Princess Ransom


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Prince Adam gently tugged at Elle's leash and led her out of the town hall meeting room. Elle took one last sad look about the hall. Her mother's face was buried in her father's chest as she wept, her own father had tears running down his cheeks. It was a difficult final image to take into captivity. On the other hand, she felt rather proud of herself when all the soldiers present from both sides offered her a hearty series of cheers. Sadly, Elle followed prince Adam out of the building and into his royal carriage.

The carriage began to move and Elle realized that she was alone with Prince Adam. Although still in something of a daze, Elle was able to think to herself, "He really is handsome." Adam wore his military uniform quite well. "Prince Adam , what is it you wish?" she asked aloud..

Prince Adam faced the innocent girl. A series of very long talks with his father had impressed upon the young prince the importance of breaking in this fine filly gently and patiently. After all she was his for the rest of her life, demanding too much too soon might make her resentful and bitter, something that Adam most assuredly did not want. The young prince wanted an eager playmate, one as interested in sensual exploration as he himself was.

Adam placed a hand on his slave's quivering thigh and said gently, "First of all you will refer to me ALWAYS as Master. I wish a great many things slave but I am not an ogre. I will carefully explain what I want and then you will do your best to fulfill my wishes. If you do your best I will respect that and I will not punish you. However if you do not try or become sulky and resentful, I WILL punish you. Let us start with something small. Your master asks his slave for a kiss."

The only man Elle had ever kissed on the lips had been her father. Her brother's had not been rewarded with anything more than pecks on the cheeks. Certainly, however, she had seen kissing couples many times. Remembering their example, Elle turned her head upward to meet the lips of her owner. After a moment or two of fumbling Elle began to respond to Adam's more skilled lips. She was delighted in the extreme when the prince's tongue began to circle about her mouth and she returned the nicety. She and Prince Adam kissed for quite a while, they wrapped their arms about each other and their bodies pressed against each other. For both of them the experience was wonderful. When Prince Adam at last pulled away, Elle was unaware of the smile on her face, but Prince Adam noticed his slave's glee. He decided to follow his father's advice to the letter.

"That was very nice, slave. Before many miles pass I would like to do that again."

Elle, despite her circumstances, realized that she too was looking forward to engaging in kissing with Adam again. "I would like that as well, Pr...Master. Am I not to have a name?"

"Slaves have no names. But perhaps I will find some term of endearment for you, but that is many weeks or months away. When we reach my palace, I will be giving you a bath. I afraid that I must also remove the hair from your sacred place. Slaves are not permitted to keep it."

Elle drank in this not unexpected information and then replied, "Master, I know that no matter what my personal wishes that I am yours to command. I do ask that you be gentle with me. I am still young and have much to learn."

"I would not have it any other way, slave."

With that he picked up Elle bodily and sat her on his lap. The two kissed passionately for many miles. Again Prince Adam was glad that his Penis was safely tacked in place. Erections would be a surprise to the sheltered princess. No doubt the concept had been explained to her, but the young prince doubted that she had ever seen one first hand. Later tonight he would rectify that situation. Gently his hands explored Elle's body, To his delight, she yielded to his touch. Adam was beside himself with mirth when his hands strayed to Elle's sex and Peter found it damp.

In time, the carriage arrived at the main palace of Juriland. Prince Adam took Elle's arm as well as her leash as he led her into the palace. One floor of one wing of the structure belonged completely to the young prince. He escorted Elle to his bedroom. To Elle the luxury was not unlike she had known in her own quarters. Prince Adam's room was thoroughly manly however.

"Slave, you will be responsible for certain things. You will dress me and undress me, you will make my meals, mend my clothing, and you will share my bed." He led Elle past a large cage."This will be your home if you disappoint me. I am responsible for clothing you and feeding you. I will also bathe you and keep your womanhood and legs and other things shaved. None of your clothing will ever be fancy but I will dress you warmer in the autumn and winter."

Elle considered all of Prince Adam's words and asked, "Master, why did you not seek my father's permission to seek my hand in marriage? I am sure he would have granted you an audience."

"You do not understand geopolitics, slave. A marriage between the royals of Hartshore and Juriland is no simple thing, we are historic enemies and we have each traditionally sought royal spouses in other nations. Were your former sisters ever introduced to royals from my nation?" Prince Adam noted that Elle shook her head no before continuing, "Similarly, you would have been off limits to me. The recently ended war only complicated the issue. Also, for purely selfish reasons, I prefer to have you as a slave instead of a wife. Slaves may not say no and must constantly strive to please their master. Finally, the point of taking you as ransom is to make a statement. Your father will think long and hard before he launches another war. Taking you as ransom ended this war and preserved your kingdom. I am sure that your father did not discuss military strategy with you but our troops would soon have driven your Hartshore troops from the field . Your entire family most likely would have had to flee into exile. In a way, Juriland saved the rest of your family, an act perhaps not in the best interest of Juriland. Peace will remain between our nations so long as you live, therefore I will take excellent care of you. This way you are my pet and I can keep you near me always."

Elle considered and finally agreed with the wisdom of Prince Adams words. "You are wise, Master, still, I wish we had met under different stars."

"Enough talk, slave remove your robe and sandals. It is time for your bath."

Elle's fingers lingered upon the belt of her robe for a few moments before she complied. Somehow she felt more vulnerable and exposed alone with the prince. At last she kicked of the sandals and her robe fluttered to the floor. Again her body flushed as Prince Adam eyed her up and down. Elle made a move to cover herself but was prevented from doing so upon orders of Prince Adam.

The prince led Elle to the bathroom and began filling the tub. "Help me off with this uniform shirt, slave, I have no desire to get it wet." stated Adam.

Elle's hands trembled as she began to open the buttons on Prince Adam's tunic. Beneath the uniform, Elle found a strong chest and taut tummy with prominent abdominal muscles. Elle had never seen anything so beautiful. She allowed one of her hands to gently stroke, Prince Adam's flesh. She then placed the tunic on a hook on the wall.

Prince Adam noted, his slave's interest, He embraced and kissed her, the feel of her bare breasts on his naked chest was a supreme goodness. He then steered her into the tub. Elle was tense for a few minutes until she was able to relax under Prince Adam's tender touch. The prince's hands were as gentle as Elle's nannies and maids had ever been. Adam provided a small bath pillow and Elle rested her head contentedly as Adam, almost sweetly, lathered her head to toe. For the briefest of moments Elle imagined herself in her own bath in her rooms at her palace, then she opened her eyes and saw the smiling face of her Master. Elle tugged on her collar and wondered what the rest of the night had in store for her. She was certain that she would lose her virginity tonight. All her life she had been taught that her maidenhead was a gift to be saved for the Emperor or Royal that she married. Now there was a prince, but the situation was vastly different. She would never be married. Even the lowliest peasant women had husbands who slid rings on their fingers and promised their devotion. Elle reflected that now she was merely property, no better than livestock. A fine racehorse was considered of greater value than a slave.

Elle eyed her Master, he did not appear to be cruel youth. Perhaps he would always be tender with her, perhaps he would come to "love" her after a fashion. Even a slave could give and receive love. Perhaps her days would not be as dire as her parents and siblings feared. It was a hope worth clinging to.

Prince Adam had Elle rise and he rinsed her lovely body off. She stepped out of the tub into a large, wonderfully soft towel. As she dried herself off Prince Adam vanished from the bathroom for a moment and then quickly returned.

"Slave, I have no doubt that you as hungry as I am. I sent a page to the main kitchen to fetch a meal for us. Ordinarily you will do all the cooking in the small kitchen on this floor but I decided to dispense with that tonight. How are your culinary skills?"

Elle answered truthfully, "I know how to make fudge. I never learned to cook, 'Princesses do not slave over a hot stove' my mother always told me."

"Well you ARE a slave so you had better get used to a hot stove. I will have one of the cooks instruct you, but I expect you to be a fast learner!"

"Yes Master." replied the suddenly cowed former princess.

"Now my slave. I want you to hang up that towel. You will go to my bed and lie in the middle of it. You must lie very still and obey my instructions, I must do some shaving and I do not want to nick you."

Elle paced the distance to the bed wearing a sad expression. As she walked she stroked her feminine carpet. She was so proud of her pubic hair. She knew she had become a woman when it first appeared. It was sad to realize that her sacred grounds would never see their glory again. Elle knew that slaves were kept shaved to identify them as such if they removed their collars and tried to blend in with free citizens. Her hair was her last talisman of freedom, losing it signaled even more than her public stripping that she was now chattel.

After some discussion, Adam allowed Elle to sit with her head propped up so that she could watch her Master work. Elle bit her lower lip in concentration as Adam took a pair of small scissors and cut away her thatch as though he were a tiny lumberjack felling an entire forest. Ellen could not help but notice that Adam collected this harvest in a small ceder box. When the hair covering Elle's sex had been reduced to the shortest of crew cuts, Prince Adam gently coated the area with shaving cream.

Elle was tense for only a short time. Once she realized that the young prince was quite adept with the razor she was able to relax and watch in fascination as he Mons was denuded. The resulting view was one Elle had not had for longer than she could remember. Elle noted a warmth that did not seem to come from Adam's hands as his fingers gently entered her sex and parted the lips so that he could remove every trace of stubble. Finally, Prince Adam took a towel and mopped away the last vestiges of the shaving cream. Elle ran her hands over her shaven sex, it felt as odd as it looked, still Elle was astounded that there was not a single nick or cut anywhere.

Prince Adam caught his young slave examining his handiwork and stated, "Every morning, after I shave my face, I will shave you, Your legs and underarms do not have to be done as often."

"Thank you master for being so careful but I will say that I do not care for the new view."

"Your wants and desires no longer matter, slave. You have to make me and all others in authority over you happy, or at least do your best to do so."

A knock was heard on the door. Prince Adam handed Elle her robe while he answered the door. Two servants entered toting trays of food. Elle realized that she was famished. The food was placed on a table in the small kitchen off of Prince Adam's bedroom. Elle waited a moment for her Master to hold her chair out for her. In a flash she realized that she was no longer a lady, a nicety that Prince Adam would extend to the lowliest female resident of his kingdom, could not be extended to her. In an emotional state, Elle sat herself at the appointed place, across the narrow table from the prince.

The food was quite scrumptious, Elle found it difficult to believe that she could ever cook anywhere near as well. Prince Adam placed a hand on Elle's bare knee under the table, held the wine goblet aloft and said, "Here is to a happy captivity!" Elle clinked her goblet with that of her Master, the word "captivity" rang hollow in her ears but she supposed that it was the best sentiment she could hope for.

"Once we are done eating, slave, You will finish undressing me and we will see what comes to mind."

Elle raised her face to her master. He was still shirtless. Having never seen a completely naked man before, the former princess was both curious and fearful. He sisters had told her that the first time was occasionally painful, Elle dreaded pain among all things. She returned her Master's statement with a neutral expression.

The Prince watched his slave eat. He was pleased that she had drunk all of her wine. The beverage had been laced with the extract of a vegetable that prevented pregnancy. His father had impressed upon him the need to keep his pet barren. Issues of secession would be thorny, there was no precedent for a Juriland royal ever having produced a child with a slave. There had been less of a problem for example when his renegade uncle had consorted with the daughter of farmers who worked his estate. The girl was given in marriage to a young peasant who agreed to protect the royal secret and raise the child as his own in exchange for a regular honorarium. But since slave offspring were technically slaves as well, a hornet's nest would ensue if Elle were to be found with child.

For the next half hour the two hungry individuals ate mostly in silence as they devoured the first class meal. Elle was grateful to avoid talk about what would happen once the meal ended. Her completely cleared plate however forced her to raise her eyes and face Prince Adam. He wore a wolfish smile as he said,

"Let us prepare for bed first."

Elle was startled to realize that her Master would be monitoring her bathroom habits. Not even her maids had watched Elle make waste. Despite her imploring expression, Prince Adam remained impassive. After what seemed like an eternity, the embarrassed former princess succeeded in relieving herself.

Elle then watched fascinated as her Master urinated. Outside of the horses in her stables, the young princess had never been in the presence of a pissing male. For the prince the relief was a double pleasure because she was at last able to free his manhood from the elastic that had strapped it to his leg. So intense had been his erections around his enticing slave that he felt sure that the device would lose its battle for control.

Elle brushed her teeth, washed her hands and face and waited for her master to follow suit. Her heart was beating very intensely as Prince Adam took her arm and led her back into his bedroom. "You will be sleeping in the nude on all but the coldest nights. If you need warmth, snuggle up to my body. Hang your robe on that hook."

Elle did as told. A short time later she was seated before the prince pulling off his black shiny boots. Once the Prince's boots were off, Elle was commanded to remove his socks. He was clad now only in his pants and undershorts. Elle's hands were all aflutter as her Master stood and she unhooked his belt and reached for the button closure of the garment. Elle noticed the sizable bulge as her which appeared as soon as her soft hands met her master's flesh.

Elle tugged the trousers down and encountered her Master's boxers with what looked like it housed a tent post. Catching her breath Elle, pulled the shorts down and over the tent post and her eyes beheld her first male erection. Price Adam's smile widened as he witnessed his slave's eyes enlarge with wonder as she beheld his manhood.

"That, my slave, is called an erection. It is the symbol that a man is aroused. Without relief they become quite painful for a man. Your "job," for lack of a better term, is to take care of these for me. With stimulation I will receive relief, I will find that stimulation in your hands, your mouth, your anus and your sex."

Prince Adam chuckled inwardly as he watched his slave drink in this information.

"Now slave, please go to the bed, draw down the sheets, and climb in."

With a mixture of curiosity and fear, Elle performed as instructed. She pulled the sheets over her nudity and watched her Master approach the bed. She noted that his erection seemed to throb of its own volition. Without preamble Prince Adam slid into bed and began to kiss Elle.

Starting at her lips, Adam worked his way gently down Elle's body. The former princess could not believe that her breasts could be so sensitive as the experienced price teased her nipples with his teeth and tongue. Like it was happening to a stranger, Elle noted that she was breathing heavily. The wonderful feeling in her loins once Prince Adam began stimulating her sex with his mouth caught Elle completely by surprise. Abstractly she wondered if the lack of hair contributed to the wondrous sensation. Elle heard someone moan. It was a woman's voice. Then Prince Adam's head and shoulders appeared above the covers. He kissed the stimulated princess and then guided his manhood into her sex.

For Elle, there was a moment of pain as her hymen tore, but her Master proceeded to enter her slowly. Elle had never felt so full as when Adam's manhood filled her. He rose to his elbows and began to rhythmically slide his penis in and out of her womanhood. Part of Elle felt like she was outside of her body watching the proceedings, her gasps of total bliss were completely alien to her. She felt the prince soften and the mixture of blood and semen seep out of her.

"Well done, slave, well done," said the smiling prince soothingly. His body wrapped itself around Elle and he gently stroked and kissed her body. Elle was at a total loss for words before she was able to emit words that even she knew were inane, "Thank you, Master."

Elle's mind was still processing what had happened to her while she laid in her Master's arms. If she was expected to do THIS regularly, her future was not one of unrelenting sadness. She returned the prince's kisses with more intensity than she had ever shown before. To her surprise, she felt the young prince stiffening once more.

"Shall we engage in the horizontal dance a second time, slave?" said the young prince solicitously.

Elle was noncommittal but was soon plunged into anther sensation overload. If anything her senses were even more acute when the prince made love to her a second time. Once again the prince plunged his maleness into her femaleness and extracted an even louder series of moans from her throat. As the prince held her close a second time he whispered softly in her ear.

"Gently I will train you how to use the rest of your body to please me. I will strive to be a kind teacher if you strive to be an obedient pupil. Now I think that we should both get some sleep. It has been a very long day for both of us."

Elle closed her eyes and found herself fully relaxing in Prince Adam's arms. Although the former princess usually abhorred damp clothing, the wet spots in the bed did not bother her in the least. She drifted away to a slumber far more peaceful than she would have imagined when her day had begun.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I know my comment will not make it past the author but I have to ask... Is this your concept of romance? I Think slave and master relationship has a different term in erotic literature.

TwistedKittenTwistedKittenover 7 years ago
Very interesting

I love the premise of this story. Quite unique. Keep at it.

magevmagevover 9 years ago
Not romance...

The story is very interesting and promising, as long as you don't make her content with the slave status in the end. By putting this into the category of Romance, you raise certain expectations in your readers. Right now it seems to be more fitting in the nonconsent/reluctance category. It can only be romance when people are inherently free and equal. It would have truly been more romantic if they had married rather than the winning royal family demanding her enslavement. On the other hand, if in the end the royal family will regret enslaving her and will find a way to free her and compensate her for all this humiliation, then the story will be that much more rewarding, so I'll reserve judgment until the story is complete :). Right now there are many elements that could be very promising, as long as the story development allows for human dignity to triumph in the end.

DWornockDWornockover 9 years ago
What a entertaining story.

Even though the story ended too soon and appears incomplete, I rated it 5 stars.

LostnFoundBinLostnFoundBinover 9 years ago
Hoping for more

Great start. I liked the ransom concept. Hope there is more.

(Please leave cancer references of out this one if it continues).

Dutchgirl82Dutchgirl82over 9 years ago

Please continue :)

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