Private Compartment Ch. 05


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It must have been almost five minutes they stayed like that. Perhaps no one wanting to make the first move. It seemed to be Ann who first moved but actually it was revealed to be Bill.

Ann let go of Paul's penis, the limp thing falling to hang in front of him, "Bill's just fallen out of me."

Two proud males no longer. Both friends at rest.

"Thank you boys. That was really good for me. Was it for you?" Ann got off her hands and knees and lay on her side.

Nods all round as Bill made his way around the bed and shook Paul's hand. Ann reached out and lifted both limp penises.

"These worked well. Just as they should. Nice. Perhaps tomorrow morning they might be up for another play?" She kissed first Bill's and then Paul's.

Paul settled himself back in his bed. Well, that had seen to his erection! A smile spread across his face. Perhaps tomorrow morning they might do it all again and.... He was instantly asleep.

"Good morning, Paul."

Paul pulled his mind back from the dream he had been having. One of those ridiculous dreams. He had been desperate to urinate but could not. That at least was explicable. He did have a pressing need. But to be standing in the middle of the factory floor with all the girls from the office - well he had seen Sandra, Grace and Nora in his dream - standing around him staring at his erection and saying 'you can't go like that.' Why had he been dressed in just his pyjamas, why was he trying to go in a tin bucket with an audience - and girls at that. Grace, at least he thought it was her, had just rather excitingly said 'let me hold it' when he had woken up.

"Oh, morning Ann."

"A cup of tea." She placed it beside him and sat on the bed. She was still in her nylon nightie. "You are a bit of a sleepy head. You missed Bill. He's gone off to work and you missed us... you know."

Yes, Paul did indeed know, knew exactly what was meant and he was furious with himself. To miss the opportunity.

She must have seen the look of naked disappointment.

"But Bill says, if you like, we can... whilst he's out."

The emphasis was not needed. Paul had got the message but even so Ann's hand slid down between the sheets and grasped him. A giggle. "I see you're in the mood. Nice and stiff like last night right in front of my face. Let me see."

Paul sat up in bed and reached for the teacup and saucer. As he raised the cup to his lips, Ann pulled back the sheet and blanket.

"Very stiff!" She said as her hand moved, fully retracting the foreskin. "And there is your bobby's helmet. Very purple and swollen!" Her thumb massaged. "I remember comparing it with Bill's on the train. It's more rounded. See, when I pull you up, it's all moulded through the skin!" '

It was lovely. Despite feeling quite desperate to take a leak, having Ann work him, as he lay there, was an awakening like no other.

"More veiny and straighter. Shall we go to my bed? It'll still be warm. It'll have to be like last night. With the baby I can't have you on top of me. Have you finished your tea? Then come on!"

Ann was pulling him, pulling him by his erection. Well, not even that. She had pulled his foreskin up again and was holding the wrinkled skin between thumb and fingers trapping his knob. He had to get up!

"Are you sure. I mean, Bill's not here and..."

"Quite sure! Bill said we could, and anyway he's sort of here. I can feel what he did running down my thighs!"

Across the landing, lead by his penis.

"Could I... um... take a leak first?"

"No. Bill always says he enjoys it more like that. And it seems to keep him stiffer: not that he isn't like that often enough. We do it most days, sometimes more than once. You can wait. I like my men really stiff." She paused and turned to him. "By men I mean Bill, just Bill... and you of course! Nobody else. I wouldn't want you to think... Come on, get in."

Paul had never been in bed with a woman. It seemed wrong to be taking Bill's place. He would have been happier if he was still there. Perhaps not rational but there it was. He was almost glad Bill had already been with, or to be more accurate, 'in' Ann that morning. It made what he was going to do somehow feel better, There was, though, no cuddling, no kissing or that sort of thing. They were not lovers after all.

"Don't hurry Paul. Don't come too soon. I think you might be able to make me come again and I'd like that. I'm still feeling so... fruity."

Paul took that as permission to touch. Not simply to touch Ann's pudenda but breasts as well. Under the covers with Ann already on her hands and knees, Paul reached out to her. He had never touched her breasts but now there they were in his hands. So big, so soft and just hanging from her. He could lift them - and did - or even make them swing.

It was clear Ann liked the touching but she said, "They're becoming a bit like udders, great big things."

"Hardly and there are only two. You will let Bill milk you won't you?"

He regretted it the moment he'd said it. What a crass thing to say. But Ann just giggled.

"He's been talking about that a lot, he tells me not to call them udders but then he goes and talks about taking me like a bull." Her fingers were on his erection again. "With his bull's pizzle, only neither you nor him are as big as that!"

Paul's hands slipped downwards across her stomach and stroked her curls. So different there from a man - no penis! His fingers explored further. He had done that before with his tongue but never his fingers. All so hot and wet - sticky even. That, though, was no doubt his friend, Bill's, doing. It felt wonderful, even so. He slipped one and then two fingers into Ann. It was very sticky there!

Ann sighed. "You can stick something bigger in there - if you like."

Paul liked. He was being told to engage in sexual intercourse. He was happy to do as he was told. He did not hurry. He savoured the moments of getting into position, kneeling between her spread legs and moving forward so his tummy touched her bottom and his knob poked at hot wetness. Ann's fingers were upon him, pulling back his foreskin and guiding him. Was that really it? His knob no longer pushing against soft, wet flesh but surrounded by wetness. Paul pushed and felt the flesh slide around his knob. He really was entering a woman. For the first time in his life he was doing 'it' - and it was dear Ann's body he was entering. Slowly he pushed forward and found no real resistance, until he could go no further, his full six inches inside Ann. Amazing to him that he could be accommodated - that his penis could go so far into her body. Again the feeling of Ann's fingers upon him but this time on his balls. There was no penis for her to touch. It was all inside her. Her fingers were massaging his balls. A wet sticky massage! Before it got too much the fingers were withdrawn leaving Paul almost frozen in place, his whole concentration upon the feeling in his penis, his rock hard penis so wonderfully enclosed.

So remarkable the sexual connection, the way man and wife became one, the way the man could go so far into the woman's body and why. Again Paul felt a trifle guilty knowing he was in Bill's place. He really would rather Bill had been there as well in the bed. A strange thing to wish really. But Bill had given permission and Ann had given permission. They were both being kind and clearly wanting him to share in their marital relations as they had done in their courtship. Bill's semen was, after all, already placed within Ann. He was sort of present! And then there was the evidence of earlier intercourse - Ann's swollen stomach. There was not exactly any risk of Ann becoming pregnant through his actions!

Slowly Paul drew back. A gentle sliding and then a pushing in again. Paul was engaged in the real sexual act - he was engaged in sexual intercourse!

Paul did not hurry. He had been told not to. Gentle strokes even stopping if he got 'over excited' - and it was difficult not to be! Ann seemed content enough. Occasionally he felt her fingers moving and was sure she was not simply relying on his efforts.

"Oh crumbs! No, don't come, just let me first... I am, I am... Oh Bill, I mean Paul."

Paul reached under and held her breasts as, in his arms, with a little pushing of herself against him, Ann shuddered in orgasm.. Almost he joined her but not quite.

Ann was still and Paul waited. Pleasant enough to wait with his erection inside the girl! Just revelling in where he was and what he was doing.

"You can come now. Go on, fill me!"

'Fill me!' Such an erotic idea. Paul began moving again but, now, a little more firmly, his skin starting to slap against her bottom. In and out, in and out, as he built to a release, getting steadily faster until he was really thrusting at her. The sexual sucking, slapping noises actually his own. A groan and the feeling of Ann's fingers on his balls once more as he began to spurt. The feeling ecstatic, the thought of what he was doing wonderful and Ann's stroking fingers just adding to the pleasure. Spurt after spurt until there was no more. Paul was still. Just lying on the girl's body, delightfully embedded and still her fingers lightly stroking his balls. He closed his eyes and tried to fix everything in his mind.

After a while the fingers moved and curled around the base of his penis and pulled him from her. Ann turned and settled herself down upon her back. "Was that good? It was for me."

"Lovely Ann, simply lovely. You are so kind... and..."

"I'll tell Bill, he'll be so pleased when he comes home. Do you want to get up and get going or have a little rest first?"

"I'd better relieve myself but then perhaps a bit of a rest. I'm in no hurry."

Good to relieve himself but even better to come back into Ann's bedroom and get back into bed with her. She lying there all naked and just pulling back the covers to let him in. They talked for a while and then in a pause Paul realised Ann had dropped off. He did the same. It was another first: sleeping in bed with a woman!

Paul awoke to find himself erect again. Not just erect but with a mouth on his penis. He must have been fast asleep. The curtains were now drawn back and the sun was streaming in. A fine, if blustery day, after the rain of the night. Paul just lay there staring out at the sky and the birds flying as his penis was sucked. Ann was under the covers, invisible to his eyes but not to his sense of touch. His smile was broad and he just lay there and let Ann work the magic. He thought about what they had done, about what he had watched the night before and how Ann had sucked him as Bill had fucked her. So lovely to be able to lie there and enjoy the sexual feelings of a warm wet mouth and have to do absolutely nothing but just - ultimately - come.

Ann seemed content enough down the bed, even taking his balls singularly into her mouth and playing with them. Her tongue licking up his shaft and tickling him under the knob before taking him within again. Paul just lay there until it happened. Just wonderful. To close his eyes and appreciate the building orgasm and then feel the semen shooting up his penis and knowing it was going straight into Ann's mouth.

All too soon it was over. Ann surfacing with a big smile on her face. "Did I do that well?"

"You do everything well."

It was time to go.

Paul stepped out of the house and walked off down the street towards home, a bit later than he had planned - indeed three ejaculations later than he had planned! It had been all so lovely. He so liked Bill and Ann, indeed he knew he was a bit in love with Ann - perhaps they knew it.

The years rolled forward. Paul passed the examinations he had studied for so hard at the Institute and, by steady work and skill, rose to run his firm before retiring at sixty-six. Still unmarried: not he, he thought, from choice though perhaps, if the truth was known, he had been wedded to his job.

Still alone in bed, though not always in his thoughts. Sometimes he thought of Ann, in his mind she remained as young as she had been all those years ago. What had she been then? Twenty or so? It had been just the once in his whole life that he had experienced sexual intercourse. That one time with Ann early in that so vividly recalled morning. How many times had he relived that moment? How much semen had he spilt in a rather lonely way over that memory? He had hoped for more opportunities with Ann, with them, but the baby had come within a day or two and whilst he had seen it, even held it, it had just happened that they had drifted apart again. Being sent to another factory in another town almost immediately had not helped and he had not come back. He had moved with his job around the country. A readiness to move had helped his steady advancement up the company. A steady and unstoppable rise. The Christmas cards dried up after many years.

Seventy years old, Paul found himself standing in the self same station where he had, all those years ago, caught the train home from his evening class. He smiled at the memory of all those long evenings with Miss Tembrill. He had been so tired and yet had had to concentrate so hard: and then there had been Bill and Ann. Such a delight. So something to look forward to. As he thought the train drew into the station. No longer a steam train, not a compartment train and most certainly not one without a corridor. The modern electric train with its blue seats, all in uniform British Rail livery. Paul moved a little along the platform for a non-smoking carriage. Even back when he was young he had hardly smoked. It just had not been his thing. He had sported a pipe for a time but mostly it had been unlit.

It had been quite a surprise finding what looked just like the old carriages in the railway museum - the self same corridor less carriages. He had opened the door and stepped into a compartment just like he used to do all those years ago. The years falling away as he did so. It was all so familiar if perhaps rather cleaner. The material of the seats, the string luggage rack and even the mirror. Perhaps, but there was no way of knowing - he had not collected the numbers of the rolling stock - this carriage had been the scene of one of those Wednesday sexual escapades with Bill and Ann, perhaps in that very compartment. Perhaps it had been the one where they had first met.

It was good to sit and think back through the years. It had been a good life, mostly. Success had certainly come to him. Success in business and success financially. He had friends and would not have called himself lonely but it was a pity he had never found the right woman. Bill had been so lucky. Again, a pity that friendship had not lasted - especially if it could have stayed on the sexual plane, at least sometimes. Not a ménage a trois - though he would not have been averse to that so improbable an idea. Ann had been so lovely, so sexy, so full of life and, he smiled to himself at the memory, more than a little sexual energy.

Thinking back, his penis rose just as it had done, perhaps in that very compartment all those years past. The years had not stopped that happening. A nice feeling and almost a tribute to those happy days. It would have been pleasant to have unzipped and had just a stroke or two: but hardly something to do in a railway museum - not with the risk of being disturbed by other visitors! His pleasant reminiscences were, just at that moment, disturbed by the sound of the door handle turning. It was annoying to have his memories of those so happy Wednesday nights on the train interrupted. A quick glance at his trousers - it was not very obvious what his thoughts had done to him within their confines.

His surprise was total. Paul immediately recognised the two people climbing into the compartment. Years older, but to him unmistakeable.

He rose to his feet in greeting, "I suppose it is a Wednesday," he said.

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DevilbobyDevilboby9 months ago

The story goes on ?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I have loved reading these excellent stories..well constructed. A

maddictmaddictover 7 years ago
Ashame really.

A long life time to not fine some love of his own. Thats how life works good friends then time and distance do what they will. Memories are powerful what are the chances of Bill and Ann comming in that door.

A most enjoyable ride Thanks

10towers10towersalmost 8 years ago
An epilogue would be wonderful

I keep hoping for a chapter 06 to help fulfill some of the desires of Paul's fantasizes. Ann is such a darling to share and grow in her sexuality with Paul's participation and Bill's encouragement. She is a rare jewel.

Microbevel8Microbevel8about 8 years ago

You've done it again. Just wonderful.

I can see and hear each of the characters in the series. Ann is so sincere and willing. Paul is so fortunate to have found them. And what a nice ending. Tied the bow just so.

Thank you for the time and effort.

10towers10towersabout 8 years ago
Absolutely an endearing story

I had to re-read chapter 04 to refresh a few points. I found myself writing a sequel in my mind awaiting each new chapter. I certainly hoped Paul would get to join with Ann in the most complete way. I even fantasized she would be very "fruity", though I used another word! To use Paul's favorite adjective, what a Lovely short story. Your writing is so good, I wish I could buy your stories as an eBook to keep handy on my iPad. It is rather time consuming to paste individual chapters into one PDF. In any case, I will commence reading more of your works. Cheers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
A wonderful story...

And a great ending. Well written characters. Thank you.

dragonwelshukdragonwelshukabout 8 years ago

You are obviously an older railway enthusiast like myself as you have revived the ambiance of the old non-compartment stock so well. A beautifully crafted story. I really enjoyed it

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