Promotion Comes With Strings Attached


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"Roll over," she commanded. Her hands worked up and down, all around my stomach, she rubbed every square inch, except the bit I wanted her to.

I tried to roll so my dick got closer to her hands, but no, she wouldn't have it.

God, I was so hard, I felt bigger than I had ever felt, it was almost painful. When she finally touched it, I almost came right there. She was aware, though, and quickly moved away. It was well over an hour before her hands stroked and massaged my aching cock.

Then it was slow, and interspersed with kisses from her sexy mouth. Her fingers curling under my balls, caressing, as if weighing precious treasure. On and on my torture went, and every time I tried to complain, she shushed me with gentle kisses.

"Relax, Darren, just relax, there is no rush."

"No rush..." I said to myself, what the hell was she talking about?

When her body slid over mine, I finally felt like this might be it. Her succulent pussy sucked in my cock, our coarse pubes united as one.

Rather than fucking me, she sat there unmoving, just the molten insides of her pussy convulsing around my shaft.

When she moved, I shuddered so hard, the feelings were so intense, so unbelievably overpowering. She took it slow and had me tipping over the edge on so many occasions. She could have asked for my bank details, and I would have handed them over.

It took hours before she took pity on me and rode me to a brutally powerful ejaculation. I feared for her life as I erupted. I swear I saw her lift under the hydraulic pressure.

Ethereal, is the only word I can use to describe it. I felt like a mystical power had taken control, sucking my life force through the eye of my penis.

I think my heart may have stopped, because when my eyes opened, she was lying on top of me, staring into my eyes. "Are, you all right, Darren?"

"Yes, god yes. I have never experienced anything like that before."

I had to repay her, it was only fair. I had never been great at massage, not that I didn't like it, I just never figured it out.

Sarah guided me, her soft voice directing me, her little moans of ecstasy showing when I had it right. I started with her back, then her ass, then her legs. I tried to remember how it felt when she massaged me. From those images, I tried to reciprocate. I wanted her to enjoy it.

Once I had her on her back, I enjoyed the feel of her tits; they were so lush, so soft and pliant, her nipples so hard. When I finally found her pussy, I tried too hard and she admonished me. "Not so fast. Slow down."

Following her instructions, I found internal places which made her squirm. She directed me. "The front wall, just use your finger, and go slow, you will feel it."

Slowly, I allowed my fingers to caress the inner beauty of her pussy, and as I ran my fingers up and down that velvety place. I felt a spot. Actually, it was Sarah who announced it. I felt her tense up, and then wriggle, trying to keep my finger on the pulse.

Taking her lead, I focused some attention on the spot. I made squishy circles, my fingers gooey with her juice. As she did for me, I took her to the edge, then lowered my head so I could suck her clit while working that magical spot.

Each time, I stopped and moved to other areas, I almost made her come just from sucking those glorious breasts.

When I finally took her over the edge, it was so incredible. Her face scrunched up in the most diabolical pain, her body shuddering, trembling, the rest of her body rigid.

She loved sex, and it would be nothing to spend a whole night just making love. It was like never-ending foreplay. Sex had always been orgasm driven for me. Sarah showed me a whole new world; she opened my eyes and my mind. I realized that sex, like life, wasn't about the destination, it was really about the journey. Once you open up to that philosophy, everything changes.

We still had wild crazy sex when we didn't have time, but that wasn't our norm.

Sarah became my life coach; not officially, but she guided me and explained her philosophies. Her guiding principle: there could be no future living in the past.

She tried to get me to understand, I would never find fulfillment while I carried hatred. I had to let go of those negative feelings.

Yep, sounds easy, but how? Coby had ripped out my heart. How could I just let that go?

Because I was struggling with the process, she got me to express why I was angry. "Darren, what I want you to do is explain why you are angry."

That was pretty easy, I just wish I could have removed the anger from my words. "She slept with him, they had sex."

"Why is that bad?"

The question stunned me, and I had to consider it before I answered. "Sex was supposed to be ours. Not shared."

"Did her time with him take anything from your relationship?"

"No, it was while they were on the road."

"So you lost nothing. It didn't reduce the time you spent together. It didn't take anything away from your marriage, she was just as loving?"

"No I suppose not, but...."

"No buts, Darren. So, you still had a pleasant life together. Did you still make love as often?"


"So, nothing changed in the sexual element of your relationship?"

"Yes, she was having sex with him."

"Forget what they were doing. Lets focus on you and Coby. Did anything change between you?."

"No, I suppose not."

"Her sexual relationship with Wyatt didn't really effect you, did it? Your life together was just the same, you shared love and affection. You had a full and happy marriage."

"In a way I suppose that's true. It did affect me though. It angered me."

"What about it angered you, what was at the core of your anger?"

Thinking about it, I growled, "Embarrassment, shame, self-loathing."

She did look a little shocked by that revelation. "Why?"

"Jesus, Sarah, I let my wife have sex with another man. That's not right. It took away something from me."

" How did what they were doing affect your self-worth?"

'I don't know, It made me feel like I wasn't good enough for her. Especially the night she chose to stay with him rather than come home."

"That made you feel disrespected?"

"They weren't just having sex, they were making love, having an affair. She slept with him, in his arms. She cuddled him, made plans, told him our secrets, told him about our relationship, our problems. She shared all of that with him."

"It was the emotional connection which hurt, not the sex?"

"Yes, If it had just been sex, I think I could have dealt with it, but knowing she loved him more, that hurt."

She sort of chewed over her response. "Did you talk to her about it?"

"No, not really. We couldn't get past it without yelling and screaming at each other. She said she never loved him."

"But you didn't believe her."

"No, not really. Why would she do it if she didn't have feelings for him?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. Honestly, I can't answer that. It is a question you would need to ask her. I think the important thing is you are able to let go the anger. There's an old adage about giving somebody free rent in your attic."

"What does that mean?"

"When I look at you, I see a man who is still in love with his wife. You think about her constantly. You can't move on until you clear her out of your attic."

"Yeah, I get that, I'm trying."

"Darren, you have been painting yourself as a victim. Perhaps that makes it easier for you. If it was all her fault, no blame could be associated with you."

"I think you're wrong; most of my anger is aimed at myself. I keep telling myself I should have stopped it right at the start."

"There are a lot of people who would argue that the world is a better place because you realized your dream. You have produced some amazing music and positively affected many lives."

Sarah and I weren't really on the same journey. She was amazing, and I learned a lot about myself from her. We both made the decision it was time to move on.

Kailami's album was so popular it created a stir. It charted in the top ten, even although it wasn't really pop, or R&B. Because of that, I wasn't surprised when I was approached by a major label, wanting to buy out her contract.

I figured If she was going to actually become a superstar, she did need to be with one of the big boys.

She phoned me herself to ask for my opinion. I think she was relieved when I said I thought she should sign.

"Darren, make them pay. I know money isn't your main driver, but don't let them off cheap. When I talked to my lawyer, he suggested something like one point five million dollars."

"Wow, that much, huh? I told you, I always knew you could do it."

"Only because of you. I mean that. You gave me the strength."

"Maybe, I think you always had that."

"Goodbye, Darren, I hope we can still be friends."

"Oh, hell yeah. I'd still like to be involved on your next album."

We settled on one mill, but I had to give up my ten percent share of her record sales. I couldn't believe it. I had never seen so much money. It did give me one opportunity, and I was looking forward to that.


The doors of my studio flew open with a resounding crash. "What the fuck is this all about?" Coby screamed angrily at me.

The other engineers in the booth looked embarrassed and shocked. The receptionist who stood behind Coby apologized. "Sorry, Darren. I tried to stop her."

Glancing at the engineers, I said, "Can you guys handle this?"

With their heads nodding, I grabbed Coby's hand and led her up the stairs. Once my apartment door was closed she started again. "Well, what the fuck?"

"Coby, you said it yourself. The last time we were together, you said, and I quote, I only have this because you paid for it. That check is payment for the loan you gave me, plus some interest. It means we could go our separate ways. Divorce would be easy. We already live separate lives. I don't want any of your money, you can keep it. You keep your 401, I'll keep mine. It'd be a clean break."

She walked over to the kitchen counter and grabbed it for support. She looked angry, and yet there was more to it. "Do you want a drink?" I asked.

"Yes, wine would be nice."

I poured us both a glass and led her over to the couch. There was a long pause as we both sipped thoughtfully.

"Christ, Darren, I don't want a divorce, I never did. I was angry. I didn't mean what I said. I was just venting. And that money wasn't a loan. It wasn't mine to give, that money was ours, just like it's always been."

"No, I know you, Coby. You meant every damn word."

"You're wrong, I was just trying to hurt you. I knew those words would hurt. It's why I chose them. You cut me out of the biggest decision of our lives. Your dream, that was my dream, as well. I wanted you to have that, and I wanted to be part of it. I wanted to go with you when you chose the building. I wanted to help."

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I should have been up front."

"Yes you should. Christ, I just wanted to be part of it. I could've helped with the cleaning up and the painting. Helped you get better deals. You might not know it, but I'm a pretty good negotiator."

"Don't worry, I know," I said snidely.

We sipped our wines as the tension gradually settled around us. "Why did you lie to me, Darren?"

"Because, I wanted to do it on my own. It was my way of saying. See, I'm good enough. I didn't need his help."

She pouted, chewed her bottom lip. "Yes, that was wrong. I was stupid. I thought I was helping."

"Coby, I knew it wasn't malicious. It just hurt that you thought so little of me. I couldn't stand the idea you thought he was better than me."

"God almighty. Damn it, you infuriate me sometimes. I never said he was better than you. I just said we could use his contacts and experience in the realty game. I never once said a damn thing about him being better."

"That's the way I read it. I couldn't do it on my own, but Wyatt could save my ass."

"What a crock of shit," she hissed angrily. "We will bump into people we don't like in the business world, but we still have to deal with them. I was just suggesting we use his contacts."

"Sorry, I didn't want him anywhere near this. Because you kept pushing his name into everything, I got pissed off and decided to cut you out of it as well. Once I did that, it sort of steamrolled, and I couldn't find a way to tell you. Kailami was supposed to keep it a secret until I found a way to tell you."

"She destroyed Wyatt, you know."

"Good, I have no sympathy for him."

"I didn't think you would. Is that why you had sex with her? To get revenge on him?"

"Nope, that just happened. I didn't plan it. Just one of those things."

"And the other girl?"

"You and I... We were broken up. I was on the verge of filing for divorce. She gave me some comfort, but in many ways, she gave me back my manhood."

"What..." she spluttered. "What in gods name are you talking about?"

"When you told me about Wyatt, it took something away. Made me feel weak. Then when you chose him, I knew that it was more than sex. It was love."

"Oh fuck off. I never loved him. I liked him, and he offered me a shoulder to cry on that night. You and I seemed so far apart, we fought over everything. I felt guilty because I knew it was the affair with Wyatt that caused that pain. I've said sorry a million times, and frankly. I'm sick of talking about it."

I nodded. "Me too. We are different people now, Coby. You have the job you always wanted, the expensive apartment."

"But I don't have you. That's what's missing from my life, Darren. You..."

"Are you saying you want to try again?"

"No, not again. I never stopped trying. I just messed some things up. Got my priorities wrong. I lost sight of the most important bits. I'm not ashamed of what I did, but I am embarrassed about the way I treated you. I should have understood how much it would hurt you."

"How's it going? Are you still on track to becoming Voxman's youngest ever female CEO?"

She snickered sadly. "Yes, in fact, it's ahead of schedule."

"What about your affair with Wyatt?"

"It's over. That finished the night of Kailami's album release party."

"Why? What did that have to do with anything?"

"It hit him hard. He never asked me for sex again after that night. He's started taking Abby with us when we travel."

"Poor girl." I sighed.

She scowled. "Who, me?"

"No, Abby. Now she has to put up with the fucker."

She sucked in a deep breath. "That was always part of our problem. All those disgusting remarks. Even now you can't just be nice."

"Yeah, I'm trying to be a better person. Funny, up until you mentioned his name, I thought I was over it. Guess I've still got some work to do."

"It's over, Darren. That part is over."

"Makes you sad, does it?"

I saw her flinch, and her eyes closed. "Do you want me to be honest?"


"Then yes. I was sad at first. I hadn't realized how much I leaned on him. Not the sex element, not at all. I don't miss that. What I miss is, while we were together, we talked and he gave me advice. Company wise. Say what you will. He was very good at his job."

"Personal advice, as well, I bet."

She nodded. "Yes, that as well, although his advice in that arena was terrible. I just didn't know it at the time."

"I think he did it on purpose. He wanted our marriage to fail."

"No," she squeaked in his defense. "That's not true. The root of the problem is he's hopeless at relationships. It's why he is still single; he doesn't understand the concept of love. Although, I have to say, having Kailami ripped away, that hurt him."

"Good, it might make the dirt bag think before interfering in somebody else's marriage."

Her face scrunched up and she didn't respond immediately. She was choosing her words. "Darren, he is actually a nice person. He is generous and supportive. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have my job."

"I don't want to get into it again, Coby. Lets leave it there. I hate the putz. Anything you say in his defense is just going to provoke me."

"Okay, I get it. I don't want to talk about him. I want to talk about us."

"Is there an us, Coby? Maybe we've reached the end."

"I hope there's an us. I'm sorry I waited so long to come and talk to you. I was mad, and in truth, I'm still trying to figure out why. I was so incensed by Kailami's revelation, and to do it so publicly. I was completely blindsided. You were my husband, and I didn't know. But later, I was mad at myself, because I opened the door."

"I understand that. It was precisely how I felt. I only found out lately that most of my anger was aimed at myself."

"How did you come to this conclusion?"

"I talked to a therapist. She helped me identify the elements of my anger. Once I broke it down, I started to comprehend my actions and responses."

She giggled, snidely. "You went to a therapist?"

"No, I said I met a therapist and she helped me."

"What do you mean, met?"

"We dated, if that's the right word."

"Christ, another one? How many women have you been seeing?"

"Only the three, and I never sought any of them. I wasn't looking to get even with you. That wasn't the driver."

"Christ, Darren. I've only been with Wyatt."

"Coby, if you added up the number of times you slept with him, it would be a hundred times more than me."

She put her glass down, and ran her fingers through her hair. "I don't know what to say. How did you meet the therapist?"

I explained how Sarah and I met, and she laughed disbelievingly. "Wow, just like that, she walked up to you?"

"Yep, honest. I know it's weird, but that's how we met. Then she dragged my story out of me and she couldn't help herself. She had to try and fix me."

"What happened, or are you still seeing her?"

"No, we split weeks ago. We both realized we were different people, but she helped me a lot. She had a way of making me look at myself. Her big thing was letting go. Not holding grudges."

"I could use help with that. Sheesh, I feel so confused about everything that's happened."

"Yeah, it's been a hell of a ride."

I refilled our glasses and we relaxed in the sun as it streamed in through the open windows. Coby glanced around the room, taking it all in. "You've done a good job with the decorating. Was it in terrible condition?"

I stretched out to lift up the photo album from the coffee table and passed it to her. I had taken photos of the renovation process, right from the very start. There were many of the building before I even started. She flipped through the pages, sipping her wine as she went. "Wow, it's remarkable. I'm blown away. You saw this?" she asked dubiously. When I nodded, she shook her head. "Unbelievable, you frigging amaze me. You walked into this derelict dump of a building, developed a vision, and then made it happen, unbelievable."

"There was something about it. I knew as soon as I walked in that this was the place."

She smiled as she absorbed my words. "I'm impressed. Actually, that's not right. I'm in complete awe. You did this by yourself; you must have worked hard and you were doing your other job as well."

"Yeah, it was tough at the start. But I had to do it. I was driven by the fear of failure. You seemed so convinced that I was going to fail. That gave me the impetus. I didn't want you to be proven right."

"Christ, Darren, I never wanted you to fail. I mean, I did get worried when every time I questioned you about progress you fobbed me off, saying you'd done nothing. That concerned me, and made me feel like, what were you doing with the money?"

We finished our glasses, and she asked, "Can we have a look around the rest of the place?"

I noticed she picked up Sarah's business card from the coffee table as she put the album back.

"What are you doing with that?"

She gave me a cheeky grin. "I think I could use a therapist. It sounds like she helped you." She went to hand the card back, but I waved her hand away.