Policewoman to Gangsters Moll Pt. 03


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Andy laid back on the bed watching the Home Secretary and the Deputy Commissioner licking his cock in turn. He enjoyed his monthly 'meetings' with his two whores, in particular watching the two most senior female law and order individuals snorting coke together. Andy had put the video of Sally, Linzi and Lisa on the web, and made it free for all to see. It had become quite popular, although thanks' to Blackie's skill no one could recognise either Lisa or Sally.

Sally had become a real find. Like Lisa, he was sure that under all that feminist bullshit there had been a real slut wanting to get out. All the conditioning had done was just to awaken the whore that was under there.

Sally would happily sell herself to anyone Andy would ask her to. Blackie would make her up so that no one would recognise her when Andy was offering her at parties and such. Clients liked this dirty ho, who would only ask for £50 and beg them to cum on her face. No one knew that they had just fucked the Home Secretary, and Andy would keep it that way.

Suddenly, Sally broke him out of his reverie, by jumping on his cock and sliding down. Pushing her lovely black breasts into Andy's face, she started talking dirty to him.

'Going to be your whore again soon baby!' said Sally. 'Who next do you want me to fuck?'

'Hubby not giving you enough?' Andy said, groaning as Sally's pussy held his cock in a vice-like grip.

'Not as good as you sugar!' grinned Sally as she pumped Andy's cock up and down. 'I'm a whore and I like fucking dick for money.

'Yeah, well take this as a payment' shouted Andy as pulled her off, pushed her onto all-fours and started slamming into her

'Baby, I'm fertile, you come in me, I'll be pregnant!' shouted Sally.

'Good, people like to fuck a pregnant chick.'

'Make me a mummmmmyyyyyy!' yelled Sally as she felt Andy come into her



Andy awoke at 7.00 am and switched on the TV and saw that the early morning news was presenting a story regarding a series of new government appointments.

'It was announced today that Mr David Rawson is to become the new Deputy Commissioner of the

Met Police. He replaces Ms Lisa McMaster who is to become the new Head of the British National Crime Agency, which has been compared to the FBI but will have even greater powers of arrest and investigation. The announcement was made during a meeting with the House of Commons Law and Order Committee.

Rawson, Lisa and Sally all then appeared on screen in front of the committee. Andy laughed at the sight. Rawson was his virtual deputy in the crime organisation, Lisa was always high on coke, and full of my cum when appears at these functions, and Sally.....

Sally was 6 months pregnant. She was big, and Andy knew the baby was his.

The three leading crime fighters of Britain. One his accomplice, One his coke slut, and the other a whore pregnant by someone other than her husband. She was pregnant by the biggest drug dealer in London. Soon to be the biggest in the country.

'Furthermore' the news report said 'the Home Secretary will not be taking maternity leave. Her husband will leave his job to bring up the child.

Thanks for bringing up my brat thought Andy, grinning inwardly. I wonder how many kids Sally wants?

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Wendywants2BtakenWendywants2Btakenalmost 2 years ago

It would be lovely to be a dominant man’s whore!❤️❤️

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Do not stop writing this story. It is so good!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This could go much further. Good writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

More please. Really good.

mecdualmecdualabout 2 years ago

really hot, but the minister aspect is a bit too much

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