Power Versus Submission Ch. 01: Denny


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So far so good I guessed. I didn't mind my family meeting Denny. In fact it would make things so much easier for me to serve her and I am definitely in favour of that! Den continued to groan as she spoke while I worked my tongue around her clit and used two fingers to push inside her, admittedly very tight, teenage hole. I couldn't help but giggle to myself thinking of how badly a few boys from her class would like to be in my place now knowing that Denny is an avowed lesbian and would have nothing to do with any of them.

'Now this is the hard part sis. As I said Tahlia has had Carly under surveillance and quite likes the boy she has been seeing. Tay has actually made friends with him and they've really hit it off. Seems like he has quite the hots for your little girl as well. And from what Tay says Carly isn't shy about her sexuality either. But try not to worry, it's totally natural! We're all at this age and you can't expect me to be having all the fun!'

Denny groaned again in pleasure as my tongue and fingers worked in unison to help her cum. It's difficult to think of anything other than the person you are pleasuring when you're in the position I found myself just then but my head was spinning. What were these Girls planning to do with my beautiful daughter? Denny regained her composure as the next wave of pleasure passed,

'Tahlia wants you to give Carly your blessing to keep seeing him. She wants you to arrange for Carly to be free on weekends and overnights to spend with him. Nature will take its course and Tahlia thinks she would like Carly to be sexually active with this guy. So that's what's going to happen, yeah?'

With her hand in my hair and my tongue busy in her pussy, Denny nodded my head forward as if though she was forcing me to agree. Truth is I couldn't stand this guy Carly had been seeing and no way in the World would I ever acquiesce to her losing her virginity to him. Not that it was my choice obviously. But the thought of actually helping to encourage them? It actually made me quite sick.

But you know the silly thing? I was more upset for myself that they could do this to Carly just because I was too stupid and weak to stop them from blackmailing me while I still had the chance. It wasn't Carly I was worried about, it was me. I saw myself as a failure as a parent at that moment for perhaps the only time in my life. David and I had even talked about this before I had met Tahlia. We did not want our little girl seeing that guy!

And then Denny cum on my face. For the first time I was actually humiliated.

And this is the part where I am actually a victim. While I love being with Denny, it made me sick to the stomach every time Tay wielded her power over me and by extension my family. This was unacceptable and Denny knew how I would feel yet she is still willing to tell me that I have to help make it happen.

Tahlia is clever.

She hasn't done anything to arouse suspicion yet with David and Carly but she has full access to all our money, passwords and pin numbers. For the first time since I was in University I am forced to shop for our groceries to a budget that she sets. And I have to send her the receipt. Absolutely no impulse buying allowed and definitely no special treats for Carly. It's only been a few weeks so I don't know if Carly has noticed yet but when she goes to the cupboard for something I've always bought her, like chocolate topping for her ice cream as an example, and we've run out and I'm not allowed to replace it because our money no longer belongs to us, it just another thing that adds to the anxiety and terror I live with every day.

Thank god for Denny!

But even now as she washes me (once I have washed her, she insists on doing the same for me) I can't help but feel a little betrayed by her. I know it's not Denny's fault and I'm just being naïve, of course her number one priority is anything Tahlia wants, she is an integral member of the gang, one of its three leaders, and loyal to Tahlia to a fault, but I still thought, well hoped, that maybe the past few weeks had meant as much to her as it did to me. That she might help stick up for me, or help me to protect Carly. It is silly but for the first time since I've known her, I actually felt a little hurt.

I just wanted to dry up and get her dressed to take her home so I could be alone with my family now. I felt like just putting on my dressing gown and cuddling with my Husband while we watched a movie together, same as we always used to. But I don't control anything now, do I?

I think Denny sensed my vulnerability. She can already read me like a book, even after only a few weeks together. Says that as a submissive personality herself, she understands every emotion I'm having all the time. That a lot of the things I go through with her, she has been through with Tay. She once asked me if I could understand the heartache she goes through being in love with Tay yet never ever having a chance of that love being rescinded. It's the only time I've seen her cry. That's a powerful thing watching your Mistress cry, you put them on such a pedestal above You, and then see that they're only human, as a submissive you just feel so helpless at that point.

I could tell Denny knew,

'I know what you're thinking Robbie. I know you're going through a patch where you wish you could just have your old life back. To be honest I'm a bit hurt. I thought what we had together, with you as my little sis, was way stronger than anything Tay throws at you.

You see Robbie the trouble with you, and the whole reason you've still got so much learning to do if you are going to learn to serve properly, is that you still want to put yourself first. That's not our place as submissives. We are here to serve the wishes of the ones that we love, it's not even negotiable. You need to understand that anything I do as your Mistress and Owner, anything I say is in your best interests. And in our best interests.

It's not your concern where my instructions come from, where my beliefs are formed, why I ask you to do the things that I do. All you need to know is that as my sis I am very close to you, I love you and will protect you and you should follow and respect everything I say without question or hesitation.

Now, I've never needed to correct you before, not like this, but you very obviously need to be reminded of your position beneath me.'

Tears poured down my cheeks as I finished drying her. What she was saying might have all been true if I were a willing submissive but I'm not, I'm actually being forced into this position and right at that moment I no longer wanted to play and just wanted my family back. I held my tongue though as I dried her feet making sure to towel between each toe. I had no choice. If Denny was ever to report anything back to Tahlia that I said that could be construed as me upsetting her, well the threat had been pretty obvious. It would have been a clear breach of my rules.

'I'm sorry you're upset at me Denny.'

I was actually crying now, talking as best I could between breaths, as I quietly sobbed beneath my Mistress.

'I am actually really dedicated to always making you happy. Along with Carly you are the most important person in my World right now, all I want is for you to be happy and contented and be glad to have me serve you. I'd do anything to protect you, same as I would with Carly. It's making me cry knowing that you are annoyed at me right now, I just wish you and Tahlia could understand why it's so important to me to protect my own daughter. And absolutely I would want to do the same thing for you.'

Denny smiled at me, 'Stand up sis.'

I had finished drying Denny now and we were both still naked.

'Look at us,' she half laughed, 'the first time you've ever disappointed me. Give me a hug right now.'

I smiled back at her, I could still see the unhappiness in her eyes, that I no longer wanted this. I wondered what she read into my own feelings. So mixed. Absolutely I was sick and tired of the submission, the rules, the blackmail, losing control of my ability to make my own decisions for my own family. What did Tahlia think gives her the right to make any decisions for me regarding Carly? Yet by the same token I could no longer bear the thought of not having Denny in my life. I think I really did love her.

We hugged briefly but when I went to release she wouldn't let go. Denny leant in to my ear and whispered,

'Uh uh sis. You don't decide when the hug ends, that's for me to choose. Now, as I was saying before you started crying like a baby, you need to be reminded of your position below me. I'm not going home tonight. That's my decision as your Mistress. Accept it. I'm going to meet with David and Carly and have dinner with you all. You will be meek and mild toward me, but still friendly and outgoing. I'll be judging your attitude at dinner time little girl, remember who owns you. After dinner, you will ask David to do the dishes while you go to your room and serve your punishment while I spend the evening getting to know and be friends with Carly.'

While she spoke, Denny ran her hands possessively across the top of my butt and around my back.

'In your room you will be required to write 500 lines, neatly and handwritten, I will be judging you on presentation to present to me when you drive me home tonight. The lines will read as follows:

Denny always has my best interests at heart and I will not question her or Tahlia. Ever.

You need this instilled into your thinking and I won't hesitate to make you repeat the same task nightly until you remember it. Nod for me if you understand.'

I nodded sadly.

'Good, okay then sis let's go and get dressed then.'

I don't think anyone can truly understand how mind numbingly boring it is to write lines for someone unless you've actually done it. Dinner was great, both Carly and David loved Denny, as I knew they would. She has this infectious personality that just draws you to her. I think I did a good job holding up my end of the bargain. David was actually picking up Carly after school tonight so it was convenient that they would both arrive home together.

When I introduced Denny to them, still wearing her school uniform, as was Carly hers, I think at first they were quite taken back. I made up a story as close to the truth as possible and introduced Denny as one of the girls I was helping through my work saying that she was different to my normal type of case. I said that with my boss and the agreement of Denny's family we all thought it would be a good idea for her to see how a normal family co-existed in our type of environment for fourteen days. I guessed there would be some fallout from David that I hadn't discussed this with him first but I just hoped that Denny would leave the impression on him that she did.

In terms of being 'meek and mild' towards her as per my instructions, I think I did a good job. I offered to refill her cup when it was empty, and was a very gracious host toward her, taking her plate and always giving her first choice on the food we had made available.

But as I sat in my room writing my lines I couldn't help but let my mind wander down the hallway to my daughter's room. Knowing that they were in there with the door shut supposedly doing their homework I couldn't help but think of what was really happening. And given I hadn't cum in days and Tahlia kept me constantly on edge, I couldn't help but be aroused at being kept outside that loop. I imagined Denny seducing Carly, my daughter, and as much as I hated the thought of it, my pussy still quietly leaked away into my underwear.

So when Denny ran into my room to come and get me I was more than a little surprised.

She said that while Carly was in the toilet it was the perfect chance for me to hide in Carly's room so I could listen. I was hurriedly shoved into Carly's closet before Denny slammed the door on me. It instantly reminded me of Tahlia trapping me in that school locker back when this all first started.

My adrenalin pumped as fear and anxiety took over, we were honestly this close to being caught. If I had to sneeze or cough the game was up. But before I had time to consider it too far Carly was back in the room, her door was shut and I was trapped, neatly hidden away, and forced to listen.

I heard Denny's voice first, 'so tell me about your Mum?'

Then Carly, 'what about her? She's okay she's just my Mum, same as most Mum's I guess, why?'

'She's such a pushover Carly, haven't you noticed? Don't tell me you haven't tested her out yet?'

Carly stood up for me though, 'what? No way is she like that! Do you even know how many girls she has helped? I tell you what Denny, she just wants you to think that way.'

Denny laughed, 'yeah you could be right. But do you want me to give you an example? You know that guy you told me about, what's his name again, Brad, was it? Well you told me there's no way Your Mum would have agreed to you seeing him a few weeks ago and now look at you both. You see him all the time and what does your Mum do? Nothing. I think you could really push her on this issue Carly.'

'I don't know. I just think while I'm on a good thing stick with it. Mum has seemed really distracted lately, said there's been a lot going on at work and that she has just needed some more time than usual. So I don't think me being with Brad is the top of her priorities at the moment, you know? I don't want to push her in case she stops me from seeing him again, that's all.'

Then Denny's voice started again, 'you know Carly I think you'd be very surprised. There's so much about your Mum you obviously don't know right now. You are right, your Mum has been distracted a lot lately. Have you ever heard of her talk about someone called Tahlia or Tay?'

'No, I don't think so. Mum doesn't really talk about any of the kids she helps with me, she might talk to Dad but never me. Why? What is it about Tahlia?'

'There's nothing really about her as such. It's just she is one of these kids that always gets her own way. With the teachers at her school, the other kids, everyone. I don't know if your Mum has met anyone like her before. Anyway Tahlia thinks your Mum is really submissive, that if you ask her for things in the right type of the way, that she will always agree.'

I could barely believe what I was hearing, I loved Denny so much why was she doing this to me?

'You should ask your Mum about spending more time with Brad. Get her now while all this stuff is going on with her at work. And here's the secret right. Tell her I told you about Tahlia, say that I said Tahlia says it will be okay. I can guarantee if you say it like that, your Mum will agree to just about anything. And then it's not really your fault is it? It's mine.'

'No way!' Carly's voice sounded incredulous. 'If you're wrong, Mum would ground me for years!'

'Okay then, and if I'm right? You heard your Mum tonight, we have got a couple of weeks together, if you ask her and do it like I said, by mentioning Tahlia, and she grounds you I will come and sit here with you and do the grounding with you. That's how confident I am about this. You haven't seen the things I have Carly. You don't understand what Tahlia has done to your Mum. You could totally use it to your advantage.

Anyway it's up to you Carly, if you want to make it happen, it definitely can!'

Denny then changed the subject back to the homework they were studying while I remain stuck in the closet. I was so upset at Denny, firstly with what she did to me this afternoon, using my face as her masturbation toy while thinking of Carly, and now with this further betrayal. I was close to tears again, I had really fallen for this girl yet in two instances today she had shown how much I actually meant to her. I was truly heartbroken.

I know this was of my own making, that I should never have considered Denny anything but an enemy, just one of the three schoolgirls that through deception and blackmail actually controlled my life now. But I had allowed myself to believe that she could be on my side that she might stand up for me when I needed her. That she might have enjoyed having me as her little sis as much as I enjoyed being there for her.

Then before I even knew what was happening I had been released from the closet, unseen by anyone except Denny, and we were back in my car so I could drive her home. I looked over at her as we sat in my driveway with tears in my eyes. The playful glint in her eye was gone, the cute dimples nowhere to be seen. Could she be feeling guilty about what she had done? Maybe she did care about me?

"You're a lot more fun to hang around with when you're not crying all the time. Here give me the keys. Right now. I'm going to drive us home.'

I was incredulous, 'I'm sorry Denny but you are not driving my car. You're not licensed to start with. And there's no way my insurance will cover it if you crash.'

'The fuck I'm not driving this car. Have you forgotten who is in charge again? Even after writing all those lines? Where are they by the way? Did you even bring them? And if I want to drive your car, I will. You've got things to do on the way back to my place and you won't be able to drive. Give me the keys now before I ring Tahlia.'

Sulking, I pulled the keys out of the ignition and handed them to her sitting in the passenger seat.

'I don't know what's got in to you today sis. You were coping with this so well. I even enjoyed hanging out with you. You're way cooler than most adults I know. And I'm slowly turning you into a kick arse pussy licker as well. But all you've done today is cry and whine. If you're going to be like this I'll just give you back to Tahlia. I don't think she'll be too happy if I have to return my gift, will she?'

I was that angry with her right now, with my life, with what they were doing to it, I couldn't even speak. She didn't care about me at all. I stared at her for a second before angrily getting out of the driver's seat and stomping around to where she sat as my passenger, it was clear she wasn't moving until I opened the door for her. It was something she insisted on, that I always open doors and the like for her. I forcibly swung it open.

'Have you even got Learner plates!' I spat at her angrily.

She grinned at me, like she was playing a game.

'That's bold of you.'

Her tone was even and I could sense her contempt for me and my tantrum.

'And not the attitude I want to see from you sis. Go back around get back in your side and do it again. Properly this time.'

It took all my patience not to slam the door back in her face. Bold of me? I actually thought I was being quite controlled in the circumstance! The only thing that stopped me is if either David or Carly heard doors slamming that they would come straight out to investigate. I took a moment to regain my composure. She sat there playing with her phone like teenagers do now days grinning away happily, like she thought this was funny. I was furious. I stomped back around to the driver's side again opened my door and got in.

Before I had a chance to get back out again she stopped me.

'Right. You have one minute to explain yourself. Why you won't stop crying and upsetting me. And what just happened right now . . . Go! Try to remember not to include yourself in the explanation . . . slave'

I had never seen her look so serious. Denny had never ever called me a slave before. And the way she said it, it was so condescending, like it's a dirty word. It is a dirty word! I never considered myself her slave, I am so much better than that! I had done so much for her. Was that how she truly saw me? Speaking to me in that fashion had the same effect as tipping a bucket of cold water over me, was I being a brat? God, I didn't even know what to say to her!