be cross with me for spending all that money."

"Your wrong Jade, I wouldn't care how much you spent to show me how beautiful you are. But it's not me that's been getting the benefit of what, to me, is now a tawdry pile of tat that you've soiled."

He reached down to the other chair and pulled up a brown manilla large envelope. It has a slight bulge, so it wasn't empty. He put it in front of himself then looked back at me with that same face and said....nothing. I looked at the envelope and was filled with fear. What had he got and how did he find out? I needed a clue so I could at least try to limit any potential damage. The statement his sister made about her husband's friend began to make me think she was referring to my marriage. When she said we didn't know the woman, she meant the other me, the one that disrespected her wedding vows. I was in trouble.

"What's in the envelope honey?"

"The truth, Jade, simply the truth."

"Then you need to show me what it is, I have nothing to hide, if you think I've done something wrong, something to come between us you are wrong, it'll be a simple misunderstanding, trust me."

He lent across the table and picked through the garments he dumped there, it felt as if he was putting on a little show. He then picked up the blue garment I had worn on Friday.

"Did he enjoy seeing you in this on Friday?"

I jumped from the chair and lent over the balustrade separating the decking from the garden and dry heaved for several moments, now shaking badly as tears streamed from my eyes. I racked by mind thinking how could he have found out. As I stood frantically thinking, his voice brought me back to the moment with the four words no partner wants to hear in a relationship;

"We need to talk."

I looked at him and he nodded at the chair opposite him. I sat and looked at his face. It showed no emotion, just that same poker face that was there when I came home a few minutes ago before my world started to crumble away by the second.

"Jade, look at me, OK? This is what's going to happen. I will pass you this envelope so you have a copy of all of the evidence regarding your infidelity but, and you are going to get one chance here, I want you to tell me the truth from the beginning, when it fir..."

"I haven't done anything Jimmi please, please believe me!"

I broke down completely and sobbed, barely able to breathe as I did so. Whenever I looked at him, he sat looking at me, nonchalantly and emotionless.

"I'll let you have that one Jade, I know this is hard for you. Let me spell it out for you. I want to hear it from you, your words from your mouth. I'm not going to move from this chair and I will promise you I will not touch you, OK? But you have one chance Jade, if you want to keep up the charade then I will ensure that every family member, friend, ex-work colleague, neighbour and even the couple that run the pub, get to know intimately, the contents of this envelope. Take your time, I'm hoping that if you start at the beginning, leave no stone unturned, I may understand why, and look at finding a path for forgiveness. So, on the 20th June 2022, will you, Jade Thomas, tell your husband, Jimmi Thomas the truth regarding your infidelity, without fear of any violence or malice towards you, the floor, as they say, is all yours."

I felt tears fall from my eyes, he was so cool and collected he obviously knew, although I could not fathom out how. The threat of being crushed by the contents of the envelope he had made me decide I needed to tell the truth, the whole, sordid truth, and hope that at the end, there was a way he would forgive me and we could pick up the pieces. I started to cry uncontrollably and was unable to move. He had obviously anticipated that I was going to struggle and poured a glass of iced water from a pitcher he had put on the table. He walked back into the kitchen and picked up the box of tissues.

"I'm sorry Jade, I figured you'd need the water, but didn't think how hard this was going to hit you. Here, help yourself to the tissues. When you are ready, fire away."

I tried to dry my eyes as best as I could, but I couldn't look directly at him, so I concentrated on the glass of water in front of me before speaking.

"First off Jimmi I'm sorry, I'm sorry I did this and I'm sorry you have found out, which has hurt you, I didn't actively go looking for someone it just kind of happened, it came out of the perfect storm of shit in my life, when you weren't there to help me."

I heard him take in a deep breath, I looked up to see his look had hardened, as he let out the breath through his nose. I realised why.

"I'm sorry Jimmi, that last comment wasn't a dig at you, I was merely stating a fact. I was alone and things were going wrong. The first big knock was when I was made redundant. We had no idea that Covid was going to grind the world to a halt, if I knew then I wouldn't have jumped ships into a fledgling business. Had things remained normal I would still have been working there, but as you say, shit happens."

"Then there was Covid itself. Yes, all the lockdowns had finished but it had been so hard being on my own, especially with no real neighbours. Until the times you came home, I felt like a proper prisoner, a bird in a gilded cage we call home. And everything was slow to pick back up when things normalised, a lot of the girls couldn't go out for various reasons so life was very low key, until it happened."

"It was the week when the car had a puncture on the day I went to that interview in Sheffield, they had practically said over the phone the job was mine, but of course I never made it to the interview, and they gave the job to somebody else. Then the next day the washing machine broke down unexpectedly, even though it was only three months old. We did all go out on the Friday, and the girls commented I seemed down, which of course, I was. When we left and was almost home, I realised I didn't have my phone. Beth rang it, it was answered by the owner of the club. It had been handed into the manager and I could collect it when I want. It was my only way of staying close to you at work, so the taxi dropped Beth at home and I went back to the club to retrieve the phone."

"They directed me upstairs to Dan, the owner's office. I knocked and went in and he was sat behind his desk. He got up and walked around with my phone and I started to apologise profusely about losing it. When he put his hand out to pass it to me, I smelt his aftershave, it was your, and my favourite, Obsession. It made me think of you, and I burst into tears and put my arms around him as I sobbed heavily into his shoulder. He let me cry and put his hands on my back, gently running them up and down my sides. I needed that, right there, at that precise moment and for the first time in my life with you, I let my emotional barrier down. I turned my head and our eyes locked onto each other, the next thing we were kissing, his tongue invaded my mouth passiona.."

I realised what I was saying, it was hurtful, and I stopped and looked up at Jimmi. He sat, again with that emotionless expression on his face.

"So, we have a plausible reason why you fell from your pedestal that one time, but it continued Jade, even up to this last Friday. Why, did he blackmail you, have some sort of hold over you, that forced you to go back? I need to understand why."