Pussy Lips

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A Witch gifts magic lipstick to a friend; Inspired by AlinaX.
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CW: magic; cunnilingus; lesbian; group sex;

Based, with permission, on the story by Alina X


1 - Present Day

Marnie had been working, tirelessly, for months.

Her workshop, a small converted greenhouse at the back of the home she'd inherited from her parents, was a mess of overgrown plants; vines climbed the walls, twisting between smashed glass and twirling around metal frames; leaves thick and verdant blocked out patches of sun along one side, while flowers of every colour could be found in pots, or growing wildly from the cracks in the stone floor. It was a large space, but Marnie had filled it until it felt cramped, her books and research papers in piles between the plant pots; her desk, in the centre of the room, had her cauldron to the side, and was completely buried in research documents and magical tome alike.

Marnie was, herself, a bit of a busy mess, too. Her glasses were perched atop a slightly hooked nose, and she wasn't able to stop herself from smiling as she worked. Her energy was wild, and her clothing hung from her in flowing streams. Her scarf was tattered, her cardigan was second-hand, and the jacket atop that was dirtied from working the soil, just like her fingerless gloves which had certainly seen better days.

But none of the mess mattered - she was so close. It had been hard work, of course, finding the correct components, the best reagents, and the words to bind them in her magic in just the right way.

Magic, after all, was neither art nor science - it was the blend between.

The cauldron was smoking, the pink solution inside threatening to bubble over - after all, this was just the containment. A magical womb, so to speak, from which her creations could be birthed.

Over the cauldron, which was about a foot tall, and just a little wider there was a contraption made from metal clamps to hold something by a copper wire. Copper was one of the reagents, so it shouldn't interfere with the mixture at all, Marnie knew, but it was a delicate balancing act of materials, so it was important to keep only the amount of wire needed in the mixture. At the end of that wire, after all, was a specially-made lipstick, with a rune carved into the base.

The rune pulled the magic into the lipstick; the alchemical mixture curated the magic's effects; Marnie's words gave the magic power, and direction.

And, finally, after three failed attempts, she was feeling confident.

BRRRRRRING! An egg timer in the shape of a chicken rang on her desk. Marnie smacked it, and crouched next to the cauldron. With a pencil, she lifted the copper wire out of the cauldron, until the lipstick lifted out of the pink mixture. Liquid slipped off it, and in seconds it appeared completely dry.

'Void,' Marnie said with a wave of her hand. A rune on the cauldron flashed, and all of a sudden, it was empty - and therefore safe.

Marnie grabbed some tongs off the table, and carefully took the lipstick with them. She took a shaky breath, and put the pencil down, before using her now-free hand to tug the copper wire off the lipstick. She turned the make-up in the tongs, and saw how it glittered in the pleasant midday sun.


2 - Attempt Number One

Six Months Ago.

'I still can't believe all of this stuff is real,' Travise said. He was a bit pig-headed about it all, but Marnie liked him well enough. He was harmless, not mean, and his disbelief came from a place of wonder, not suspicion. 'Like, when Ash told me you were a witch, at first I thought she meant like a new-age hippy, going to Cumbria on the weekends to make twig figures and all that. No offence, I mean.'

'Travis!' Ashley - Ash - laughed, slapping his arm. She reached across the dinner table and picked up the mustard, squirting onto the homemade burger Travis had made. It was Ash's second serving, not that her slim figure would imply this was a girl who ate burgers very often. Skinny as a rake.

'None taken,' Marnie said with a smile, tucking her hair behind her ear as she struggled to get it to obey. 'I think they're a little mad, too. Heart in the right place, but... they're like people who think they're soldiers because they spend all day playing Call of Duty.'

'Without the misogyny,' Ash said. 'I dated this one guy, Ben - you remember him, Marn? - he was a CoD lover. Insufferable prick, it turns out.'

Travis snorted, and bit into his burger. 'So - Ash says you make things, though. What kind of stuff? Like, hexes?'

Marnie ate a chip. 'Hexes?'

'You know, like, curses.' Travis hissed that last word, and it made Marnie smile a little.

'No - nothing like that.'

'She made me a coin,' Ash said, in that tone of a friend about to tell an incredibly embarrassing story. 'It was a silver collector's thing. She'd imbued it with a spell that was supposed to bring money and good monetary fortune.'

'One of my first, that one,' Marnie said, laughing as she took a drink of wine. 'You remember what it did?'

Ashley was laughing, now, too. 'I d- I do! Travis, it was magnetic. But only for coins! Other coins, they would fly at me across the room, like some evil little ghost was throttling them at me!'

They laughed, and ate their burgers in the warm comfort of Ashley's dining room, eating and telling stories, until dinner was finished, and the inevitable question came from the curious Travis.

'Could you make something for us?'

Marnie smiled. She was a little tipsy, and Ashley knew what she was like when she was drunk - though Travis was new to her more inebriated ways. He had no idea.

'Whatcha thinking?' she asked.

Travis faltered. 'I dunno - what do you have on you?'

Marnie fished about in her pockets, patting herself down. She gave a slightly more lingering touch to her chest than she needed to - and caught an eye from Ash - before producing a stick of lippy from her pocket.

'And what could you do with that?' Travis asked. Ashley gave him a look, and Marnie recognised it - she was a little surprised at how forward he was being, but in all honesty she was drunk enough to let things get weird.

'Well, let's think,' Marnie said, twirling it in her hand. 'You put it on your lips-'

And that was when Ash laughed, but tried to choke it back. She spluttered on her wine, and led Marnie and Travis into fits of laughter as well.

'Sorry! I'm so- I'm so sorry,' she laughed. 'You said lips, and my brain just-'

'Went to the dirtiest place possible?' Travis asked, laughing. 'What even makes that funny?!'

'I don't know!' Ashley giggled, wiping some spilled wine off her hand. 'I just - you said lips, and I just pictured it.'

'What?' Markie asked, half jokingly, half hoping to hear what nonsense Ash was thinking.

'I thought about what you would look like with pussy lips instead of, like, lip-lips.' Ashley managed to hold her composure for a moment, before the three of them sputtered into laughter again. 'I know!'

'And that's beyond magic, yeah?' Travis asked, half-joking, but half-not.

Marnie nodded. 'Oh, I can't be swapping body parts, that's not really in my skill set. But...'

Ashley's eyebrow pricked up, and Travis tried to hide the fact that, beneath the table, he was rock-hard.


It was only two days later when Marnie invited Ashley over again. Travis was at work, and Ashley only worked half-days on Sundays, so it was the perfect opportunity for Marnie to show her what she'd been working on.

'I cannot believe you actually did this.'

'I don't know yet, Ash,' she said. 'I wanted to try it - but, like you know-'

'Never try out a new magic item alone, I know,' Ash said, nodding. They were in the kitchen, which had a doorway through to the greenhouse. The greenhouse was tidy, and well-kept, which wasn't how Marnie tended to keep it - which told Ash that she might have cleaned up a bit. 'So - how does this work?'

Marnie gave a smile and a sort of sigh-laugh. 'Honestly, this is kind of what we need to find out. All I know for absolute certain is that the effects are temporary. Probably a day or two, max.'

'And those effects are?'

Marnie gave that smile again, and leant on the kitchen island. Outside, afternoon light glowed through the greenhouse glass before it got to the kitchen, giving everything a greenish tint. It really was very lovely at this time of day.

'Wanna find out with me?' Marnie asked.

Ashley sighed. 'Marn-'

'Come on, Ash! Look, we used to do this all the time!'

'When we were students, in Uni! We're almost thirty, man.'

'Yeah, and your boyfriend was the one who started asking me about making stuff, and it was your idea!'

'I was joking!' Ashley said, raising her voice a little. She caught herself, and took a breath. 'I'm just saying - you have a good life here, Marn. Your house is paid-off, you have solar panels giving you power - you're basically as self-sufficient as anyone gets. Why are you still doing this?'

Marnie looked at the table. 'Ash, I'm a Witch. If I didn't use my powers, I feel like... like I'd be letting a part of me fall away. And I get that I shouldn't do anything too big, but that's why things like this are perfect. And, I know you remember when we were in third year, and I made you that-'

'Fondling bra, yes,' Ashley said, unable to stop the smirk. 'I still think about that, you know.'

'I could make you another,' Marnie said. 'I still have my notes.'

There was a moment between them, a passage of understanding.

'Fine,' Ashley said, eventually. 'Fine, Marn. Of course I'll help you with this. But I have work tomorrow, so I can stay late, but I can't stay the night or watch you tomorrow, if anything goes wrong.'

'Wrong?' Marnie asked, pulling her first version of the magically-imbued lipstick from a pouch she had on her hip. 'When do these ever go wrong?'

'I think you're forgetting the first time you tried to make that bra,' Ashley said. 'Nearly ripped my nipple off.'

'You loved it,' Marnie said, popping the cap off. Underneath, with a twist, emerged the pink-red lipstick. Even now, it seemed to have a sort of gleam to it. A shimmer. 'Right - I'll put it on. Nothing bad-bad should happen, but, you know. Keep an eye out.'

Ash nodded. 'Do you wanna do this here? In your kitchen?'

'It's close to the greenhouse in case I need anything, and the taps in case we want to try and wash it off. Perfect location.' She was jabbering, though with nerves or excitement it was hard to say. 'Right. Okay. Here we go.'

She had a flutter in her stomach - it had been a minute since she'd done anything like this. Marnie had been enchanting magical items for years - hell, decades - but wearable stuff was always a bit tricky. Especially when it was a sexy item.

Which, if she was being honest, a fair amount of them were.

Marnie caught Ashley's eyeline, then lifted the lipstick to her mouth, and began to apply it. It took seconds before she had a pink tone to her lips, and she stood before Ash with her mouth slightly open.

'Well?' Ashley asked.

'I don't know,' Marnie said, before closing her mouth - and the moment her lips made contact with each other, she whimpered. A thrill went straight through her, and her eyes snapped to Ashley. 'Oh,' she said, the sensation of opening her mouth doing it again. She whimpered a little.

'Can you... feel it?'

Marnie nodded. 'Oh, yeah,' she said, careful not to shut her lips. 'It's... intense.'

'What does it feel like? Like, good?'

'Uh-huh,' Marnie said. A temptation came over her, and she carefully, carefully, licked her lower lip. 'Oohhhh,' she moaned as the sensation shot through her; it was like a tongue had slid across her own sex, only different - it wasn't down there, firstly. It was, very much, in her mouth - it just felt amazing. 'Fuck,' she said, but the F she made sent another sensation through her. 'Intense - hard to... talk...'

Ashley rounded the kitchen island, getting a little closer. 'Let me see - you're... drooling?'

'Not drool,' Marnie said through gritted teeth.

'Oh,' Ashley said, holding Marnie's jaw in her hand. Her thumb grazed Marnie's bottom lip, and she whimpered, as a droplet of Marnie's juices - not drool - dripped from the side of her mouth, running down her chin. 'Is it good?'

'Uh-huh,' Marnie nodded.

'What does this feel like?'

And then Ashley leant in, and kissed her.

Now, Marnie and Ashley had experimented together before - in fact, they'd been each other's first kisses back in University, and had spent more than a few nights tangled up together. It was usually under the influence of alcohol these days, though, and Marnie wasn't sure how much Travis knew or didn't know, so that was something to think about.

Of course, the moment Ashley's lips met Marnie's, all thought went out the window. All she felt was the equivalent of an eager, hungry mouth on her cunt, only there was Ashley's tongue and her own - once the kiss began, it was a sloppy mess of sex and moans almost immediately.

Ashley broke away, just as Marnie was starting to feel herself approaching orgasm, and there was a moment of quiet between them. The air was thick with tension, the sound of Marnie's moans still hanging between their mouths.

Then, Ash frowned, and lifted a finger to her own mouth, and whimpered. The lipstick was smeared across her own lips.

It had spread between them.

Marnie watched as Ash licked her lips, and her eyes rolled.

'Holy ffffffffuck,' Ash said, her hand gripping the table. 'This is...'

'Intense?' Marnie asked. Then, as though asking that question had reminded Ash that Marnie was in the room, they pounced on each other again.

Their lips met, and the pleasure of tongues and licks and kisses and moans and teeth all built and built and built.

Hands found bodies, muscle memory taking them back to years ago, when they would get drunk on wine, get a taxi back to their shared flat and spend a night in one of their beds; Ash knew how to touch Marn's neck, how to slip her hand behind the small of her back and pull her in. Marnie knew how Ash liked her lip to be bitten softly after a long kiss, only now it elevated from a lustful note to a near-orgasmic punctuation of their mouth-fucking. They stumbled against the kitchen island, hands on bodies - their kiss only broke for Ashley to pull Marnie's thick-knitted jumper over her head, and for Marnie to pull Ash's t-shirt off shortly after. Ashley, the slightly smaller but stronger of the two, lifted Marn up onto the island, and Marnie's legs were quickly wrapped around Ash's waist as they continued to test the newly insatiable sensitivities of their mouths.

When Ashley came, it was a shock - it felt totally different to what she was used to, and yet completely the same. The pleasure built to a head, and when it released it was the ame shuddering waves of bliss and eye-rolling moans that rocked through her. Only, where this usually came from her hips, her sex, meaning her legs and thighs and back would be reacting the most to the orgasm wracking her frame, this was in her face.

It felt like those same waves were crashing against the inside of her skull, swimming behind her eyes as they rolled, filling her brain immediately and refusing to stop.

And Marnie just kept kissing her.

Their lips were both as nimble as ever, but it was as though they'd been filled with thousands of new pleasure nerves - each brush, each kiss, each movement was like it was against a clit.

It wasn't long before Marnie was cumming, too. Just as restless, as unexpected, and as insatiable.

Right there, topless, on the kitchen island, Marnie looked at her oldest friend - and often more than a friend - and smiled. Then, she licked her lips, almost as a simple unconscious action, something she'd always done, and felt the pleasure of a tongue against a clit alight a fire inside her again.

'How long,' Ash asked, breathless and over Marn's shoulder, 'does this last?'

'No idea,' Ash said.

The two of them would come to realise that the answer to that question was 48 hours. They realised it as they spoke to each other; as they ate a dinner wracked with orgasms and shuddering reactions to salt; as they tried to sleep, and couldn't help but moaning themselves to pleasure-filled dreams as they shared Marnie's bed for the night. The next morning, Ash had to call in sick, and even that felt dirty - like she was being eaten out as she lied and said she had food poisoning.

Well, how she worded it was, 'I think I've eaten something bad.'

3 - Present Day

Present Day.

While sitting at her desk, light trickling in through the leaves and greenhouse glass, Marnie sent Ashley a text.

//M: I think I've got it

//A: got what?

//A: oh

//A: need me to come over again? I could do tomorrow - but I'll have work in the morning

//M: sure - but bring Travis this time

//A: I told him about that first time, don't worry

//M: Still, he should be here again

//M: he liked it the first time he came

//A: someone's sounding pushy

//A: 'came' indeed

Marnie smiled, sitting down in her favourite chair - a thick, fabric antique thing. She had enchanted it to warm up a little as soon as she sat on it, so it always felt like a welcome hug. Or like someone had just farted in it. Either way.

//M: I feel bad about that first time still

//M: He's a good guy

//M: Plus, it was kinda his idea

//M: He should get to see how it looks now that it works

//A: oh, you want him to watch? Interesting...

//A: don't do anything yet - I'll ask him

//A: just make sure it doesn't do what happened that second time

4 - Attempt Number Two

Four Months Ago.

Ash and Travis arrived as planned, on a dank and dreary Friday night. Neither them or Marnie had any other plans, and had kept it as a completely clear weekend at Marnie's request. When Marn opened the door to her home, there was rainfall outside and both Travis and Ash looked like drowned rats. Well, Travis more of a drowned bear, given his physique.

She ushered them in, and pointed them towards the sitting room where she had a log fire going ready to dry them off. It was charmed to light itself whenever it was raining outside, and had crackled into life about an hour ago.

Ash and Marnie caught eyes - they'd not seen each other in person more than twice since the last time they'd tried one of Marnie's lipstick, so there was still an air of tension hanging between them. Ash had told Travis, of course, but that didn't change how it felt like there was static in the room.

Well, what Marnie wanted to ask of them wasn't going to make that any better.

'So - made any progress since you and Ash got yourselves all horned-up?'

Travis was so blunt, it was obviously meant to make them laugh - to break the tension. It worked, and both Marnie and Ash softened a little as the usual dynamic of comfortable friends set in. Of course, Travis was newer to the group, but Marnie had a great way to break the ice properly.

'Well,' she said, trying not to go completely beet-red. 'Travis, I had a question for you. The ingredients include, for this particular enchantment, uh... sexual fluids.'