Professional Excellence Ch. 11


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'You'll have to put all your questions about our act to Michael, I'm afraid, boys. I doubt the Magic Circle would ever admit him as a member, but I'd guess they'd be doubly sceptical were he to allow you into his secrets however.'

I smiled and they made polite noises of disappointment. I had no intention of spilling the beans. Between facebook, Cambridge Analytica, Rupert Murdoch and the rest of the UK press, the lines between legal and illegal when it came to data capture and hacking were blurred almost to invisibility. I was pretty sure, however, that we'd transgressed a number of rules with our phone tricks. The less we talked about it the better in my book. The questions continued, however, not wheedling or cajoling, but testing my defences as it were. I beckoned to Monty.

'I think I shall sit with Sir Roderick while I finish my drink. Would you take my wrap?'

The banter and chatter halted immediately as he eased the silk robe from my shoulders. I shook my hair nonchalantly as if unaware that I was almost completely naked. I made my way over to Sir Roderick and arranged myself on the wide arm of his chair. He transferred his cigar to the ashtray and clamped a meaty hand between my thighs on the wide flowery hem of my stockings.

I smiled sweetly and concentrated on my champagne as they stole glances at me. Conversation returned jerkily. The dynamics in the room were interesting. Only Monty held my eye. He was obviously delighted with the way the whole evening had gone and was enjoying this finale as part of it. Sir Roderick, when I glanced down at him, was quiet and had an air of smug satisfaction that I had acknowledged the alpha-male position he was so used to in this group. Silas clearly saw himself as the natural number two. He pushed his opinions forward, though only Toby was attempting to vie with him. Simon remained quiet, even in the face of the occasional put down tossed his way by those two. None of them, however, had the confidence to address the elephant in the room. To whit, the presence of a nude prostitute who was preparing to fuck them all.

So I did.

I drained my glass, disentangled Sir Roderick's hand from my legs and held out a hand to Monty. He looked a little surprised, but obediently stood and took it.

'What I propose boys, is this. I'll take you one at a time starting with your president. I think that's the least he deserves after the evening you are enjoying. Naturally, Sir Roderick will follow him.'

The knight of the realm waved a lazy hand in agreement. He looked like I imagine a mediaeval lord might, ceding his droit de seigneur to an underling.

'I'll look forward to experiencing the agreement Silas, Toby and Simon reach between themselves.'

With that I pulled Monty after me, went into master bedroom and firmly closed the door. I leaned back against it and listened briefly to the resumption of the excited male conversation next door. Monty was standing a few feet from me and beaming as he examined me closely.

'Let me hang your jacket and trousers. We don't want to get them soiled, do we?'

'No, Ms Monique.'

I reached out and ruffled his hair.

'I think we should abandon our normal relationship for this session, don't you Monty? You are, after all, cock of the walk tonight. And besides, Sally's not here. We don't want her getting jealous. The consequences could be awful.'

His grin broadened and he visibly relaxed as he started to undress. I went to the wardrobe to retrieve a polished-wood hanger. The room was suitable spacious. I don't know whether there is a presidential-size bed, but the one there looked substantially larger than the king-size I was used to. There was a separate dressing table and free standing desk as well as a two-seater sofa and coffee table next to a mini-bar with must have been twice the size of those in the ordinary rooms. I closed the door to the en suite and switched on the lights over the bed and dressing table before dimming the overhead to make the room more intimate.

'I'm not going to let you fuck me tonight, though. I think it might play havoc with your diet if I did.'

'I agree. Of course, yes. Totally inappropriate.'

'That still leaves my hands mouth and breasts. They ought to give us more than enough enjoyment.'

I was loading the hanger as we spoke and turned and smiled once I'd hung it on the rail. I nodded for Monty to get rid of his boxers, socks and shirt before slowly approaching him.

'I'd love to have the honour of sucking your penis.'

I fell to my knees - the pile in the carpet was luxury-length - I took the whole of his still-flaccid cock in my mouth. He began firming almost immediately and I could taste pre-cum as the dried crust beneath his foreskin dissolved under my tongue. Clearly the combined excitement stimulated by Ruth, Stella and myself had had an effect. I moved my hands up his thighs, now firm from all the swimming he'd been doing lately, and grasped his buttocks as I prepared to fellate him properly. He winced and let out a small cry, and as I explored him with my palms, the skin felt rough and almost rutted. I stroked him softly and let his dick slowly slide from my mouth.

'Your poor bottom. Turn round, let me see it.'

It was not a pretty sight. The marks left by yesterday's thrashing were still clearly visible. Many were still an angry red and welts were everywhere. I softly kissed his arse on both cheeks.

'I've got something which'll ease that. Go and get a bath towel and lay it out on the bed.'

I lined up the contents of my handbag on the dressing table and shook the bottle of body lotion between my palms to warm it slightly. I helped Monty lie fact down over the towel and squirted a generous portion of the unguent over the sore area.

'I thought you were looking uncomfortable a few times today. I just put it down to nervousness.'

I slowly massaged the lotion in until the skin began to feel dry again. I added a couple of smaller dollops and began to repeat the process. I let my hands stray between his cheeks as I broadened the strokes and gently massaged the bud of his clenched anus. I went lower and gently stroked his balls. The sounds he was making changed as my smoothing became more intimate and I eased myself down alongside him, running a hand over his hip and pulling him back against me.

'Let me stroke that lovely cock.'

He rolled himself further against me and I closed my fist around him. He was fully hard and groaned with pleasure as I began to pump.

'You like that, don't you.'


'You're so big and hard.'

I moved to give myself room to move more quickly and nipped the lobe of his ear.

'I love the feeling of your strong legs pushing back against me as I wank you.'


'Think about my soft thighs pressing firmly against you.'

I felt his breathing change and he squeezed his butt back into me. I began twisting my wrist gently at the end of each stroke and felt the first drops of pre-cum drip onto my fingers. I began pushing my hips against him in time with the pumping.

'Sally will love playing with us. Think about her smooth shaft sliding between your cheeks as I pull at your dick.'


'You'll long for her to press against your little flower.'

I was tossing him almost as hard as I could now. His breathing was coming in gasps. I felt his balls tighten and knew he was about to come. I sucked in my stomach and eased my other hand between us. When I stroked his arsehole for the first time I felt him spasm and sprung began pouring over my hand. His bud twitched beneath my fingers, but I didn't attempt to push home.

I held his prick in my hand until he went completely soft and his breathing steadied. Rolling away, I tapped him on the bum to get him moving. I went to wash my hands and when I came back he was already climbing into his trousers. I ran a wipe over my stomach and thighs before kissing his cheek and ushering him out. Sir Roderick pushed in as I held open the door.

'Welcome, I've never actually had a Sir before. May I suck your cock?'

He laughed.

'Sorry to push in, miss. Just found out the wife's plane's getting in early. I'd like to be at home to greet her.'

He walked over to the bed undoing his trousers. I helped him tug them down to his ankles. I knelt between his knees and found his dick nestling under his shirt tails. He was small and easily fitted into my mouth. I felt his stomach pressing against my forehead and his hands in my hair.

'We're the same as any other men. One cock, two balls. Just a bit more money to give to the Tory party.'

He laughed, I hummed my encouragement. He was probably only about four inches as he became fully stiff. He tugged at my hair and I pushed myself up on his knees. He was staring at my breasts, but his hand went straight for my snatch and I felt him probing with a plump finger. It slipped in easily and I bent slightly to encourage him deeper.

'Those breasts are fantastic.'

'Thanks, I like them too.'

'On your back then.'

I was just beginning to enjoy the fingering. But, the customer is always right, as all service providers say, so I grabbed a condom scrabbled onto the bed, crawled up to the pillows and lay back with my legs open. I beckoned to a gawping Sir Roderick and dressed him in the lubricated rubber while he grabbed a handful of tit. Once dressed he sort of fell on me, almost winding me. I managed to get a hand down between us and guide him in.

Sir Roderick was surprisingly energetic for a man of his size. In my time as a prostitute I had more than my fair share of self-centred clients like him. So I was not expecting to get much out of our coupling myself. His weight pressing on me rhythmically made faking pleasure easier. I just added a little eroticism to the pants being forced out of me anyway. But as he pressed on, even managing to support some of his own weight and free a hand to paw at my boobs for a minute, I did begin to feel the beginnings of warmth in my pussy and tried to move my legs out so I could draw them up to increase both our pleasure. As if on cue, the large Sir's pants became suddenly strangled and I felt the faint twitching of his tiny knob. He was coming. I'd barely time to finish my ow operatic fakery when he rolled off.

His impression of a beached whale was short-lived. He was tugging at the condom almost immediately.

'Tie a knot in it and I'll dispose of it for you. Thank you, that was wonderful.'

'No. Thank you. I needed that. After the two and dancers and, of course, your own magisterial performance, I was feeling particularly in need of that.'

'Happy to oblige, sir.'

'I must apologise for...'

It was the first time I'd seen him lost for words. He was already fully-dressed and I had propped myself up on an elbow to watch him.

'Fucking and running?'

'Crude, but appropriate. I'll leave my card with the tip. If you're ever back here again, please call me. I'd love to take you to dinner.'

'There's no need - the tip I mean - but thanks for the invitation. I'll try to make it a date.'

'I always like to reward good service. And frankly, you're significantly cheaper than those who approach me seeking support to get into parliament. You're not thinking of running as an MP are you?'

'Absolutely not.'

'Then I hope we meet again soon. Shall I send the next one in?'

'Ask them to give me a few minutes to freshen up will you?'

He went through the door and closed it without further ado. I hurried myself into the bathroom. I wasn't sweaty or sticky, but I wanted to clean my crotch thoroughly. There was a slim chance the next guy might want to go down on me and there's nothing more off-putting than the residual taste of latex.

Silas was already pacing the room when I exited the bathroom. He looked a little anxious, so I smiled as sweetly as I could to put him at ease. He looked at me like a starving man who's suddenly stumbled upon a five-star buffet.

'Silas. I'm glad it was you. I've been looking forward to us. getting better acquainted.'

'I want to fuck your tits.'

'Stop it, you're making me all wet.'

I went over to the dressing table and picked up the bottle of lube. It was strawberry flavoured. My favourite. I noticed Sir Roderick had left his card, as promised, as well as a fifty-pound note. I tucked them into my bag for safe keeping. When I turned round Silas was still standing there. He'd obviously left his jacket in the other room and his bow tie was undone, but apart from that he was still fully dressed.

'Most gentlemen enjoy a blow job to get them hard. Would you care for one?'

"Uh huh.'

I nodded towards the end of the bed and went over to kneel beside him. I rubbed my breasts against his legs and buried my head in his lap breathing heavily through the material of his trousers onto his already firm cock. I looked up at him and brushed the hair from my eyes.

'It would be better if we were both naked. Would you like me to help you?'

I bent to untie his laces and heard the sound of a belt buckle being undone. I tugged off the shoes an rolled down his socks before easing the well-cut trousers over his ankles. His stiff prick poked out between thee tails of his dress shirt and I held him firmly in one hand whilst we helped each other undo the buttons. He tossed the shirt impatiently away whilst I licked around the purple head.

He bore the same evidence of earlier excitement as Monty and I smacked my lips as I cleaned him up. I estimated he was a good seven inches and my finger and thumb only just circled the girth. I smiled up at him before slowly taking him into my mouth and sliding comfortably down. I stopped when I felt the head against the back of my throat and choked slightly when he pushed up to make it go deeper. I firmed my grasp on the shaft and energetically bobbed up and down. He seemed determined to try and choke me so I faked it whilst holding him firmly at the limit of my tolerance. After a couple of minutes of this I slid my tongue down his whole length and took his balls in my mouth one after the other. I fell back on my heels.

'Your wife's a lucky woman. You're huge.'

'The bitch is divorcing me.'

'I'm sorry to hear that.'

'Don't be. I'm glad to see the back of her.'

I went down on him again for another bout. He was thrusting even more firmly now. Clearly his anger was not restricted to one woman. I rolled back again and smiled broadly at him as I undid the lube, squirted a generous portion onto my hands and began to stroke him between my palms.

'I can't wait any longer. I've got to feel that long hard dick between my tits.'

'Squeeze them together.'

I held him firmly between each boobs and sighed as he pushed the head up between them. It jutted up and stroked my chin. He drew back slowly before pushing up again.

'This feels so good. You're so hard.'

He increased his tempo and I had to just my head back to prevent being bruised.

'Why don't we get on the bed so you can straddle me. You'll be able to push harder.'

'I'm going to cum all over that pretty face of yours.'

I took the hint and positioned myself on Monty's towel. He was more considerate than Sir Roderick and took most of his weight on his knees as he covered me. He began tentatively in the new position but was soon pushing himself hard. I had to adjust the position of my hands; both boobs were now slick with liquefying lube and sweat. I could see he was gritting his teeth and frowning as he leaned forward over me. His was an expression of sheer hatred.

'I want to feel your hot spunk splashing on my face, over my eyes, in my mouth.'

'Fucking cow. Take the fucking kids would you?'

'I want you to soak me. Drown me. I want to drink you up until I'm full.'

I didn't feel threatened exactly. But I wasn't comfortable and wanted this over as soon as possible. I groaned and took faltering breaths, all the time telling him how big he was, how much I was enjoying him and how desperate I was for his spunk. He emitted a noise between a growl and a shout when he suddenly rocked back and began wanking furiously.

The first string hit my forehead and went into my hair. I'm going to need a shower after this, I thought. But out loud, I kept moaning and begging for more. His eyes were clamped shut as he spurted three or four times onto my face and breasts. Then he was dribbling on his own fist. I extravagantly licked at the cum around my mouth and pushed the glob hanging on my chin up into my mouth. It tasted dry and had the aftertaste of alcohol. As he fell off me I discretely wiped my face on the towel before leaning back and taking deep breaths.

'That was fantastic. I've never come while someone fucked my boobs. Thank you.'

'You were great.'

'No. It was all you. That was one of the best times I've had.'

'I should go.'

He began to raise himself up. I jumped off the bed to give him a hand. I felt more confident now we were both upright.

'You want to clean yourself up? Shower? Wipe? Tongue?'

'It'll be fine. I'll have a bath when I get home. Until then the smell of fruit will remind me of the fun I've had.'

'That's very sweet of you.'

'Look, I'm sorry about earlier.'


'Some of the things I said. The language.'

'We all say things when we're coupling, we wouldn't when the vicar's round for tea.'

'I'm not sure what came over me.'

He looked like he was going to sit again. And worst of all, start talking. Had I picked him up in a bar, I would have been happy to oblige. But there were two more guys outside waiting their turn and the fatigue of a busy day was beginning to set in.

'I'm going to jump in the shower. Would you tell Toby or Simon? They're welcome to come in and wait, I'll only be a few minutes.'

'Of course. I'll put your tip on the dressing table. Is that the way its done?'

He sounded only slightly disappointed. I went over to him and carefully kissed his cheek by way of thanks before I skedaddled. I heard the door closed just before I turned on the shower.

The Imperial shower cap was a real winner and I managed to get all my shaggy-cut shoulder length hair inside it. It felt a little strange only redressing in fresh stockings and heels, but I felt refreshed and ready for anything when I went back to the room. Toby was sitting on the sofa his hands on his knees which were pressed together. I caught him staring around the room, taking it all in. He seemed to be looking everywhere but the bed.

'Toby. I'm so glad we can have some alone time. You were so gracious when you greeted me.'

He simpered.

'So much more gentlemanly than some of the other. Thank you.'

I crossed the room and sat next to him, placing my hand on his thigh. It was odd to see him so shy given his earlier jousting with Silas. I could only think there had been some fictitious boasting going on out there.

'What fun would you like us to have together? Shall we start with a blow job? Help you relax.'

'Just sex, really. I'm not particularly adventurous.'

Clearly notes had been being compared. I ran my hand over his groin, then continued over his stomach to caress his chest until I found a nipple through the well-tailored shirt. I stroked it with a single finger before kissing him. I like a quick snog most days, but its surprising how many punters have bought into the idea that tarts, like me, won't do it. Silas was no exception and I abandoned the experiment after he resolutely refused to unclamped his jaw despite my tongue's invitations. I ran my hand back down his body and searched for his zipper.

'Let's get you out of these clothes, shall we? Do you want me to strip, or are you a stockings and stilettos man?'

'You look fantastic. Your legs are great.'

'Why thank you, kind sir. Most men are fixated with my boobs. Its nice to have other parts of me complimented.'