Private School Matters Ch. 03


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I gasp. That was harder, and it takes me a moment to thank him.

"Hmmm. Not very red, are we?" He chuckles. "You never know, though. There may be more opportunities in the near future. Now get back to class!"

"Sir!" I jump up and move as quickly as possible, trying to ignore the stinging all over the center of my backside.

Professor Handley sits back down and calls out. "Just less than halfway to go, Miss Newberry."

I go back into the corridor, and now I begin to really worry. What did he mean by that? Are there more traps out there for me? It's nearly lunchtime, so I park myself outside my best friend Leanne's class. As she comes out, I grab a hand and pull her to the washroom.

"Hey! Evie? What's wrong?"

"Everything!" She doesn't resist my pulling, and we quickly find a stall. It's the only place I can think of to talk privately.

"What's that band?"

"It's something that everyone can use to fuck me over. I'm being treated as if I'm in reform school."

"What?!" Leanne puts her hand to her mouth. "What happened?"

I give her the rundown. Friday night. The seeming reprieve, and now my morning. "I've been punished twice already."

"Did he paddle you or cane you?"

"Hot hands and a paddling. He promises the cane after school."

"Did he," she leans in. "handle you?"

"Yes!" I whisper back. "He messed with my pants."

Leanne nods solemnly. "Handy Handley. That's what all the seniors call him when sent in. I got the treatment three weeks ago."

"You?! You never told me this!"

The taller girl sighs. "I've kept it secret. Word didn't get out, so I just acted like it didn't happen."

"What did happen?"

"This was my third time carpeted." She's speaking very quietly now. "During my fifth year, they were minor, and I just had a stern talking to. Then I was sent for being late to Gregory's class by thirty seconds!"

Professor Gregory. Just like me.

"Well, I went and got a scolding from Handley for a minute, and I thought that was all done. Then he orders me over to his desk."

"For being late by half a minute?"

"He said because it was my third time. I, uhh, argued with him; it was the first this year. He told me I'd be paddled six times!"

I cringe. "Gutsy. I didn't, and he gave me three. Not bad ones."

"I'm just getting started. After he got me bent over, Handley hand-spanked me. 'Red cheeks for my cheek!' he said."

"Oh, god."

"Luckily, over my knickers. But he just kept talking. How my big bottom had a lot of room for punishment."

The way he talked to me. "He likes to humiliate us."

"If by 'us' you mean girls, then that's about right. None of the guys I talk to say anything like that happened."

I nod in understanding as I wait for her to continue.

"Well, the spanking took a bit of time, and honestly, it was pretty bad. So bad..."

I look at her, concerned. "What?"

"Swear to god you will never speak a word of this."

"I swear."

"He started rubbing my bum. I was; in a state. I didn't even realise. By the time I knew what was happening, my cheeks were bare."

"And he kept rubbing you?"

She sags against the stall wall. "Yes. He promised he wouldn't paddle me, so I; just stayed there and let him."

"That; pervert! I wish you would've told me."

"I just wanted it to go away. I'm sorry."

"For not telling me?"

"No." She shrugs. "For the shit we have to take."

I grasp her hand tightly, and she returns it with a weak smile. It's a brief moment of solace before I have to go out and face what may come. After a moment, I can tell she feels better. "Let's get out of here before people start talking."

My friend smiles. "At least it's lunch. What trouble can we get into just eating?"

I swing open the door, and our eyes go wide. Standing there, with her arms folded, is a tall, dark-haired senior. The Head Girl. She begins to shake her head. "Newberry. Thursdale. The awful things you say about our esteemed deputy."

Oh, fuck! "Gail! Snooping on private conversations now?"

"Let's just say I've been told to keep a close eye on you. 'Handy Handley.' That's pretty funny." Gail isn't smiling. She never does. "Let's see how funny he thinks it is."

Leanne goes white. "You can't!  He'll..."

"Get out of there now! You did this to yourself, Thursdale. Stop that crying!"

My best friend is doing more than that. She's shaking in fear. I have to do something! Anything! I take a step forward and get within inches of the head girl's face. "This is between me and you, Gail. I know you've hated me all year, though I've no idea why. Take it out on me."

Her face goes blank for a moment. "You will accept a punishment from me?"

"I will."

Just as I say that, I feel a hand touch my shoulder behind me. "You can't. I'll go with..."

"No Leanne. This is a long time coming. You don't have to suffer just for talking with me."

"Are you sure?"

I turn back to the tall sixth-year blinking at me. "Alright?"

Gail shakes her head and then begins to smile. It isn't pretty. "Go, Thursdale."

My friend leaves in a hurry. It's fine. She can't take any more. But me? Well, let's see how tough I am. "You've got me alone." The dark-haired student nods slowly. What's she coming up with? "Why do you hate me? I've done nothing to you."

She tilts her head. "My boyfriend, Robert."

"What about him?"

"He practically trips over himself every time you pass him in the halls. He goes on and on about how great you are."

"Kirtland? I've barely spoken with him other than hello."

"I've watched both of you. He gets a stupid grin on his face every time you pass, and I want to slap it off him." She arches an eyebrow. "I know!"

I raise my hands. "Wait a..."

"Just one. One slap and I'll feel so much better."

The girl is twisted. Seeing things that aren't there. But if this is what it takes... "And then we're square?"

"Yes, Newberry." She grabs my collar. "Say you're sorry."

Sorry for what? That her boyfriend is a git and can't stop smiling at me? I don't say that, of course, and just look up at her. "Sorry for Robert."

Her hand lands hard on my cheek, and my hair goes flying. I gasp, trying to fall back, but she still has a hold of me!

"Why do you get away with everything!"

"What?!" My hand presses the side of my face. The pain isn't so bad, but my heart is beating like a drum!

"Barely a satisfactory student! Everyone falling all over you! You have to break a fucking law to be punished! I have to be perfect!! The perfect prefect every time, or I get..."

Not her too. Now I know why she's so wound up. How many times? I move my arm down and touch the hand at my neck. I feel strange, and an image swims before my eyes of Handley's office. Two men are standing there. 

"Off with the skirt, I said!"

"But papa!" 

"But nothing, Miss Timms!" Handley has a cane in hand. "Backtalk to your father? A respected official of our law enforcement? I should strip you of your title!" 

"No! I'm... I'm sorry, sirs."

"Now get over that table! You get double for even thinking of refusing..."

We both jerk away from each other, and the moment is shattered. What's happening? Gail is looking at me in confusion. In; pain. We stare at each other for a long time. "I'm sorry." is all I can think to say.

"Go." A simple command, but there is so much emotion behind it.

I get out of the washroom as fast as I can. Just before the door closes, I hear a slap. I don't stop to look back. This fucking school! It's all a game. Pass your tests. Be on time. If you don't, then you'll be... Well, now I know.

I find Leanne and sit down across from her. From her expression, I must be pretty red on one side of my face. There's only silence between us. Who wants to talk about the latest rumours or events when you have this hanging over you? I look around, and most everyone is ignoring me. I'm fucking Hester Prynne!

Keeping my head down, I think back to what I thought I saw. Was it real? I don't know why I would imagine something like that. It was like I was standing there, seeing it through Gail's eyes. Is it the stress? Was it the slap? Am I cracking? Realising it's almost time for fifth class, I pick up my tray.


I follow Leanne's gaze to see Professor Handley enter the cafeteria and scan the room. He sees me and quickly walks over. I guess Gail grassed me out after all.

"Come with me!"

I try to look brave in front of Leanne. "Whatever for, sir?"

"Don't give me that! Come this instant!"

I'm totally screwed. I push myself up and follow him out. A second later, he whirls on me in the hallway.

"I don't know what you did! You girls..."

He looks absolutely apoplectic. "Sir?" 

"Conspiring against me! Well, Miss Newberry, be sure of this: I'll be using full measures this afternoon!" 

I have absolutely no idea what he's on about. "I've just been at lunch, sir."

"So you say..."

I just keep staring at him in confusion. He waves a hand and stalks away. "You had better not be late, Miss Newberry!"

I sag against a wall as everyone begins to go to their afternoon classes. This is really taking a toll on me. What was he implying? There's no time to think about it, though. I'll be late to maths, and I have enough on my plate for now.

I just make it. Professor Cox looks at me with concern. "You're a sight, Miss Newberry."

I look down and see that my tie is askew and shirt wrinkled. I wonder what my hair looks like. He could send me to Handley just for that. "I'm sorry, sir. It's been a rough day."

He stares at my face, and suddenly I realise the middle-aged teacher is quite angry. "Manhandling a student that way? Shameful!"

Blinking, I straighten my clothes. I wasn't going to correct him. I needed every break I could get. Taking my seat, all the girls and even a few of the guys give me supportive expressions. Another class passes with nothing happening to me, and yet I'm growing more anxious by the moment. The next period is Professor MacInnes.

I walk towards his classroom wondering if what Handley said was true? I can't believe it. Yeah, I skirt the boundaries of accepted behavior. Truth be told, I found it fun to mess with the Scotsman. He's one of the younger professors, at close to thirty, and a more strapping man didn't come immediately to mind. Closing my eyes, I take a breath and head in as confidently as I can. "Professor MacInnes."

"Newberry." He doesn't look up from the papers in front of him.

"Um, sir. I would..."

"Take your seat, Miss Newberry."

The coldness. My lower lip grows heavy as I recognise it's true. He's so angry, he can't even look at me. I go back and find Leanne glancing worriedly at me. I don't say anything, and neither does she. Sitting upright, I ready myself for whatever might come from the obviously angry teacher.

MacInnes stands, and I do a double take. He's wearing his kilt. On a Monday? His lecture begins, and it's mostly a review of French history again. "...after the Italian Campaign, the Republicans had used Napoleon to oust the Royalists but found they still needed him to remain in power. At this point, the government of France had lost all legitimacy in the eyes of its people and the world order. It was only two short years for the charismatic man to rise to Emperor."

Leanne raises her hand. "Charismatic? The Little Corporal?"

MacInnes crosses his arms. "Don't be fooled by accounts and paintings after his time. Napoleon's contemporaries often saw an aura of command and a forcefulness of personality when they encountered him. His enemies both feared and respected him as well. I will have you remember; 5' 6" was not all that small back then."

I try to imagine standing next to him. I'm only 5'4"  and would never be a runway model. I like to be around taller men anyway. My eyes refocus on my professor, who hasn't called on me all class. At least that's something. He could have sent me to Handley out of spite. I look up at the clock. Five minutes. Three minutes. One last minute. Almost no time left. What are those two men going to do to me for one hour? After Leanne's story, I don't know what to expect. Then I remember what I thought I saw in the bathroom. Should I just go to Reformatory and take two weeks of that?

I jump as the bell rings. With a pit forming in my stomach, I fumble with my books as everyone rushes to get out. Leanne stands up and lays a hand on my arm in support, and then she's gone too. I rise slowly and take a few hesitant steps to the door.

"Newberry. Stand before my desk."

I shiver at how gruff he sounds. I turn back and try to stand at attention. I feel all wibbly-wobbly inside. "Sir?"

The bearded man finally looks me right in the eye. "So, you have been in trouble with the police."

He's guessing at what I was doing. "I was caught out after curfew, sir."

"With Mr. Howard, I assume. It's funny he isn't getting punished for any of this."

"I guess since he had spent a night in the local jail, it was enough for the police."

"I see." The tall man rises. "Do ye know how much trouble you're in for?"

"No, sir." I quail at the sight of the nearly two meter man staring down at me.

"Well, Professor Handley has wide latitude under the law, Miss Newberry."

I begin to wilt under his stern gaze. "I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean...!"

"It's too late now!" He slams a large hand onto the desk, and I jump. "Once I received that call, I knew. So; I will see this through to the bitter end. You will cry. You will plead. But I'll make sure this never happens again! Go!"

I flee his presence. The tears are close. What did I do?! I made him hate me! The corridors are full of people, and I run into the washroom. I have to wee really bad now. Opening the same stall I was in with Leanne earlier, I sit there in despair. My world is closing in. One hour with two men looking for satisfaction from an eighteen-year-old girl. I stifle a sob. The door opens, and I hear slow footsteps that stop in front of my stall. I try to quiet myself.

"I knew you would be here, Newberry."

It's Gail. "Leave me alone!" I yell as I wipe my wet eyes. She doesn't say anything. Eventually her shoes disappear, and I hear her go into the toilet next to me.

"I did what I could."

"What...?" Then I remember that moment when I was slapped. The image of the office. Handley's reaction after lunch. Oh... "Gail. What did you do?" There's dead silence over there. I know what happened. At least what should have. She was to get me into his office, and had me by all rights. "Thank you."

"For what, Newberry? I haven't seen you all day."

I hear the stall open and the sink run. After the door closes, I sit a moment longer and begin to worry for her. What will she have to face for disobeying Handley? I get up and go tidy myself. My light brown hair is really a mess, and I hand-comb it back into place as best I can. The thin tie is askew, so I get the knot squared. That's about as good as it gets. Yay me. 

Back in the corridor, it's much quieter now. Just an occasional professor or student to stare at me. Somehow, I keep my nerve and reach Handley's door. I knock, and after a moment, it opens. The old man's face pops out.

"You're late, Miss Newberry! Luckily for you, I'm not ready yet. Stand there and wait." He then ducks back inside.

I do as he says, wondering what he's doing in there. I mean, how much preparation is needed for a caning? For an hour? Maybe a very slow caning? My mind is just shooting random ideas now. I hear footsteps approaching, and my history professor arrives with sporran, high stockings and all. A very intimidating sight. He gives me a cursory glance and goes in without saying a word. They are talking in there. Not being able to hear clearly, I risk pressing my ear against the door.

"Interesting choice, Professor Handley."

"Do you like it? Out here in the middle should be optimal..."

The conversation gets too quiet as they move away from the door. What do they have in there that I have to be out in the middle of the room? Then I finally hear MacInnes.

"Of course, sir. I will witness a master in action!"

What little hope of help from my professor is dashed. MacInnes sounds like he's just as bad as Handley! I jump back into position as I hear a call from inside.

"You may come in now, Newberry!"

As one who walks to the gallows, I open the door to find: the office as it always has been. Searching the room, my eyes immediately focus on a cane lying on the desk. It's not the senior. This one is much thinner, with a grip on the end instead of a crook. Not as menacing, but; how many strokes can they get away with that? MacInnes is leaning against the desk with his hand right next to the handle. It's as if he's itching to grab it. Next to him is the bespectacled Deputy Head, standing as tall as he can with his hands held behind him.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself before we begin?" 

The shorter man is virtually salivating over me and I grow defensive. "Sir! I don't know why you're so mad at me. It doesn't really involve the school..."

"Not according to these documents. The police? You're lucky it's just us you face this afternoon!"

"We just..." I clamp my mouth shut. Goddammit. 

"We? Who's we?"

"Thomas Howard." MacInnes answers.

"Reeeeally!" He rocks on his heels. 

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! All of my conversations with him are now going to backfire on me!

"What were you doing with Mr. Howard after curfew?"

After I hadn't spoken up for a moment, MacInnes answers again. "They were in a park taking pictures."

"What kind of pictures, I wonder?" 

I refuse to answer. This is definitely none of his business, and yet MacInnes keeps filling in all the blanks. It feels like bad cop, worse cop in here. The tall, redheaded professor demands my attention.

"Why did you fail to go home, Miss Newberry?"

"We lost track of time."

"Oh! Why were you so distracted, young miss?" Handley's voice drips with sarcasm. "Just a night together at a known hangout? What do you think, Professor?"

MacInnes shrugs. "I can only imagine. An evening alone. A young couple under the stars. It must have seemed romantic."

I look back at the tall man, feeling completely betrayed. "Sir..."

Handley smirks. "I think you hit the nail on the head, Professor. Look at this little trollop. Always flirting and getting her way. If only I had known what you're about!"

"What?! Sir!"

"Oh! Don't think I didn't notice. Professor MacInnes saw through your little act, I'm sure."

MacInnes is staring at me very intensely. "Yes. I knew."

My lower lip begins to tremble, and Handley eats it up. "This little minx won't be waving her naughty bits at you or the other students when we're done with her, eh?"

The man in his kilt scratches his beard slowly. "At the students? I certainly hope not."

"Miss Newberry may not be able to help herself here, you're saying?" The bald man chortles. "No doubt you're right. High time we started. Remove your cardigan."

That's it? It's been what? Three minutes? They're itching to whale on me. "Sirs. Please. You can't do this for an hour."

"We don't plan to. But the more time you waste of ours, the harsher the punishment will be."

I feel the panic begin at the edges. They would accept no more delays. Slowly, I pull the woollen vest off and fold it. I realise they haven't given me permission to place it on the desk.

"Lay it next to you on the floor." 

This is very irregular. To put one's clothes down that way is a clear code violation. As I place it down,I wonder if it's some kind of trick to get me into more trouble.

"Now hands out, Miss Newberry!"

More hot-hands? So this is what they are going to do. Punish me on different parts of my body. Whatever they can get away with for an hour. As I raise my hands, I'm not surprised to see Handley pull the piece of leather from behind his back. I brace myself... The strap looks wrong! My outstretched hand is placed in a loop, and I feel pressure on my wrist. The other is grabbed by the surprisingly strong old man, who pulls the other inside as well. What the...! "Sirs! You can't do this!"