Princess of Everdale Ch. 11

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Talia learns who her kidnappers are.
4k words

Part 11 of the 12 part series

Updated 03/10/2024
Created 08/20/2023
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Talia grunted in protest as she was jostled along the rain soaked street by the rough hands of her captors. She tried to scream for Alec but the ragged cloth that they had gagged her with rendered speech virtually impossible. The bag over her head made it impossible to know where they were taking her and though she tried to listen out for any sounds that might give her a clue as to her whereabouts, her fear of what was going to happen to her made it hard to focus on anything but the three men that drove her onwards.

"Boss! Someone up ahead!" one of the men hissed.

Talia screamed with all her might as she dragged sideways and thrown against a wall. She tried to struggle but fell instantly still as she felt the cold edge of a knife against her throat.

"I'd keep quiet if I were you, slut," snarled the man from the bar, close enough that she could smell his foul, alcohol tainted breath.

She whimpered, her heart racing as she heard several people hurry past, her hopes of rescue fading as the splashes of their footsteps grew more distant. After a while she felt one of the thugs grip her arm and drag her back out onto the street, pushing her onwards through the driving rain. She shivered, her dress already soaked through, her wrists aching where they had been bound too tightly behind her back. Tears rolled slowly down her cheeks as she forced down a sob, desperate not to show any kind of weakness if she could help it. Alec would come for her, she told herself. He just had to.

A short while later they turned down another street. She heard the sound of something heavy, a gate perhaps, creaking open before one of the thugs scooped her onto his shoulder and carried her forwards. She tried to struggle, kicking and thrashing in his grip until she received a backhanded slap that was delivered with enough force to leave her momentarily dazed. She groaned as she shook off the blow, vaguely recognising the clanking sound of the thugs boots and his irregular movement to mean that they were descending a ladder. She wrinkled her nose as a foul smell filled the air and thought that maybe they had entered the city's sewers. The splash of the thug's boots as he climbed off the ladder seemed to confirm her theory. They walked for about another ten minutes, the thug carrying her over his shoulder the entire way. The sewer stank but at least they were out of the rain.

"Who goes there?" someone shouted ahead.

"Vargus!" the man from the bar called back.

The caller snorted. "You've got some nerve coming back here, Varg. Y'know the boss ain't happy with you!"

"She will be when she sees what I've got!" Vargus snapped. "Now you gonna let us in or what?"

"Fine, fine. Quit yellin' at me!"

Talia heard stone grinding against stone and a moment later they were out of sewer and inside somewhere warm and slightly less smelly. The thug sat her down and once again resorted to shoving her forwards. She could hear people talking and laughing, fires crackling and the sound of weapons clashing.

"Get her in the corner!" Vargus ordered.

Talia cried out as the thug shoved her onto the floor, her knees blistering painfully as they struck the hard stone floor. Someone approached her and she winced as the bag was yanked off of her head, the light of the room momentarily blinding her after the darkness of the bag. Vargus stood over her, grinning a gap-toothed smile down at her. Behind him was a large hall that looked as though it might have once been a kind of store room. Tents and scruffy lean-to shelters were scattered around the hall whilst ragged black banners daubed with red handprints hung from the ceiling. Talia's eyes widened at the sight of the banners, her blood turning to ice in her veins as she realised where she was.

"That's right, bitch," Vargus said triumphantly. "Welcome to the Red Hand's headquarters!"

She whimpered softly to herself. The Red Hands were a syndicate of criminals, cut throats and gangsters that had plagued Everdale for centuries. It was said that every illegal act, every clandestine murder and smuggled cache of drugs was orchestrated by the syndicate in one way or another. Her father had spent years fighting them and had had some success, but the syndicate was vast and its leadership cunning. Like a cancer it had reared its head time and time again, never once striking in the same place.

"Yes, not so brave without your boyfriend around, are you?" Vargus sneered, crouching down in front of her. He held his knife in his hand, the cold steel glinting dangerously in the light. "That prick made a big mistake in the Rose that night. No one, I mean no one, makes a fool out of Vargus!"

She swallowed, nervously, realising that Vargus must not realise who she was. He was so concerned with his tarnished reputation that he didn't realise the girl he had taken hostage was in fact the Princess of Everdale!

"See, whatever voodoo shit he pulled made folks forget what they saw but not everything. Word got out that I'd been sent crying back home by some rich fuck and I can't have that. I've got a rep to uphold. People are scared of me and here's the best part..." His eyes twinkled darkly as he touched the tip of his knife to her lips. "I remember everything. I know what that bloodsucking freak is."

Talia's eye's widened. He knew. He knew Alec was a vampire.

Vargus snorted, rocking back on his heels. "That's right," he hissed. "That fanged freak has a death sentence on his head. I wonder how much the King'll give me when I turn him in in exchange for your pretty head? Vargus, Vampire Slayer. Has a nice ring to it, don'tcha think?"

Talia shook her head, tears stinging her eyes.

"I'm gonna bring him here. And if he doesn't want your pretty brains dashed over the floor then he'll hand himself over to me and everyone will respect me again! But first..." he looked down at her, licking his lips as a dark and dangerous look filled his eyes. "I think I've earned myself a reward."

Talia shrieked and tried to lash out as he reached for her, lust in his gaze, when suddenly a sharp voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Vargus! What the hell are you doing?"

Vargus' expression turned to disdain, his fingers, only an inch or so from her tits, curling into a fist as he turned to look at the woman who had approached behind him. She was incredibly striking, her dark skin adorned with gold jewellery that shone in the light of the hall. Her black hair was shot through with strands of mint green colouring and was shaved close to her scalp on the left side of her head, whilst it tumbled over her right shoulder to her chest. She wore a black halter neck top cropped above her naval and tight fitting leather pants and boots. Fingerless gloves rose just above her elbows and Talia noted that she had around half a dozen knives strapped to various parts of her body.

"Zeedra!" Vargus exclaimed. "I was expecting to see you so soon."

"I came as soon as I heard you were back," the woman said, her voice clipped. "I thought I told you not to show your face here again?"

"Yeah but I've got us a score, Zee!" Vargus protested. "Just hear me out, boss!"

"Shut up!" Zeedra snapped. "You come crawling back here with an unsanctioned hostage and expect everything to be alright?"

"Just listen, Zee!" Vargus begged. "This'll be massive. I promise ya!"

"Out of the way!" Zeedra snarled, shoving Vargus aside. She turned to Talia and the Princess thought she saw the colour drain from the other woman's face.

"Vargus," Zeedra said, her voice low and dangerous. "What have you done?"

"She's good, Zee," he replied, still oblivious to Talia's true self. "Her boyfriend's rich."

Zeedra rounded on Vargus, seizing him by the throat and slamming him against the wall. His two thugs attempted to intercede but Zeedra stopped them with a look. "You're a fucking idiot," she hissed. "Look at her! Use that thick brain of yours and actually look at her."

Vargus turned to Talia, blinking in confusion. Was it possible that the enchantment that Alec had used to hide her identity in the Black Rose was still blinding him? That would certainly explain why he hadn't recognised her as the Princess, or even that she looked entirely different to the night when he had been humiliated.

"That's the fucking Princess," Zeedra hissed. "And you've brought her right to our den!"

Vargus' face was pale, his lips moving wordlessly. "I... I..." he stammered. "Zee, I'm sorry! I didn't realise. it's good though right? Think how much she's worth!"

"You know our rules," Zeedra snarled. "We live in the shadows. We don't draw attention. And now? Now you've brought a fucking member of the royal family to our hideout!"

"Zee!" he rasped, clawing at her iron-like grip. "I'm sorry!"

"No," she replied coldly. "I'm sorry I didn't do this sooner."

Vargus grunted as she plunged one of her knives into his heart. His eyes grew wide as he looked at his former employer, blood dribbling from his lips as she released him and he slid slowly down the wall. Zeedra turned to his two thugs, her expression full of wrath.

"Leave," she hissed. "If you are ever seen here again, I will kill you both."

The two men nodded, wide eyed and fearful as they scrambled past the woman. Zeedra watched them go, nodding at a heavily armed man who leant against one of the shelters a few feet away. He turned and began following the two thugs, a flash of steel marking the knife in his hands.

Talia looked up fearfully as Zeedra turned to her. She had grey eyes so pale that they were almost white. Talia found it hard to meet her gaze for too long.

"I am sorry about this, Your Highness," Zeedra said at last as she reached out and pulled the gag from Talia's mouth. "Vargus was a poor representation of our organisation."

"Thank you," Talia said nervously once Zeedra had untied her wrists.

"You look cold. Come with me and we'll get you some dry clothes."

Talia hesitated as Zeedra walked off before rising tentatively to her feet and hurrying after her. She couldn't help but notice people staring at her, whispering urgently to each other as she passed.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked.

"My quarters," Zeedra replied. "We will have some privacy there and we can discuss what to do next."

"Are you going to let me go?" Talia asked hopefully.

Zeedra said nothing as she held open a door and gestured for Talia to enter. They entered a hallway lit at regular intervals with torches. Doors led off the hall, the ones that were open giving view to rooms of various uses. It wasn't until they reached the door at the end of the corridor that Zeedra stopped, removed a key from her pocket and unlocked the door. The room beyond was a good size and bore some semblance of finery. An enormous rug covered most of the floor space whilst a large desk covered in papers sat in the far right corner, two musty chairs set in front of it. Near to the door was a worn leather sofa and winged armchairs clustered around a fire pit that crackled invitingly. A wood partition separated the read left side of the room, though Talia thought she could see a bed through the gaps of the partition.

Zeedra led her across the room through the partition into what Talia had correctly guessed to be the sleeping quarters. A large four poster bed covered in fur blankets sat in the centre of the space whilst two tall wardrobes that didn't match stood against the wall. More furs lay on the walls whilst the dressing table and besides chests were scattered with jewels, scrolls and other trinkets. The room was chaotic but not uninviting.

"Take a seat," Zeedra said, gesturing to a faded green ottoman at the end of the bed.

Talia did as instructed hugging herself for warmth as Zeedra pulled open one of the wardrobes and began to pull out some clothes.

"Here," she said, handing Talia the clothes. "We seem to be a similar size. This should fit you fine."

Talia took the white dress with a nod of thanks. It was surprisingly elegant; the top half corseted with a diamond cut out beneath the halter neck that would display a measure of her cleavage. There was a slit on both sides of the floor length skirt that would reveal her legs and the hem was embroidered with gold. She looked around for a place to change in private but soon realised Zeedra wasn't going anywhere.

"I trust Vargus did not hurt you?" Zeedra said, watching Talia as she rose from the footstool and began to peel off her sodden blue dress.

"No," she said timidly.

"Good," Zeedra said. "I shall get you some food in moment."

Talia's dress fell around her ankles, the Princess blushing as she felt Zeedra's eyes roam over her body. She reached for the white dress but Zeedra stopped her.

"Your soaked through, Princess," she said softly. "You'll catch something if you leave those on."

Talia licked her lips nervously, something in Zeedra's tone sending a shiver of anticipation down her spine. "You haven't given me anything to change into," she said quietly.

Zeedra smiled, once again saying nothing as she leant back against the wardrobe to watch as Talia reluctantly unhooked her bra and pulled it from her chest. She put her army over her breasts, her cheeks burning as she pulled her wet panties off with her other hand, quickly covering her pussy once she had finished. Zeedra's lip twitched as she took in the sight of the naked Princess, not seeming to mind that she was attempting to cover herself, before she handed the dress back to Talia.

"I'm sorry, Princess, but I cannot let you go," Zeedra said at last.

"What?" Talia responded, halfway through stepping into the dress. "Why?"

"I have spent years growing this gang," Zeedra replied calmly. "We are not the only Red Hand gang in the city but I am determined to become the best. I cannot allow you to jeopardise that."

"Please!" Talia begged. "I swear, I will not say anything about this place. If you let me go it'll be like none of this ever happened."

"Like I said," Zeedra said firmly. "I cannot take that risk."

Talia swallowed, fear once again knotting her stomach. "Are you going to kill me?" she whispered.

"No," Zeedra said with a small laugh. "In fact I would prefer it if no harm came to you at all. But that is really up to you, Princess."

Talia frowned. "I don't understand."

Zeedra pushed herself away from the wardrobe, walking slowly around Talia to help her fasten the collar of her dress around her neck. Her hands were gentle, her fingers grazing the small of her back as she leant in, her breath caressing her neck, her hips pressing against Talia's ass.

"Come on, Princess. Time to eat."


Alec flew over the city, bounding from rooftop to rooftop with reckless abandon. Fear needled at him but it was anger that drove him. Anger at the murder of his driver, Tom, but mostly that Talia had been taken from him. He felt something was off from the moment they had ridden into the city. He shouldn't have been more careful. He should have been better prepared. Really though, he shouldn't have left her.

He wasn't sure how long he had been searching. The rain had soaked him through to his skin and ran freely off his face but he did not feel the cold. He had one purpose and one purpose only. He would not abandon Talia.

A sound caught his attention, what was miles away sounding as though it were only round the corner to his superhuman hearing. he changed direction, flying through the air as he came upon an abandoned warehouse, a canal running behind the dilapidated building. He scanned the scene; two burly men laying in a puddle of their own blood. One was dead, the second had the faintest of heartbeats left in his soul. He leapt from the rooftops, landing beside the dying man and hauling him effortlessly upright.

"Where is she?" he hissed, his fangs glinting, his eyes red with rage.

The dying man wheezed. Blood oozed out of a single precise wound in his back. He had moments left to live.

"Help..." he gasped.

"Tell me where she is!" Alec roared. Bloodlust filled him as it always did when his emotions took over. The desire to feed was almost irresistible but he fought he back for Talia's sake.

The dying man raised his hand and Alec saw it, a black armband bearing a clenched fist of scarlet. He knew that mark. The Red Hands were amongst the oldest crime syndicate in the kingdom. Rage overtook him, he opened his mouth and buried his fangs in the man's neck, drinking deep on his lifeblood as the rain continued to soak him. When he was finished he stood and kicked both bodies into the canal that flowed along the back of the warehouse before taking flight once again. In but a few moments he was scaling the castle walls, his fingers finding handholds where none should have existed. The shadows embraced him, masking his passage from the eyes of the palace guards as he scaled the tower to Talia's bedroom. He tore the window open and vaulted into the room just as Melissa appeared from of the bathroom with a stack of fresh towels in her arms. She opened her mouth to scream but Alec raced to her, clamping his hand over her mouth to stifle the noise before the guards could hear.

"Hush," he hissed. "It's me, Melissa. It's Alec."

She looked up at him, her eyes wide with fear. He could hardly blame her. He was soaked through, the blood of the gangster he had fed on still staining his mouth and collar and his fangs still visible.

"You're... You're a... A..."

"A vampire. Yes," Alec replied. "And I do not have time to explain that. You know Talia and I have been meeting in secret?"

"Yes," Melissa breathed.

"She has been taken," Alec said. "The Red Hands have her. You must tell the King."

"Taken?" Melissa squeaked fearfully. "She's been kidnapped?"

"Yes," Alec replied tersely. "The King must begin his search at once!"

"Why can't you tell him?" Melissa asked.

"I am not supposed to be here," Alec snarled. He didn't want to use his magic to force her to say anything. The emotion, the fear that Melissa would need to convey to the King would never come across if he hexed her into doing so.

"Please, Melissa," he hissed. "I will find her, but I cannot do so alone. Talia needs you. I need you!"

The handmaiden nodded, her eyes sparkling with tears. "I... I will do it."

"Good," Alec said firmly. "Tell the King that they broke in through the window whilst the Princess was sleeping. He still believes Talia has been taken ill the last few days, yes?"

"Yes," Melissa replied, the glimmer of the previous enchantment he had placed on her to mask their weekend away shining on her face.

"Good," he said again. "Tell him they have her. Show him this," he said pressing the armband into her hand. "Go! Go now!"

He didn't wait to watch the handmaiden leave. He was already at the window, leaping out into the night to continue his desperate search.


Talia sat at the end of Zeedra's bed, wringing her hands as she waited for the crimeboss to return. She had given Talia food and drink as promised and had even shown her round the headquarters, explaining some of how the gang operated. We aren'#t bad people, she had said. This is a business, like anything else. Talia wasn't sure she believed anything that Zeedra had said but to her credit, no harm had yet come to her.

She looked up as she heard the lock to door click and Zeedra strode into the room, a cool smile on her face as she walked up to Talia, hands on her hips.

"Well," she said curtly. "The cat's out of the bag. It seems your absence has been noted. The whole city is out looking for you."

"So that's it then," Talia replied hopefully. "Zeedra, please let me go. I promise I won't tell anyone about this."

"A bit late for that, Princess," she replied. "No, your father can search high and low for you. He won't find us here."

"You're wrong," Talia said with as much bravery as she could muster.