Prettiest Girl in the Room


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"And shortly thereafter I saw that heart throb millionaire author walk angrily past my front desk," Rachel added.

Daphne, a fellow business loan officer, shook her head mockingly. "Candice here gets rid of her men the way we get rid of runny pantyhose."

"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about," Candice said calmly, trying to out fox them at their own game.

Footsteps suddenly sounded behind them. They were the sound of clicking heels on the hard tiles just before the carpet covered the hardwood floors.

Sandra, the student loan officer stepped into the fray. She tossed the empty cardboard box from the pregnancy kit down on the shelf that held the paper cups.

"Okay, which one of you dweebs is getting ready to blows up like a damn balloon?"

Helen smiled then snatched it and held it to her nose. "Where'd you find this?"

"As if you didn't know," Sandra shot back.

"I don't know. It doesn't belong to me," Helen clarified. "I haven't had a man in so long that I'm beginning to forget what they look or feel like.

Her statement brought a few laughs, then it was back down to business.

Sandra continued. "I found it in the employee's bathroom just now. It was sitting on the chrome in behind the toilet. Obviously someone used it and forgot to take the box with them."

Daphne smiled then pointed at Candice. "Maybe it was left there by this smoking hot piece of black ass."

Candice frowned, knowing she would have to be quick on her feet. Although she didn't like the words Daphne had used to describe her, now was not the time to reply angrily. That would only have aroused suspicion. Instead, she attempted to take her colleague's rancid comments in stride. The only thing that mattered now was throwing them off the scent. A thing like this might possibly get back to Brian. No way did she want Brian to know she was humping the handsome Eric whenever the mood struck, then letting him fill her up with his sperm.

"With all the truckloads of men I've got following me around," Candice countered. "I always make sure I've got boatloads of condoms tucked into my purse, just in case."

Daphne sighed. Candice had a point. Hot looking babes expected hot looking guys to try to peel off their clothes around every corner. They were bound to be prepared. The woman that had been checking to see if she was up the pregnancy creek without a paddle, was probably some unprepared girl that bent over at the wrong place at the wrong time without a condom in her purse.

Helen suddenly pointed at Rachel. "It's probably this slut, slobbering over male customers and covering them with her drool.

"I wish it were me," Rachel shot back. "I wouldn't mind getting some action, but all the really hot guys coming into this bank are either already married, or gay, or are boyfriends of Candice here."

"I'm strictly one guy at a time," Candice clarified.

"The hell you are," Rachel countered. "I saw that dreamboat author headed for your office earlier, and every time you're around Brian you stare at him with those big brown swimming pool eyes of yours and flutter your lashes like butterfly wings."

"You're crazy."

"That may be, but somebody's tummy in here is going to start swelling soon."

Candice was aghast. If she did end up having an affair with Brian, and if she did try to let on like it was his baby, the women at the bank were bound to chat about the kit box they'd found and when they found it. If Brian were to connect the dots, then he might realize that the baby wasn't his. Conversely, if she didn't make love to Brian right away, but dated him for a month or two before having sex, then the math would really be out even more. She bit nervously on her bottom lip. If she wanted to keep Brian than it was looking more and more like she was going to either have to end her pregnancy, or simply tell Brian the truth. But would he still want her if he knew she was carrying another man's child? And would he still want her if he knew Eric would constantly be coming into Candice's life to deal with his child? The whole thing was a mess.

"I know," Daphne blurted out, a mischievous smile playing at the edge of her mouth. "Old lady Mable. Maybe Doherty got horny and put the wood to her."

They all laughed, thoroughly delighted. "Doherty doing it to his secretary? I didn't even know he could even get it up."

"I can get it up just fine," a voice said from behind them.

They all turned, and were horrified at the sight of Bank manager Doherty standing behind them.

They didn't need to be read the riot act, and they all quickly scooted back to work.


Candice curled up into a ball on the couch with her knees tucked up into her breasts. The fireplace was going, and she refilled the glass on the table with rum. She was fully drunk and needed to be, because she was thoroughly disgusted with herself.

Three weeks had passed since Eric had stormed out of her office in a rage over some stupid name plate. And during those three weeks she had been hinting to Brian that she would be available for dating if he was up for the idea.

Brian, to his credit, was very responsive, and told her what she already knew, that he found her to be the sexiest and most beautiful woman alive. But having said that, he also had to add that as much as he relished the idea of becoming Candice's main squeeze, he didn't want his heart broken and ripped out of his chest later on.

Brian was sensitive to the fact that Eric had seemingly, up until three weeks prior, been a part of her life.

In the last week alone Brian had taken her out to dinner a few times to discuss a possible relationship, but he wanted to make sure that Eric was out of the picture completely before stepping into it. Brian was smart enough to know that relationships formed on the rebound were not likely to last. And he was also smart enough to know that a multi-millionaire like Eric Holding was used to having his own way. He had just enough pull at the bank to probably have Candice fired again, and probably Brian right along with her. Although Candice assured Brian she didn't think Eric would ever stoop so low.

Still, Brian's response wasn't what she had thought it would be. Candice had felt that there was a fantastic chemistry between them. She had, therefore, half expected Brian to swoop her up in his arms immediately and start up a torrid life long relationship with her.

Instead, he seemed to be pussy-footing around, biding his time, and talking a lot without any action. In the back of her mind, Mable's previous warning five weeks prior about Brian going both ways began to gnaw at the edges of her mind. But Candice rebuked the thought. She could understand Brian's caution. She had just finished being intimate with Eric, and totally devoted to him. Starting a new relationship from scratch while on the rebound didn't always yield the fruit it was supposed to, and could sometimes end up being bitter.

She looked at the pack of cigarettes sitting on the table, and the ashtray next to it. Only one butt was in it so far. She had started smoking again after having quit so very long ago. Dealing with her pregnancy was making her nervous. Was she going to keep the baby or not? She was exactly five weeks pregnant. And to make matters worse, the tongue wagging gossipers were really starting to scrutinize how all the female employees looked. Somebody had left an open box for a pregnancy test kit in the employee's washroom. Her co-workers were biding their time, waiting for that tell-tale baby bump to show.

She lit another cigarette. Then the thought struck her. Should she even be smoking or drinking if she were in the family way?

The whole thing was disheartening, discouraging, disgusting and downright depressing. Having a baby she didn't want at a time she was trying to start and build a career? And having a baby who would dangerously bring the creep Eric back into her life that she didn't love anymore, and whom she viewed as a high strung unpredictable millionaire tantrum thrower that simply had to have his way all the time, every time?

She was glad Eric was out of her life, but she had no illusions, that if she should keep the baby, then she would be bringing him right back into it again. And that would certainly be grossly unfair to Brian. She had spent the last three weeks convincing Brian that Eric was out of her life for good. But if she did keep that baby, then such a declaration about Eric being gone for good would turn out to be an absolute lie. Eric would want to be hands on, coming by to see his kid whenever the mood suited him, and he was a very moody kind of guy.

Candice felt sick to her stomach. Not only was she having morning sickness in the middle of the night, but nightmares about Eric knocking on her door after nine months whenever he got horny, pretending he didn't like the way she changed diapers.

She listened to the sound of the clock going 'tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock!' No matter how she tried to think things over, one thing was certain, if she wanted to be with the man she really loved, then the baby would have to go. As sensitive and as nervous as Brian told her he was over her past relationship with the millionaire world famous author, there was just no way he would be willing to accept the man's baby in her stomach. It was very obvious, and it was very simple. She could not let Brian know she was pregnant with Eric's baby, and she could not hope to keep the baby if she wanted to keep Brian.

Still, a persistent and nagging thought crept over her already confused mind yet again. She still hadn't actually nailed down Brian. He was front and center in her heart and in her thoughts, but noticeably absent in making a firm commitment.

The phone rang. It seemed to be doing that a lot lately.

Brian? No.

Eric? Yes. What did that make it? The third time this week? What part of fuckoff didn't he understand? She now knew why Brian was so concerned and nervous. Brian had been around Eric at the bank and knew how the man was.

"Hi," Candice barely managed.

"So glad you picked up. Please, don't hang up."

"Let me guess. You're calling to apologize for the tenth time for calling me a slut and a bitch just three weeks ago in my office."

"Those weren't the words I used," he protested.

"Yeah, the words you used were worse."

"I miss you."

"You miss my body."

"That too. Part of why you're being so stubborn is because of him, isn't it?"

"Because of who?"

"Brian. I saw the way he looked at you at the bank."

"I guess it bothers you that he is just as good looking as you, and that he is after me just as much as you are."

"Looks can be deceiving."

"What does that mean?"

"I'm rich, and I can afford to have private investigators look into things for me now and again."


"And there are rumors that Brian likes to walk both sides of the street."

"Both sides of the street?" Candice asked.

"Rumor has it that he likes men just as much as he likes women, although he covers his tracks well. There isn't any hard proof, but-"

"So now you want to lie about a guy just because he is doing a better job of garnering my attention?"

"I'm saying he may be leading you on to let people keep believing he's into women when he's really into men. Sometimes gays have a special insight into how to push women's buttons. And maybe that is why he was fighting so damn hard to keep you working at the bank. You are good cover for him. He can come onto you as others suspect he will, but he is safe in the knowledge you are dating me. He probably never imagined in his wildest dreams that you would leave me, a romance author and a multi-millionaire."

"So now you want to malign his motives to get my mind off him? That's hitting below the belt if you ask me. I don't even know why I let you talk to me at all."

"You know you mean the world to me," Eric countered. "So we got into a fight? Couples fight all the time."

"You called me a liar and a gold digger. You accused me of trying to milk you for money. And now you are saying that the man I have feelings for is only out to use me. You're a monster."

"Look, I made a mistake. And I said I was sorry. But you should listen to what I've been saying about Brian."

"I don't listen to lies. And by the way. The courier said they came by your house today. You got the letter, I assume."

"Yeah, I got it," he admitted.

"Then you must also have gotten the certified check for five thousand, seven hundred, which was the exact amount I got from the scrap dealer for the name plate you gave me. I waited until I got paid so that I could add the five hundred to it that I'd spent when I was off work that time for a few days.

"You didn't have to do that. I didn't want the money. It's not important."

"You say it's not important and yet you threw a tantrum in my office over it. Well fuck you. You have the money I got for it so now you know I don't want your money and that I never did. I did at one time want you, but I don't want you anymore. So stop calling. And please, in the future, try to remember what the two words 'fuck off' mean."

She hung up. Then she counted to ten. He usually waited for ten seconds to pass before calling again.

Like clockwork, the phone rang again when she uttered the number "ten." She didn't answer it this time, preferring instead to let him simmer in his own insulting, bastard juices. She shrugged in utter frustration. He really didn't know what the two words meant.


She had a cab drive her home. She didn't want to attempt to get behind the wheel herself. Still, they told her she could have driven home if she had of wanted to because she hadn't opted to be sedated for the ten minute procedure. Apart for the light bleeding which was to be expected, she felt fine. The abortion went off without a hitch.

She moved slowly up the steps, then ransacked her purse for the key. She still hadn't cried, and wasn't sure if she would or not. It wasn't easy giving up something that had been a part of you. And she had imagined how she would have loved combing a daughter's long beautiful hair. Still, she felt good about her decision. Had she of kept the baby, then Eric would only have used it as a pawn to remain in her life. And she wasn't ready to raise a child unless she was married. Neither had she been ready to dash Brian out of her life by keeping a child that wasn't his.

She tried not to be too hard on herself. She could and would get pregnant again, but when she did the next time, she was resolute that it would be on her terms and at a time of her choosing. And it would most certainly be from a man that cared for her and made her heart sing. A man like Brian. She believed he would eventually become her husband.

"Candice, I'm glad you're home."

The male voice came unexpectedly from behind her, and had made her jump.

Still, it sounded somewhat familiar. But thankfully, she could tell it was not the voice of the pesky Eric. The particular voice that had just spoken had a unique velvety rich tone to it. And then it hit her. Gerald? Gerald Dalton?

She spun around. Yep, Gerald Dalton.

The sight of him both intrigued and frightened her at the same time. How had he gotten her address? And why was he coming by unannounced? Why hadn't he phoned? And just what the heck did he want with her? She hadn't seen him in over a month?

"Gerald? What are you doing here?"

"I would love to explain that. Can I come in?"

She could feel her senses go on high alert. He was asking to come into her home. She didn't feel comfortable.

"I haven't seen you in over a month, and now you show up unannounced at my house? You should have phoned first. I'm not comfortable letting men into my home. I might have met with you at a coffee shop though, or-"

"I tried phoning a few times," he said, "but the phone kept going into voicemail."

She began to kick herself. She had forgotten that she'd turned off her phone. She hadn't wanted any distractions on the way to the clinic. She also hadn't wanted any distractions while she had to be at the clinic doing blood tests, filling out forms and eventually going through with the procedure.

"I just remembered that I turned off my phone," she admitted. "Still, you should have waited until I was at work, and visited me in my office at the bank. As I recall, the last time you were talking to me you were cursing me out."

"Yeah, well I was frustrated, angry and bitter. You have to admit that when we were first filling out the loan application five weeks ago, you seemed to think I was going to get the loan. I guess it build my hopes up and so I took it out on you when it didn't happen. I'm sorry."

"Yet not sorry enough to at least call me to find out how I was making out when I got fired from the bank."

"Well, I thought about that, honest I did. But then, I learned they had hired you back, and so I didn't believe you getting fired had anything to do with my original application, even though someone had told me it did."

Candice had fished out the key but still hadn't slipped it into the damn lock. The sight of Gerald standing there was making her nervous.

"You still haven't told me what you want?" she said, sounding agitated and frustrated.

"I want to talk to you."

She rolled her eyes in disgust toward the sky. "Yes, you already said that. But you haven't said why. What is it that you want to talk to me about? To be honest, I don't feel like having company in my home right now, so if you want to say something, just say it here on my porch, then leave. Please, I'm tired and would like to be alone."

"Fine, I'll talk to you here," he agreed. "Eric Holding phoned me today. He asked that I come to see you."

The name Eric Holding, coming out of Gerald's mouth, made her blood run cold. She had asked Eric to leave her the hell alone, only now he was sending another man to do his dirty work?

"Eric and I have an understanding," Candice explained, clenching her fists in rage. "I won't scratch his face to ribbons with my long sharp nails if he won't come around."

"Please, just hear me out."

"Fine, but talk quickly so we can get this fucking over with," she begged.

"Eric said to tell you that the money from the name plate proves you are very honest and sincere. He says he was wrong about you. He wants another chance. He said he was so touched by you returning the money that he is willing to lend me the 150K you once asked him for if only you will give him another chance."

His words were like firecrackers going off in her ears. Eric had bested her at her own game, bringing pressure to bear that would be super hard for her to ignore. She had sent him money, now he was going to reciprocate, and show that he believed she wasn't trying to scam him when she had asked him to help Gerald out some five weeks earlier.

"Eric and I are through," she said, bracing herself for the explosion that was surely going to come when Gerald realized she wasn't going to help him.

She slipped the key into the lock, turned it and pushed open the door. Then she turned and stared at Gerald sternly.

Then she read him the riot act. "Please get off my porch and don't you ever come around here again. I want nothing to do with that bastard Eric and he had no right sending you here. Do you understand? Now just go."

She assumed he would take the forceful hint and leave, but instead he grabbed her arm and forced her to stay and listen to his plea a little longer.

"You don't understand," he blurted out. "He is willing to make my dreams a reality. The restaurant will make me rich and be a resounding success. You said so yourself. All he wants you to do is give him another chance. He said he's sorry for the things he said to you."

"I want you to leave my porch and never contact me again. Do you understand?"