Quaranteam - AU Ch. 10


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"Sounds like you had a lot of fun, kids. It'll be wonderful to meet you in person sometime."

The last was clearly aimed at the adults, and Ty nodded. "It'll be good to get the whole extended family together once things cool down. Hell, the kids are going to be so spoiled with that many grandparents around, and hopefully, the ladies that want kids of their own will be well on their way to having them."

Charlotte tapped him on the shoulder, and he nodded. "Hey, I'm sorry to chat and run, but we've actually got guests coming today. Bit of downtime before we get really stuck into it, so I thought we'd have a bit of a barbie. Have some fun and that. Once everyone's around, we can give you another call if it hasn't gotten too late for all of you. I know it's already mid-arvo there now."

Prudence answered for everyone with a brilliant smile. "That would be lovely, Tiberius. It's Saturday here, so we don't have to worry about getting up in the morning, so you can call a bit later too, if you want. The only thing we have on tomorrow is the usual Sundee dinner."

"Sounds good, Prudence. We'll speak later."


Marshall Household, Melbourne Southeastern Suburbs, Victoria, Australia - November 1, 2020 - 12:28 PM AEDT


"Why don't you just draw what you need for the house from the winery account? It's all your money anyway, and it's not going to cost that much since we're taking care of actually buying the other property." Baz took a pull from his beer and waved one hand out in what he believed to be the winery's direction.

Ty shook his head, his own drink forgotten as he readied his second grill. He already had several racks of ribs going in the smoker, but for the other things, the hot plate and gas grill would work better. While he worked, Ty had been telling Baz about some of the renovations he'd planned and was lamenting to his friend that it'd have to be done in stages due to funding. "It's not so simple, Baz. Nikoletta's running the show, including finances. Even if I need money, I need to make sure the funds aren't tied up or expected for a different purpose."

"Is that safe? What if she just runs off with the money or makes a bad decision? Don't you think she's got too much power?"

"Nik isn't that kind of person, and I gave her the job because I knew she could be trusted. Besides, she can't just spend money as she pleases. As the majority stakeholder, I still need to approve it, but she's proven to be good enough that 99% of the time I just let her run the show and watch the balance grow. Besides, she has a major stake in the business, so it'd do her no good to steal from it. It'd be shooting herself in the foot."

"If you're sure. Then, hell, why don't you just add her to your family? That'd make it simpler, right?"

Ty sighed. It wasn't the first time he'd heard this. He'd talked about Nikoletta Bianci, his high school friend and the current manager of the Marshall Vineyards, with his partners, and apart from the twins, who knew her, all of them had suggested the same thing. But there was a problem with that.

"It would, except that her girlfriend would take that very poorly. Nik's a dyed-in-the-wool lesbian, Baz. I think she dated one guy in high school and she ended up kicking his balls so hard they replaced his fucking tonsils. Since then she's never given another bloke a second look. So, she's got as much romantic interest in me as I have in other blokes. That is, none. She and I, we're great friends and I trust her with my family's livelihood, but she'd no sooner fuck me than she'd rut a cassowary. So that's not an option."

"Have you asked her? I mean, not to have a go with you, but her opinion on what to do?"

There was a moment of hesitation before Ty replied, and Baz didn't miss it. "No. But that has a lot to do with the fact that we can't talk about it, and to begin with, I have no idea what the vaccine solution for the lettered community is going to look like. Better to have her stay hunkered down than to get her hopes up when I have nothing for her to go on but a solution that isn't going to do her any good."

"Well, what about if you imprint her and her girlfriend as a preventative measure? It'll protect them and maybe it can just be an extension of your existing business relationship."

Reaching for his own drink, Ty took a long pull before responding. "I will never make an offer like that as a 'business transaction', Baz. It's not only outright disrespectful, but a complete dick move to bind her to someone in that fashion. Even more so if that someone is me. But you're right that I should at least let her know. She's been a good friend all these years and deserves better from me. But let's drop the topic. This is supposed to be a day for us to just kick back."


Ty interrupted, wanting to change the subject. "So, how's your family doing? How did Sophie take the idea of you having other partners?"

"Well, She's happy. Or at least, she is now, anyway. Though it was a little shaky right out of the gate. After all, my second partner was her best friend."

"Why would that make things shaky? It's a good thing for Sophie to know her friend is safe, right?"

"Fucking hell, I was certain I'd die the day Hayley turned up." Baz shuddered for a moment as the memory came back. "Not in the least because neither Sophie nor I was expecting her. But when they sent me the documentation, and her name popped up, Soph looked like she was ready to strangle me. It took me six hours and Hayley's intervention to convince her that I had nothing to do with the situation."

Ty couldn't help the chuckle. "Jealousy?"

Baz let out a breath. "I won't ever say it anywhere she could hear, but while Sophie is beautiful, Hayley...she's the stuff men's dreams are made of. You saw her."

The shrug was involuntary as Ty replied. "They're both beautiful, no doubt. But, well, sorry. That may have been my fault."

Baz sprayed a mouthful of beer. "You fucking what? What did you do?"

The younger soldier was definitely feeling a little sheepish now. "I may have suggested that Angela approach Hayley about it. I did know they were friends, after all."

His expression dumbfounded, Baz stared at Ty, open mouthed. "Angela. As in, Sophie's assistant, Angela? As in, my other partner, Angela?"

"Yeah, that one. Angela was doing her Oracle at the same time, and I pushed them both through one after another. She was the one that suggested Hayley should be first. I...thought Sophie would appreciate having her best friends around."

Baz paused, looking at his half-empty beer. "She does. Hayley does too. She doesn't have any relatives, so it's good to know that she's safe. I considered her a good friend too, just...never had plans to...you know? That was something I never considered, even if I did always think she was beyond hot. As for Ange, well...Ange is great. She's probably the best assistant Sophie could ask for, and she's become a really good friend over the years. The girls probably appreciate that you kept us together."

The two lapsed into silence as Ty continued his preparations, turning only as Lottie stepped through the patio door, Rayne and his Team in tow. Giving Lottie a kiss, he turned to Ray and gave his friend a hug.

"Hey Ray. How are you holding up?"

"Still a bit shaken, Ty. That could have gone a lot worse." Rayne shuddered, glancing back at his two injured partners. "As it is, Trish and Simone are worried about their jobs, and I don't want them to push themselves while they're hurt. So can you do whatever you can to ease their way while they heal?"

Ty nodded, understanding the man's concerns. "I get it, mate, I really do. Your partners are ok, and don't worry, their jobs aren't at risk. We've already got others helping while they recover, so I reckon you should all pull up a chair, grab some beers or whatever you'd like and relax. Today's about having fun."

Ray stepped back into the kitchen and Ty refocused, turning next to Rayne's two injured lieutenants and smiling widely at them. "Lieutenants Jennings and Barclay. This should be the only time today that I address you by rank. You've done an amazing job keeping that guy safe, and as I said to him, you're in no danger of losing your jobs. Today, we're here as one extremely extended family, so relax and enjoy yourselves."

Trish looked starstruck, even as she tried to salute with her injured arm and winced. "Lieutenant Colonel...it's an honour, sir. We'll do our best to get back on duty asap, don't worry."

Ty raised his hands in a placating motion. "Relax. Take your time and get back into proper fighting shape and let me know if you need other resources. We'll make it happen."

Simone looked quite surprised at how easily Ty was taking this. "Shouldn't you be more critical of us? We're not very much good to him right now."

Ty shook his head and pointed at Ray, who was engaged in conversation with Lettie back in the kitchen. Every few seconds, he was throwing a glance towards them, clearly concerned. "You see that guy over there? Your partner? The one that despite all those brains is occasionally as dumb as a sack of bricks? He's one of my dearest friends, and I can see by how he looks at the two of you that you're beyond 'important' to him. I mean, the dumb bugger is seriously worried that I'll overtax you while you're not at full strength, and that just isn't going to happen. You might be junior officers, and my job as a senior officer is to make your lives difficult, but since you're bound to Ray, you're also family. His sisters and I, we'll look after you."

Ty's grin widened as he gestured towards Baz, who was watching impassively. "Now this guy on the other hand, might not look so fondly upon two seemingly under-utilised lieutenants. But you'll have to take that up with him."

Baz continued to stare at them for a moment and the two ladies blanched, finally realising that they were standing in front of the Brigadier. Then he grinned too and waved them off. "Relax, ladies. He's messing with you. And one day that's going to get him stabbed."

"Already happened, Baz. Just a couple days ago, remember?"

"You got shot, you dumb bastard, and next time it might stick."

Ty feigned hurt, clutching at his chest. "Don't sound so hopeful. It hurts my feelings."

Baz threw his hands in the air, the smile never leaving his face. "And you hurt my damned head every time you open your mouth, you smarmy bastard. Hell, someone grab me another beer."

Baz turned and wandered off, passing by Talia, who handed him a fresh bottle before stepping into Ty's space and poking him in the chest. "You say all that about your soon-to-be brother-in-law, forgetting entirely that you are far more often dumber than the proverbial sack, even without the bricks. After all, how long did it take you to finally realise our feelings for you, even when we were telling you point blank? We were sending you every signal barring shooting at you with a flare gun."

Ty's grin turned sheepish and he pulled her to him, kissing her forehead before replying. "We now know bullets bounce off my head, so maybe flares might have made it a little easier."

Talia just snorted and turned towards Simone and Trish. "Take any advice he gives you on military matters. He's solid and dependable there. But if he offers you advice on your relationship with Rayne, you would be best served to nod politely, walk away and forget it ever happened."

Studiously ignoring the two men laughing behind him, Ty squeezed Talia. "Hey, I give great advice! Honestly, I think you two -"

"You will stop talking, or I will make you regret it. Do not corrupt these young women with your nonsense, Tiberius. Now, enough of this. I came to tell you that Colonel Anderson and his family have arrived. Was Lieutenant General Hoffmann coming?"

"Yeah. Uncle Jon will be here this afternoon. I think Narmada was going to show up as well, but you'll need to check with Alice as to when. Anyway, ladies, go and mingle. Everyone here is family, so be at ease. Drinks are in the eskies and any of us can make special requests. Rank is irrelevant."


"Tiberius, this is my wife, Candace, and my second partner Abigail. And my daughter Bethany." Bill Anderson gestured to his partners as he spoke, clasping forearms with Ty as he greeted the younger man. Bethany appeared to be trying to hide herself behind her mother's skirt, just barely peeking out from behind her as Bill introduced her.

Ty greeted the two older women graciously, pausing only to give Lettie a squeeze and introduce her as they made small talk. Pausing for a moment before he dropped to one knee to shake the little girl's hand, smiling widely as he pointed to where Bella and Mars were playing. Ty watched her eyes light up and she scampered off, her mother in tow. Lettie suggested they get a drink, and she and Abigail made to follow after Candace.

After the women left, Ty turned to Bill, not able to keep the grin from his face.

"A, B, C. Really, Bill? Next, you'll tell me your next partner's name starts with D."

Bill sighed as though the words had caused him physical pain and Ty did a double take. "You're shitting me. Really?"

"Daphne Miller, from accounts. Abby and Candy were with me when we went over the paperwork. Neither could stop laughing, and it's become a joke."

"I might have to start a pool on the odds that Edith from the motor pool will be your fourth."

"Fuck off, I'm almost terrified that you'll be right."

Ty grinned for a moment, then let his expression turn serious. "Jokes aside, any progress on the sheikh issue?"

Bill nodded, taking a deep breath. "We, that is the Americans and ourselves, are organising a team. They'll deploy soon and after that it will be radio silence until the job's done. Op security." He frowned, looking at his hands for a moment. "I've also been taking a good hard look at our personnel as well. Despite the oddities, I don't think we have a leak."

Letting out a heavy sigh, Ty just nodded. "I told you. Or I told someone to tell you. It would have been simple for them to just follow us with a drone. None of us were looking for it and there just isn't enough manpower to track that right now. It slipped through the cracks. We'll have to pick up our game from here on, but at least we know now."

"I guess so. Some part of me wants there to be someone else to blame, but it's not always that simple." His hand curled into a fist for a moment before he huffed and shook it off. "Whatever the truth is, I don't want to think about it again. Especially not today."

"Fair. I've kept you long enough anyway. Grab yourself a drink and kick back for a while. I've got to go start grilling up some hot dogs and burgers for the kiddos. Which does Bethany prefer?"


Marshall Household, Melbourne Southeastern Suburbs, Victoria, Australia - November 1, 2020 - 1:18 PM AEDT


The men had all pitched in to drag the picnic tables onto the lawn and the ladies set out the food. Conversation flowed, as did the booze. Ty watched as small groups of people congregated around the yard, pockets of friendly discourse on a comfy Sunday. The children, having eaten first, were back playing in the yard with more than one pair of eyes watching over them.

It was idyllic. Or at least it would have been, had the world not been in the middle of a near apocalyptic pandemic. As it stood, there were but five men in that yard, among a sea of women. And one young boy, of course, but that was neither here nor there. It was a ratio that would have been unthinkable except in the dreams of drunk college boys. Ty nearly snorted at the idea. This was reality. People were dying by the millions as a result of someone's carelessness, or worse, as the result of someone's malice. The thought was sobering. But at least right here, Ty could pretend that aside from missing friends, there was little wrong with his world.

Still, he surveyed the scene, stopping as he saw Alice, Béa and Talia sitting together, plates in hand, engaged in conversation. Beside them, Jonathan and his wife Eloise sat with Narmada Rai. The older man simply sat there as his wife chatted amiably with the doctor. He seemed unwilling to take his eyes from the two women and Ty's face broke into a shit-eating grin as the man finally glanced his way. Ty just mouthed the word 'payback' to the older man and pulled up a chair to sit beside his three partners.

Béa leaned into him and spoke, barely above a whisper. "Tiberius, Talia and Alice were just telling me about the lifestyle you, Charlotte and Alice are a part of."

Ty gave his best noncommittal shrug as he acknowledged the words. "And? What of it?"

She blushed, not meeting his eyes as she spoke, "I admit to being curious regarding the lifestyle, amour. I have not really had all that many dalliances in my life."

Ty thought for a moment, but ultimately it wasn't up to him. "If you're interested, have a more in-depth conversation with Lottie and Alice. Hear what they have to say about the lifestyle and do some reading online. If you're still curious after that, we can try it. At least if you do it this way, it'll be in a controlled environment."

She smiled and nodded, leaning against him slightly as she turned back to her conversation with Talia and Alice. Almost as though it was scripted, Eloise got his attention and he turned towards the older trio, not surprised in the least to see the women smiling at him and his Uncle Jon giving him a look that said retribution would be swift and violent.

Eloise spoke up, the warmth in her voice making it easy for Ty to smile back. "Tiberius, dear, I know you brought the three of us together on purpose. Narmada here has been alone for quite some time, and I think she's positively wonderful. She absolutely deserves a second lease on life." She paused, glancing at the doctor sitting beside her. "If she approves, would you test her against my Jonathan? He won't admit it, but he's smitten."

"She's stubborn, aunty El. Her granddaughter gets that from her, I reckon. But if you can convince her to find herself some happiness again, I'm all for it."

Narmada took Ty's hands and held them between hers. "You have already given me such joy by making my Alice so happy, Tiberius. You have proven in every way that you are a good man, and that has made me consider this seriously. I'm still at a good age. I certainly won't be having children again, but that shouldn't preclude me from finding a partner. Eloise has painted a very pleasant picture of Jonathan. I may not dive in right away, but as long as the two of them can accept that, I would like you to run the test. We can get to know one another before we make any final decisions."

Ty's smile widened and he turned his gaze towards the older man that was currently glaring daggers at him.

"You set me up. I was fine with just El. Then you had to introduce me to this consummate beauty, every bit a match for El, albeit in different ways. Then we talk to her and she's smart, and witty and...damn you!" His glare sharpened as Ty's grin threatened to split his face in two, and he stretched out a hand. "Hand it over, ya bastard!"

The younger soldier couldn't hold it in any longer and burst into laughter, reaching out to Alice, who handed him an envelope. Eloise and Narmada both looked surprised, but Eloise spoke first.

"You already did it? Before we even met?" She took the envelope from Ty's outstretched hand but made no move to open it.

"Someone very smart told my Lottie this not long ago. Before Oracle, men and women had to rely on themselves to pick their partners. They had to rely on their wits and intuition to determine compatibility. But sometimes, you just know. And while she didn't say it, I believe that sometimes, even outsiders can see the truth. So, I took the chance. I admit that I looked at one of the numbers, but only because it was on top."