Post Meet and Greet

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The day after leads to more fun.
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While it isn't absolutely necessary, it might behoove you to read "Meet and Greet" prior to the following narrative.

As always, comments are welcome as long as they are constructive. Thank you.


After Linda and Jean left for the night, I put on one of Brenda's bathrobes to check on Lois before we went to bed. After using the key she gave me to her apartment, I found her still sound asleep. Once assured there wasn't anything left on in her apartment such as a coffee maker or warming tray from the "meet and greet" she had for Brenda, I returned to Brenda's apartment.

"How's Lois?"

"She's fine...sleeping like a baby, and I'll be sure to check her again in the morning."

Brenda and I finally called it a night. We slept together in her queen size bed with her snuggled up to me like two spoons. The same way as when we were kids with the only differences being us now both naked and her hand holding one of my breasts. And in spite of the lingering scent of vaginal fluids from the four of us cumming earlier, and it acting like an aphrodisiac, we were too exhausted for any further love making.


The next morning I was up early in spite of getting to bed late. Old habits die hard. With Brenda still sleeping, I decided to make myself a cappuccino. Just as I was, she made an appearance, and in my favorite short skimpy robe of hers.

As soon as I saw her, I smiled..."I miss seeing you in the morning in that robe because of how terrific you look in it. And would you like me to make you cappuccino too?

"Yes I would please. And so you'll know, I wore it just for you since I knew you did. By the way, have you checked on Lois yet."

"No, not yet. I hate to wake her with it being so early, so I'll wait until after we at least have our cappuccinos."

As we sat in her small kitchen we discussed the previous night's events. After a good hour conversation, and a second cappuccino, I decided it was time to sum things up..."If there's anything that can be said about last night, Lois's meet and greet turned into an arousing success."

"That's a good way to put it, although I doubt it was her intent."

"I'm sure it wasn't, but you never know with Lois. Speaking of which, I need to check on her again, but before I do, I need to take a shower. Once I do, it's probably best I head home afterwards as I'm sure Walter is beginning to wonder about me. Actually, I'm surprised he hasn't called yet. And since it's Sunday, and we don't have anything special planned, do you want to spend the day with us?"

"I think I'll pass. Unlike you, I'm not usually an early riser, and since I'm still pretty tired, I think I'll take a nap after you leave and then spend the rest of the day with Lois."

"I don't blame you, and it'll be nice of you to spend the day with her. But for now, do you want to join me for a shower?"

Kind of a stupid question. Ever since Brenda moved into her apartment, and other than for our morning bike rides, we haven't been able to spend much time together. Intimate time in particular, which we both been missing. To the point she was probably having second thoughts about moving into an apartment. And while I knew I'd find it difficult when she first did, I've learned to live with it for her sake without any whining or complaining.

Brenda's bathroom is surprisingly large for an apartment. Albeit the only bathroom, which might be the reason. It has a double vanity, bathtub and a separate shower. While the shower isn't huge, about four foot square, it is big enough for two people to shower comfortably together.

Once in the shower with the hot water streaming down on us, we wrapped our arms around each other and began kissing. Wasn't long before it became passionate, but before we got carried away..."I think it's best we wash each other first Brenda, starting with our hair."

Reluctantly we did, and after we did each other's hair, we loaded up two scrubbies with body wash and began washing one another. Needless to say because of our heated kissing we spent most of our time washing each other's tits, pussies and ass. And for me, there's no bigger turn on than the feel of another woman's soft body covered in soapy water. Feels heavenly, and especially Brenda with a smoothly shaved pussy.

Finally we hung the scrubbies on the shower caddy before we wrapped our arms around each other and began kissing again, which quickly turned passionate with wide open mouths and tongues darting in and out of each other's. As for me, I couldn't keep my hands off Brenda's incredible ass as we kissed, while she managed to squeeze a hand between us to rub my pussy. Being shorter than Brenda, I was able to easily work my fingers between her bum cheeks until I found her tight little rosebud. As soon as I did, I gently rubbed it before inserting the tip of a finger. The second I did, Brenda sighed and her hand gripped my pubic mound as she started breathing heavily in my ear.

"Damn Lacey, I can't tell you how much I miss taking a shower together."

"Me too Brenda, and let's take advantage of it and make the most of it. Turn around and bend over while spreading your legs as much as you can."

She immediately did with her arms raised and hands against the shower wall for support, and soon as she was in a spread eagle position I went straight for her asshole and inserted a finger. Soapy as it was, it slid in easily without the least bit of resistance up to the last knuckle. With my other hand, I reached around to finger her clit, which by now was big as it ever gets. At first I slowly fingered her asshole, then gradually more rapidly while fingering her clit just as intently. Eventually I inserted a second finger into her asshole, which caused her to moan and wiggle her ass.

Brenda then started humping my hands in a steady back and forth motion as though she couldn't decide which she was enjoying more. Me fingering her ass, or her clit..."Your fingers feel incredible doing me in the ass Lacey. Now don't dare stop as I'm about to cum." Then as though reading my mind, she reached down with one hand and took over fingering her clit so I could concentrate on her sweet anus.

Couldn't have been a minute later when her whole body stiffened along with her anal ring tightening around my fingers. She then took a deep breath and suddenly started shaking. Just as she did, she let loose with a deep groan and as she thrust backwards against my fingers, she orgasmed. Very explosively as she continued to rub her clit and gushed what seemed like a bucket full of vaginal fluid all over the shower floor. When she stopped, she had all she could do to remain standing, and if it wasn't for my fingers in her ass, she might not have.

While still breathing heavily..."That was incredible. No one can make me cum like you do. Especially when you finger my ass. Your God's gift when it comes to pleasuring someone's anus."

"My pleasure Brenda, now if you don't mind, I'm going to forgo you having to reciprocate. Not that I don't want you to, but I really need to check on Lois and get home before Walter comes looking for me."

"Don't you want a rain check?"

"That goes without saying. Now let's give your pussy one final cleaning before we get out of the shower."

After we dried each other, Brenda simply combed her hair while still wet and put a robe on while I had to blow dry mine before fixing it. After I applied my makeup and dressed, Brenda and I hugged and kissed lovingly before I grabbed my overnight bag and left to check on Lois one last time.

Once again I let myself in her apartment with the key she gave me in case she was still asleep. Surprisingly I found her at the breakfast counter having coffee and a toasted English muffin.

"I'm surprised to find you up Lois, and you look better than I expected. No hangover?"

"Yes, but I've had worse. How did the rest of your night go without me?"

"You'll be happy to know, it was a very fun night thanks to you."

"Are you going to tell me about it, or leave me in suspense?"

"I'm going to have to leave you in suspense. But Brenda asked me to let you know she'll be coming over later to help you clean-up from last night, and to spend the rest of the day with you watching old movies. Between the two, she can tell you all about it. As for me, I just wanted to make sure you were okay before heading home."

Just then Walter called on my cell phone.

"Yes dear, and I'm doing fine. I'm sitting here with Lois and was just about to head home. And I'm hurt it took you so long to check on me."

At which point he asked me to put the phone on speaker so he could say hello to Lois.

"Hello sweetheart, and how are you and Bob doing?"

"I'm doing fine, but Bob isn't here. He didn't make it last night because of a previous commitment. And I'm disappointed you didn't either."

"Hopefully Lacey explained why, and I'm sure she had a better time without me."

"From what little I've learned, I think it's a safe assumption to say she did. But since I crashed a bit earlier than planned, I can't confirm it. And the big tease she is, she's passing me off to Benda to fill me in."

When he responded it was directed towards me..."Here you were at dinner Friday, telling me it wasn't going to be that kind of a meet and greet. Normally I'd be dying to hear all the salacious details as soon as you get home, but unfortunately it's going to have to wait since Rita called, and her and Bill are going to visit with us this afternoon. Seems they have something important to share and she insisted, even though I wasn't sure when you'd be home. She said they'd be here around one o'clock and to make sure your ass was home by then. Hence the reason I called."

"I'll be home shortly, and I wonder what's so important it can't wait."

"You got me, but whatever it is, she sounded pretty excited."

"Do you need me to pick up anything on the way home?"

"I can't think of anything since we have plenty of beer and wine, and food in the house in case they decide to stay for dinner. But if you don't mind, why don't you save me a trip and pick up the Sunday paper. I'll let you go for now. You take care Lois, and say hello to Bob for me the next time you speak to him." Then he hung up.

Lois then asked..."Do you have any idea what Rita is so excited about."

"I haven't the slightest, but it must be something important for her and Bob to make a special trip on a Sunday from Bob's place in the country to share it with us in person."

I eventually arrived home around noon and the first thing I did was to change into something different. High-waisted capri pants and a loose fitting blouse. As I was Walter started bugging me about what took place last night.

"It's a long story Walter, and we don't have time since Rita's always punctual and it's almost one o'clock."

"Can't you at least give me a hint?"

"If you have to know, Brenda and I had a foursome with two other like minded ladies."

"It's better than I imagined, and I can't wait to hear about it."

"Well, you're going to have to be patient, and you need to keep yourself in check until you do."

After I made a quick survey of the kitchen and family room to ensure both rooms were neat and tidy the doorbell rang. It was Bill and Rita.

After we all hugged and kissed, we went into the family room. Walter got everyone a drink, being wine for Rita and I, Lambrusco of course, and a beer for him and Bill. We first played catch-up on any current events since we last talked, or saw each other, which is when Lois's meet and greet for Brenda came up. I told them what I could without mentioning anything about the lesbian foursome, but Rita knowing me as well as she does, could sense there was more to it than I was sharing.

After she gave me a knowing look that said, you're not telling us everything Lacey, and before she could start probing me, I changed the subject..."So what was so important that you two made a special trip to town to tell us about it?"

Bill and Rita first looked at each other before Bill nodded at her to let her know she should be the one to tell us..."To put it simply, Bill and I have finally decided to make our relationship official."

"Oh my God! Don't tell me you're finally going to get married? I can't believe it."

"Yes we are, and before you say anything, we know it's long overdue."

Some background is probably necessary to put everything in proper perspective. Bill and Rita have had an ongoing relationship for a good five years or more now. Before they met where they both work, Bill was divorced, while Rita lost her husband to cancer. Not long after Bill's divorce was finalized, he lost both his parents in a tragic car accident. Since his father was the founder and head of a very successful law firm in Chicago, and he also did very well investing in the stock market on information he garnered from some of his corporate clients, it left Bill and his twin brother with a sizable inheritance. Unlike their father, neither Bill or his brother followed in his footsteps. Bill liked working with his hands and was a carpenter at the time. As for his share of the inheritance, it was substantial enough for him not to work any longer at his age if he chose not to. But he did, by studying, and through a short apprenticeship after getting his license, became a masseur. Might sound strange, but apparently it was a lifelong dream of his. Plus with now being all but independently wealthy, he could set his own hours based on the number of clients he had. And it also explains the beautiful home he has in the country, which he could easily afford, and had built to his own specifications. By becoming a masseur, it's how he met Rita, since she's a masseuse and works at the same massage parlor, and was prior to him working there.

Once they became a "couple" they cohabitated split between Rita's townhouse in town during the week, and Bill's place in the country on weekends, which for them is Sunday and Monday. They've been living together for a good three years, and it was only a matter of time before they made the relationship "official" as she put it since they've been totally dedicated to each other. Actually I'm surprised it took so long, but obviously they weren't in any rush.

"Congratulations, and I'm so happy for both of you. When is the big day?"

"In December. December 11th to be exact. We're going to be married by the Justice of the Peace at the town hall since we want it to be a private ceremony without much fanfare. I want you, Lacey, to be my one and only bridesmaid. Obviously my sister Teresa will be the maid of honor. As for you Walter, Bill would like you to be the one and only groomsman while Bill's brother John, will be the best man."

"I'd be honored Bill...thank you." Walter then asked..."Why December 11th, with it being so close to the holidays?"

Rira answered..."Because it's the day we first met. Bill was interviewing with Paula, and as part of the process she asked him to give me a massage. She figured I would be more objective than she'd be. Needless to say, it was a great massage and she hired him. And so you'll know, after the marriage ceremony, and later that evening, we're planning on a small dinner party at Pino's, of which we'll invite a few friends. Obviously Teresa's husband and John's wife will be there, Brenda for sure, Cindy and David, Bob and Lois, and Paula and Edna from work, along with their husbands. That's it for now, although we might include a few others like Cindy and David by the time we send out invitations. Once again we want to keep it simple and private as we can by limiting it to just close friends."

"You couldn't have picked a better restaurant, and if I remember right, it does have a private room for such occasions. What are your plans for a honeymoon, or are you even considering one?"

"Yes we are, but with one little twist. We want you and Walter, Teresa and Rodger to go with us, and Bill's brother John and his wife Beverly if they can manage it schedule wise."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes we are. We figure at this stage of our relationship it would be more of a vacation, and what better way to enjoy it than to have the people who mean the most to us to join us."

After looking at Walter..."And where do you plan to go for this vacation as you call it?"

"It's actually a cruise, but not until after the holidays in early January. A ten day cruise to be exact in the Caribbean. It'll be a first for both of us."

"Oh my...I'd love to go. It's been ages since we've been on a cruise." After which I looked at Walter again.

"What are you looking at me for? You already seem to have made up your mind for us." He then looked at Bill and Rita..."I guess you can count us in, and it has been a while since I've taken an actual vacation from work."

Rita squealed in delight..."I'm so pleased. Thank you, thank you, Walter. Now I don't know about anyone else, but I need another glass of wine to celebrate."

While Walter and Bill were getting another round of drinks I sat next to Rita and gave her a big hug and loving kiss..."I'm so happy for you Rita. For a while I was thinking you two would never get married."

"Me too, and I'm pleased to say it was Bill, who out of the blue said it was time. Not that we haven't discussed it a hundred times or more."

When Walter handed Rita her wine..."Thank you Walter, and for agreeing to go on the cruise with us, of which Bill will share the details with you later so you can make reservations." Rita then looked at me..."Now it's time to change the subject, and for you Lacey, to share more about the meet and greet since you seemed to drop the subject a bit too quickly earlier. Knowing you, I have the distinct feeling you didn't share everything with us. And the most important things."

"Maybe I did leave out a few minor details."

"When you say 'minor details', it's probably the most interesting part, or parts. Or at least the parts I want to hear. So are you going to willingly, or do I have to sit here and pout until you do."

And she would have, which would have left me with a problem as far as Walter if I fessed up. There's nothing he enjoys more than for me to be beating his man meat as I share the intimate details of any encounters I've had without him, which usually is with another woman, or women in this case.

After giving it some thought, I knew if I tried to make an excuse because of Walter, it wouldn't fly with Rita. She'd have reminded me we never kept anything from each other, which was true as we always share everything freely. Since the four of us have been sexually intimate with each other for as long as we've known each other, and I can trust them to be discreet, I simply explained the ritual Walter and I had and suggested we could do the next best thing. Me sharing it with everyone in the same manner. That way Walter wouldn't feel cheated, and Bill and Rita could participate in things.

As soon as I finished, Rita decided to make it even more interesting..."I've got an even better idea. While you tell us about it, I'll masturbate Walter, while you do Bill?"

Walter and Bill looked at each other before Bill said..."You won't hear me objecting."

Rita was quick to add..."You need to understand Bill, it's not going to be a one way street as far as us pleasuring you two without us getting something in return."

"I figured as much."

"Same here."...added Walter. "It goes without saying when it's just Lacey and I, we go well beyond her just masturbating me. So I wouldn't expect anything less with the four of us. Actually, I'd be disappointed. Now be prepared for a great hand job Bill, as Lacey is very good at it while describing one of her lesbian encounters. She'll handle your dick like a maestro does his baton as she goes through the intimate details."