Pt. 39 - I'm Running on Empty

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But I still have energy to make money and bag three ladies.
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This is part 39 of my continuing story,

All characters are well over the age of consent.

This is a work of fiction. Fiction means made up.

Any typos are mine as I create and edit my own work.



Strange things happen in the City of Angels...

This story begins with my trip to Los Angeles where I launched my new business venture: Global Fertility Partners of GFP.

It started a day or so before I flew down and put the deal together.

For background, please read Pt. 35, "It Shouldn't Have Happened."

And so, we continue...

Barbara had left my pool house on Monday afternoon without specifically denying that I was the father of her unborn child.

She did tell me that she had sex that same week with her boyfriend, so the baby could be his.

She just asked me to "trust her" and I let it go. But I had nagging thoughts of a lifetime of child support payments. And wondering how I was going to explain this "love child" to my parents, should it be mine. I'm sure my mother would be ecstatic, but I could already visualize my dad's frown and I could almost recite the lecture I was going to be getting from him.

Of course, I was worried, concerned, scared shitless (!) but the deed had been done so I just needed to be mentally prepared when I got the definite word from a doctor. Or an attorney. Or more likely, Barbara herself.

In the meantime, post sex in my pool house, Barbara went off to LA where she was going to have a "come to The Lord" meeting with Dr. Tina Ward.

The largess (welfare) for Tina was coming to a very quick end.

As you read in Pt. 36, "I Enjoy Dinner and Dessert", I had dinner with Abi and spent the night with Janet.

I got home on Tuesday morning after working out and banging Laura, my real estate agent, and spent the day becoming organized for my new business, Global Fertility Partners, in which Tina was going to be my first employee.

Flying to LA early Tuesday evening, I found Barbara waiting for me in the bar of the Ritz Carlton in Marina del Rey. Greeting me with a nice kiss, she handed me a DNA report that showed that I had a five percent chance of being the father of her unborn child.

Holding me tight, she whispered "My boyfriend is the father of my child."

I was relieved. To say the least. I enjoyed an extra-large margarita with salt (thank you Jimmy Buffett!) to celebrate.

Barbara had arranged for our rooms to be next door to one another, and being pregnant, hormones raging, she was extremely excited, and oh so horny, so I scratched her itch more than a couple of times that night.

Something interesting surfaced with her. Turns out she liked being told what to do, meaning, being directed when it came to sex.

I had no idea that a woman of her stature, wealth, and education could be subservient. I unloaded a substantial size deposit of my baby batter into her tight, hot, wet pussy, as we came together, and when I finished, I pulled her up off the bed and using my hands to position her head, directed her to clean my cock of our juices.

Was I being a jerk? Yes. But what the hell, lovers need to get what they want from sex, right?

At the start, she put up a very weak resistance, but my firm hands made it clear that she had no other choice but to clean my still hard cock, and after a few tentative licks, Barbara really got into it.

Apparently tasting her own juices wasn't so bad.

She did an excellent job, getting me ready for another ridiculously hot session with her. Hard as steel, I took her like a dog in heat, pounding her pussy from behind, her favorite position, but spending plenty of time rubbing and probing around her very tight rosebud.

Barbara resisted, a bit, but I kept at it, and why not, it was fun to see her squirm in her downward dog position, trying but not really trying, to get away from my long, thick fingers teasing her most intimate hole.

I kept pounding her tight pussy, and she responded with groans as her fingers found her erect and throbbing love button.

Keeping the pounding going, I was able to continue to tease all around her rosebud, taking in her natural aroma of wet pussy and the distinct smell of her backdoor.

Her body responded to my cock and to my thumbs and she started pushing her ass to stay in contact with my hands. Her rosebud, teaming with nerve endings, was something she liked to have played with.

To my surprise, Barbara started to bargain with me, almost begging, not to fuck her ass, that I was too big, that I would split her in two, that she'd never had anyone back there before, that she was saving it... which all meant only one thing to me, that she wanted me to take her virgin ass.

I did not follow through on my urge that night. I was simply enjoying sex with a beautiful lady and if she wanted me in her backdoor, it wasn't going anywhere, and neither was I. Maybe that first poke of Barbara's tight, virgin and most intimate hole is worthy of a story. We'll see.


There must be a morning after... or how to monetize a big dick.

Pleasantly tired from the lack of sleep but fired up from the terrific sex, we "all" met for breakfast at 6am in the private dining room of the restaurant. In addition to Dr. Tina, Barbara, and me, I also had invited my banker, Cindy, a former classmate at Sacramento State; Dr. Tina invited her family law attorney, Diane, and two business attorneys, one representing me and one representing Dr. Tina.

We all seemed to get along and I wasn't surprised because everyone there was going to get paid in full in a couple of hours. But I wasn't going to put up with any shit from anyone if they got out of line and they all knew that. Many lawyers like to argue but there was no arguing to be done as we had already reached agreement on everything. This session was just a formality.

We moved from the restaurant into the Boardroom at the hotel. My agenda included four topics. We got started at 6:45 and finished in an hour.


Barbara had laid the groundwork for me, and Tina readily agreed to sell her company assets (mostly client and prospect information along with trademarks, patents, and copyrights) to my new company. The terms were easy, and payments would take place monthly over a period of seven years, interest free. However, there was no prepayment penalty and in fact, the purchase agreement included a substantial discount if the balance was paid off early. My plan was to pay Tina off within the month. I did not verbalize this during the meeting.


Dr. Tina's beach front home on Maui was headed to foreclosure and so I agreed to buy the house from the mortgage holder (the bank) and get it out of the legal mess it was in.

My plan was to remodel and upgrade everything and to turn it into a money maker (VRBO). Tina could stay there for three weeks each year at a reduced rate. There was no equity, so Tina got nothing, and the bank didn't want to be in the residential real estate market, so I bought it for a discounted amount. I paid Tina $12,000 as a finder's fee. It was an all-cash deal with a 30-day escrow.

At this point Cindy slipped me a piece of paper indicating that three ladies had wired transferred money into the new company (Global Fertility Partners or GFP) bank account before the price went up at 9am PT. Given that $9,000,000 exceeded the FDIC insurance cap (a lousy $250,000), Cindy had arranged for the funds to be dispersed to other banks to eliminate financial risk.


Jack Colton and I had agreed on what would make him happy and resolve the issue related to his retainers being wired from his personal and private consulting business to Doctor Tina's bank account. In addition, he wanted visitation rights to see his young son, a result of a day long sexual encounter with Tina.

Tina was prepared for this, and it was agreed that they would go to Family Court on the visitation rights. The money that she owed Jack was the same amount as the asset sale of her company. The figures netted out and so I did not have to pay for the assets of her former company because I paid Jack off. Tina then owed me the money and we worked out, quickly, the monthly amount she would pay and the terms and conditions.


Tina became the second employee of GFP (after me) and agreed to move to Sacramento and live in my condominium. The place was large enough for her, her young son, and her parents to comfortably live in. Tina was going to work from the condominium and her son would be able to attend the day care and then the elementary school just down the block. I agreed to find paying jobs for her parents and take care of any immigration issues (they were from Australia).


Tina had a contract for a commercial office building in Maui, and it was headed for default. I agreed to buy it for cash; again, a thirty-day escrow, pending an inspection. I'd fix the building up and rent out the offices.

Now that these personal issues were resolved, there were criminal matters to be addressed. For that we needed different attorneys and we needed to travel to Maui where we could get in front of the judge and the US Attorney.

Fortunately, my political connections came into play, and I called in some favors. The judge agreed to hold the hearing, a closed hearing, in the hotel on Friday and the US Attorney agreed.

This was all fine with me, but I needed to keep Abi, the nurse from Pt. 36 "I Enjoy Dinner and Dessert" from knowing anything about, or seeing, Dr. Tina when we were on Maui. They had a history.

Back in Sacramento, Beth buys me coffee...

Beth, the bitch, had been bugging me to meet with her, so with my business settled in LA for the moment, I met with her late morning on Wednesday for a cup of coffee on my way home from the airport.

I was tired from the lack of sleep but energized by the success I had. No one ever wakes up with next to nothing in their checking account and a few short hours later, has $9,000,000 in it. Someone was looking out for me.

So, dragging a bit, I found Beth in a back booth. I didn't kiss her, didn't even try, I knew it would lead to nothing but trouble, meaning, we'd end up screwing each other's brains out and I wasn't going to do that to Leeann.

Leean saw Beth as her sworn enemy. Revenge at some point was going to happen.

I plopped down in the booth. She greeted me with, "You look like shit!"

I smiled at her, a weary smile. "I know, but my brain still works, so what's on your mind?"

She smiled back, stood up and took off the black leather jacket she had on. I was surprised and delighted (!) to see her top that morning was a sheer black blouse. No bra. Just heavenly breasts held in by a tight see-through mesh top.

I had seen those magnificent tits before, when she was at my ranch in the mountains, but something was different. Of course, it could be that I was tired, and my memory was lagging due to the lack of sleep.

But I could swear that her breasts were larger, firmer and her nipples, straining against the silk blouse, were more pronounced than I remembered. Not that I was complaining, the view, particularly when Beth moved or stretched, was what wet dreams were made of.

She didn't acknowledge her revealing outfit, but she smiled at me and shared "I left my panties at home too."

I smiled back and replied, "I'm not sure if how you are dressed or your lack of underwear is going to help or hurt my thinking this morning but if you're comfortable, who am I to complain about how great you look?"

At that she blushed, pushed her blonde hair back behind her ear and whispered, "Thank you."

I could have looked at her all day, I could have fucked her all day long, right there on the table, or I could have easily just said "Let's get a room" but I didn't.

I just had to be a Boy Scout.

I simply said, "What's on your mind?" and she looked up and said, "I need to talk about two things."


Beth started in on how much she appreciated the retainer I had been providing her commercial collections agency each month ($50,000) and that it had made a tremendous difference to her firm and to her personally.

She finished with, "I'm burned out and need to find something else to do. I need a long vacation. I need to get away from chasing people who don't want to pay what they owe. I have a competent staff, but I am a lousy manager. I need to move on before my employees all quit or worse, sue me."

Then she asked, "Have any suggestions?"

I asked her some clarifying questions to dig a bit deeper. Beth was candid with me and often, she caught me staring at her lovely, large breasts but she didn't say anything. She enjoyed the attention. At least that is what her erect nipples were telling me.

I cleared my throat to emphasize that I was about to say something important, and told Beth, "I have three viable solutions. The first is to sell the firm. The second is to bring someone in to run it and you stay on as an owner. The third is to bring in someone, an attorney, to learn how to run the firm and then you sell it to them. Do any of these appeal to you?"

Beth thought for a moment and replied, "Who would I sell it to?"

I replied, "Me."

She laughed, but I didn't laugh back. I could buy the firm and then spin it off to The Corporation, they had a horrible time with A/R. No one was managing what was owed. It was a task, an important one, that was fragmented. Every location did its own collections, and we were owed a lot of money because collecting was not a priority.

Beth looked at me and said, "Any idea what it's worth?"

To that I replied, "I assume the other options aren't appealing to you?" to which she said, "No. I need to move on this before my hair turns gray. I can't wait to hire and train someone; it may take years."

I continued, "Let me connect with a valuation company and we'll get started on the process. It's either going to be a multiple of revenue, just one- or two-times times revenue or a multiple of EBITDA. I'll agree now to pay the higher of the two numbers so that you won't have any regrets."

I didn't have any qualms about making the purchase, I was already her biggest client, and her people did a solid job. I would just need to find someone to run it until I could sell it.

"How long will it take?" was her next question.

I replied, "I think we can close the deal by the end of the year. And then you go wherever you want for as long as you want."

She reached across the table and grabbed both of my hands, squeezing them, and whispering to me, "Thank you, Rick."

I liked the way her breasts got pushed together when she did that and for a second, I thought it would be wonderful to titty fuck her and shoot my baby batter all over her upper chest, some of it landing on her face.

My imagination went wild, visualizing her scooping my sauce off her face and cleaning her fingers when she licked my spunk with those lips and that tongue of hers.

Beth had no idea what a deviant mind I had but my cock sure took hold of that visual as my dick went turgid.

"What's next on your agenda, Beth?" I asked.

"You," she answered, "you're on my agenda."


"I want you Rick, I want you. I want to be with you. You're the one I want to be in bed with, to wake up in the middle of the night for you to fuck me senseless, to travel with you..." and with that she sobbed.

I hate it when women cry. I have no idea what do to, no clue how to comfort them; should I hold them or let them cry it out.

So, my plan was to just wait it out.

In a few moments, Beth composed herself. And she simply said to me, "I have no luck keeping a man. I can attract them, and then they disappear without a word, no explanation. It makes me feel like I was simply a piece of trash to be used and tossed into the garbage can."

I nodded, my eyes on her tear-filled eyes.

"But you're different Rick. You get me. You're smart, handsome, you know how to manage women and I know you treat ladies like princesses. I am jealous of Leeann. She has the best boyfriend on the planet."

With that she smiled, and I smiled back. She continued, "I want you, Rick. And I am willing to wait for you because I don't think that your relationship with her will be long-lasting."

There might be something to what Beth was telling me. Leeann was not taking her dad's health decline well and while we spoke on the phone regularly, she hadn't been back to Sacramento in a couple of months. I was taking care of her house, paying the bills, and all that. I even had to go over to the airport and get her car out of the lot when I learned she wasn't going to be coming back anytime soon. That was an expensive charge on the credit card because she parked valet.

I looked at her and she looked at me and I wondered what a relationship with Beth would be like. Would we get along? Was she really a nice person? Or did she have a burning fuse that could go off at any time? How much energy would I have to expend to keep her from doing mean things to people and was it worth it?

That morning I wasn't in a position or a condition to make any decisions, but I did say to Beth, "When you get your bucket list done, please share it with me. I'm not making any promises because I am committed to Leeann, but I would like to know where you would like to travel to. Okay?"

I closed the meeting, if you want to call it that, by telling Beth not to breathe a word of our agreement or her plans with anyone. If word got out, I would back out of the deal and find another collection firm to deal with.

I also told Beth to start visiting travel agents and to start making her bucket list of places to go.

She kissed me in the parking lot and thanked me. As she got into her car, she asked me, "Is there anywhere you want to go with me?" to which I mumbled, but not so she could hear me, "To bed."

I left my coffee date with Beth feeling surprisingly good about things. It a 9.5 sexual dynamo wanted me, well, that made my day.

Beth wanted me badly. She wanted my cock. She wanted me to be "the one" for her. The things she shared with me told me that she had thought about me a lot. Not to the point of stalking but she had a thing for me, and I don't think that that her feelings for me were going to away anytime soon, no matter who I was able to match her up with, in terms of guys.

I looked at my phone and read a text from Cindy, my banker. She said, "Three more ladies wired transferred in money after the 9am price increase went into effect. Your balance is now $21M."

With visions of Beth fucking herself in my truck with her legs spread wide and her feet up on the dashboard as her lengthy and wide dildo pillaged her hairy pussy, I drove over to a hotel off on I-80 for a photo shoot.


Cramming in yet another photo shoot...

My model was a young lady named Tavi. She had started by emailing me, then we used FaceTime and now we were going to meet for lunch and if we both agreed to go ahead, we'd sign the paperwork, I'd get a suite upstairs and we'd do the shoot.

She's sent over some pictures taken by GWC (Guy with Camera) and while the shoots were just okay, I found Tavi to be quite attractive, with a nice, tight, package.

I was expecting that she would go ahead with the deal, so I had everything I needed in the cab of my truck. I did bring the agreement I had prepared and after we ate, I took her through each section and we both had signed and dated copies. I also took pictures of her driver's license to verify her age, she was twenty-three.

I noticed that she wasn't wearing a bra, and her pokies made a nice impression. Her photos did not do the size of her breast's justice. Her clothes did an excellent job of hiding their size. I made an offhand comment, "Did you leave your bra at home?" to check on what she was thinking.