Punishing The Unruly Son Ch. 07


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When I asked him to define what a 'strong smell' was, he told me sometimes our panties had no smell at all, and sometimes, he'd find panties that only had a faint smell. What he really liked though, was finding a pair of panties that had a definite, strong vaginal aroma.

"Is that all you do with our panties, Son?" Mom asked. "Smell them while you masturbate yourself?"

"No." Bobby confessed, clearly uneasy with Mom's question. "Sometimes I..... uh.... lick them and suck the crotch part."

I looked at Mom, expecting her to be shocked with everything she was hearing, but she didn't look shocked. In fact, unless I was wrong, none of Bobby's confession seemed to surprise her and the look on her face seemed to be one of understanding and acceptance, rather than surprise or anger.

"What else, Bobby." I asked him. "You have to tell us everything you do with them."

Bobby's face blushed again, and after a few seconds, told us he sometimes lays our panties out on his pillow and pretends we're wearing them for him. He'd get on his hands and knees and rub his nose and face against the crotch panel where our vaginas had been. He'd start fantasizing about sniffing and licking our panties while we were wearing them, and then he'd stroke himself until he came.

"And, sometimes," he added, "I'll wrap a silky pair around my.... uh... penis.... and stroke myself with 'em. I like that feeling, but I've always been afraid you'll find dried sperm on them so I try not to do that very often."

I couldn't believe Mom actually asked him if he could tell the difference between our panties, either by smell or by taste. He said he could -- our smells are different and our tastes are different. I wanted to ask him how they were different, but, I decided to save that question for a time when he and I were alone. But, Mom beat me to the million dollar question, asking it before I had a chance to build up enough courage to ask it myself.

"Whose panties do you prefer, Sweetheart." Mom asked. "Just be honest."

"Actually," Bobby said, "both of yours are great, but, I usually go for who's ever I can get my hands on first."

"So, tell us, Sweetheart," Mom asked him, "when was the last time you masturbated with a pair of our panties?"

"This morning..... before you got up." He answered. "I took a pair of yours out of the laundry room when I got up to pee early this morning. I wanted to have a pair of Sandra's, too, so I could have one to sniff and one to lick, but there was only one pair in there, so I just used that one and I put it back before either of you got up."

Mom asked him if he'd ever taken anyone else's panties and he said "No". She asked him if he'd ever gotten any panties from the girls at school and he said, "No".

"So, the only panties you've ever taken, smelled or had in your mouth are ours?" Mom asked.

"Uh huh." Bobby answered.

"Is there anything more you want to add?" Mom asked.

"Jeez, isn't that enough?" He answered. "You'll probably kick me out of the house for sure, now."

Mom smiled at his answer, shook her head at the melodramatic tone of his voice and asked me if I had any more questions.

I have to give Bobby credit, he answered all our questions and I believed everything he said because all his answers seemed so plausible. There was no way me or Mom could deny it - my kid brother had a very strong panty fetish and it was obvious that he loved our panties. Honestly, I was flattered at some of the things he said because like any other girl, I'd like to think my vagina is sexy, and sensual - that it smells good and tastes good. No girl wants to hear that she's got a stinky pussy with a rancid taste. Bobby's confession made me feel good about myself and now, more than ever, I was completely willing to let him have my panties, or play nasty panty games with him.

"Sweetheart," Mom said, patting his back sympathetically, "I appreciate your truthfulness, and although under different circumstances I just might be angry with you, I'll keep my word and forgive you. So will Sandra."

Mom looked up at me and raised her eyebrows. I looked down at Bobby, who was lying there with his eyes open now, looking back at me, and I nodded my head, telling him I'd forgive him, too. I wondered, though, what this would mean in the future. Would my little brother have to give up his panty fetish? Could he? For my sake, I hoped it wouldn't come to that.

I glanced back toward Mom and expected her to resume my brother's spanking, but, she didn't do that. Instead, she reached down into the bag next to her, and to my surprise, pulled out a clear silicone dildo, maybe six inches long and an inch and a half thick.

"Sweetheart," mother said, as she warmly patted his back from behind him, "I told you earlier you'd be asked to submit to something humiliating in return for our forgiveness. Well, you've made your confession, and we've forgiven you. Now it's time for you to keep your end of the deal."

I knew Bobby couldn't see the dildo Mom was holding in her hand, and, she didn't seem the least bit concerned when she calmly handed me the silicone cock and told me to put it in my little brother's mouth. I froze with the dildo in my hand, just as I took it from her, and looked her straight in the eyes to make sure I'd heard her correctly.

"Go on." Mom said to me. "He's had plenty of time to catch his breath by now. Just hold it in his mouth so he can get his lips around it and suck."

"Bobby," Mom said, "I want you to keep that in your mouth until your spanking is over. You can breathe around it if you need to once I continue your spanking, but, it has to stay inside your mouth until we're done."

I leaned over and held the dildo in front of Bobby's face, and as soon as he saw it, he jerked his head up from the towel where he was lying, and pulled back away from me.

"Bobby," I said quickly, leaning down so I could whisper in his ear, "you're so close to getting your reward, don't ruin it now."

"Sweetheart," Mom said, calmly, "You were told twice this was going to be humiliating, so don't be such a baby. You don't need to worry..... it's just your sister and me here..... no one else will ever know. Just put your head back down on the towel and open your mouth. You can close your eyes if it bothers you that much."

Bobby's face was flushed bright red as he looked at the dildo in my hand. It was remarkably realistic looking, with veins running up the side and balls hanging down underneath the shaft. I sympathized with my little brother and completely understood why this would be hard for him to do. But, it wasn't like it was a real cock -- it was just rubber.

Reluctantly, he laid his head back down on the towel and opened his mouth for me. "More Bobby." I said, softly. "Open up."

When his jaw opened, I moved the dildo to his lips and gently pushed it into his mouth a couple of inches. "Close your lips around it." I heard Mom say. "You're supposed to be sucking it, remember?"

Bobby's face flushed again, but he did as she told him, closing his lips around the dildo and I could feel him lightly suckling the silicone cock as I held it.

"Sandra," Mom said, quietly, "I want you to move it in and out of his mouth gently. Don't push it in too far, and don't pull it out all the way, either. Just a smooth, gentle motion - back and forth."

Poor Bobby. The spanking was bad enough, but now he was being made to suck a realistic looking cock that I was holding in his mouth. And to make matters worse, I was now moving that cock in and out of his mouth as if I was fucking him with it while he sucked. Yeah, okay -- I knew this wasn't going to hurt him, but how much humiliation could a boy his age take?

I heard a slap and immediately knew Mom was starting his spanking again. When the first slap landed, my little brother's body tensed up and his eyes shut tight. I heard him whimper and the sound of it turned my stomach inside out.

Mom continued on with her same rhythm and her slaps we no harder than they had been previously, but, even before we'd reached the one minute mark, Bobby's body was shuddering with every slap. His eyes were starting to water, and tears were starting to form at the edges of his tightly shut eyelids. As we passed one full minute, his lips loosened around the silicone cock and he took in a huge gasp of air to fill his lungs. He pulled back a little from the cock and took several deep breaths which left the cock dangling just inside his lips. Knowing full well that Mom wanted him to keep sucking the cock, I glanced back at her quickly. She mouthed the words "It's okay" to me, so I stopped moving the cock in and out of his mouth and just laid it down on the towel so it sat inside his lips, and still in his mouth.

Bobby was starting to quietly weep as we got to the two minute mark, occasionally taking a deep breath and shuddering when he let it out. His butt cheeks were flaming red and there were small drops of perspiration popping up on his forehead. I could see his chest was heaving under his body and all of a sudden, about two and a half minutes into it, Bobby's resistance finally gave out and he broke down into a full cry.

It was the most heartbreaking and distressing thing I'd ever witnessed. His mouth was open, the tears were flowing and he was crying like a baby. Each slap on his butt cheeks caused his body to jerk dreadfully. And as we came up to three minutes, I leaned down next to him and used my free hand to wipe his eyes while I said a silent prayer that Mom would end this soon.

Thankfully, Mom stopped. The instant she was done, she was up on her feet and reaching for the box of tissues we left next to Dad's easy chair this morning. Then, wiggling down on her knees next to me, she dabbed Bobby's eyes with a tissue and leaned down to my brother's face.

"All done, Sweetheart." Mom said, feeling his cheek with the back of her hand and brushing his hair away from his forehead. "I know your bottom feels like its on fire, but we're done now, so you can relax. Try to take deep breaths..... and, you don't have to suck the cock anymore."

Mom placed her hand on his cheek and told him to open his eyes. When he did, she said, "I know exactly what you're feeling right now, so you don't need to say or do anything. Believe me, you'll feel better if you just lie there and finish your cry and let me help you. There's something I can do to focus your attention away from that awful stinging, and then in a few minutes, I'll put the spray on you and soon you'll feel as good as new."

Mom handed me the tissue and whispered to me to stay with him, and wipe his eyes as his crying slowed down. Then, she got up and returned to her place behind him. I watched her reach into the bag she brought down from her bedroom, and she pulled out another silicone dildo, but this one was much, much thinner. It was still about six inches long, but, at the most, this one was probably no more than three quarters of an inch wide.

Holding it with her right hand, she pulled a bottle of lube from her bag with her left hand, and poured the thick, slippery lube all over the thin cock. Ten seconds later, she was leaning down to look between the cheeks of Bobby's bottom and without touching where it was red, gently guided that skinny silicon cock right up to Bobby's hole.

Seeing what she was doing, I turned to my little brother and told him to relax. "You might feel something back there, but stay still." I said in a reassuring tone.

The skill Mom displayed as she gently inserted the tip of that silicon cock into my little brother's bottom surprised me. He didn't jump, pull away or move at all as she guided it into him and then very, very slowly, she pushed it all the way into Bobby's bottom.

"There now." Mom said very softly. "Try to concentrate on that feeling and I'll put the spray on you."

Mom reached into her bag again and withdrew a clear spray bottle with no label. She shook it a couple of times and then liberally sprayed both sides of my brother's fiery red bottom, doing first one side and then the other. As soon as she was done spraying, she dropped the bottle into her bag and reached up to the silicon cock that was embedded into Bobby's butt and slowly pulled it out and pushed it back in.

I was fascinated by what she was doing to my brother, gently fucking his ass with the skinny dildo. Her movements were smooth and tender and she never let the dildo come to a halt as she pushed it in and pulled it out. I heard Bobby moan and as I turned my head to look up at his face lying there on the towel, and it was clear that his crying had stopped.

Curiously enough, I could see Bobby's tongue lightly touching the dildo that was still barely hanging inside his mouth, and even though Mom told him he didn't have to suck it anymore, he was obviously doing something with it on his own. His breathing was back to normal and he started to quietly moan as Mom tenderly fucked his butt with the skinny dildo.

I was completely amazed to see the redness on his butt cheeks had almost completely vanished. There was a slight amount of pinkness remaining, but the speed at which the redness had left seemed to be a miracle all in itself. And as I turned my head back to Bobby's face, I saw him running his tongue underneath the head of the dildo and then back across the tip.

Carefully, I reached up and slowly moved the dildo, pushing it a little more into his mouth. There was no reaction from him, but his tongue continued to graze across the silicone cock, so I pushed it in a little more. I looked back at Mom and she was watching what I was doing, apparently just as surprised as I was to see my little brother's acceptance to the dildo in his mouth.

Mom continued gently fucking Bobby's butt with the skinny dildo, effortlessly sliding it into him and then back out. Time after time it slipped into him and after a few more minutes, my brother was making soft cooing noises.

"Just relax and enjoy this, Sweetheart." Mom said, almost whispering up to Bobby. "I know this feels soothing to you so I'll keep doing it for a little while longer."

I'm not sure why I did it -- curiosity, I suppose, but I leaned forward and pushed the dildo a little more into my brother's mouth and when I did, he closed his lips around it and began sucking it.

I can understand Bobby doing this when Mom was making him do it, but, no one was forcing him now. I had never seen anything this kinky, and it touched a part of me that simply came alive and I stared at my brother as he voluntarily sucked the dildo. The obvious thought that came into my head was that perhaps Bobby was gay, but, I dismissed that right away, especially after hearing his confession about our panties and the way he reacted all day as we handled his penis.

But, whatever it was, my heart was fluttering as I watched my little brother sucking that cock while Mom fucked his ass with that dildo.

I felt her reach out and touch my arm with her free hand and when I turned to look at her, she quietly whispered to me, asking me to get up without disturbing him. When I did, she gestured for me to come behind him and asked me to take over fucking his ass with the dildo.

"Very gently, Sandra." Mom whispered. "In and out..... in and out.... Slowly like I'm doing."

I put my hand up to hers and as soon as she let go, I reached for the end of the skinny cock and took over for her. She stood up as soon as I did and walked around me, kneeling down where I had been, and leaned over close to Bobby's face. Tenderly, she kissed his cheek and moved her mouth close to his ear and began whispering something to him. I saw his head nod several times and then I saw her smile. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but, they whispered together for a good minute while I watched.

Mom sat back on her heels and smiled. Then, gently, she pulled the dildo away from Bobby's face, leaned back towards her bag and quickly dropped it in. "Stay where you are for a second." She said to him, leaning back down and kissing him again on the cheek.

Mom reached back into her bag and pulled out a washcloth, opened it up and in the same motion, put her hand on top of mine and took hold of the skinny dildo that was in Bobby's ass. Deftly, she pulled it out, wrapped it up in the washcloth and dropped it in her bag, too.

Pulling me up next to her, she reached down to grasp my brother's hand and pulled him up so he was standing in front of us. As soon as he stood up, be began to blush and he turned his head away from me, utterly humiliated over what had happened.

"Sweetheart," Mom said lovingly, reaching up to place her hands on his cheeks and turning his face to look directly at her, "Look at me, Bobby." She said. "Open your eyes and look at me."

Slowly, he opened his eyes. Glancing quickly at me and then back to her, I could sense the anxiety flooding through his body and my heart went out to him.

"It's all over now." Mom began. "I know that was incredibly uncomfortable for you, but you got through it."

She told him his bottom should feel perfectly fine now. "Go ahead." She said, encouraging him. "Feel for yourself."

Almost as if he didn't believe what she was saying, he carefully reached back and touched his butt cheeks with both hands. I watched as he tentatively touched and then poked his buttocks, finally pinching some skin between his fingers and smiling lightly when he was convinced his bottom wasn't in pain.

"See?" Mom said, smiling tenderly up at him. "I'd never do anything that would really hurt you, Sweetheart. I know it didn't seem that way when it was stinging so bad, but, you can see for yourself, you're absolutely fine."

"Now look," Mom said, getting his attention and staring directly into his eyes, "what I made you do..... and what you did with the dildo.... all that means absolutely nothing, so don't get hung up on it. I give you my word neither your sister, nor I, will ever speak about that with anyone, okay?"

Bobby looked at me and I could see the look of fear and pleading in his eyes. "I would never, ever say or do anything that would hurt you, Bobby. You know that." I said, softly.

Mom wrapped her arms around both of us and pulled us into a hug. I felt her patting me on the back and I knew she was doing the same to my brother. "I love both of you very much." Mom said, pulling back from her hug and wiping some wetness away from her eyes as she smiled at my brother and me.

"Well, young man," Mom said, looking up at my brother with a satisfied grin on her face, "I'd say you've earned yourself one heck of a good behavior reward, and I don't think you should have to wait any longer for it. What do you say we go take care of that?"

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Which is worse, I wonder? The sick bitch writing this garbage, or those that cheer her on, getting off on torturing and humiliating other people?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
congratulations Bobby

You're well on your way to being a sissy fag boy. You will love being some fat homosexual's playtoy. See, mom and sis have already taught you to give head. Your a girl before you even became a man!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Excellent story!

I cum so hard when I read this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
just a guy

too fucking long and waaay to stretched out

who gives a shit about all the other shit just get to the assraping and violent spanking

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