Quaranteam - The Upstart's Knight Ch. 02


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Nia looked over at him, waiting to see if a comment would come, some final denial. When none came, keeping his own thoughts, she rose to stand next to Evie and the case. Ethan would later remember that being the first moment he even realised the two women were the same height, a touch shorter than he was, the manner in which Nia held herself while seated having tricked him into thinking she was several inches taller.

Plucking the top from one of the syringes, Nia hesitated, making eye contact with Evie in a way that could have almost convinced Ethan they were about to kiss. He wasn't sure if she was looking for any sign of Evie faltering, or if they were sharing a moment together.

"Alea Iacta Est," Evie quoted, doing her best not to fuss with embarrassment under the intensity of the other woman's gaze.

Nia slipped the needle straight through the thin fabric of Evie's blouse and into her upper arm. She winced at the jab, but if any of them were expecting the world to move or the sky to change colour they were disappointed.

"The die is cast?" Nia asked.

"Caesar crossing the Rubicon. I went to private school," she stated, as if that explained away any pretension. "Felt as fitting as anything."

It was only as Nia removed her own suit jacket and began neatly folding it over the back of a chair that the spell Ethan found himself under was broken and a sudden compulsion to speak welled up from somewhere.


The look that Nia fixed him with was stern, her confusion written as something that might have been taken as hostility.

"I don't even know anything about you," he managed quickly.

"No," she sighed, demeanour shifting immediately into something much more understanding, almost affectionate. "You don't. But then I could stand here and rattle off my biography and it wouldn't change things. I know you're Ethan Knight. You were born in Preston in 1988, an only child who went to university in Chester after failing to get the grades for your first choice. I have read and re-read every little detail from your Delphi questionnaire, from your shoe size to the number of sexual partners you're admitting to...and I still don't know you. But I'm going to have the time to find that out."

She was right. She'd dropped into his life this morning and no amount of probing and questioning about superficial details was suddenly going to make this any less of a blind leap. He was surprised when she moved to him, leaning in to brush her lips softly onto his.

"You smoke" he asked almost without thinking as they broke the kiss, not expecting the lingering taste of cigarettes she'd left.

"Rarely. Only when I'm stressed," came the reply with the faintest hint of the playful knowing smirk curling again at the corners of her mouth. She lingered, close enough that they might kiss again, waiting with the same look she'd given Evie moments before. They were jumping, but they were jumping together.

Ethan gave her a nod of encouragement. "What was it Evie said? Alea Iacta Est?"

"Alea Iacta Est," she acknowledged, and Ethan and Evie both watched as she dosed the vaccine into her arm.

She made her way back to her armchair, sinking in again with a creak of leather. Evie had also taken a seat, her eyes closed while a hand fidgeted for her vape pen. As if she could feel the concern of Ethan's attention on her she spoke up before he could ask if she was ok. "I can feel my heart racing a little but can't tell if it's just the nerves. You said it takes about half an hour before the arousal really kicks?"

"I'm told that's normal," Nia said, although there wasn't quite so much surety in her response. "Veraxiontic say adverse reactions are less than 0.5% but Dr. Armstrong is on standby for the next 12 hours in case we need observation. And yes, about half an hour for it to prime."

Evie tried to make smalltalk for the first few minutes, giving Ethan a hard time about how much work Lukas was being left to do between puffs of blueberry smoke as the drags on her vape became more frequent. Nia said nothing, hands firmly placed upon the arms of the chair, eyes closed, carefully pacing her breathing.

By ten minutes Evie had largely tailed off, taking longer to respond to Ethan's attempts to keep talking to her. She rubbed her thighs together, and he couldn't help but watch as a hand disappeared down the top of her skirt with a throaty little moan.

"Nia..." the slight huskiness to her voice was even thicker than normal, laced with arousal. "I think this is going to take a lot less than 30 minutes."

The darker skinned woman nodded in agreement; a look of strain having come across her face as her fingers clutched more intensely at the leather. It was hard to tell if she was trying to ride things out, or simply letting it wash over her, luxuriating in her own rapidly spiking libido. The sound of Evie mewling as she started to masturbate quickly pulled at Nia's attention however and she rose, crossing over to her in a couple of strides. Bending down she grasped at the front of Evie's blouse, pulling her forward with a gentle certainty and kissed her. Evie needed no encouragement to return it, letting Nia's tongue capture her own, a dark hand cupping her face. It was only when she started to move the hand from the slickness building between her legs that the older woman stopped her.

"Don't you dare stop that on my account." Nia's voice wasn't demanding, a playfulness to the order, but it was still entirely evident that she expected Evie to listen.

They kissed again, Evie's pace firm and needy as she pleasured herself. They made out for several moments, until Nia's hand gripped at Evie's chin and tilted her head away so that she could linger and nip her mouth down the younger woman's neck. As Evie's head tipped back her eyes caught Ethan's and she whimpered, her voice small and strained.

"Oh fuck."

His cock was already beginning to stir, even without the artificial assistance that seemed to be dragging the other two further and further with every passing moment. Dimly in the back of his mind he wondered if this was normal. Nia had said that the Gemivax's effects would take much longer to stir to life than it was clearly taking for either of them. It hadn't even been half the expected time yet, but the way Evie was looking at him made it clear how much she was being made to reel on the edge of control.

"Ethan," her tone was pleading.

Nia, on hearing his name, interrupted her attention of the other woman and shifted it to him. Straightening up she reached out and beckoned to him, managing to keep herself in check slightly more than Evie seemed to be managing as her poise turned seductive.

"You look left out."

By the time he'd reached them Nia was on her knees with Evie quickly pulled to join her. Before he really knew what was happening his slacks were around his ankles, twinned tongues running along his cock. Surprisingly, it was Evie who took him in her mouth first. She'd clearly done this enough before, but everything was barely constrained, racingly desperate. Her head bobbed, eyes locked upwards to meet his own.

Nia's shirt was off by then, stomach toned and slender underneath, accented by the flash of expensive white lingerie she'd clearly worn expecting it to be seen. She kissed Evie's neck again before leaning in to moan in her ear. "You have no idea how much you're making me lose my cool." She pressed a hand against the back of Evie's head, easing her forward onto Ethan's cock until she whimpered.

"Such a perfect little slut for us."

The cuss dripped past Nia's lips and Evie's eyes rolled with pleasure. At first he thought she was reacting purely to Nia's words, but as her body quivered and her face clouded with pleasure, he realised she was coming already. Her hand jerked at her crotch, composure abandoned. Meanwhile Nia held her head in place, refusing to release her from the sensations that had tumbled her past her limit, fast and helpless.

The literature on the Gemivax had noted that the first taste of her partner's precum in a primed woman could be enough to induce orgasm, but that really felt like scant preparation for watching her ride out a climax just from having his cock in her mouth. Maybe this was what going mad felt like?

There was a gasp as Evie pulled away, falling back against Nia and causing the other woman's plush dark lips to press at her cheek. "God, you looked like you enjoyed that." Evie only managed to smile weakly and nod in reply.

Nia quickly replaced her counterpart in front of Ethan. Her technique was more composed, somehow able to take the time to tease and lick, tongue and lips dancing across his length, intent on drawing things out for both of them, knowing the release she'd get once she eventually strayed close enough to the tip to lap at his precum. Evie meanwhile recovered enough to frantically undress beside her. Unsteady fingers fighting with the first few buttons of her blouse before loosening it enough to jerk the rest over her head, her prior orgasm only managing to spur her on harder. As her bra was discarded Ethan felt his slickened cock harden further, almost painfully rigid as her tits came into view. They couldn't have been more than a B-cup, pale and pert mounds that suited her frame flawlessly, capped with brown nipples drawn into stiffened peaks from arousal.

And then Nia was coming too, hot and loud, as a simple flick of her tongue across the fluids on Ethan's head left her fighting to even be able to curse. She writhed, blowing him greedily, as if doing so would allow her to squeeze out even more of her own satisfaction.

Somehow the pair relented long enough for the three of them to stumble towards the expanse of the bed, Ethan practically having to carry Evie as she claimed her first kiss with him. He was struggling to tell if somehow he was already being affected by their Gemivax, or if it was simply a natural reaction to the two women in front of him, but he found his own control evaporating moment by moment. He was rougher than he meant to be as he tried stripping Nia, practically ripping her trousers off, causing the button to fly away. Her response was to wriggle back up the bed away from him with a chuckle, offering herself up and baiting him to go further. He obliged, tugging the white lingerie assertively from her body, an effort made clumsier by Evie's attempts to keep kissing him while simultaneously freeing herself from the last of her own clothing.

They found a brief moment of pause once all three had managed to undress with Ethan finding himself above the pair of women as they lay on the bed, looking up at him as they tried to catch their breath. Nia's chest was scarcely much larger than Evie's, the black of her nipples framed with barely-there areolas. The darker woman's hair had come loose, falling about her shoulders in tight, messy curls while the slightest hint of definition played at her abs and arms. She extended a long, shapely leg to brush against him provocatively and he was struck by how similar the two looked like this. One was dark, the other pale, but their heights and figures mirrored each other to a surprising degree, as if someone had jacked his brain and found a template for what he found appealing. Other than complexion, the most noticeable difference was that Nia's bush was neatly trimmed into a broad triangle above eager folds, while Evie was clean-shaven.

"You're both perfect," he said, meaning it, causing a flush of embarrassment on Evie's face that managed to surface through the arousal.

Nia responded by leaning over and kissed Evie as she slid her fingers down the other girl's stomach, before curling them into her soaked cunt, wetness streaked across her milky thighs. Evie shuddered, her need thick, unable to swear as Nia claimed her mouth and made her settle for moaning deeply instead.

"I don't want her to be perfect, I want you to ruin her," Nia broke off the kiss to say, locking eyes with Ethan as she lapped Evie's juices from her hand. "And then she's going to watch as you ruin me."

The younger woman's grip balled at the sheets as Ethan entered her, limbs straining to find anything to hold onto as she coiled and bucked against the pleasure. Her pussy fluttered, drawing tight and hot about his cock as he moved. She begged, words tumbling from her mouth in a lust-addled semi-coherence.

"Please...fuck...Ethan. It's so...fuuuuuck..." She was cut off by another of Nia's kisses, denied any sort of respite.

It didn't take long to feel like he was losing his mind entirely. Nia lay alongside Evie, mouth and hands on her as his world felt like it was narrowing down until nothing existed but the space between him and them. He shifted his hands underneath Evie, lifting her by the hips as his body stopped caring about anything other than fucking her as deeply as she was begging for, bringing her closer with each firm, steady thrust.

"You told Delphi you liked to be assertive in bed, I need you to show me," Nia demanded, insistent, almost unhinged with lust. "Fuck her harder for me. God, look at her. Look how badly she wants to be a whore for you. She doesn't even want to try hiding it. Claim her for me, like the base needy little bitch she is."

The younger girl's pussy squeezed him in pleasure in response to the words that continued to be poured into her ears. "Tell him what you are, Evie. Tell him how much of a whore he's making you."

Evie keened, struggling to oblige as Ethan drove into her. "Fuck...I'm his whore..."

The words washed over him and he wasn't sure that he could have dreamt up anything that could have spurred him on more. He could see how close Evie was, pushing herself to teeter on the edge, and there was nothing he could do to stop himself from helping to throw her over.

"I'm his whore," she murmured, to herself more than anyone. "I'm his whore, I'm his whore. I'm his. I'm his. I'm his...I'm..."

Evie went quiet as she came, losing track of the word as her breath caught in her throat hard enough that only a long groan was able to escape as she arched against him. Nia's fingers strummed her clit and Ethan felt a smattering of dampness against his crotch as Evie's cunt gushed.

He'd barely pulled out of Evie before his attention shifted to Nia, grabbing her and lifting her into his lap. Ethan wasn't a stranger to vigorous sex, but the sheer desperation he found himself fucking with might have felt alien to him if he'd had the presence of mind to stop and notice. Nia's arms wrapped around his neck, legs around his waist, the swell of her tits pressed against his chest as she pulled him in for a fierce kiss as he thrusted up into her. She chuckled as their lips parted, purring breathlessly into his ear, "God you're so deep in me, my cunt's such a mess for you...shit, you're really getting into this."

"I don't think getting into it is going to ever be a problem with you two around," Ethan managed to grunt between strokes. He peeled Nia's arms away, tilting her back so he could have a better view of her, then glanced to her side where Evie had propped herself up on a pillow. She was masturbating again while watching them fuck, still half-hazed from her own climax, although it seemed to have done little more than briefly check the pace of her own arousal. Already realising how much the Asian woman seemed to enjoy others taking charge, Ethan's voice was assertive as he addressed her. "She helped get you off, it only seems fair you do the same for her." It wasn't as if Evie needed much encouragement, and she quickly took a dark nipple in her mouth, hungrily looking to please.

At some point Ethan realised he'd closed his eyes as he tried to keep a grip on himself, only pulled back to awareness as an odd sensation reached his cock. Nia tensed up and moaned in surprise, cluing him in to how her rear had presumably just had one of Evie's fingers slipped up it.

"Oh you little bitch! No-one's ever...oh fuck that's so good!"

It was enough to push Nia over the edge a few seconds later and he felt her come entirely undone in his arms, far more vocal than Evie had been. Her hips shuddered. She cried out, her release crashing through her and into him. Ethan's mind rocked as he felt his own limit. His entire body felt full of pressure, convincing him he might literally be about to rip at the seams and he came harder than he thought possible. The first spurts spent themselves inside Nia with the sensation rushing her straight back to her peak no sooner had she started to get over it.

Looking back he would never quite be able to work out how he had the presence of mind in that moment to remember Evie. Shoving Nia to the bed as he pulled out of her mid climax, a stray rope of cum landing across the black woman's chest before he managed to stroke himself to completion on the Asian girl's face and mouth.

Nia gave the most satisfied sigh he'd ever heard, trying to push herself up on her arms to say something but only getting halfway before her eyes hazed over. She fell back to the bed, face slack with pleasure as she repeated the same word over and over.

"Imprinting. Imprinting. Imprinting."

He was pretty sure Evie had come a second time as his jizz hit her throat and there was a dull sound against the sheets as her body also went limp. She joined Nia in the repetition, her words just slightly out of step with the other woman's, her hand still positioned on her crotch subconsciously stroking her clit as she spoke.

"Imprinting. Imprinting. Imprinting."

Ethan tried to collect himself, waiting for his body to stop feeling like it was floating. He leant back on his arms, chest heaving, watching the two nude women as slowly let the haze leave his head. It has been the most unreal experience of his life but even then, up until the very instant Nia started to imprint, there was still a large chunk of himself that couldn't quite shake the doubts. He couldn't now.

"What the fuck...this is actually real..."

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WretchedMonkeyWretchedMonkey2 months ago

I'm enjoying this so far, but I think you made a slight error when the girls were in bed with Ethan. It's my understanding that during the 'imprinting' phase that the girls get one orgasm from precum and one when the cum is dumped, but can't reach their peak any other way. There have been multiple mentions of this in the original story and some of the side stories by other authors, most notably when the story focussed on Piper holding out against Covington, unable to cum and getting hornier and hornier. This way the story's focussed on the male partners cum, and whatever 'mind control' is going on inside the women's heads, so Ethan wouldn't have been able to 'give' them an orgasm the traditional way, just the genetic bonding/mind control way.

Graybear1826Graybear18264 months ago

Wonderful storytelling thus far. I have recommended your work to others. Required reading for my soulmate. The wording you use should be whatever suits your own style. As an American, I wouldn't expect any accomodations from an English writer. I think we can keep up. I find myself longing to actually see Aoife. The downside of fiction, I suppose.

Thank you for your efforts here, looking forward to many more of your submissions

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Re the previous anonymous comment: There's very few private schools in the UK that aren't Public Schools, mostly

faith & Montessori ones (Public Schools are called called that because the first schools in the UK were Church Schools, and they were run by members of the public). Although Academies are some wierd private/government hybrid, run by companies but paid for by the government. Like a lot of stuff in the UK these days. Usually more expensive and less effective that if the government just did it themselves. If you want to want to get technical, in Scotland, academies are also the equivalent of comprehensives.

Also, you could just say Ethan's mum was a fan of Auzzie and American soaps, which were popular in the UK in the 90's, especially Neighbours, pretty sure there was an Ethan in that.

AgathonWritesAgathonWrites9 months agoAuthor

I'm from the North of England and was born 1 year out from Ethan, and know several people my age with that name. What's here is true to my experience and the sort of language I'd use, a handful of tweaks for clarity aside :)

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Set in the UK, but it's for Americans to understand?!! Mom? No it's Mum. Slacks? No it's Trousers and Elevator, no it's Lift. Sexual words are in American slang so pussy this and pussy that. And to reply to Distant, we have Private schools as well as Public (Eaton and Harrow etc but are for boys!!) The rest go to state schools, Primary and Secondary/Comprehensive at 11 or 12yr olds (depending on which county you live in) Grammar schools if you pass exams and there's Academy and Faith schools. And lastly someone born in Preston in Lancashire in '88 would be called Ethan?! Sounds more Midwest US!! More likely would be Harry, Jack or Fred!! ( I had an Uncle from Preston and he was a Harry!!) So please write this story in English or just set it in bloody America!! (BTW, I went to a Private school from a Church of England Primary school, after passing my exams as an 11 year old in Oxfordshire!!)

WargamerWargamer9 months ago

AgathonWrites, then please keep it up, you are doing this brilliantly

I’m enjoying your work immensely..

I’m currently having a major back spasm, second time in two weeks and finding your story amongst the other new Quaranteam stories is just a delight. I can take my painkillers and lose myself in this universe. I was forced up by pain at 3am so have been reading for sometime thus far, but lm ripping thru your story it’s distracting me beautifully

A fantastic 5/5 and like the other add ons to Corruptings work into favourites.

Keep writing please.

WargamerWargamer9 months ago

Great story, so enjoying this.

Scores, again, 5/5

AgathonWritesAgathonWrites9 months agoAuthor

Nothing else out there, this is my first real attempt at writing anything sustained, let alone for others to read

NursesNurses10 months ago

Second one just as good as the first. Do you have any published fiction out there in the world?

DistantConstellationDistantConstellation10 months ago

This is a terrific start to a UK addition to the cannon.

A trivial note? "Caesar crossing the Rubicon. I went to private school," she stated, as if that explained away any pretension. "Felt as fitting as anything."

If she's a UK native, as I'd understood, she'd have said "I went to public school", wouldn't she? Confusingly for us US folk, "public" means what we'd call "private" in the UK, I understand.

As I say utterly trivial. You are doing this quite beautifully.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Really good starting chapters, you know how to set a scene and build it up. Love the way you're getting into the complicated emotions of walking into this situation heads up.

C_frommnC_frommn11 months ago

Love the story. Keep it coming.

kyotie913kyotie91311 months ago

A great start keep going please..

ChuysaurusChuysaurus11 months ago

Super hot! Well done!!!

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