Probation Period Pt. 02


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It was quite plain that Penny was not the type to be satisfied with half measures; hence the insistence on 24/7 and maximum harshness. It would take a lot of Victoria's skill to provide her with the desired, borderline experience without unintentionally causing a severe trauma.

The distinguished man, who had introduced himself as Alfred and was apparently Penny's closest confidant, had followed the negotiations closely, but had only commented on a few details of the practical implementation. It had not escaped Victoria's notice that he was, to put it mildly, sceptical about Penny's plans, but he bowed to the young woman's will. Victoria discerned that Penny was used to getting what she wanted and so, just to set a counterpoint, had demanded a day for consideration, which she intended to utilize fully, although she already knew that she would accept the offer.

"A word, please."

Deep in thought, Victoria had paid little attention to her surroundings, until Alfred suddenly turned towards her and pointed to a wide niche next to the entrance door, which probably served as a cloakroom. She followed him willingly, eager to learn what he had to say. Apparently still undecided as to how he should present his request, he first scrutinized her thoroughly.

Victoria also took the opportunity to study him more closely. For a man who had passed the age of fifty, he seemed very fit. Small wrinkles around the eyes suggested that he enjoyed laughing. But now his face was serious when he fixed her with a penetrating look.

"I've been in the service of the family for over 20 years now. I've seen Penelope grow up. Her parents didn't have it easy with her, she was a ... wild child." He took a breath before continuing. "After the accident, I took custody of her until she came of age. It was a difficult year for both of us." With a curt gesture, he pointed to his grey hair.

"For a time, she seemed determined to follow her parents to the grave. Parties, affairs, alcohol and drugs - unfortunately nothing out of the ordinary in her circles, but she carried it to extremes. She barely missed a lethal overdose once, but luckily, this shock acted as wakeup call.

Then she switched to extreme sports, everything that promised a thrill and robbed me of my sleep. Fortunately, she also survived this phase. Penelope tries a lot, but her initial enthusiasm fades as soon as she masters something. Business lies in her blood, but unfortunately it doesn't interest her very much." Alfred sighed sorrowfully and paused, probably to let what he had said take effect. Victoria found his story highly revealing, but did not know what he was getting at and so, with a gesture, invited him to continue.

"Two months ago, I found her tied up. I don't know how she managed it, but she had hung herself by her feet, and having bound herself so thoroughly, couldn't free herself. When I found her, she was semi-conscious.

Later we talked for a long time and I learnt that she had been tying herself up for years and had an amazing collection of pertinent 'toys'. This was obviously another, not entirely harmless hobby of hers. Ms Victoria, I've seen a lot of things in my life and so wasn't shocked, but I was deeply worried because she didn't confide in me before it was almost too late. In the meantime, I've studied and read a great deal of the literature about the BDSM lifestyle, although I can't claim that I understand her inclinations. However, if it makes her happy ... Anyway, I hope with all my heart that with you, Penelope will finally find what she is looking for."

He leaned forward until his face was only a few inches away from hers and his voice became dangerously quiet.

"Now you are probably wondering why I have entrusted all this to you. To avoid any misunderstanding: I love Penny like a daughter of my own. I do understand that you will coerce her, humiliate her and torture her and that she would have it no other way. I have to accept that. But please understand that if you abuse our trust or harm her beyond what she needs and desires, you will be very sorry indeed. I promise you that."

Alfred stepped back again and looked her firmly in the eyes. Then he extended his hand towards her.

"Ms Victoria, I think we understand each other? Welcome aboard. I'm looking forward to a mutually beneficial, for us all, relationship."

Victoria nodded seriously and returned his firm handshake.

"Yes, we understand each other. Thank you, Alfred."


Victoria stands indecisively outside the conference room and nervously strokes her hair. She has spent a sleepless night in the course of which, after a long struggle with herself, she has decided to refuse an offered extension of another six months to her contract. Provided that eventuality comes to pass at all; in the late evening, her smartphone has received the alarm that is triggered when Penny removes her collar.

She braces herself and opens the door. Alfred, as always in a flawless dark suit, greets her with a nod of the head.

"Hello Victoria! Please have a seat!"

Penny is wearing the same jeans and tank top that she has worn when they first met. Did she fall in love with her right then? No, in the beginning there was only the purely physical attraction and a lot has happened since then. The lighter stripes of skin around Penny's neck and wrists prove that beyond a doubt. Victoria struggles to push aside the uninvited, emerging memories of Penny's naked, collared and cuffed body writhing in ecstasy. What she has to do is already hard enough.

After everyone has seated themselves, Penny pushes a stack of papers across the table.

"Please accept this extension of your contract for another six months. You will see that there's a substantial increase of your fee, but most of the other terms remain unchanged."

Victoria stares at the contract in front of her. The 'substantial increase' turns out to be a straight doubling of her remuneration. She would not have to worry about money for many years to come. Wasn't it crazy to give it all up just because she would continue to be Penny's employee? Her temporary 'mistress' leased for another half a year? A mere means to an end?

Victoria looks up with burning eyes to see that Penny also appears pale and tired. Under her eyes are slight shadows, which is unusual considering her amazing resilience. She nervously avoids Victoria's stare.

"Thank you, Penny. That's a very generous offer, but unfortunately, I have to decline."

"That's what I thought you'd say." Penny speaks quietly, staring down at her hands folded on the top of the table in front of her. "But I had to know."

For the first time in years Victoria doesn't know what to do. She would love to jump up and run away before she begins to cry in front of the two people she had come to know so intimately over the past half year. Instead, she visually devours her former slave for perhaps the last time, burning her image into her memory.

When Penny lifts her eyes again, they are filled with a feverish glow. Yet, she seems completely calm outwardly when she turns to Alfred.

"It's time."

"You're sure?"

She grasps his hand and squeezes it when she steadfastly answers his questioning gaze. "Yes, absolutely sure."

"Then that's a good thing. I think I'd better leave you two alone now." He gets up and kisses Penny on the forehead. "Good luck!"

Before he leaves the room, he secretly winks at Victoria.

Her gaze follows him thoughtfully. What is that supposed to mean? Does Alfred want to spare himself an embarrassing farewell scene? During the last six months he has always kept himself in the background and never interfered in their games, although he must have found it hard to do so, given how harshly Victoria has sometimes treated Penny. Actually, she even imagined that he has come to accept how much Penny enjoys and craves Victoria's strict and uncompromising dominance. After all, he has confided to her a few weeks ago that he believes Penny to be 'in good hands' and that he can finally sleep peacefully again.

A loud noise makes her turn around to see that Penny has placed her opened collar on the glass top. She begins to undress slowly in front of Victoria's eyes, first pulling her top over her head, then she releases her bra to expose her firm breasts. The massive rings in her nipples glisten dully in the bright light of the ceiling lamps. Victoria watches as if hypnotized and only after Penny had tugged at her pants does she wake from her trance.

"Penny? What is this? If you think you can change my mind this way ..." - then you are not wrong, Victoria completes her sentence in thought. She has to bite her lip so as not to burst out loud with it. Damn!

Meanwhile, Penny unabashedly continues her provocative striptease. Victoria is itching to show her with the Devil's Tail what she thinks of Penny's audacity to try and persuade her in this way. She has made her decision and has no desire to play games any more.

After Penny has removed her last piece of clothing, she stands before Victoria and unashamedly displays her perfect, naked body. The enforced fitness training of the last few months has ensured that her lean torso now sports defined muscle groups.

"I thought a lot about us last night, Victoria, and I'd like to propose a new arrangement between us, please?"

Penny takes the contract extension from the glass top and tears it in half, then tosses it into the trash can under the table. She next bends over the table and pulls out a sheet from the sheaf of papers in front of her own seat, and places it in the hand of a bewildered Victoria. Without further ado, she kneels in impeccable posture before Victoria's chair, crosses her wrists behind her back and humbly lowers her gaze, exactly as Victoria has taught her to do.

Victoria's eyes skim over the page covered with Penny's precise handwriting, then she frowns and quickly turns the sheet over before carefully reading the text on the front again. She presents the blank back side to Penny's face.

"You didn't write down any rules!" Victoria states.


Irritated, she looks down at Penny, kneeling motionless in front of her.

"What's that supposed to mean? No limits?"

"Exactly. No limits whatsoever." Penny appears completely unconcerned when she quietly adds, "Or just the ones we write down now."

Victoria elects to ignore the last remark. She will not allow Penny to back-pedal right away. Instead, she decides to call Penny's bluff.

"No time limit either?"

"Carte blanche," Penny affirms.

"Are you serious?"


Victoria raises her eyebrows and asks herself a most important question: What if Penny is really serious? She should be made aware of all of the possible consequences. Better to make sure that she truly understood what she is getting into.

"I'm going to have your head shaved. No more annoying hair under your masks and helmets."

Penny accepts the announcement without any visible emotion.

"You'll remain locked in your chastity belt 99.9% of the time. With the penalty dildo and butt plug."

Once more there is no reaction. Victoria has to bring the big guns in.

"I'll have stainless steel wrist and ankle cuffs made for you. The same kind that Nina wears, the one's that can't be opened once they're closed. You will also be fitted with a permanent, non-removable collar."

For the first time, Penny's ostentatious equanimity is somewhat shaken and her breathing accelerates noticeably.

"You'll also be extensively pierced just like Nina has been. Your labia, tongue, nose and so on. Robert has developed some really interesting concepts and you will get to be the one to show them off," Victoria adds.

Penny moans quietly, shuddering with both terror and arousal at what the future might hold for her. Victoria doesn't miss how she unconsciously rubs her thighs imperceptibly against each other.

"What are you doing? Do these things turn you on? Answer me!"

Caught, Penny interrupts her sacrilegious actions.

"M-maybe, Mistress," she admits meekly and blushes.

"Unbelievable! You really are an incorrigible pain slut, aren't you?" Victoria shakes her head. "And on top of that you still believed I wouldn't notice how you were stimulating yourself! I thought I'd broken you of that habit."

Deliberately, she fails to mention that she too is aroused by these same ideas, albeit not as the receiving party. Be that as it may, it is now obvious that Penny will not be deterred by threats that cater to her own fantasies. Victoria vows to herself that she will teach the brat to fear her yet.

"I'll present you in public, Penny, and this time without a helmet. Everyone will recognize you."

Penny licks her lips nervously. At last Victoria knows she is on the right track.

"You will, of course, have to be marked permanently. I think a tattoo immediately above your pubic area will work great. What do you think of 'SLAVE' in beautiful, big letters? Then everyone immediately knows what you are."

"Only if they see me naked," Penny dares to object.

"Would you rather I have it placed on your forehead?"

Penny gasps in horror and shakes her head.

"I thought so." Victoria smiles sardonically. "And if I have the tattoo put there nevertheless?"

"That would be your privilege, Mistress. Then I would just have to accept it," Penny concedes in a hoarse, shaking voice.

Victoria pauses in surprise. Is Penny actually willing to go that far?

"So, you're really giving up your safe word?"

"Yes, I will. Instantly."

"Let me understand you perfectly, Penny. You wish to, and will, completely surrender yourself to me, without reservations?" Victoria continues, staring intently into Penny's eyes.

"Yes, Mistress. I do."


There! The crucial question has been asked. Victoria feels her heart pounding, but Penny continues to keep her eyes lowered and her head bent, staring silently at the floor. Victoria has almost given up hope of getting an answer when Penny finally raises her head and looks her straight in the eye. All of a sudden, the self-assurance she has displayed before is gone and the words tumble out of her mouth in a rush.

"Because I trust you, Mistress! Because, only with you do I feel safe and can let go completely. Because I know that you love me! I've known for a long time, I am not blind! Damn, why have we all become so cynical nowadays? Otherwise, this wouldn't sound so ridiculous just now. But Mistress, it's your fault!"

She starts to weep, tears flooding down her quivering cheeks while she continues to speak.

"You made the permafrost in my heart thaw, and for the first time something is stirring within it. For the first time in my life I really feel alive. Because I love you too. Yes, I love you! And I want to live with you because I assuredly could not face a life without you. I'd kill myself, and God knows, I've tried."

"But I don't want, no, I simply cannot be just your dominatrix!" Victoria exclaims, shaken by her own emotional response to Penny's outburst.

"Mistress, a slave is not entitled to suggest ... It's just an idea ... but maybe ... Well, maybe you might consider marrying me? Of course, that's a lot to ask under the circumstances and I'd completely understand if ..."

Penny's stream of words is suddenly interrupted when Victoria grabs her neck and kisses her firmly on the mouth, tears of her own flowing freely. It takes a long time before they resurface to catch their breath. Victoria looks at Penny in wonder, as if she is seeing her for the first time. Wow! We should definitely do that again ...

This time it is Penny who initiates the kiss. It is not quite as frantic and urgent this time, but no less passionate than the first. When they finally manage to disengage, Victoria has slipped off the chair and stares deeply into the tear brimming yet smiling eyes of her slave. Do I have the same idiotic grin on my face as Penny? She quickly straightens and strives for an appropriately severe facial expression.

"Don't think that I'll be more indulgent with you because of that!"

"I will be an obedient slave!" Penny asserts with a mischievous grin, "... a at least most of the time."

"I'll see to that." Victoria smiles maliciously and takes the metal collar off the table.

"Careful, Mistress! The safety pin needs to be removed before it's closed."

Victoria hesitates and takes a closer look at the collar.

"What kind of lock is this? There's no key hole."

"Yesterday I replaced the old locking mechanism with this permanent one," Penny admits, blushing slightly.

So-so. Victoria contemplatively weighs the collar in her hands. Penny has obviously been pretty sure of herself. Victoria realizes she must not forget that she is now together with a skilled manipulator who is accustomed to getting everything she wants. However, that is a challenge she is happy to accept.

"How about visits to the doctor and dentist? What about flying and trips? If you are to be in public, there will be no way to hide it, other than to conceal it with clothing. I hope you understand that fully," Victoria inquires.

"Well, I'll just have to accept that and live with it. Everyone will see the collar and probably know precisely what it means, but I can deal with that."

"What if there's a medical problem?"

Penny shrugs. "Then I guess we' ll have to cut the metal open somehow."

Victoria flips the two halves of the collar open, revealing the sturdy locking posts on the opposite side of the nearly invisible hinge.

"Penny, when I fit you with this collar, I will immediately make you my slave again. You do realize that I can make my announcements true at any time then?"

"Yes Mistress, that is clear to me."

"Okay, I'm going to give you one last chance to change your mind."

"Please, Mistress, I want it. I need to be your slave!" It is plain to see that Penny can barely keep her excitement in check.

"Very well, Penny. Suit yourself. Now, lift your chin!" Victoria removes the safety pin and loosely wraps the dully gleaming metal band around Penny's neck. "Any last words?"

Penny moans and closes his eyes.

"Do it already!" She exclaims impulsively, then adds a belated, "Please, Mistress!"

"With the greatest pleasure," Victoria replies with an oily eagerness steeped in irony, which Penny - deeply submerged in her subspace - fails to register. Victoria struggles to suppress a grin. Old habits die hard. Penny might be facing a steep and painful learning process until she finally realizes that Victoria is no longer her employee. But one thing at a time.

Using both hands, Victoria slowly presses the halves of the wide, ring-endowed, steel band together, until the joint under Penny's left ear slides almost fully closed. She has to exert considerable pressure to make it snap shut with a sharp, metallic click. Penny's slender neck has once again become snugly-encased in her collar and, this time, there is no way to remove it.

"Ooohhh! Yes!" A tremor runs through Penny's body and Victoria watches with amusement while a damp spot spreads between her thighs. She gives Penny a few seconds to calm herself, then grasps her chin and tilts her head back as far as the width of the collar at the nape of her neck permits.

"That reminds me! Actually, I haven't really responded to your so-called 'idea' yet."

Penny looks up surprised at first, then her face assumes a worried expression. Victoria grasps the front ring of her collar and effortlessly pulls Penny up until she stands meekly in front of her. The ring once more proves to be very handy when she plants another kiss on her stunned slave's mouth.

"Yes, I will!"

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absolutistabsolutistabout 1 year agoAuthor


Thanks a lot for the comment. For the past months, I've been struggling with some generalized discouragement, let's see what happens when that finally passes.

However, giving back the compliment, I certainly look forward to more stories from you!

CanonfodderCanonfodderabout 1 year ago

Even now, after rereading, I still want you to continue this...

absolutistabsolutistover 1 year agoAuthor

I've been remiss in thanking all the commenters, always appreciated.


I've toyed with the idea of writing epilogues for some of my stories, but have not made much progress. So no promises, unfortunately.

cradulichcradulichover 1 year ago

I enjoyed your story very much and it is one of the few stories that had an ending. Though a sequel would be great.

kfox8kfox8about 2 years ago

Any chance for a part 3 after this new contract has been signed?

sammy_808sammy_808about 5 years ago

it's been a long time since a story gave me that nice wobbly tummy feel. i only cried a little bit at the end.

i hope you write a lot more! i'd love to read some more about these two living their happy-ever-after!

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