Prettiest Girl in the Room


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Candice went over her own qualities. She was well educated, very smart, had a great personality, a fabulous sense of humor, was faithful, loving, charming, kind, exciting, interesting and above all, quite simply the hottest and most gorgeous woman that Eric would ever meet.

In a nutshell, Eric had to know that Candice was always going to be the prettiest girl in the room.

In addition, she had no illusions that if given half the chance, she would easily be the best lover he had ever had as well. But that last thought irked her. Candice felt that had she not fucked up, Eric probably would have waited months if necessary to get into her pants, only now, things wouldn't be so simple. If she wanted Eric back then she was going to have to fight for him and clearly be the aggressor. She had lost her advantage and she knew she might have caused him to lose the passion and desire he had once displayed so eagerly for her.

She rolled her eyes in misery and kept staring at her naked body. Eric had wanted to start a relationship with her and had pleaded that they start dating in earnest. Undoubtedly she could have put off making love to him for weeks or even months until they had really gotten to know each other and solidified their feelings for each other. Only now she was relegated to collecting leftover scraps of memories and feelings he still might have for her. Still, she had to try.

The rings went into voice mail. She was clearly the hunter as opposed to the hunted. But she needed to take her best shot. Eric had shown an intense desire and willingness to bring Candice front and center into his life, and now she was determined to stir up those same feelings in him. If he was still enamored with her, or perhaps maybe somehow falling in love with her, then she was certain that keeping her in his memory would give her the chance to plead her cause.

She really was the fabulous woman he had originally thought her to be. She was interested in him and not primarily his money.

Now that Brian and Gerald had drifted to the sidelines and proved they had no real feelings for her at all, she was able to crystalize her thoughts and chase the cobwebs out of her once confused brain.

Eric had really cherished the thought of dating her once, and she had been fully smitten with his charms. He was a great guy and she was willing to humble herself to go after him.

She snatched the phone off the table and held it to her sexy thick lips at the sound of the beep. She wanted to leave him a message.

"Hi. Eric? It's Candice. I miss our friendship and have been thinking about you. I'd like us to meet so we can chat. As you may or may not know, I no longer work at the bank. So if you do want to reach me, please call me here, on my cell. I'll be waiting for your call. Bye."

She thought at first that pleading so profusely would seem akin to grovelling, but her message felt good, and it felt right. She was willing to lower herself to make amends.

Having the excess baggage of the uncaring Brian and Gerald cluttering up the mix had caused her to lose focus of where her mind and heart had really drifted. But now she clearly understood that she had developed strong feelings for Eric since meeting him, especially after reading and re-reading the love scenes in his book. Not only did the torrid passages turn her on, but they ignited in her mind, the certainty that he would thrill her with both unbridled excitement and extreme tenderness should she one day decide to take the lovemaking plunge with him. But first she had to get him wanting her again.

She stopped admiring herself in the mirror, then she walked calmly back to the bathroom, snatching her phone back up to take with her. If he were going to phone her and invite her to a lunch or dinner, then she wanted her skin to be fresh, silky and perfumed. She suddenly felt devilish and deliciously wicked. Would she dare make love to a man so soon after meeting him? She had never done so before. Her rule of thumb was generally to wait six months. But Eric was the man of her dreams, and she was only too well aware that in such a case, her rule of thumb might well end up right out the window.

Candice was most concerned with following her heart and her instincts. She was not concerned with following etched in stone rules that in this case, might prove counter-productive. After all, as things now stood, it was her trying to make an impression on him and not the other way around. He was not the kind of man that was ever going to have difficulty finding women.

Eric was, however, someone who could forsake all others and focus in on just one gal should the right one come his way. And Candice knew in her heart of hearts that she was, without a doubt, the right one about to come his way yet again, only this time, she would be taking no prisoners. All was fair in love and war, and she was desperate to fall in love and stay in love once more. Only this time for good!


Four o'clock in the afternoon. She could feel herself coming apart at the seams. Surely he had gotten her message by now. So why wasn't he calling her back?


Eight o'clock in the evening. She sighed. Still no damn return call. She wondered why. Was he done with her for good? Or maybe he was still crazy about her, except that he supposed she was only going to try and milk him for more money? The thought depressed her. Still, she trudged on.

While she was waiting for him to hopefully call back, she googled his name in an effort to perhaps learn more about him. If he wouldn't come to the mountain then maybe she would have to find a way to come to him. She typed in the words 'book signings' next to his name. Something interesting popped up at once.

Eric had told her when he'd signed her book at the mall that he often did book signings. A few each and every month. Surely he would be doing some soon. The thought made her smile mischievously. If she could show up at one of his signings and chat with him, then...then...maybe, just maybe...stranger things had happened.

She scoured the computer screen and noted that he was due to give a book signing in three days in a nearby town. It was a two hour drive, but if it would get her in front of him for a few minutes, then she could plead her case and then let the chips fall where they may.

She was ready to hand herself to him on a silver platter, and even come gift wrapped, but she wasn't going to make it a habit. She resolved in her mind to set limits for her proposed grovelling. She would make one final pitch at that upcoming book signing. And if he didn't respond favorably, then she would turn her back on him for good. She was fine with begging, but only up to a point, and only because it definitely was the man of her dreams and she could feel her heart aching.


The air was fresh and clean, with the road washed from efficient rains the night before.

She was amazed at how fast the last three days had flown by. Eric still hadn't returned her message, and she still hadn't left a second one. Yes she was desperate, but not stupid. If he did have feelings for her, then she knew that it was perhaps time to let him sweat it for a change. She had already done her share of the dirty work by leaving one message. The next time he heard her voice it would be unexpectedly at the book signing taking place at the Bargain Hunter's Mall over in Wilchesture County.

She sped it up a bit, and her tires, despite the dampness, hugged the curving road.

Ten o'clock. She had left a little late, and the thought irked her. The book signing was only going to go until one o'clock. She was only half way there, which meant by the time she reached, got parked, found the store and a book for him to sign, it would probably be twelve. Sometimes, however, a store would run out of books for him to sign, in which case he would probably end up leaving early. She hoped that would not be the case, and gripped the steering wheel more tightly.

Her spirit soared at the thought she would finally get to speak to him face to face. He was all she had been able to think about the last three days since leaving that message. She was certain now that her heart was smitten and keeping the rest of her hostage.

The sun began to peek out of the fluffy white clouds. Perhaps, if he did ask her to wait around, they might go for a walk along the beach, or maybe catch some wine and pasta at a local bistro.

A splotch of bird poop suddenly landed on her windshield. She laughed at the sight. It wasn't going to deter her from her plan, and that was to let her guy know exactly how she felt. And then, if he still wanted her to remain fucked off, she would certainly oblige him. But she had to be certain once and for all that she had given a possible relationship with Eric and really good try. Then, if she did have to move on, it wouldn't be so hard to take.

The next ninety minutes seem to evaporate even quicker than the puddles once left over from the night before.

The clouds had totally disappeared and the sun was front and center, causing her to dawn her sunglasses. It was a beautiful day, and she had high hopes.

The neon sign heralding the 'Bargain Hunter's Mall' was now in view, and she hit the bar causing the left handed signal to flash.

She veered inside, coming as close to the mall entrance as possible.

She glanced at her sizzling hot body as she got out of the car. She wore a short tight skirt, and her long silky smooth legs were like irresistible sticks of dynamite strapped into her four inch pumps. The only other thing she wore, was a flimsy halter top, which in no way was large enough to contain the bulging cleavage which threatened to set off boob alarms should there be any lurking about. She smiled at the silly thought then minced sexily past the mall entrance, spotting the bookstore immediately.

Slowly she began to feel her spirits sink at the sight of the long line snaking around the bookstore and right out into the mall. Fifty women? Maybe more? Thirty minutes to see him at least. But she remained patient. When she did finally get to see him, she knew that the sight of her would definitely give him something to think about.

She snatched a copy of the book off a table. He had already signed an identical book for her around a dozen days ago, but she was going to force him to sign one for her all over again, and thus also force him to give her that all important second look.

She was literally shaking as the line moved quickly and efficiently. Eric obviously wasn't in the mood for any prolonged flirting.

Candice clutched the book to her breasts, ignoring the heavy handed stares that were coming at her from every angle. She was obviously the sexiest women most of those in the line had ever seen, and Candice was going to make sure that Eric was forced to think upon that when she did reach him.

A commotion erupted behind her. She turned around just in time to spot a customer arguing vehemently with a sales clerk. The line had moved so quickly throughout the day that they had run out of books for Eric to sign.

Candice breathed a sigh of relief. Just a few minutes later and she would have been out of luck. As things now stood, there were only six women behind Candice in the line, and without any more books, the line was not going to get any longer.

Candice let the six women behind her slip in front of her. She was going to let them go ahead so that she could be the last in line. That would leave her with plenty of time to chat with Eric, and to even have lunch with him if he were of a mind to accept her invitation for pasta and wine at her expense. She needed to tell him exactly how she felt about him, and after that, whatever would be would be.

The line was moving quickly, and it wasn't long before the winding line now snaked to where she could get a clear view of Eric, slouched over books, signing them in rapid succession, smiling but not really into it. Still, he seemed to be making small talk and answering every question flung his way.

Candice supposed that it wasn't easy doing book signings all the time. Sometimes he might not feel up to it, but he had to keep on going. And he was probably smart enough to know that his millions would keep on multiplying if he kept mingling with the ladies.

Just two more ladies in front of her, and yet, he still hadn't looked behind the ladies standing in front of him. That meant he wasn't aware that in a minute or two he would be staring up at, supposedly and hopefully, the woman of his dreams.

Whatever happened, he would have to admit all over again that she was clearly and without a doubt, the prettiest girl in the room.

Now just one woman in front of her, and as she looked down she could see her impressive chest begin to rise and fall as she almost started to hyperventilate. She had to admit to herself that she really did love him. That was going to remain true even if there was so much about him that she didn't know and even if it was so short a time ago that their paths had crossed.

The woman in front of her was taking forever to ask insipid questions and-

Finally she said "thanks" and stepped aside.

His face reddened as they made eye contact. She had been deliberate in her attempt to stand directly behind each woman in front of her. She had not wanted to give him the chance to formulate a plan of what to say and how to say it. Nevertheless, his face said it all. He was shocked at the sight of her. He had never dreamed that she would seek him out, especially since he had taken the low road of not responding to her left message.

"Hi Eric. It's not like I was just in the neighborhood. I just had to see you."

He sighed. "I'll admit that it is very good to see you again," he confessed.

She felt uplifted and gratified. "So glad to hear you say that, Eric. I was hoping that we could go somewhere and chat. You seemed to be finished your book signing. Can I buy you lunch?"

He mulled over her words. Every fibre of his being begged him to swallow his damn pride and take her up on her offer. Yet, a part of him was still stubborn and still wanting to punish her for her indiscretion over trying to milk him for cash.

"Your boyfriend's not with you today?" he asked, an obvious reference to Gerald. The black restaurant owning hopeful had been with her at her first book signing, and he was to be the recipient of the 150K if Eric had of felt so incredibly generous.

"Gerald is not my boyfriend and never was more than a client," she explained, glad he had brought up the topic.

She then handed him her book. "You can make out in your signing that it is to a very silly but sorrowful woman. You asked me once if we could start a relationship and I would still very much like that to happen. It's been years since I've had a steady boyfriend. I've been so busy at college and then finding a job."

"A job with I understand you no longer have," he mentioned coyly, not yet signing her copy. He was much more interested in listening to what she had to say.

"Yes, all thanks to that same damn Gerald. I tried to help him with his stupid dream and it not only cost me my job, but could cost me a chance at going steady with the man of my dreams."

His face got redder. "Is that what I am to you? Honestly?" he asked.

"Honestly," she said.

He smiled. "I know it probably took a lot for you to come here. Honestly? I didn't think you had enough swallow in you to devour all your pride. Having said that, the truth is I've never stopped thinking about you in that way since the first time we met?"

"Well then why did you-"

She stopped mid-sentence.

A woman who couldn't get a book for him to sign had lined up to speak with him anyways, and now said to Candice, "are you going to be long?"

Eric picked up on the slight and was aghast.

"Sorry ma'am, the book signing is over and-"

"Let her have my copy," Candice offered. "You haven't signed it yet. Go ahead, chat with her for a few moments and I'll wait for you over by the entrance."

"Fine, I'll be right there," he said, watching as her magnificent ass swayed towards the door. Her hour glass figure was breathtaking, and he knew right there and then that despite his best efforts, he still had not gotten over her.

Candice stood by the door, watching the lady slobber all over Eric as he signed the book for her and he pretended to be interested in what she had to say.

Eric got up to leave, but as he said goodbye, the lady continued to follow him. It irritated Candice. Didn't the woman realize that Eric had a life of his own?

As they approached Candice, the lady kept on blabbing, wanting to know why Eric had killed off one of her favorite heroines in his latest book.

Finally, Eric turned to her, and told her he couldn't talk about it anymore, but that he would consider bringing her heroine back in a future book.

The lady seemed happy with that, handed him a business card and asked him to keep her informed. Then she turned on her heels and left.

Eric tossed her card into a garbage bin when she wasn't looking, then smiled as he greeted Candice again and told her he would indeed let her buy him lunch.

"That lady really expects you to actually consult with her while writing your books?"

He laughed. "It happens all the time."

"I'm glad we are going to have this chat," she said, slipping her arm into his arm.

"It is nice to see you again," he said, trying desperately not to sound bitter. There was a time, not too long ago, that he would have climbed over broken glass to be by her side.

She had somehow touched a part of him that no other woman had ever managed to reach. And yet, the fact she had asked him for money so soon after meeting was a fact that remained stuck like some thorn in his flesh.

They were now standing in the middle of the mall, and she stopped, turning to face him.

"You once asked me to consider starting to go steady with you," she said. "I would like us to start dating very much. And I want you to know that I regret asking for the money for Gerald. I know it must have been insulting to have a woman that just met you asking for money for another guy. It was a stupid thing for me to do. I won't do it again."

"You keep saying that this Gerald fellow is not your boyfriend, and that he never was-"

"I met him at the bank, the same time I met you. I never knew him before, honest."

"And yet you had such strong feelings for him."

"The truth is that I'm not sure how I felt about him. I was so mixed up. But I realize now that you were the one that had touched my heart. Gerald was desperate for that restaurant loan, and I was desperate to try and make it happen.

There aren't many of us blacks in this town. And the economy is bad enough without there being such strong prejudice. I guess I saw myself in his frantic drive to be successful. I know what it is like to struggle for something better and not be able to attain it. I was just trying to help him. But in the end, he cared nothing for me. Not a damn thing. He and I don't talk now, that's for sure."

"And you were intimate with him?"

Candice clenched her fists. The answer to that question was a resounding no, and yet, it was none of his business. Still, she supposed she owed him such honesty, just this once.

"I was never intimate with him. He and I never dated. We had lunch a couple of times, which was mainly to discuss his project and the subsequent failed loan, a loan which I was fired over. So as you can see, his stupid loan cost me quite a bit. And nearly destroyed my chances with you. I'm not being presumptuous, am I? I still have a chance with you, don't I?"

He sighed. "That depends," he said.

"On what?"

"On whether or not you'll let me kiss you."

His words floored her. She looked around. The section of the mall they now stood in was fairly empty. Still, she hadn't anticipated him asking her to kiss him so soon. She was already hot and bothered just standing next to him, practically swimming in her own lust. But she wanted to talk, and needed to talk. She was smart enough to know that one kiss led to another, and then another, and then? It was going to be hard enough saying no to his sexual advances because of her tenuous position. Starting off with torrid kisses seemed unwise.
