Private School Matters Ch. 03


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"You keep saying that, Miss Newberry."

The bespectacled man gets a buckle into eyelet and the leather tightens. I try to yank back, but there is a ring connecting the two pieces of leather, which Handley has a hold of! "This is illegal! Professor MacInnes!"

The younger man's face is stone cold. "At Reformatory, it isn't. Restraint is often used for severe punishments."

I feel my arms get pulled up by Handley, and my wrists twist painfully inside their bonds. Grunting, I try to pull back, but nothing happens. I look up and finally see it. There's a rope up there. The ring is set securely inside a hook at the end! "Nooo! Please!"

"Yes, Miss Newberry," gloats the ageing professor in front of me. "Now getting the state of play?"

"No, sir! This is..."

"What you deserve!" His eyes rove all over my helpless form. "I always suspected. A juicy tart who had everything fall into her lap. After the officers reported what they'd felt, well, that sealed it."

"My mother will never allow this!"

"We shall see. She knows your doom. Her daughter's fate, hanging by a thread." He looks up and chortles. "Well, that's no thread."

I try again with MacInnes. Surely he would... I notice a hand at his crotch stop moving. "Sir!? You're both perverts!"

I don't see the blow come. My face turns sharply to the left as I feel the old man's backhand. Gail's slap is nothing in comparison. "In Reformatory, I can hit you once more on the other cheek! Apologise now, or you'll feel the school ring!"

Tears flash in my eyes, and start rolling down my cheeks. "I'm... I'm sorrrry!"

He leans in close, and I feel his hot breath. "Yes. I should have brought you in here long ago. Take control of those randy thoughts about your professor here." He looks down. "I can tell your naughty bits are begging for my chastisement even now."

The horrible things he's saying! I don't deserve this! Suddenly, I feel a finger flip at the blouse covering the very tip of my outthrust breast. Even through my clothes, I feel a sudden, intense tingling. I try to swing my outraged flesh away, but Handley grabs my waist. "Stop! Please stop! Sir..."

"Don't like it, eh? Your plump berries being plucked?"

He paws at a breast and begins to squeeze. To my utter dismay, I have to stifle a moan. Why are my tits getting hot?! Why am I reacting like this?! He doesn't hold my flesh hard, but it's completely violating. He's trying to find my nipple. All I can do is shake my head constantly. "You... You..." I want to call him names! Spit at him! But he'll slap me again! 

"Nice firm handfuls. Did Mr. Howard enjoy them? Answer me!"

I just shake my head. I hate this, but somehow my flesh betrays me. Wherever he touches, I tingle in a very wrong way. His hand finally gives up the search, and pulls away. I stare at the man as the feeling subsides. "How...?"

"Questions already, Miss Newberry?" The near-sighted man grins. "She is a randy little treat. Wouldn't you agree, Professor?"

I glance over to MacInnes and see his face staring strangely at me, his hand lax next to his lap. The older man next to me chortles for a moment.

"I shouldn't be surprised." He turns back to me. "You've been weaving a web around your favourite professor for months, haven't you? Eventually, I'll let him join us in your chastisement. But for now, I think you need my experienced touch."

I brace myself as his hands come forward again. I have to find a way to resist this. They settle on my blouse, right between my breasts. The feeling is returning, and I try to twist away. Over my clothes, I might... Oh, no! His fingers are at my buttons! "Sir...!"

"Oh, yes, Miss Newberry, you will find many of age girls are stripped bare in reformatory before facing their punishment. Here, well, your embarrassment will make my efforts doubly effective in front of your precious professor."

My 'embarrassment' is hardly what I'm worried about. As a second button is opened, I see his hand slide under my blouse. His fingers trail along the top of my bra, and the tingle becomes maddening. Then he pushes at the underwire of my cup. If he gets under there...! I try to twist away, but it's futile in his grip.

"Ah, there we are."

The older man pulls a breast free. In a moment, he finds what he wants and rubs my nipple between two fingers. Again, my body betrays me as I sense my flesh pucker out against all my efforts. I... I can't stop it! I hate what he's doing to me, and yet my body keeps reacting to his insidious hands! He gives me a slight pinch, and I moan.

"Yes... So ripe, are we? I feel you resisting me." His eyes are larger than life behind those spectacles as he comes close. "So much the better."

"Please, sir... Uhhnn!" My protest is cut off as a new surge of pain and pleasure courses through my breast. I feel my body rotate, so I'm facing MacInnes, and Handley pushes up behind me. I gasp as I feel something very hard push up into the rear of my skirt. Somehow it feels hot even through all of our clothes!

"Like that, don't you?" I shake my head. "No? What if I encourage you down here?" The old man cups me right over my crotch.

"No!" I cry. He can't touch me there. If he does... I look pleadingly at my professor at the desk. "Please..." His eyes suddenly focus on me, and yet he doesn't move. All except his hand, which is moving towards his kilt once again. In absolute horror, I close my eyes against what I'm seeing. Even so, I can't stop what I'm sensing. Handley's hands pull up my pleated skirt. I give a feeble push back with my hips, but I only feel his hardness at my arse even more. His impossibly hot fingertips rub the front of my knickers.

"Did you let Mr. Howard get into that twat?"

I don't answer as I try to withstand the warmth I'm beginning to feel between my legs. A wetness forms as his grip peels away my last remaining barrier to the side. I shudder as he brushes away my hairs, his fingers probing...


What was that? It sounded mechanical. Handley's palm is frozen in place. I slowly open my eyes and see him looking over my shoulder. MacInnes has a camera and is taking pictures of me! His sporran is open. That's where it came from! I can't curse, and yet I must voice my distress. "You're all the worst!" I break down into a gale of sobs.

"What are you...?" The old man snorts next to me. "I like your enthusiasm, Professor, but I don't think that's wise."

MacInnes takes a deep breath and snaps a second picture. "I think it's actually very wise."

"There's too much risk for you to, uhh, document us this way."

"Us? Nay. From what I've seen, the risk is all yours, sir."

Handley's hand is still under my skirt. He jerks back. "You know I have the authority to chastise her."

"I don't think they allow molesting students, sir. Even at reformatory."

"But you said..."

"I did no such thing, Richard. I said you could make sure she doesn't resist. To take your time. But this?" He looks at his camera and shakes his head. 

"You set me up!"

"Aye. That I did. But you did yourself no favours. You're a craven man with a perverted streak. All those whispers from the students were true."

The bald man takes a step forward, looking at the camera, but MacInnes rises slowly, flexing. "I wish you'd try." He grins behind his beard when Handley makes no further move. "Just like a bully. Full of bluster, but little else."

The shorter professor bares his teeth. "You expose me, and I'll sink you as well! I have friends..."

"And what? Expose them to this?" He tucks the camera back in the sporran. "Go ahead if you'd like."

"What do you want? Money?"

MacInnes' fists clench. "I want you to leave. Now!"

Blinking away the tears, I watch this drama unfold. My hope grows as Handley obviously crumbles. He slowly trudges to the door and looks over at me. "This isn't over."

"Oh, I kinna it is, Dick." MacInnes strides forward and shoves the Deputy Headmaster out the door.

I find my voice. "Sir! Could you help me, please?"

MacInnes glances back. "After I have this sorted." With that, the door closes suddenly.

I hear shouting, but it fades rapidly. I guess they're going to the headmaster. Then the police, maybe? My heart rate comes back down to something close to normal again. I try to see if I can get myself off the hook, but there's nothing to stand on close by. Maybe if I jump? With my arms pulled so tightly upwards, I can't even push with much more than my toes.

Giving up on it, I just hang there and wait. I feel strange in the quiet room. With nothing else to do, I stand and think. MacInnes wasn't trying to masturbate, thank goodness. My professor had really gotten the bastard good. That's why he wouldn't talk to me. He didn't want to give the game away. The silence is broken by approaching footsteps outside. I tense as I realise I'm quite helpless here. Luckily, it's just the tall Scotsman. "Sir. Please help me."

He comes close and reaches for the hook above me. "I'm the one who should be apologizing. I'm sorry, but I froze."

My arms drop, and I feel the blood flow back to my hands. "I know, sir. I realise that after what Handley said. You had me convinced you're a..."

Something passes over his face, and I see he's growing angry again. "I'm not that, at least. I should have never... I used you as bait for Christ's sake!" He begins to fiddle with the clasps on my restraints. "What is this anyway?!"

"It's okay, sir." The tall man is obviously agitated. I place my bound hands above his to slow him down. Suddenly, I feel it. I mean, I really feel it. His worry! What's happening? I pull away from his now still hands. He's staring at me with those aquamarine eyes.

"I didn't summon the police."

I think for a moment. Why is he so concerned? "Because they're corrupt," I answer knowingly. How do I know?

"Aye. I blackmailed him. Threatened him. He will leave the school immediately."

"That's better than I can hope for, considering."

"What do you hope for, Miss Newberry? You have a brain. Why did you risk yourself so?"

He's standing awfully close. Not that I mind. This is just... I mean; I'm having a very hard time maintaining my composure here. I've just been assaulted, but... Whatever you do, don't say something stupid. "I want things..." Oh! My! God!

"And then you came in here and let that man dominate you. I find that quite disturbing."

"He had that paper. He could have sent me to reform school."

"And so you thought what happened was preferable? To be made helpless after what he said?"

"I thought that... I didn't know he was going to do that!"

"You knew inside he would do worse, I kin. You're not that wee, Miss Newberry. Sometimes, fighting back is preferable. Even with the law against you."

"I wanted to fight, but; you were here. I guess I thought I could trust you. I thought we had; well..."

"What do we have, Miss Newberry?" MacInnes looks guardedly at me. "The trust between a teacher and their student? I hate myself."


"I should have stopped it. Your flirting."

I hold my breath for a moment in surprise. "I didn't think I was getting to you. A lot of my classmates were doing the same thing."

"But I ignored them. Not you. I couldn't stop. Especially when you would sidle up to me all the time. When you're close..."

Wait. He feels it too! That giddiness! I take a step towards him. "That's why I did it more. You never creeped me out. I really; umm..."

"Your eyes."


"Your bonnie eyes. Why do you stare at me so?"

I realise I'm doing it right now. My thoughts of all the flirting and playing are catching up with me. The butterflies are back. The good kind. Even after all that happened, what kind of person am I?!

"I'm a chaste man. At least at this school. I just... Something in me finds you..." He reaches for the ring on the leather cuffs.

I raise my hands to him. I wish to be captured by his strong arms. I feel a heat gather deep inside me as he touches my bindings, and I hold my breath. We stare at each other for ages. Then he... He shakes his head.

"I sense what you want, but we canna."

"I really want to," I whisper.

"No." My red-headed professor says it more forcefully now. "I can't betray myself like this. No matter how I feel."

He begins unclipping the stays, and my wrists come loose. With my hands free, I reach out in supplication. "I've never felt this way, sir. Please. I need you."

MacInnes breath becomes unsteady as we touch again. He takes my hands into his much larger ones. "You're eighteen. I'm forty."

"You're forty, sir?" I look at him closely. "I can't believe you're over thirty."

"Thank ye, but on top of all that, you are my student."

"Not for much longer, sir."

Now he looks exasperated. "You're making this verra hard."

His Scottish burr is becoming more noticeable. I look down and see something else as well. That something is very formidable and pushes the heavy woollen kilt outward. My professor notices my attention and pulls away. As if drawn by a hidden power, I can't help but follow. "Sir. I want you."

"We canna! Yer màthair is about nigh!"

Not a complete denial. I keep close as he comically waves his arms to ward me away. I seize the moment and go for his kilt. It's stupid. It's rude. I can't help it, but dammit, I'm going to see what's under there!

The taller man grabs my forearms, but I keep pressing forward. "What are ye doing!" He grunts. "Dinnae make me hurt you, lass!"

I don't know how, but I force back the man who has to be at least double my weight. Just as I get to his hem, he uses all his strength, and I find myself lifted bodily off the floor.


My eyes are wide with giddiness. I want to strip him! I grab his dress shirt and begin to pull. He shouts at me again. Suddenly, I'm thrown backwards on top of the desk.

"Calm down, Miss Newberry!"

I continue to struggle, but my arms are pinned by his powerful hands. His face is close. I hear him talk softly to me now. 

"Calm yourself, lass."

I can't move. His veins are bulging at the effort, but he keeps whispering. Finally, the words break through.

"Think of your future. What if anyone finds us like this?" 

Blinking at the man above me, I feel very vulnerable. I'm such an idiot. A tear wells and runs down the side of my face. "I need you. Every bit of me feels it." The man is silent. Our breathing slows, and the connection, as I feel it, is stronger than ever. I know it's rare. One in a thousand? One in a million? Yet he'll fight it. My professor is so much more mature than me and my stupid little one-tracked brain. I'm no longer struggling. Let him go, and I'll just... He wipes a tear from my cheek. A second track follows it as a sudden release of all of my pent-up emotion flows out of me. "Sir?"


I feel my face contort as I smile and cry at the same moment. I must look awful...

"We must wait. For both our sakes."

I nod. A promise. It's enough for me. "Yes; Angus. How long?" 

"Until I'm no longer your professor." 

"Two weeks?"

"Aye. I will suffer as well. We just have to be careful 'till then."

There's a knock at the door. MacInnes says something in Scottish Gaelic, which I'm sure is a very bad word. He quickly pulls me back up, and I hurriedly get my clothes straight.



"The rope," he hisses.

With no time for anything better, he throws the end into the rafters. There's a second impatient sounding knock. I point downward at something my professor has failed to notice. "What are you going to do with that caber, sir?"

"Christ!" He steps behind the desk and sits down. Situating himself, Angus motions for me to open the door. As I turn the handle, my mom bursts in and grabs a hold of me.

"Honey! Are you okay?"

"Mrs. Newberry. We've just finished."

"What did he do to you?!"

My mother looks at my face and hair. I can imagine how disarrayed I must look to her. "I'm fine, mom."

"She took her punishment well. Professor Handley had other matters to tend to, so we were discussing her future."

"She shouldn't have had to do anything!" My mom frowns. "Did you cane her?" 

"Absolutely not! Miss Newberry did get paddled earlier today, but I think this afternoon's discussion has been a revelation for all involved."

"Discussion? The way Professor Handley was talking on the phone..."

"I convinced him that there was a better way. I hope my student agrees."

I nod earnestly. "Yes, sir. I think we need to talk, mom. About my plans."

"You have to go to university, young miss."

"I know, but I have several months this summer. I want to at least try."

My professor finally stands, and I see the bulge has subsided. "I can tell she has been distracted in class, Mrs. Newberry. This has been weighing heavily on her mind."

Mom looks up and down at the tall redhead. "Uhh... And you are?"

"Professor MacInnes. Your daughter's history professor and Form Master."

She brushes her hair back. "And you are, uhh; a Scotsman? Well, of course you are!"

To my horror, I watch my mom practically preen herself before him.

"Well met. Now about your daughter..."

"Ah, yes!" She's blushing now. "So, you think it wise to go into modelling?"

The tall man smiles. "I think it would be best to let her discover what she can do."

The forty-year-old woman smiles back almost shyly. "What of my desires?"

Okay. That's enough! "Let's go, mother!"

My mom waves back at the man as she's leaving. "I'll talk with Evelyn. It's been a pleasure, Professor!"

I all but push her through the door. I can't believe this! Even my mom acts like this around him?!

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