Prince of Darkness vs Prom Queen 05


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Thank goodness he had more important things to deal with. Donovan was headed to the airport. It was only about a two hour flight but he wanted to leave plenty of time to get there and back with Laci's gift. He wanted to make sure nothing went wrong. It had to be perfect.

At the office, Marian waited until she saw Laci pull into her parking space before she headed out the back door. She and Victor had been speculating for days about Donovan's plans and about how secretive he was being. She was surprised when he called yesterday afternoon to ask for her help but she'd do just about anything for her cousin. Now rather than answer any questions, she was going to disappear and drive around for a few minutes until Laci took off on her proverbial wild goose chase, designed solely to get her out of the house and office, keeping her distracted and busy.

Marian and Donovan had always been on a different wavelength from the rest of their family members but they understood each other and had over the years become great friends and much more than cousins.

She was grateful to Donovan for so many things, among them introducing her to Laci. Five minutes after meeting Laci, Marian knew she had found someone who was reliable, hardworking, and someone she could trust. She also could see that Donovan was besotted with Laci even if the big dope couldn't see it for himself. Without even trying Laci had gotten the better of him. And made him a better person.

Marian had never understood the Master Donovan part of her cousin. True he had always craved a certain amount of control but training sex slaves? How the hell had he fallen into that profession? It didn't really matter to Marian. No matter what he did, he'd always be Cousin Donny, still it was wonderful to see how much he'd evolved and how happy he was.

Donovan would always be fastidious, persnickety, and a little too proper and uptight but she could count on him for almost anything. It warmed her heart to see how devoted he was to both Laci and Matthew. It was almost unbelievable to imagine: Master Donovan Corbett, changing diapers, sitting on the floor playing with his infant son and beaming with pride. Never in a billion years had she ever expected to see that.

Of course, never in two billion had she expected to be happily married with a son of her own. More than anything, Marian was grateful to Donovan for bringing Victor and Jeremy into her life.

Victor was definitely unusual but he was also the most secure man she had ever known. She had never met anyone quite like him. He was good looking, smart, interesting, dependable, could do anything, and like a chameleon he could fit in almost anywhere. Marian found him intriguing from their first meeting. She was thrilled when he admitted to being equally intrigued by her. He liked that she was forthright, strong and confident. He wasn't even slightly intimidated by her maybe because he was equally forthright, strong and confident.

She was also fascinated by his relationship with Donovan. Somehow the two seemed to understand each other. She had never known Donovan to have any real friends and the two were about as opposite as opposites could be, yet neither she nor Laci could imagine one without the other. One of Victor's greatest joys was annoying the very properly persnickety Mr. Corbett. One of Donovan's greatest joys was trying to annoy Victor right back. It was almost like having two very adult children and two infants.

Her thoughts about Victor and Jeremy made her happy all over. Marian had never really expected to settle down with one man and have a family. Her work meant everything and kept her going in ten different directions all at the same time and she loved it. Meeting Victor had changed everything. She could be strong and tough with Victor, but she could also show her loving and feminine side. He judged nothing and loved everything about her. He didn't care if she ran in ten different directions, as long as one of those directions led to him.

She wasn't surprised when Victor proposed but she was astonished when he suggested they adopt a baby. She agreed reluctantly. She had no time for a baby. She barely had time to do all she did in a day. It was hard not to miss Victor's disappointment when she told him she'd changed her mind but he was completely understanding and supportive about her feelings. Almost immediately she started having second thoughts about her second thoughts.

It was also hard not to miss his excitement when Donovan announced Laci was pregnant. Tough guy Victor who was strong and fearless became like a kid on Christmas morning immediately offering to help care for the baby. How did Victor know about caring for a newborn? How did she? Suddenly it didn't matter. All she knew was with a single look at Victor and Matthew, her second thoughts became much more like mommy thoughts.

She would never forget the morning she told him the news about getting Jeremy. Big, strong, dependable Victor looked like he was going to cry and was actually silent for quite some time. An unusual occurrence. Just ask Donovan. The day they brought Jeremy home, Victor sat by the crib for hours watching his son sleep and Marian watched him watching Jeremy, knowing her second thoughts were the right thoughts. Victor was silent again. A very, very unusual occurrence.

Knowing that Matthew and Jeremy were growing up together made things even better and Marian hoped they would always be as close as she and Donovan were. It would probably help always having Donovan as the father figure and Victor as their over-grown playmate but she knew their two little boys were going to have a wonderful childhood filled with many memories of magic and fun.

She and Victor were going to have many memories of magic and fun, as well. Where the hell had he gotten that pirate hat? She'd have to ask him. Next date night. For sure.

Victor was feeling a little like the command center. He had no idea what he was commanding but he knew that Donovan had returned from his secret mission and was on the way back to the house. No matter how hard Victor had tried, this was one secret Donovan wasn't telling. What was he doing?

Marian was on her way as well. She had just called from next door and she was putting the finishing touches on herself and Jeremy while Victor was putting the finishing touches on dinner. Like Victor she was perplexed and curious about the gift Donovan was giving Laci. What was Donovan planning?

Laci had spent a very long day driving from place to place, with a huge list of things to do, doing all sorts of things that didn't need to be done. It hadn't taken her long to figure out she was intentionally being kept busy and she didn't mind one bit.

She knew Donovan was planning something but he was being unusually secretive about whatever it was and even though she could often figure out what he was up to, this time she was clueless.

She supposed she should make it easy on her husband and start giving him a few gift hints for different occasions, although she wasn't at all sure what she would put on the list. She truly did have everything she ever wanted.

She had learned a long time ago what was really important and Donovan had already given her all that and more. The beginning of their relationship was hardly conventional but what it had become mattered so much more than any material gift ever would.

There wasn't a day that went by when she didn't think of Kalake and that night on the beach. In some ways it seemed like so long ago and in other ways like it had just happened. She doubted he had ever sat on the sand before but he did it that night and he did it for her.

The solemn, sophisticated, erudite and always tidy Donovan Corbett sat on the sand and babbled about a boy unicorn with a magical golden horn. She really did think the events of the previous few days had taken their toll and he was on the verge of a breakdown until she realized he was babbling for her.

Donovan didn't really owe her a single thing in the entire world but he made sure she was settled in a new job and that she had a place to live. Victor had told her how often Donovan moved from place to place, never settling in any one of his many houses long enough to make it a home. His wandering days came to an end when he settled in Georgia where she wanted to be. He had finally found a home and he found it with her.

Not once had she ever demanded or expected him to relinquish one bit of the control that ruled his life. Giving her tying privileges and his trust had been a huge step for him, but that was a choice he had to make on his own and he had made it for her.

They had been together for such a short time and yet there were countless things and countless ways he had shown her how much he cared. There were all the little things like eating pineapple pizza and sometimes reluctantly agreeing to wear jeans. There were the huge things like the love and care he gave to Matthew. And every single one of those things were things he did for her.

What else could she possibly want?

Laci had finished her busy day and arrived back at their home.

Her smile was beaming when she was greeted with a front walkway lined on both sides with sunflowers, at least a hundred of them, like golden beacons lighting her way. Of course there were. She had asked for sunflowers so she had sunflowers.

When she walked through the front door, her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open.

There weren't just sunflowers.

There were SUNFLOWERS!!



Wherever she looked, the sun was shining. Big. Small. Light. Dark. Bright. Soft. Amber and mustard. Saffron and straw. Maize and apricot. Every single space was awash in shades of rich gold, warm orange, lemony yellow, glowing copper, and some were even pink. Pink sunflowers.


Had he purchased every sunflower in the state of Georgia? The more she looked, the more it seemed like he had purchased every sunflower in the entire country.

Marian and Jeremy arrived a few minutes later. Even though she had been warned by Victor what to expect, her eyes popped almost as much as Laci's had. She had to give him credit. When Cousin Donny did something, he really did it.

Victor came out of the kitchen to greet his family and to tell Laci he had run out of places downstairs and had put several vases upstairs in the master bedroom. He also said Donovan had just called and was on his way home. She couldn't wait to see him.

Marian and Victor settled side by side on the sofa. Laci was sitting on the floor playing with Matthew and Jeremy and laughing at their surprised gazes as they took in the sudden and massive amount of color in the room. They certainly seemed to be burbling and gurgling their approval.

It wasn't long before Laci heard Donovan's car drive up. She picked Matthew up from his blanket and went to greet her husband.

When Donovan walked through the front door, Laci's mouth dropped open for the second time.

Donovan greeted her with a kiss and took Matthew from her arms. He stood, silently snuggling his son against his chest, kissing the top of his head and watching as Laci walked straight into the outstretched arms of her own father.

He smiled as John Grace, tears rolling down his cheeks, held his daughter and kissed the top of her head.

Chapter 7 The Man who Came to Dinner

By Donovan's estimation, the evening was going to be a little soggy but starting well. Both Marian and Victor were stunned and silent as they watched the scene in front of them. That didn't often happen.

It took several minutes before John released his hold on Laci. "John," Donovan spoke first, "this is Victor and Marian and that little guy in Victor's arms is their son Jeremy. I told you all about them on the trip back." He turned to Victor and Marian. "This is Laci's father, John Grace." The adults took a moment to acknowledge each other before Donovan turned back to John. "And this is your grandson, Matthew."

John looked a bit overwhelmed and hesitant, looking to Laci as if for permission. She smiled and nodded slightly and John reached out, taking Matthew into his arms. It was Donovan's turn to hold Laci where she stood in silence, her eyes full of tears, watching her son in her father's arms. There were also tears glistening on Marian's cheeks and Donovan was sure even Victor's eyes looked brighter than usual. Even Victor? Damn. It was shaping up to be a soggy evening.

Matthew was studying his grandfather intently and Laci still looked a little stunned.

"Victor, why don't I help you get dinner going?" Donovan asked. "We'll be back in a little while." He almost grabbed Victor and yanked him out of the room, heading toward the kitchen.

Victor stood in the middle of the kitchen watching Donovan with suspicion. "You're going to help with dinner? You? First you have to figure out which one is the oven. I'll give you a hint. It's not the big thing with the ice-maker."

"Victor, shut up. Please."

"Look, Donovan, why don't I get dinner on the table than Marian and I can take off and leave you alone with Laci and her dad."

"NO! I want you to stay."

"Why? Now what's going on? C'mon, Donovan. Was bringing Laci's father here her gift? Was there a problem? Didn't he want to come? Is that why you're hiding in here? Is that why you want us to stay?"

"Is there ever a time when you can just do what I ask without questions," Donovan wanted to know.

Victor thought for a moment. "No. What's going on?"

"Victor, it's a long story and I'll tell you the whole thing tomorrow but the fact is I didn't have to persuade John to come here. He's been looking for Laci and was thrilled when I found him, but on the way back it suddenly occurred to me that I wasn't taking Laci's feelings into consideration. Maybe I shouldn't have just sprung it on her. What if she wasn't ready to see him?"

Donovan's concern made Victor smile. "Were you in the same room? Did you see what I saw? Sure, Donovan, she was surprised. Hell, even I was shocked and considering everything I've been through with you shocking me is pretty hard. She didn't hesitate when she saw him. She went straight to him. She was absolutely ready and you gave her a pretty remarkable gift. Look, you can 'help' get dinner on the table then Marian and I will get going so you can join in the reunion."

"No. I really want you to stay. For one thing, you're family and don't look at me like that. I've been wanting to slug you for a long time. Keep looking at me like that and this might just be the night. You know damn well I consider you family. Grudgingly, but I do."

"So, what else is on your mind?"

"Just in case Laci isn't as pleased as we think she is and is still in shock and just in case she decides to take one of her whips to me, I figured if you were here, you could help talk her out of it."

"Good thinking, although if I thought she wasn't pleased, I'd be handing her the whip as we speak. How about if we have dinner then Marian and I can take the kids to our place so you can have time to talk without interruption? I have a feeling there's quite a bit that needs to be said."

"Okay. That sounds good. Thanks."

"And, Donovan, don't think you're going to get away with not telling me every single thing. Every word, all of it, and if you try to weasel out of telling me I'll hound you until you're even crazier than you are."

"You say that like it's an unusual occurrence."

"C'mon. You can start with opening the wine. At least you know how to do that. And Donovan..."


Victor smiled at his friend. "A couple of vases of sunflowers??? Happy Anniversary. You did good."

Donovan smiled back. "Thanks Victor. I hope so."

A couple of hours later, Victor followed through on his promise as he and Marian bid everyone a good night and made their way to their own house with Matthew, Jeremy, and the ever vigilant ball of fluff, Virgil the dog-moose, following closely behind.

John stood looking at his daughter. "I still can't believe I'm in the same room with you. And you're all grown up and a wife and mother. I've missed out on so much but it's my own fault. I know I'm not going to forgive myself any time soon but maybe if I explain a few things you can start to forgive me."

Laci looked from her father to Donovan then back to John. "I still don't understand how all of this happened. Please tell me. I want to hear the explanation."

"Donovan called me yesterday. Apparently he had quite a number of people working to track me and your mother down. I was beyond shocked, Laci. I've been looking for you for several years but I never thought you'd be in Georgia. I never thought to tell anyone to look here."

"You've been looking for me?" It was obvious she hadn't been expecting to hear that.

John sank down into a chair. "Frankly, Laci, I don't know where to start. I'd start at the beginning but I'm not sure what the beginning is." He sighed. "I guess I should start by telling you that your mom would have been here with me right now but she passed away about a year and a half ago. It was a long time coming but she and I finally made our peace with each other a few years ago. In a way, you brought us back together. That was when I started looking for you."

"Are you okay?" Donovan was asking her.

Laci nodded. "How do you know she would have been here?" she asked her father.

"Laci, honey, I don't know how much you remember. I think you were about ten when your mom and I finally split up but things had been really bad for a very long time. I was always working, she was always resentful. When I left, I felt like it was the first time I had been able to breathe in years. I think for a while, we truly hated each other but we never hated you even though we both acted like it. If either of us could have done anything to make it difficult for the other, we did it and so often that meant making things difficult for you. We both acted very stupidly. When she and I reconnected, we still had our issues but the one thing we both agreed on was how shamefully we treated you."

"You and mom reconnected."

"We did. At a funeral, a couple of months after you graduated from college. That's when I started looking for you."

"You knew I graduated?"

"Yeah, but neither of us got the invitations in time to be there. She was out of town and got back a few days after. I had just moved and the invitation didn't catch up with me until it was too late. She told me how she left all your belongings at the old house. She said she didn't know what she was thinking except she was angry because she thought you preferred being with me. She went back the next day to look for you but you and all your things were gone. She thought you were with me and her anger and pride wouldn't allow her to call and check on you. At the same time, I thought you resented the time you were forced to spend with me so I thought you were with her. Laci, I am so ashamed to admit that it wasn't until your mom and I spoke to each other that we realized you were gone. By that time probably six or seven years had gone by and neither of us knew where you were or what you were doing. What the hell does that say about either of us as parents? I wish I could put the blame on her but I can't. I was equally neglectful. I wouldn't blame you if you threw me out right this minute. The fact that you even allowed me into your home is so much more than I deserve."

Donovan could see that John Grace was honestly distraught as he confessed his failings as a parent to his daughter. "Laci, when I spoke to your father yesterday, he told me about seeing your mother at the funeral of one of their mutual friends. When they both realized that neither knew where you were, he hired a detective to look for you. I had the people working for me check on that and John is telling the truth."