Primal Atavism


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She smiles as she collects her handbag. 'Somehow I don't think that would work on an all-women panel.'

'Ooh, don't put those kind of thoughts in my head.'

'They ought to keep you entertained until I get back.' She gives me another kiss. 'I'll see you later. Wish me luck.'

As she walks to the door, I can't help but notice how delectable her arse looks in her skirt. All-women panel of not, they're in for a treat. I wait a few seconds then get up and follow. Sneaking up behind her, I spin her around and push her against the front door. With Rachel as an incentive, it doesn't take long to overcome my tiredness, and my hands soon ensure her skirt will need readjusting before she leaves.

'Oh my god, you're so bad.'

I bring my lips to her neck. 'You love it.'

'Dyl...' She wriggles free and playfully pushes me away. 'I do, and any other day I would. But if I'm late, my boss will have my guts for garters.'

I feign indignation. 'So you're just gonna leave me hanging?' I look at my erection then back to her. 'Literally!'

'For now,' she says, stepping back into me and grazing my cock with her fingernails. 'But you'd better save this for me, because when I get back tonight, I'm going to take this cock on a journey it won't forget. In the meantime, this should tide you over.' She bends down, keeping her legs perfectly straight, and plants a soft kiss on the top of my shaft, leaving behind a red stain in the shape of her lips.

I'm too turned-on to even say goodbye as she opens the front door and leaves.


'You were fantastic, Rachel,' Brian says. 'I don't think that could have gone any better.'

'You really think so?'

'Absolutely. We were clear, engaging, and we really showed them what we have to offer. I'd say we've got a great chance of winning!'

I can't help but beam with a mixture of pride and relief.

'I know how hard you've worked on this,' he continues as we reach the tube station. 'Whether or not we win, you should be proud.'

'Thanks, Brian. Fingers crossed.'

'Do you want a drink to celebrate? It's the least you deserve.'

'I'd love to, but I have plans tonight. Rain check?'

'Sure, I'll see you on Monday then. Enjoy your weekend.'

'Thanks, you too.'

He continues down the street as I enter Liverpool Street station, my thoughts turning to what I have planned for later. As great as it is that the pitch went well, that will pale in comparison to tonight, and I take the Central Line to Oxford Circus to get what I need for Dylan's surprise.

In truth, I'm surprised I was able to concentrate on pitching at all. Since leaving this morning, the only thing on my mind has been Dylan's cock, and how I can't wait to get home and do more than kiss it. I leave Oxford Circus station and make my way to John Lewis, weaving between the sea of shoppers and tourists. A behemoth of a store, it has everything one could ever need over six floors, including a few items to give my new lover the night of his life. Nothing lewd or crewd, just a few innocent items to compliment the guiltiest of pleasures.

I start by browsing the candles, wondering which of the myriad scents he would like. I've never asked him, and I doubt he even knows his favourite, but I look for something pleasant but not too strong that will help him forget his troubles and focus on pleasure. They all smell good, but I settle on vanilla and coconut, taking two along with some tea lights for effect. I complete my list with a bottle of massage oil, then walk to the till with a spring in my step at thoughts of the evening to come.


'I'm home!'

'The pitch must have gone well if you're in such a good mood,' Dylan says.

'It did. My boss reckons we have a great chance of winning.'

'Congrats. He gets off the sofa to hug me, and I smile as his hands go straight to my bum. 'God, I've missed this. Is the bag to do with my surprise?'


'You're a terrible liar.'

He reaches for the bag but I snatch it away. 'And you're terribly impatient. You'll just have to wait and see.'

I take the bag to my room then curl up on the sofa before starting dinner. I promise myself I'll just be there a few minutes, but the combination of Dylan's smell and arm around me becomes an anchor that keeps me in place. A kiss escalates into making out, forcing me to push him away in spite of my desires.

'Dyl, I have to make dinner.'

He makes a grab for my arm. 'No you don't.'

'Yes, I do.' I placate him with a sultry smile. 'Don't worry though, it'll be worth the wait.'

I force my legs to carry me to the kitchen, leaving his enticing tent behind. Any other night and I'd be riding him by now, but I want him at his best for later. No point wasting his energy before the main event.

I whip up a quick meal of pesto pasta, then we head back to the sofa for an episode ofBeef. I rest my head on his lap while he rubs and scratches my back; a wonderful feeling for such a simple thing, as though everything is right with the world.

When the show ends, it's time for his surprise. 'Are you ready to see what's in the bag?'

'I've been ready all night.'

'I don't think you'll be disappointed.' I steal one more kiss before I make him my thrall. 'Wait here. I'll be a few minutes.'


She returns nine minutes and thirty-four seconds later—my anticipation compelling me to keep track—wearing a bath robe, hair tied in a bun. Without a word, she beckons me to follow her. There's an air of mystery in her demeanour, coupled with a minxy smile that suggests I'm going to enjoy what she's got planned.

I'm at a loss at what to expect as she leads me down the hall, despite the amount of imagining I've done throughout the day. There's light flickering on the wall through her bedroom door, and as we get closer, I detect faint scents of vanilla and coconut.

Rachel motions for me to go in first.


'What do you think?' she says.

'I was not expecting this.'

I barely recognise the room. The curtains are drawn and candles flicker everywhere, a larger one on each bedside table and tea lights dotted on the drawers and shelves. The bed has been stripped of its duvet, which is folded neatly on the corner chair. My eyes are drawn to a bottle of oil on Rachel's bedside table. 'You want me to give you a massage?'

'Oh, no, no, no. Tonight is all aboutyou. I know I left you frustrated this morning, and my pitch went well, so I'm in the mood to make it up to you.'

I turn around and pull her into the room. 'Is that so?'

'It is. Now, clothes off and on your back, if you please.'

Unable to contain my smile, I strip naked and lie on the bed. Getting a massage is never something I thought I would ever do, but the same applies to a lot that's happened lately. And remembering how much I enjoyed those things is more than enough motivation to be open-minded.

Rachel slips off her robe, revealing herself to be naked underneath. After hanging it on the back of the door, she taps her phone on the bedside table and soft, atmospheric music plays.

'Rach, I could fall asleep with all this.'

She smiles. 'I don't think you'll be able to sleep through what I've got planned. Oh, and I forgot to mention, there's one more thing.'

She sashays across the room and opens the wardrobe, then bends down to retrieve something at the bottom, displaying the beautiful lips of her pussy in all their glory. My cock responds, a hint of growth visible on my stomach. Even in the last week I've never seen her so salacious, and it triggers a sudden feeling that I'm about to be blindsided.

I'm wasn't wrong. She turns around holding four lengths of rope.


She chuckles. 'Don't look so worried. I don't have any whips or gags, but these will ensure you have the most sensuous experience possible.' She offers one to me. 'Feel how soft they are.'

I take it and run it through my hands. It isn't like the typical rope one thinks of, course and fibrous like the stuff in hardware shops. Rather it's soft and smooth to the touch. 'I take it you didn't buy this today?'

'No. I know this might seem weird, given that I was exclusively your sister until a few days ago, but I promise this is the only skeleton in my closet.'

I raise an eyebrow. 'You sure about that?'

She leans over me, her face aglow with candlelight. 'In case you hadn't noticed, I love having passionate, kinky sex with the man in my life. And now that's you, I'll be damned if either of us are going to miss out.'

As she ties each of my limbs to a corner of the bed, the loss of control is palpable. It's both disconcerting and thrilling, a strange combination that brings perspiration to my palms.

'There,' she says after tying the last knot. 'You're at my mercy.'


She smiles. 'Just relax. Let yourself go and enjoy the experience.'

She picks up the massage oil and kneels beside me on the bed. I can't take my eyes off her, mesmerised as shadows cast by the candles dance over her perfect body. She pours a trickle on my chest. I wince at its coolness, but that's soon remedied by her warm hands. She spreads it out in circles, gliding her hands over my chest and shoulders, slowly applying more pressure as I loosen up.

'How does that feel?' she whispers.

'Really good.'

She leans in so her lips are hair's breadth from mine. 'It only gets better from here.'

Migrating her hands from my chest, she coats my stomach, arms, and neck with the oil, plunging me into a deeper state of relaxation. The only thing keeping my eyes open is the sight of her body, which I ogle, unblinking, as she gets up and walks to the end of the bed with an exaggerated sway of her hips.

She resumes the massage with my right foot, releasing tension I never knew I had, then gradually inches up my calf, kneeling on the bed when she reaches my knee. A graze of my thigh triggers the first twinge in my cock since the beginning of the massage, something Rachel doesn't fail to notice.

'I wondered how long it would take.'

I respond with a faint moan, closing my eyes to focus on the sensation of her fingers climbing my thigh. When she's within an inch of where I desperately want her to touch, she callously pulls away, retreating to my left foot to begin the climb again.

Certain of what awaits me when she gets to the top, my cock swells, releasing its first drop of precum. She reaches my upper thigh and, again, pulls away. I open my eyes to be met with a devious smile.

'You'll have to be a little more patient,' she says.

I look down at my protesting cock, now towering above my stomach, then right and left at each tied hand. There's no way I can free myself; any gratification I receive is completely at Rachel's discretion.

She arches her back, sticking out her buxom chest. After giving me a look that suggests things are about to escalate, she pours a generous stream of oil over her breasts. I stare in awe as she kneads them in hypnotic circles, my cock growing to its zenith as they take on the sheen of a polished marble floor.

She coats her stomach next, then her arms, thighs, and finally her bum. My pulse drums as she cat crawls towards me, waves of anticipation undulating in my stomach. She lowers herself down with a devious smile, then slides her slippery breasts over my cock and up my body.

'Fuck, Rach...'

'Shh, don't talk. Enjoy the sensation.'

I close my eyes as she glides up my torso, massaging me with her slick skin. As she brings her breasts above my face, I feel the graze of her pubic trim on my cock, as well as a wetness distinct from the oil.

She smiles down at me, the sparkle in her eyes and curl of her lips expressing a myriad of amazing things. After hovering her nipples tantalizingly close to my mouth, she slides back down my body then repeats the process over and over, pausing only to pour more oil on my torso.

I strain against the rope binding my hands, desperate to break free and seize every inch of her oily form. The powerlessness is torture, like I'm trapped in a tiny box and can't break free, no matter how hard I push.

'Mmm, I can feel you throbbing,' she whispers.

I groan in acknowledgment of the state of my cock. My foreskin rubs all the right nerves as it's pulled back and forth, my plentiful precum adding to the massage oil. Each time her pussylips slide up past my tip, I pray to every supernatural entity I can think of for it to spontaneously rise, enough to enter her on her way back down.

I'm given no such boon; instead she uses my arousal for her own pleasure. Shortening her movements, she pushes her pelvis down, grinding her clit against my rock-hard shaft.

To my surprise, watching Rachel use me to get herself off provides its own thrill. I respond by using what movement I have to buck my hips, increasing the pressure between us.

She counters with even shorter movements, clearly having found the right spot. Faint whimpers turn into rapid breaths, then delectable groans and a blissful sigh as she cums over the underside of my cock.

'I had to,' she says, flashing me a smile. 'I hope you don't mind.' She slides up me, grinning, then gives me a peck on the lips. 'Want a taste?'

Before I can utter an answer, she rotates to face the wardrobe. My cock springs up with her weight no longer there, and I whisper a curse as she inches her sopping pussy, swollen and spread, towards my face.

I inhale deeply as it arrives, its scent like a shot of dopamine to my brain. I hearken back to something I read during my research, that liking someone's natural odour indicates they're a compatible lover. However true that really is, I can't express howfucking incredible Rachel's cunt smells—only that it's pure, aromatic bliss.

I dip my tongue into her sex, managing a fleeting lick of her slit before she inches forward, placing herself agonisingly out of reach. She looks back and smiles, delighting in my want. Without breaking her gaze, she inches back once again, treating me to another sample of her flavour.

And again, she pulls away, this time for good as she spins back to face me.

'Rach...' I protest.

She teases me with a giggle. 'I did say only a taste.'

I can't argue, and my only course of limbless action is to watch her slide down my body again, the taste of her sex still sweet on my tongue.

She stares up at me from between my legs, then exhales a slow, hot breath onto my cock. 'You've been so hard for so long... It must be frustrating not being able to touch it.'

A reflexive twitch is all the answer she needs.

'I think it's time I put an end to that.'

I thrust my head back into the pillow as her tongue meets my base, then licks the length of my shaft with the lightest of pressures. I look down at her when she's finished, pleading for more. Her large green eyes return my gaze, glimmering with the power she holds over me.

She trails soft kisses up my length, each one a sensuous bullet, then swaps her lips for her tongue, drawing delicate patterns over my painfully sensitive tip. I loll my head back again as she inches down to tease under my ridge, edging me to the gates of bliss yet never quite stepping through.

I feel a hefty glob of precum ooze out, then sigh as Rachel drapes her lips over me to claim it for herself. It's almost too much, and she must know I'm fighting a losing battle. She gently grips the base of my shaft, ensuring the cork stays in. For now.

'Not yet,' she whispers. 'Save it for when you're inside me. Speaking of which, I think it's time. How do you want me?'


'Shh, don't say anything. I think I can guess.'

She turns her back on me and leans forward, emphasising the part of her she knows I like. Picking up the massage oil, she pours a healthy stream over her shoulders, and I follow the trails as they trickle down her back and bum. Shiny and dripping, she shuffles back and hovers over my pleading cock.

She looks back at me and smiles. 'Like this?'

I don't waste any more words; the look I give her is more than enough.

She waits a teasing few seconds then consumes me, the pressure in my balls skyrocketing as I disappear, inch by delectable inch, into her oily pussy. She rides me at an unhurried pace, and I stare in horny awe as she spreads her cheeks, enabling me to see her lips gripping my shaft as they slide up and down.

'Rach...' I whisper.


She builds to a silky rhythm, the tight heat of her insides robbing me of my ability to speak.

'You were saying something,' she probes.

Her voice is deliberately innocent and sweet. Paired with an angelic smile as she looks over her shoulder, she knows what she's doing. I moan in response and she bounces faster, the perfect speed.

'I can't believe how hard you are.'

That's the last straw. My restrained body quakes as she sheaths and releases my length, triggering the chain reaction she's provoked for close to an hour.

'That's it. Let it all go.'

'Oh Rachel...Rachel...Rachel, Rachel, Rachel R—'

I replace her name with a transcendent roar as I pump the biggest load of my life into my sister's cunt. She says something but I can't discern the words, still cumming hard after the fifth shot. The vanilla and coconut scents coalesce, almost to the point where I can see them swirling in front of me. When my orgasm finally wanes, my vision clears to reveal Rachel slowly riding me, painting my cock with its own load as it leaks out of her.

She lifts herself off me, unleashing a thick, creamy waterfall that cascades onto my crotch and leaves her pussy bubbling and white. As I catch my breath, she gets off the bed and begins untying the ropes.

'So, was that worth the wait?' she asks.

As soon as both my hands are free, I pull her on top of me. She yelps as she topples onto the bed, but yields to my passionate kiss as I finally get to roam her oily body. I only answer after I've felt every last inch of her skin.

'That was fucking incredible.'

'I'm glad you enjoyed it. See, good things come to those who wait.' She reaches between her legs. 'It's still trickling out! How much did you put in there?'

'More than I thought I could.'

'Well remember for next time, a girl could get used to that kind of appreciation.'

'So there's going to be a next time?'

'If you play your cards right.'

'You can have my whole deck.'

She laughs and kisses me, then we spend almost an hour enjoying the afterglow of the best sex of my life so far. I could stay like this forever, losing myself in her lips and body and the scent of the candles. I said getting a massage is never something I thought I would ever do... I can't wait to see what else Rachel will change my mind about.


After putting the oily sheets in the wash, we eat dinner then cuddle up on the sofa to watch another episode ofBeef. I run my hands through her hair, repaying the favour, albeit in a less erotic fashion, with a scalp massage.

It feels good to have someone whom you can not only have great sex with, but also enjoy the more mundane aspects of life. I look down at her, breathing softly under the caress of my fingers, and realise this is all I ever wanted.

I've loved Rachel as a sister all my life, but it's taken on a new dimension now. I'm not sure what that means, but I'm sure of my desire to find out.


I pull cushion after cushion off the sofa and chair, desperately looking for my vibrating phone. God, it must be here somewhere. I yank off the last cushion to find it smugly staring back at me. Typical, always in the last place you look! I grab it and answer before it rings off.

'Hey Leish. Sorry, I couldn't find my phone.'

'Are you watching the news?'

'No, why?'

'They're talking about the drug Dylan took. The company's lab has been raided.'
