Project - Prometheus Ch. 25


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One thing that made them unique from most species was a multi-segmented beak instead of a mouth. It was useful when they went hunting or ate, as it allowed them to rend and tear the flesh of their prey. The beak was also lined with razor-sharp teeth, which also let them speak as most sapient beings could.

Their arms were the most humanoid part of them, as they could separate them from their wings. Being capable of doing this allowed them to evolve into a hunter gatherer society, where they had simple villages where their flocks could congregate. Though they were centuries behind where most races in the galaxy were, they enjoyed their simple existence. They saw no need to leave their world, as they were content in staying put and living out their lives here.

The spiritual leader, Corvaillen as he was known, stepped out of his hut and stretched out his wings. He locked his arms into his wings before he took flight, heading down to the ground where the clan chief was. The clan chief, who was also his brother, stayed on the ground with the younglings and elders, as it was his duty to protect them.

As he glided down to the ground, his mind wandered, and a vision suddenly assaulted him. He saw death, destruction and chaos raging everywhere, on Veldhern and places he did not know, worlds he had never seen. From this destruction, he could see a luminous figure emerging out of it, more beautiful than he could ever have imagined.

With a wave of her hand, the destruction halted, then reversed. Everything that was ruined or destroyed was suddenly made right again. Life that had been extinguished, was restored to what it was. The vision was so absolute, so complete, that he barely came out of it in time to land correctly. The best Corvaillen could manage was a crash landing, right in front of his brother no less.

"Are you sure that you don't need more lessons on flying little brother?" the chief, Eagtaren, laughed.

"I have a good reason why I fell down like this, brother," the shaman replied, ruffling and smoothing his feathers as he stood upright.

"What reason might that be?" his black feathered brother asked. Corvaillen then spoke of what he sensed and what he saw, telling his chief every detail. Eagtaren listened intently, as his brother's visions always came to pass in some form or other. When he was finished, the chief stood and paced, thinking everything over.

"You are certain of this?" the chief asked.

"Beyond any doubt. I could sense the raw power this being possessed. It is beyond even that of what our father's power was!" Corvaillen breathed.

This caught Eagtaren's attention, as their father had been the most powerful Shaman the Ooantahl had ever seen. It was because of their father's vision and guidance that had allowed the Ooantahl to survive the pirates invading their world. If his own brother was stating that what he sensed was beyond even what their father was capable of, then it demanded their attention.

"Where? The... spacers... camp?" the chief asked.

"Yes! Also, whoever it is, it is a she," the shaman told him.

"A she?" Eagtaren questioned, his eyes going wide.

"Yes. A powerful she. One who would bring peace, not only to our home, but to the homes of all beings, great and small," his brother stated.

"Gather our greatest warriors. We must speak with this she! She must know of what is to come!" the chief stated.


The entire tour group was busy enjoying their time at the villa. Already some of them had purchased small mementos of their time there. The crew of the Darkstrider didn't exactly come prepared for the balmy weather, but that problem was easily fixed. The villa had a swimsuit shop down on the planet where they sold suits that were custom made for the wearer, in any variety of colors and designs.

Bothe Aesha and Luminia had purchased a couple of swimsuits, opting for thong bikinis, as they enjoyed the feel of the air on their skin. Shazza had also purchased a suit much like what they wore, but in a heartblood red, which went well against her white skin of her disguise matrix. It was also a color she knew would look great against her real skin color and she purchased a couple additional variants and colors.

She had taken her time with what she wanted, as she wanted to make her time here last as long as possible. The Artucian were already out on the beach, prancing about in their beach wear. They drew both male and female gazes alike, with many women eyeing Tahral. Not only because he was an exotic-looking man, but also because of the rather large bulge in his customized board shorts.

Taal'ani stuck to his side like glue, glaring at any woman whose gaze lingered on her man too long. Shazza couldn't help but giggle at this, as she understood Taal'ani's stance perfectly. She shook her head as she stepped out in her suit, catching many gazes herself. Shazza just smiled and sauntered on down the beach, heading towards her friends with her towel in hand.

She watched with amusement as the Artucian were hesitant to walk into the water, while Taal'ani dragged Tahral in. Once he was in, he seemed to loosen up some and splashed around much like a child. The ladies, not wanting to be left out of this, also waded in, finding themselves enjoying the cool water. It wasn't long before she witnessed Taal'ani showing the Artucian how to swim, practicing with Tahral first.

"Excuse me?" came a hesitant feminine voice.

Shazza turned in its direction and saw the family she had paid for, a few paces away from her. She got a good look at them this time and was impressed with what she saw. The husband was powerfully built and looked like he devoted a lot of attention to his physical form. The wife was of a similar state, though she had a classical hourglass shape that captured as many eyes as she did. Their daughter was a mix of her dark-skinned father and her white mother, with wavy, sandy colored hair.

"Yes?" Shazza replied.

"My name is Jennifer, and this is my husband Chuck. We just wanted to thank you for what you did for us. Not many people help others out like you did," the blonde woman told her kindly. Without warning, the little girl launched herself at Shazza, wrapping her leg in a solid hug.

"Maisie!" her mother admonished the girl.

"We're sorry about that!" Chuck apologized, his deep voice sounding almost musical.

"It's perfectly all right!" Shazza laughed as she knelt down and hugged the girl back.

"Thank you!" the girl cooed happily, kissing Shazza on the cheek before going back to her parents.

"You are most welcome! I am Shazza," Shazza smiled, her chin quivering slightly.

"Would you like to join us on the beach, Shazza? There's plenty of room for everyone here," Jennifer offered.

"I would like that! I need to keep an eye on my friends, though. They've never really been to a beach before!" Shazza chuckled.

"Neither have we! Come on! The water looks inviting!" Chuck said as he scooped up his daughter and carried her running to the water.

The little girl squealed in delight as they hit the incoming waves, crashing into the water. Shazza deposited her bags on the table there and watched as Jennifer joined her husband and daughter in the ocean. Watching the three of them play in the water brought tears to Shazza's eyes. It was a simple scene of enjoyment and family, but one that had a profound effect on Shazza.

"Shazza? You coming in?" Jennifer called out.

Not hesitating, the Xuul'khani woman charged in, racing across the sand and surf. She dove into the water once she was deep enough and she found the Chuck was correct; the water was nice. She was happy that the disguise matrix had been designed to hold even in salt water, so she could enjoy herself. She broke the surface, flipping her hair back, so it was dripping away from her face, and sighed at the feeling of happiness that washed over her.


Inari, Priya and Alex had come out of the massage they'd booked feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. They headed for the food court, where they found Kasumi and Natalya yammering with Korsa about what they'd had done. The trio at the table were halfway through a light lunch by the time the others had found them.

"You three look thrilled today!" Alex chuckled as he seated himself between Natalya and Kasumi.

"Oh, you have no idea Alex! I picked up a few mods that will make things... interesting, to say the least," Kasumi replied flirtatiously.

"She's not the only one!" Natalya giggled.


"Genetic modifications that anyone can purchase to enhance their capabilities," Korsa explained.

"From what I understand, such modifications need to be done while you're still a child in order for them to take," Alex replied, slightly confused.

"Advanced nanotech allows for such mods to be placed and activated in fully grown adults now. Something I found out about and am eager to see what the results are," Kasumi grinned.

"What kinds of mods are we talking?" Inari asked, having a few mods herself.

"Enhanced strength, speed, and reflexes to start. Among some... other additions," Natalya smirked. "Me, the one mod I got for sure was enhanced stamina and lung capacity."

"Can't run for long distances?" Alex wondered.

"Nope. My stamina isn't what I want it to be, and I did everything to boost it shy of genemods," Natalya told him.

"Hmm! Could have fooled me," he snickered, causing his lover to blush fiercely.

"Alex, stop!" Kasumi laughed.

"What? I'm just saying..." he started before he was cut off.

"You might want to quit while you're ahead, buster," Korsa admonished playfully.

"Fine, if you insist. Is that barbecue?" he asked, gesturing at Korsa's plate, his nose catching the familiar scent.

"Yeah. Picked it up from right over there," Korsa pointed, showing Alex the food vendor that was grilling and barbecuing various eats. He stood up to place an order, when an alarm sounded throughout the station.

"All security personnel, report to your shift commanders. Repeat, all security personnel, report to your shift commanders. Vendors cease all transactions and commerce. All customers and tourists, please follow the yellow floor lighting to the safe rooms," an announcement blared over the loudspeakers, repeating over and over.

"What the hell is going on?" Alex wondered.

"Likely a pirate raid incoming. Veldhern station's sensors can pick up ships in hyperspace approaching the system. It's how those fighters that escorted us in knew where we'd drop out of hyperspace in the first place," Inari explained.

"You think the fleet might need a hand in repelling the invaders?" Kasumi wondered.

"It doesn't hurt to ask. Let's go," Inari nodded, before the lot of them stood up and headed for the docking bay. They got to the doors where they passed customs, before they were met by a security detail.

"I'm sorry, but all access to the ships has been suspended, pending the outcome of this engagement," a young man with sergeant's chevrons told them.

"We're not trying to leave. We'd like to gain access to our ship so we can assist with the engagement in question," Inari told them.

"You want to... assist us in defending Veldhern?" the sergeant asked, confused.

"That's correct, sergeant. My name is Inari Sunara, former commander of the 307th Banshee Fighter wing. My ship, the Darkstrider, is a fully armed and customized frigate, which we would like to put to use against the incoming pirates," Inari declared.

The sergeant's face was one of surprise, but he directed a corporal to verify what Inari was telling him. After a minute checking on a datapad, the corporal showed the sergeant what he'd found, confirming everything Inari had said.

"If you want to go out there and help, then you'll need to know the frequency that the fleet communicates on," he told them. He gave Inari the frequency, which she accepted, and they allowed the crew to pass. They raced for the Darkstrider and boarded, everyone heading to their stations.

"Jaesa, did you get the alert on the station?" Alex asked as he headed for the bridge.

"Affirmative, Commodore. We will be joining the defense fleet in taking on the pirates?" she asked.

"That's correct, Jaesa. Stanley, are the docking clamps clear?" Inari called out, jumping into the pilot's chair.

"I can confirm that they are, Captain. The ship is powered up and ready to fly!" the VI told her. Hearing that, Inari took control of the Darkstrider and brought her out of the docking bay. They then tore out of the station with full power to thrusters, racing out to aid the defense fleet.

"Holy... is that... a pirate fleet?" Priya breathed.

There was a second fleet that had jumped into the system, but it wasn't a friendly one. Many of the ships appeared to have been cobbled together, and they were all of various designs. There were Federation cruisers, Confed carriers, frigates from the Tosh'kanthi Collective, and no less than three battleships, each one looking like an ancient Alliance design.

"Who the fuck are these guys?" Alex wondered, seeing that defense fleet was completely outnumbered.

"Commodore sir, there's a transmission coming through on all frequencies," Stanley informed him.

"Put it on speaker."

"... you understand that you are completely outnumbered and outgunned. Do the smart thing, Commodore Saubath, and surrender your ships to our command. I will spare the men and women serving in your fleet a grisly death, as I will with everyone on the station and on the planet below. I am certain that you do not want to see your forces annihilated in a pointless fleet battle. What is your answer?" the arrogant and snide voice questioned.

There was no response from the Veldhern defense fleet, not a spoken one anyway. The only reply that was forthcoming was the fleet moving into defensive formations, readying themselves for an attack. The pirate fleet answered this movement by moving their ships to attack position, preparing to engage them.

"I know that voice," Inari growled, her voice taking a dangerous edge.

"Briggs!" Priya nodded, unrestrained fury bleeding through her voice.

"Stanley, open a channel. I have my own broadcast I wish to speak," Inari told the VI.

"Channel is open, Captain. Go ahead."

"Unidentified pirate fleet, how about you assholes just fuck off? You're sitting in ships that have seen better days and are likely being held together with spit and glue. I don't doubt that the men under your command are untested rookies, probably pissing their pants right now. You want this planet and its resources? Take it from us, if you can," Inari stated, before killing the line.

"I'm pretty sure you've gone and pissed them off," Kasumi gulped.

"That was the point. Now, we wait and see what they do."


And that's where this chapter finishes up! Worry not, as I am currently more than halfway through my next chapter of this story and it will be seeing the light of day within the next couple of weeks. Slowly, but surely, I am getting caught up to where I need to be and will be there hopefully by this month's end.

With that in mind, so much happening all at once and I'm sure some people will be wanting to know what happens next! How will the coming battle unfold? What will become of the Darkstrider and her crew? What of the innocent people on the station and the planet below? For those answers, you'll have to stay tuned for when the next chapter drops!

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read my work and I hope that you've enjoyed it! I'm open to constructive criticism and will seriously consider any suggestions made about various story arcs. Please rate and comment on my work down below and ask me questions if you wish, as I love hearing from my fans! If you like what I write, don't be afraid to follow and share with your friends, though your views, ratings and comments are enough for me.

In the meantime, this is C.H. Darkstrider, signing off to grab a beer and some quality time with the wife! ;) You will attain whatever you most desire, as long as you believe in yourself. Cheers!

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Michael56SmithMichael56Smith8 months ago

She called the Pirate fleet a bunch of poorly trained assholes, who are probably pissing in their pants, .... I love it! ... So, we have a nice little space battle to get to in the next chapter, oh boy! ... I am so looking forward to seeing what the new and improved Darkstrider is capable of, it should really be awesome, ... and the Star Witch in her Banshee fighter? oh my goddess, .... fun times ahead, ... ;-) ttfn

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

continuity error.

Page 2 when they are drinking coffee.

'Not even thirty seconds later, the remainder of the crew joined them, including Tahral, who had recovered from his injury, but was still babying his arm.'

then the description of history or the planet. near the beginning of page three"

'"Well, I need to check on Tahral, see how he's recovering. Care to join me, Talon?" Korsa wondered. Without a word, Taal'ani was on her feet and right behind Korsa as the big woman left the bridge area.'

Did Tahral teleport? He was in the room then was gone. I'm sure they would have realized he was in the room with them. Did I miss him leaving or them leaving where he was?

Just my thoughts,

Buddy J.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 1 year ago

In the 28th century, on the Darkstrider, a recently and massively upgraded frigate, and it takes 20 minutes in the ships galley to brew a pot of coffee, how come? Say it was a typo for 2 minutes, please, ... ;-) TTFN

firehorseukfirehorseukover 1 year ago

Complete lack of co-ordination of Darkstrider with the rest of the defending fleet (to the reader). How is Darkstrider going to fight as a team with the defenders? It's just a loose cannon and can cause more damage to the defenders than the enemy by fighting at cross purposes to the defending fleet.

Where is the analysis of the battle formation by Alex? Wasn't he trained for this type of battle?

goo_neiggoo_neigover 2 years ago

I am hanging with my fingertips from clif.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 2 years ago

I must say that I love space adventures and I am really enjoying the Prometheus series,.. and I look forward to many more chapters. Thanks loads for pissing off the Pirates in their rag tag space fleet,.. it truly shows our Commander's moxie! ;-) TTFN

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
FYI: Dialogue specific to characters...

You wrote:

""I'll come with. I guess I need to..." Kasumi shrugged, walking up to the big woman."

A couple of paragraphs later, you wrote:

""I'll come along with for that. What about the rest of you?" Alex wondered..."

The dropping of the subject of the prepositional phrase beginning with 'with' is a conversational sloppiness that's been around my entire life, (I'm 67). In informal writing and speech, it's not considered poor grammar. There is a certain laziness to American speech, which has given us a plethora of contractions, shortened words/phrases and the two most common sentences with 'dangling' prepositions, "You wanna come with?" and "I'll come with."

For Katsumi to drop the prepositional subject 'you' is not an issue, and adds a certain bit of charm and authenticity to her dialogue. BUT, for Alex, a fleet trained ship's officer to dangle 'with', makes him sound like a school girl. Definitely not like a ship's officer, captain or commodore.

I don't know what class military officers take to make them speak 'proper and complete sentences', or if it is just socialization, but you just don't hear military officers with lazy speech.

That goes to authenticity of dialogue, the other aspect of both Katsumi and Alex dangling 'with' is the loss of uniqueness of dialogue between your characters.

Fortunately, it's a simple fix. Add 'you' to the appropriate phrases. If you want to go with even more 'propa' speech, add 'along' to 'come', creating the truly grammatically correct response, 'I'll come along with you.'

Hope this helps. Multiple character dialogue can be a bitch, trying to keep characters from sounding the same. Add in different time frames, AND different species, and you need a database just to keep the dialogue differences straight. LOL

Good space opera, thoroughly enjoying it. Hope my 'nickel' lecture on grammar helps your development as a writer. Combining a good imagination with good story telling and continually improving one's writing skills is a sure path to success.

(Nice cliffhanga', BTW... Piss off a fleet of pirates, then break for a commercial. That's a tried and true formula! lol)


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Really? You leave us at "fuck off pirates?"

great story

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Binge read to here!!! Awesome

Thank you for spending the time to write this tale. Please keep it alive. Can't wait for more. WHM

realusmctazmanrealusmctazmanover 3 years ago

You keep doing what you do! This is an awesome story. JT

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