Proof of Manhood

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A man has an encounter with the local plantlife.
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Life in our village was rather peaceful. We didn't get a lot of visitors, but most of us liked it that way. The whole place was only about a hundred people, so everybody knew everybody. Just us and nature. I can imagine it doesn't sound too appealing for most, but for me, it was a perfect life. It was the place of my family, my friends, my religion... everything. All calm, homely and peaceful. Something very hard to explain to the city folk. They didn't have to hunt for their food, they didn't need to build their own houses... Somebody else did it for them. Not here. Life was a lot simpler here and during the twenty years of my life, I found nothing to complain about.

Well... except for my brother, maybe. He was always kind of a pain in the ass. He was five years older than me and it seemed like he had nothing better to do with his time than just to torment me. It ranged from insults and mocking to "hilarious" pranks, such as putting snakes in my bed or putting bugs in my soup when I wasn't looking. I thought he would grow out of it after puberty, but that didn't happen. It only seemed to get worse. I guess his constant slacking provided him with nothing better to do than just annoying me.

One afternoon, I felt a little overwhelmed. Father instructed me to help him with fixing the roof and that left me absolutely spent. Since we had already worked for a couple of days before in a row, he allowed me to take a break after lunch. I decided to spend it by seeking out a quiet place outside of the village to sit down and do some meditation. I went to my favorite hill - the one that had a breathtaking view of the jungle.

The jungle was a huge, beautiful forest that spread wider than you could see with a naked eye. It was beautiful and rich but also dangerous. Still, at least from a distance, it was a mesmerizing view that I loved to enjoy every chance I got. I made my way to the hill and watched the amazing landscape before me for a second, before sitting down and closing my eyes.

I breathed in and out. I undid the band on my ponytail and let my hair down. Allowed myself to get completely relaxed. Straightened my back, put my palms on my knees and... focused. On letting the thoughts pass by. Nothing distracting here, nothing stressful, nothing to be afraid of. Just me, the jungle and my thoughts. Breathe in and out. In... Out...

"Whatcha doing there, stupid?"

Suddenly, I felt a painful sensation of someone flicking my ear from behind. I groaned and reached for it instinctively. It was burning with pain. I interrupted my meditation and turned around to see who it was - even though I already knew.

It was my brother. He was standing over me with a grin on his face and an evil look in his eyes. I felt a sudden surge of anger in my chest, but I managed to control myself.

"Meditating," I responded calmly, "And I would appreciate some peace and quiet."

His response was a mocking laugh - like it was to most things that I said.

"Meditating? Seriously? Brother, you make it too easy for me to make fun of you. Meditation, spirituality... All that's girl stuff."

"No, it's not!" I snapped, before realizing I'm allowing him to piss me off again, "Meditation is a great way to clear your mind, and-"

"Say whatever you want," he interrupted me, his hands on his chest, "It's just yet another proof you're not a real man."

"Excuse me?! Not a real man???"

This one made me stand up and shoot an angry look at him. That's what I hated about him - he knew how to get to me. No matter how hard I tried to remain calm, he always found the right thing to say to start up a fight.

"Yes," he nodded, "If you were a real man, do you think I would tease you like I do? No. But you're not. And at this point, I'm wondering if you ever will be."

"Is that so?" I asked, "And how, exactly, would you describe a real man, my dear brother?"

He chuckled.

"Easy question, little one. You demonstrate strength. Courage. Determination. It's what I do every day... and something you should learn if you ever want to find a girl."

It was my turn to laugh.

"I'm sorry? You, courageous? Determined? What was the last courageous thing you've done lately?"

He gazed at me for a while before he smirked. His hand pointed to the jungle behind me.

"Just explored the jungle. Alone. At night. No big deal."

That caught me off guard. The anger disappeared from my face and I gave him a surprised look.

"You... went there? All alone? At night?! That's dangerous. Stupidly dangerous."

He shrugged and shot me a satisfied grin.

"Not if you're a real man. If you are, you know how to protect yourself. But it's okay, I know you can't relate."

Okay, I had enough. Did he want to start something? I was willing to follow through. I was sick and tired of him teasing me, not giving me a single moment of peace. Constantly demeaning me, never letting anything go. I needed to show him once and for all that he couldn't treat me like that. And I figured this could be a way to do it.

"Fine, then," I threw my arms in the air, "What if I went there as well, huh? What about that?"

He raised his eyebrows, his look curious.


"What if I went to explore the jungle? At night? Alone? Just like you did, but going even further? Would that get you off my back?"

He gave me a long, calculating look. It seemed that I managed to catch him off guard with my suggestion.

"I suppose," he shrugged, "But I know you'd never do it."

"Try me, then. Heh, actually, I can go there tonight! No problem, just tell me how far."

He smiled again, I guess he figured he had the upper hand again. But I wasn't about to call this off, no matter what. I was pissed beyond belief.

"Okay then, little one. You have to make it past the old temple. To the unmapped area. Alone. At night. Wearing only a loincloth."

Before he even finished his sentence I reached out to him with a hand, gesturing for a handshake. I put on a determined look, ready to show to him what I'm made of.

"Sounds great. If I go there, I'll prove to you that I'm a real man and you leave me alone. You stop with the teasing and you will respect me. Forever. Deal?"

It took him a while before he reached out and shook my hand in agreement.

"Deal," he responded, "Looking forward to seeing you fail, brother."


That night, I didn't eat much at dinner. I was too nervous to be hungry. I was pissed at the time we made the deal, so I felt more determined, but as time passed, I started thinking. The jungle was incredibly dangerous even during the day and in a group. Animals hunting, poisonous bugs... Some people even spoke about monsters. I tried to keep those thoughts at bay, telling myself that those were just stories. It was just about walking in there and leaving anyway. I knew I could defend myself.

After dinner, I helped my mom clean up the table and my father announced that it was bedtime. Before going into his room, my brother smirked at me and whispered.

"See you tomorrow morning. If you make it out alive, that is..."

With that, he disappeared into his room. I breathed in and out and tried to hide the nervousness I felt before my mom. After she told me goodnight, she followed my father to the bedroom. It didn't look like my parents suspected anything. That was a good thing because if they did, I'm sure they'd stop me from going.

In my room, I waited for about an hour before everyone fell asleep. Then, as promised, I put on only my loincloth. My tattoos and tribal colors were visible on my heavily decorated upper body, showing off my fairly toned chest with a patch of hair between the pecs. I was pretty proud of myself and started being sure again that I could handle any kind of challenge that was awaiting me in those woods. After a moment or two of calming myself, I carefully creeped out of the house and headed for the jungle.

Everyone was asleep - even the guards, as usual. It was no issue for me to leave the village unseen by anyone. It was a pretty short walk to the edge of the jungle. The moon was full and bright, which was helpful because that way I could see a lot of my surroundings. I would still appreciate at least a torch or something - not for visibility, but for the warmth of the fire and the sense of security. But I had to keep my word - only a loincloth, nothing else.

I stopped briefly before the wall of trees. The jungle looked even more intimidating during the night. The vines hanging between the trees looked like snakes. The bushes were rustling with the sounds of small animals wandering about. In the distance, I heard the screeches of monkeys and honking of elephants. I was around these animals all my life, I wasn't too afraid of them during the day.

The night, however, was a different story...

I slowly entered the jungle, feeling the cold ground under my feet. The image of my brother's smug face fueled my determination as I started making it through the thick bushes. The jungle wasn't exactly meant for casual walks, especially during the night, so shortly I was covered in scratches and bruises from the vines and branches pushing against me.

Luckily, I managed to find a path rather quickly. A long time ago, our village used to host religious ceremonies in the temple not far from here. Now, these days were gone, but the path - or at least its remains - was still here to guide me to the temple and - more importantly - back home afterwards. I started walking down the path, all my senses ready for any danger that might come for me.

The whole jungle was alive and the sounds of it were haunting. My heart was beating fast and I felt myself getting sweaty. How stupid of me not to bring a weapon! I tried using my meditation techniques to calm my thoughts, but it wasn't easy. I was in actual peril. The stupidity of this bet started dawning on me, but I knew that I couldn't back off now. If I did, I would never hear the end of it and the teasing of my brother would get a lot worse.

So I kept walking. With each step, it became easier and easier. I started feeling more confident and slowed down. It seemed that the animals were not too interested in my presence, otherwise, they would already jump at me. I saw some shadows moving around me, but I paid them no mind. They left me alone, so I left them alone too. I started feeling sure of myself again. This wasn't so bad after all... I could pull through this like the grown adult that I was.

Shortly after, I made it to the temple. A big, stone building, covered in moss and trees. Almost invisible now that the jungle has claimed it as its own. I spend a while admiring the architecture of it - or at least what I could see under the moonlight - before continuing further. I could leave it there and turn back, but I was a man of my word. I would go look into the unmapped areas of the jungle, out of principle... and maybe a little bit out of curiosity too.

The path disappeared and the walk started being a little difficult again, but not too difficult this. I had to pull some of the branches away, but I was more or less fine. At least none of them were thorny. I didn't notice anything suspicious or dangerous, but I did notice a couple of strange plants. As I was progressing further and further, there were more and more of them around me. They caught my attention because I've never seen anything like it before.

Stuff like this didn't grow in the shallow sections of the jungle. They were big, open blossoms with huge, colorful petals, bigger than a grown man's hand. The petals ranged in color - blood red, bright orange, shiny blue. In the middle, there was a hole, presumably for pollination - thick enough for a couple of fingers to go through. I decided not to inspect them closely because I was afraid they could be poisonous, but it was hard to ignore them. They were beautiful, intriguing and I saw them everywhere around me.

As I was walking further and further, I also noticed their scent. They had a very specific, musky scent. It wasn't very noticeable at first, but after a couple more steps, I found it hard to ignore. It wasn't unpleasant, but it was... distracting. It's hard to explain. When I was inhaling it, I felt the blood surge through my veins faster. I even started sweating a little. I didn't let it scare me off and walked even further behind the temple, interested in what else I could find.

As time passed, the smell was harder and harder to ignore. The number of flowers around me was just too high. I frequently had to wipe the sweat off my forehead and my breathing was getting crazier and crazier. And apart from all that... the scent had another effect on me. It brought images into my head... urges to my body. As I inhaled it, I started getting aroused. My cock started twitching under the cloth of my loincloth, demanding attention. How was this happening? Were the flowers letting out some strange kind of pheromone that also affected humans?

I guess I should have bolted out of there at that realization, but something about it all made me curious even more. I made it a couple steps further and soon it became too hard not to touch myself over the cloth. The smell has made my body all sensitive and I felt a strong urge to get myself off. At this point, I was panting heavily, craving some kind of release, one hand constantly slipping to my crotch to readjust my bulge. At the same time, I managed to get myself entangled in some of the branches from the trees surrounding me.

I quickly became disoriented. My hands were working on pulling the branches away and let me through, but it was hard to focus on anything with the throbbing hardon between my legs. I eventually managed to pull through - a couple of the branches broke and I lost my balance. I fell on the ground into a large patch of grass.

It was a strange, perfectly circled patch of nothing in the middle of the jungle. The visibility was perfect here because there were no trees directly above me, so the moonlight illuminated everything around me. I saw that I was surrounded by those flowers. They were everywhere around me, beaming with colors, releasing their strange pheromones in the air. The scent doubled in its intensity and started seeping into every pore of my body. I groaned on the ground and shivered under the effects of the aphrodisiac. My dick was leaking precum, drenching my loincloth and I knew I needed to cum soon. I was laying there on the grass, moaning, tugging on my dick, surrounded by the damn plants, my mind clouded.

A strange thought entered my head. Simple masturbation didn't seem even close enough to satisfy this incredibly strong urge. I needed more... much more. I needed to fuck someone. Or something. I opened my eyes and looked at the blossoms surrounding the patch of grass. The holes in the middle of them looked so inviting. And they were the perfect size... There was some strange, white sap dripping from them. Was that the thing that smelled so strong? Either way, it made the blossoms look so lubricated, open, juicy...

I'm ashamed to say that I gave in to this urge. I know... it's very hard to explain but the feeling was too overwhelming. I wasn't thinking clearly. I quickly jumped up to my feet and tore the loincloth off. I didn't care that I had to walk home naked, I just cared about the urge flowing through my veins. My eyes quickly found the nearest blossom - a large, orange one, perfectly placed at waist level.

Without a single doubt, I came to it and grabbed it with my right hand. The left one grabbed the base of my cock, which was so hard, it was almost painful. I looked down and carefully pushed the crown of my manhood in the very center of the plant.

It was as amazing as I hoped it would. The sap seeped into the skin of my dick and made it feel so sensitive. The plant's petals felt like the softest skin and the size of the hole was just tight enough to engulf my cock while providing perfect pleasure.

"Oh gods, this is so wrong..." I moaned as I pushed further into the plant. As I did, I felt something strange going on my in my groin area. I looked down and was alarmed to find out that the petals started closing down, sucking themselves on the base of my lap! At first, I tried to jerk away, but somehow, the plant seemed stronger than me. The petals hungrily glued themselves to my skin and devoured my entire dick. Like a flytrap - and I was dumb enough to get caught.

Needless to say, I started panicking.

"Oh shit! Get off, get off, you... oh.... Ooooooh..."

My fears were soon discarded as, against all odds, I started to feel the blossom sucking on my cock, massaging its entire length and taking it in. It seemed to know exactly what it was doing, rhythmically applying pressure on my shaft and my sensitive tip. It felt like a mouth, but better - more skillful, more eager.

I spent about a second frozen in shock before my muscles relaxed and I gave into it. As crazy as it may sound, the plant was giving me the best blowjob of my life and I was loving it. I stopped fighting the blossom and started thrusting into it instead. My hands grabbed the stem, which was as thick as a pipe, and I kept my balance as the freaky thing sucked on my cock like its life depended on it.

It started producing more and more of the white sap, which was now covering my dick and made me even hornier. The silence around me was interrupted only by the squishing of the fluids being massaged onto my dick and my soft moans. I threw away my pride and let some lusty thoughts make it to my lips.

"That's it... don't stop... please don't stop... oh, whatever you are, you're gonna make me cum soon!"

It was no lie. I was already on the edge by the time I put my dick in the hole and I knew that I couldn't last very long. It seemed like the plant was directly going after my cum - and it was doing a damn good job at working for it. Soon, I felt the orgasm build up in my body. My hips were shivering, the sweat was dripping from my face and I felt the familiar tingle in my balls.

"Oh, gods... please forgive me for this sinful act... here I cum!"

I shouted loudly as I started pumping a generous amount of cum right into the blossom. To my amazement, it started sucking it up, apparently sending it down the stem. The plant latched onto my cock even harder and wasn't about to waste even a drop of my load. I had absolutely no problem with that and was feeding it everything I had. It was the strongest orgasm I had in a while and it made my head spin.

After it all ended, I was surprised to notice that my dick was still hard - the orgasm was gone but I didn't feel tired or overly sensitive. The plant was also still on my dick - once it sucked out every single drop of my seed, it went back into blowjob mode and started rhythmically rub my whole length again.

"Oh..." I let out in between my quick breathing, "Another round? I guess I could... Hey!"

Suddenly, I felt something graze against my ankle. I looked down and at first, I thought it was a snake - but as I looked closer, I discovered it was one of the vines! Slithering on the ground like it was alive, curious about my feet. I started panicking a little bit again, but there wasn't much I could do, with the plant glued to my private parts.

"Whatever you are, get off! Leave me alone!" I shouted, trying to kick it away from me. Unfortunately, it worked against me - as I moved towards it, the vine quickly wrapped itself around my ankle and wouldn't let go! Before I could react, I saw other vines appearing from under the flowers. Two, three... dozens of them, some thinner, some thicker, but all of them headed towards me.

"Oh crap!" I said to myself and tried to pull the plant away from my lap. Needless to say, it didn't work. The thing was latched onto my hardon and I wasn't able to tear it off without injuring myself. Soon, I felt the wet texture of the vines around my other ankle.