Prettiest Family


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Marissa swallowed. She swallowed! my head sang, that has to mean something! Oh, she's licking her lips! Oh, Goddess!

I lifted the breast closest to her and said, "Do you want to taste it? I mean, I know you've tried it once or twice, but not straight from me. Do you want to try?"

I held my breast, nervously watching her face. She blushed, looked at me with a mix of fear and...what is that? Lust? Could it be?

She simply nodded and leaned down to tentatively lick my nipple. She slurped the milk a bit, looked nervously at me, then did it again. I almost closed my eyes as a wave of ecstasy rushed through me, but knew I had to do this right. I didn't just want my Sweetheart and I to rush into something; it was Love, and I was planning to tell her everything.

I reached out to her soft cheek and stroked it. I led her face near mine and looked searchingly into her green eyes with my brown.

" You do know I love you, right?" I asked her.

"Yes," she breathed.

"I want to talk to you about something, and I need you to keep being my friend afterward."

"Of course!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around me, unwittingly pressing her sweet breast against my leaking one, "You are my family, I'm not leaving you! What will I have to do to convince you?" she added, looking seriously into my eyes.

I smiled reassuringly.

We put on towels and reclined on cushions, snuggled together tightly. I could feel myself aroused and comforted all at once, and I struggled to keep from pressing my pussy furtively against her long thigh. I was hyper aware of our near nakedness in a way I had never been before, my skin tingling and burning. Suddenly, I could feel her respond to our closeness. I didn't know how I could feel it; perhaps it was this new awareness in my skin, but I knew she felt something for me besides sisterly love.

My heart sang and flipped about with joy and apprehension. What if I was terrible? What if I lost my nerve at the last moment? What if sex with a woman wasn't quite suited to me? What if one of us met a man and fell in love?

"Are you okay?" she asked worriedly.

"Yeah," I whispered.

"Tell me, you're worrying me."

I struggled with how to start. A million voices filled my head with words. I concentrated on her eyes in the candle light. My hand shook as I placed it on her cheek, and I understood that this was the first time I had ever touched her with pure desire. It gave me courage.

"I...," I stared at her face, her lips parted, her perfect eyes, her sweet nose, her rounded cheekbones.

"I love you," I whispered.

Her eyes widened in surprise. I could see her wondering if she was hearing right.

"Go on," she urged, lifting her head to see me more clearly, her hand supporting it.

"I love you so much!" Tears formed in my eyes, but I couldn't stop now!

"I need you to know, it's not just..friendship anymore. Maybe it never really was, I don't know. I just know that I love you and I think about kissing you all the time, and I've been terrified of losing you!"

I covered my eyes with my hand for a moment. That was not the way I meant to say it, I was going to seduce her, convince her, and here I was, acting like a child!

She took my hand away from my face gently, and put it back on her cheek. She put her arm further around me and leaned over me, forcing me to look at her. She had the beginning of tears in her eyes, as well, as she leaned in a bit closer.

"I love you too," she said quietly, "I'm so fucking in love with you, I feel like my heart's going to burst into flame sometimes."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as she bent her head slowly toward mine. Our lips touched, and she slid hers along mine. The sensation was so erotic, and my feelings were so turbulent. Relief, fear, lust, burning love all mixed together made me want to smother her mouth with mine, yet I wanted this moment to last forever. How long, I wondered, could we keep from tearing at each other in a frenzy? God, why did I wait so long?

Words started puring out of us between increasingly eager kisses:

She: "I didn't know! I thought it was just me! You seemed so frightened of lesbians!"

Me: "I would have told you, but I thought Max and I might lose you, and I couldn't live without you!"

She: "I didn't know how long I could stand not touching you; you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!"

Me: "God, you're so perfect! What are we going to do about..."

She covered my lips with hers again, silencing me.

"We'll worry about that later," she said in a voice tinged with smokey lust, "Right now-this-this is just for us. This is our time. Let's not let some closed-minded assholes get in the way of something so... sacred"

We stared at each other, and a stillness came over us, like time had stopped for a second. I knew, suddenly, that this was one of those magic moments I would never forget; it would be tattooed on my soul.

The next kiss was... "holy", was the only word I had to describe it. I felt ribbons of love, desire, destiny, union slipping into me, wrapping themselves into every cell of my body, claiming and owning me. The beauty of it brought fresh tears to my eyes, which my Love kissed and drank before dipping back into my mouth. She tasted and smelled of honey and the ocean and myrrh.

Her hand touched my throat, and slightly gripped. I opened my eyes and looked at her. Her thigh between mine moved higher, pressing slowly up into my pussy. Hot bolts shot though me and I gasped. I realized that I had never been so turned on, and, for a second, I almost worried if I could stand it all, if there was some limit to how much a body could take. But, when I felt her damp pussy against my thigh, I stopped worrying about anything.

She pulled our towels off, almost angrily, then slowed her movements again, coming to rest almost all the way on top of me. We began to move together slowly, looking deeply into each other's eyes, our breath matching, our breasts touching. I wanted to feel our pussies together so badly! Before I could try to make that happen, her lips came down on my breast, which I realized had been leaking, and she hungrily sucked my nipple into her mouth.

I cried out a little as I felt my milk come down more, and pressed her head deeper into me, arching my back to get more of my tit inside her. She groaned and suckled rhythmically, driving me wild. She arched her back up then, giving me a beautiful view of her hips rising behind her head. Her fingers lightly brushed my hot, damp pussy, spreading my wetness around without putting much pressure. I tried to raise up a bit to get more contact, but her hand moved away.

She switched breasts and suckled more. I cried out louder now, my body arching and undulating. I was so close to losing control of movements; I wanted to simultaneously scratch and bite like a wild animal, and collapse and surrender. I wondered crazily how much time had passed; could it really only have been minutes?

She leaned up, brought one of her legs under mine and used it to lift my thigh. Suddenly, I knew what she was trying to do; get us both slick and wet before bringing our pussies in contact. I also knew that, with anyone else in the world, this simple contact would not have satisfied me nearly enough. But, with my Love, it would be more than enough.

We rocked together, looking at each other, watching out breasts sway, watching our expressions shift from adoration to gratitude to lust and back around again. The sight of this perfect woman, my Darling, looking at me as if the world began and ended with me was indescribably wondrous! We moaned and whimpered and panted together, and she struggled to get words out...

"I fucking love you!" she whispered fiercely, "I want to marry you, I want you to be my wife, I want to make love to you every fucking day!"

We shoved together more forcefully now, her words spurring us. I felt...owned by her as I joyfully ground my pussy against her.

"Yes!" I cried out, "I'm yours! You're my life!"

Then it began, the final descent into what I knew would one of the most defining moments of my existence; we started to cum together.

"I love you, oh god, I do!" I cried out desperately as I started to cum.

"I love you, I love you, I love yooooou!" she uttered again and again, until my whole body, soul, heart, mind exploded with exquisite ecstasy.

She fell on me, her head on my chest, her sweat and tears mingling with my milk, which had streamed out as I came. We both cried and rocked in each other's arms overwhelmed with love and gratitude. We eventually ended up locked together with her face against my breast, her mouth idly sucking on my nipple.

The phone rang. I knew I had to answer, that it was probably Linda about the baby. Luckily, we had brought the phone close to us, so I didn't have to untangle too much.

"Ohhh," Linda said quietly after I panted a "hello" into the phone, "You sound good! But, Maxie wants his mommies now. I'll be there in a few minutes, sweetie."

I sighed heavily, starting to move, but Marissa stopped me and gripped tighter.

"No. We're not getting up unless we have to. I don't care if she sees us like this. Here..."

She pinned my wrists with one of her hands and grabbed a blanket with the other, pulling it over us, then snuggled back into my embrace. I fought off embarrassment, telling myself that Linda wouldn't care what she saw, and would even be happy for us, and the baby would just be happy to have us close to him again. His Mommies.

Mommies...the word was music to my ears, yet sparked some distant fear of Max being in school and trying to describe what it meant to kids and teachers. I shuddered and decided to leave that thought for later, but the fear did linger some.

I realized she was still suckling at me, and laughingly told her to save some for the baby. With a pout, she leaned up and kissed me one last time before the door softly opened to Linda with our sleeping boy in her arms.

We "ohhhed" quietly as she placed him between us. He woke enough to look around, saw my nipple pointing right at him, and settled into suckling himself to sleep again. We all chuckled a bit, looking at him with the kind of adoration a beautiful baby deserves. Linda leaned down and kissed us both on the cheek, then quietly slipped out the door, saying softly,

"Good night, beautiful family!"

We eventually decided to move into bed, and got ourselves settled in. Max was asleep enough now to be in his own little bed next to ours, but Marissa spooned around me as we stared down at him.

"I hope it's okay for me to say this, my Love, but Max feels...more mine, now."

I turned to look at her, smoothing my hands through her soft hair, letting her know I was listening.

"I don't mean that possessively.."

"Oh, I know!" I said reassuringly.

"It's just...I feel even more like we're a family now, like he's our baby, he belongs with us."

I smiled with genuine joy filling my heart.

"My Sweetheart, my darling Love, if anyone has earned the right to be a parent, it's you!" I said, stroking her cheek. She kissed me hard and squeezed me tightly.

"When did you know for sure, Love?" I asked her.

"I already knew I felt turned on by your beautiful body back when we were just kids. And I felt like, once we were here together when you were pregnant, we were bonded in a way I'd never felt with another person before, but I didn't want you to know how sexy you looked. But, I didn't know how bonded we were until the day Max was born. You got into the position you wanted and got ready to push, looked deep into my eyes, and I swear I saw the whole universe being born right there inside you! I saw darkness and stars and galaxies! When the baby slipped out and you turned over to hold him, and we both fell madly in love with him, that was the moment I knew..."

I kissed her cheek and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"There was this second when you were holding him, the nurses and midwife were done checking you and the afterbirth was done with, and they left us alone. Remember?"

I nodded and grinned.

"I saw all this glowing golden light surround us, watched Maxie get pinker as he breathed and nursed, and I held you around your back, and I felt like a proud dad must feel at that moment, like the world couldn't be more miraculously perfect."

Brushing tears out of my eyes, I said, "Even all bloody and fat, you still fell for me?"

She chuckled at me, and tickled me a bit, making me squeal.

"YOU, my sweet, have never been fat, and even if you weighed 200 pounds, you would still be the sexiest creature I've ever laid eyes on!"

""Ha!" I laughed, "Go look in the mirror sometime! The stares you get walking anywhere make me afraid someone's just going to walk up and kidnap out of desperation! When have you not had some guy falling at your feet?"

"No guy is getting near me as long as you're in front of me," she held me down possessively, my spine thrilling. I felt so feminine when she pinned me!

"I can't fucking see anyone but you when you're around me!" she went on, "I'm pathetic! God, there are times when I watch you walking with the baby in his sling, and I think my heart will burn away with love."

I leaned up and pressed her mouth into mine. It was so strange kissing a girl, and so not strange, all at once. I told her so, and she said,

"Yeah, I know what you mean. You know I have loved kissing guys, but this is so different, yet more similar than I thought it would be, ya know?"

I nodded enthusiastically.

"There were moments," she went on, her voice and face full of wonder, "where I almost forgot my gender, where I was a man and a woman all at once. I wanted to posses you, take you."

"You did," I said, wrapping my arms around her neck, "you do."

She looked at me eyes, and kissed me deeply, reawakening my body so fast, I was breathless when she pulled back.

"Sweetie," she whispered, then broke into a yawn, "We need to sleep. Maxie will get us up soon."

I sighed and snuggled into her neck, smelling her scent combined with my own.

"You're right. I'm exhausted."

We burrowed in, locking our limbs as tight as we could.

"I love you so," I whispered.

"I love you, Laura."

Our hands caressed each other's breasts and necks until sleep overtook us.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

On the surface this is a romantic story with a happy ending.

A deeper read reveals a relationship based on codependency (enabler & codependent)

Blazing hot like the sun - eventually it burns out.

kaleonanikaleonaniover 2 years ago

What a beautiful way to end up together and being so in love. The mind doesn't have the power to fulfill the true love one can feel for another, only the heart can determine the true nature of that intimacy and that goes for any relationship. Two women together and in love is the most beautiful thing ever and they should never be ashamed of coming out. Lesbians can be tough on each other but with so many beautiful women in this world that makes it tougher for them. Thank you for your beautiful story that was obviously written with an awesome imagination and experience.

gjames17gjames17about 9 years ago
Thank You!!!

This tender story was so sweet, beautiful, and emotional. Very, very well done. I would love to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
What can I say...

...that hasn't already been said? If I went deeply into what I thought of this story, I'd very quickly run out of superlatives. It was simply beautiful, Nami. Now why the hell don't you write some more for this site because there is real talent there. Don't waste it!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

This is one of the best stories I have ever read. The characters were amazing they worked so well together and they were perfect for each other. I wish there was a second part.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

wow i just simply love this story.

namidaboshinamidaboshiover 13 years ago

This is one of the best lesbian romance stories I've ever read in this site. Please write more. And if you can spare the time, please write a sequel for this wonderful story. I would love to know what's happening with the "Prettiest Family".

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

I have read many stories on here and this is by far the best. I keep coming back to it. You made it so realistic and sweet that I can't help but tear up. Keeping writing and hopefully we can get a sequel to such an awe inspiring story. Much love Ashley.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

This story is, without a doubt, one of the best ones I have ever read. It is tender and loving, and so beautifully captures the unique love between two women. I certainly hope you continue to write stories like this - you have a true gift!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Loved it!

A beautiful story, Nami! Keep on writing!

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