Quarantine Fever


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"Then what will you do?"

"Well, uh, how'd you like your temporary roomie to be a bit more-long term? I have a job, it looks like it'll be safe and I can easily afford the rent. We would keep on like we are now, but on a more long-term basis."

"Trevor, I can't let you pay all the rent by yourself. It wouldn't be fair."

"Fair or not, I'm going to need a new place to stay anyway, your place will be half empty, so why not just move in? You can pay for food and utilities, or something, and we'll make it work until you get a job and things settle down. Come on, I'm not that bad, am I?"

"No, you're not. Not after last night, that's for sure. Let me think about it. This is all too much in just the last day..."

"Yeah, it is. Look, I've got to put in some time with my work. Why don't you apply for unemployment now and then we can talk about it again at lunch? OK?"

"Sure, sounds good. I'm so embarrassed to be going on unemployment."

"Allie, your boss pays into unemployment with every paycheck. It's insurance. Would you be embarrassed to call up the auto insurance to get them to fix your car that some bozo wrecked? No, you wouldn't. So just apply for it and forget being embarrassed."

"You're right, I guess. OK, you do your work and I'll try to be quiet. Thank you, Trevor. You really have made this a bit easier."

After several hours of intense work, Trevor was interrupted as Allie brought him a salad for lunch. She told him her application went through already and she'd be getting sixty percent of her previous pay until the insurance ran out, or she got a job. All in all, she was feeling pretty good about the situation.

"And I've been thinking about your suggestion. In all honesty, Trevor, are you willing to share the place with a moody gal who still has some issues?"

"Allie, I think we've done pretty well together. Like any roommate situation we'd need to make sure we communicate but I'm sure we could work out any kinks. Let's do it and if it doesn't work out then we can make changes."

"Uh, OK, I guess I'm willing to try it. Let me talk to Sarah and the landlord while you get back to your computer. I'm on for dinner tonight, OK?"

Trevor appreciated her offer and went back to work for the next several hours. Once evening came around, he smelled the most wonderful aroma of Italian food coming from the kitchen. He shut down his computer and wandered into the kitchen to find a rich-looking lasagna set next to a crisp tossed salad. There were two glasses of red wine on the table and a small bouquet of dried flowers in the centerpiece.

"Wow, you've been busy."

"Well," she laughed, "When you're unemployed you have lots of time to spare. Hungry? Please sit down and enjoy."

Trevor was very pleased to see her in a much, improved mood. Clearly she had a way to go to get her life back on track but the smile and laughter were nice to see. After dinner he helped with the cleanup before they sat on the couch. This time she slid over next to him and he wrapped his arm around her.

""I'm feeling a lot better, thanks to you. Look, I talked to Sarah. She really wants to live with Sam, so I've got to make some changes. Instead of moving out, trying to find a place with all this craziness going on, I've decided to take you up on your offer."

"Hey, that's great, Allie. I promise to behave and I promise to not barge in on you in the bathroom."

"Oh, just forget about that. I've forgiven you. Once we get out of isolation you can go get your stuff and move it all in here. I think we'll do just fine together, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do."

As she got up to leave, she reached over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for everything, Trevor. You're a great guy after all. Good night."

The next few days were uneventful. Allie was getting bored with no work while Trevor was busy working online. She busied herself taking care of some minor chores and searching for work, though with all the unemployment in the community she had no optimism at all that she'd find anything soon.

Each evening they spent more time together talking, sharing life stories, playing games and doing puzzles. They both felt that communication was the key to keep their sanity. They didn't want to just keep going on-line to entertain themselves. Each morning they devoted thirty minutes to some simple exercises together.

One evening near the end of the fourteen days, he was sitting quietly reading on the couch waiting for her to finish in the kitchen when she came in and sat right next to him. She took his hand in hers and said, "I want to tell you a story."

"OK, shoot."

"You see, once upon a time there was a player for a Division 2 NCAA women's soccer team. She was a star midfielder in high school who earned a full ride scholarship to her college. The team was pretty good and finished first or second in their conference most years.

"In her junior year the team was doing real well under a new coach, a former MLS player who worked with the team and had them performing far better than they ever had before. The whole college was excited to think this would be the year for a championship run.

"Then one day near the end of their unbeaten season, the women were in the dressing room after a rigorous practice. Most of them had showered and left but this particular midfielder and the goalie were the last ones in the shower.

"Right as she was getting ready to dry off, she thought she saw, out of the corner of her eye, something funny over on one wall. When she looked back at first she saw nothing but as she walked over there, she saw a tiny defect in the wall.

"When she bent down to look closer, she realized she was looking at a hole and she could see light through the hole. With a sudden sense of nausea, she realized she and all the women had been spied on. She told the goalie, they quickly dressed and went next door to the coach's office. He was gone at the time and they determined that a picture on the wall partially covered a tiny spy hole.

"They reported this to the AD, who pooh-poohed it, so they went to the administration. Still nothing happened, so they reported it to the police. Finally, the office was raided and the presence of the spy hole was confirmed. Unfortunately, when this was presented to the prosecutor, it was determined they would not be able to prove the coach was involved and get a guilty verdict. So, the case was dropped.

"The whole team basically went on strike and refused to play for this coach. They forfeited the last three games and were out of the playoffs. The college students were upset that the team wouldn't play and many of the alumni told the president that they would no longer donate money to the college as long as the two players who 'blew this thing out of proportion' remained on the team.

"Basically, this midfielder was spied on, reported it and was kicked off the team, as was the goalie.

"The two finished that year at the school but they were not welcome back. They had to lose their scholarships and transfer for their final year to another school where they couldn't play. Oh, and the coach is still working there.

"Ever since then, the midfielder has avoided soccer, her prior passion, and has had problems with anxiety when she's in a bathroom or is showering.

"More recently she was involved in an incident in which a nice guy accidentally came into her bathroom while she was partly dressed. It caused a big flare of her anxiety and she yelled at him for what was a simple accident.

"And to this day she is very, very sorry for her reaction and hopes this nice guy forgives her."

"Wow," he said after a pause. "I simply don't know what to say. But, but I will tell you that I, too, need to apologize. You were right. You were violated. You did nothing wrong, were spied on, tried to remedy the situation and ended up losing your dream. And your scholarship. That son-of-a..."

"Look Trevor, I just wanted you to know. If we're going to be roomies, you need to know all about me and my problems."

"Well, thank you. I owe you an apology and I hope, from the bottom of my heart, that you accept it."

"Oh, I already did. Will this convince you?" she asked as she reached over to him and lightly kissed him on the lips.

"Umm-hmm, it will, but I think you need to do that a few more times to make sure," he teased.


After ten minutes or so of sensual kissing and hugging, she pulled back and looked at him in the eye. "Trev, I'd really like to sleep with you tonight but I'm not ready for sex just yet. I do think being in your arms tonight would be fabulous. You?"

"I would be honored and I'll certainly honor your request. Your bed or mine?"

"Mine, I want home field advantage," she chuckled as she pulled him up and took him down the hallway. At the bathroom door she turned to him smiling and said, "How much did you really see that morning?"

"Allie, it was less than a second, I swear. I saw blonde hair draped over the shoulder blades on a beautifully toned back. The hips were slim but rounded, the tiny panties were lime green with lace at the waist and the legs were slim, but toned."

"Boy, you sure saw a lot for less than a second, didn't you?" she laughed.

"That beautiful image was instantly burned into my brain, where I'm sure it will remain forever."

"You finish up in here and I'll meet you in my room. Maybe you'll get an opportunity to see the front side. I do sleep nude occasionally."

"Allie, let's stick with your sleep shirt for now. At some point I may take you up on the nude sleeping option, OK?"

"Sure, I was just testing you," she giggled.

Once they snuggled in bed, she came into his arms where they kissed and held each other until they drifted off to sleep.

"One more day and we're free," sighed Allie the next morning. "Too bad things with the virus have gotten worse and we'll still need to lay low and avoid people for now."

"Yeah," he replied. "But if I have to be stuck in an apartment, I'd most like to be stuck in this one with you."

"Thank you, that's sweet."

After they had breakfast, he turned to do his work on-line. She spent some time cleaning up in Sarah's room and getting ready for her to move her things to Sam's place. By evening Trevor was pretty tired and fell asleep before nine.

"Come on, Trev, bed time," she said as she woke him with a little kiss. "If you promise not to snore, I'll let you sleep with me again."

"Sleep shirt or nude?" he laughingly asked.

"Just for that, it'll be the shirt, you stinker." Once in bed, they came together with warm kisses and warmer hugs. Eventually, they both fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, they celebrated their freedom by opening the door and walking out into the street. It was extremely quiet with virtually no traffic compared to usual. They went to Trevor's car and drove around town to experience the freedom to do so. He decided to go to his apartment to pack things for the move.

Sarah met them at the door and invited them in. The three chatted a bit until he asked where Sam was.

"Oh, he's at work."

"What? Couldn't wait to get back there, huh?"

"No, he's been there for the last week..."

"Sarah, you can't be serious," exclaimed Allie. "We all have had to be in isolation and today was the first day free. What do you mean he's been at work?"


"Come on, Sarah, fess up. What gives?"

"Oh, shit, I blew it. You're gonna hate us..."

Trevor jumped in saying, "Why would we hate you, Sarah? Wha'd you do?"

"Guys, sit down and hear me out. Now it wasn't all my idea. Sam and I came up with it together."

"Came up with what?" both asked.

"OK," she said as she sighed and blew out some air. "We weren't really exposed to the virus. Sam and I just made it up."

"You're shitting us!" cried Allie. "Why?"

"Well, we kinda thought you two would get along if you just got to know each other better. You two are our best friends and we figured if you spent some time together you might get together, you know."

"You mean this was a trick to..."

"Yeah, a little trick. Would it be OK to ask if it worked?"

"No, it wouldn't. You and Sam are lower than snakes' bellies. How could you use us this way?" asked Allie.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," cried Sarah as the tears started to pour. "At first we didn't think it was a big deal, but as the days wore on we kinda thought maybe it wasn't such a good idea."

"Do you realize that Allie ripped me a new one on the second day? We almost ended up not talking for the whole time. Did you think of that? No, of course you didn't. Come on, Allie," he said as he took her hand, "I can't stay here and listen to her crying when we were the ones who were treated wrong."

"Listen, Sarah, you tell Sam to call Trevor and he better be ready to apologize," said Allie over her shoulder as they left the apartment.

Down at the car they looked at each other and frowns turned to smiles and they began to laugh until tears were running down their faces as they wrapped their arms around each other.

"Can you believe it?"

"No, can you? What were they thinkin'?"

"They thought they could manipulate us..."

"But we're not so easy to manipulate, are we?"

"No, we're not."

"Hey, Trevor, I have an idea. Let's go back to OUR place and see if what they tried to arrange has any chance of success."

"You sure?"

"Yes I'm sure. How else will we know if they succeeded? Come on, let's go."

Back at the apartment, the door was hardly closed when clothes went flying as they stumbled towards Allie's room.

"Hey," asked Trevor, "Do I get to see the front view now?"

"If you say pretty please," she answered as she, smiling slyly, turned to face him.

Trevor found himself looking at the most beautiful sight. She was slightly on the thin side but with full womanly curves. Her hair hanging from above hid her breasts from his view. She teasingly flipped her hair back to reveal them, each smallish but full and topped with a plump areola and a tiny nipple. Her belly was flat and tapered to a trimmed triangle of dark blonde hair. Her legs were muscular and long.

"Like what you see?"

His mouth was so dry he could barely speak. He nodded his head and started to approach her.

"Uh-uh, not until I see what's in those boxers. I felt it nudging me this morning and now I wanna see it."

He reached down and slid his shorts down, pausing only to pull them over his growing erection. Once they hit the floor, she reached over and lightly stroked the tip, smearing the slick liquid over the knob.

"I like this fellow, you know. I think he likes me, too."

"Oh, Allie, all of me likes you, really. You are so beautiful, so sexy."

"You do have a way with words, don't you. Makes a girl feel special. Care to join me in my bed?" she asked as she pulled him gently by his penis across her room to the bed. Once she fell on her back, he bent down over her and started to worship her with teasing kisses over her mouth, face and body, paying particular attention to her nipples.

Once he reached her pussy, she murmured, "You don't need to do that, you know."

"But I want to, I want to taste you and I want you to have all that I can give you. Please...?"

"Oh, if you insist," she giggled as she let her legs sag apart and her head drop back on the pillow. Her musky aroma teased his senses as he lowered his face to her. Trevor let his tongue slip up and down her slit, tasting and extracting the moisture which poured from below. He drifted his tongue up to her clit until she moaned in appreciation. Once he heard this, he focused on her tiny nub of flesh until she was writhing in ecstasy, calling out his name again and again. Eventually her back arched up and she grabbed his head, pulling it closer, forcing his tongue to increase pressure more and more. Her legs started twitching and finally, with a great gulp of air, she climaxed with loud moans of appreciation.

As she recovered, she lessened the pressure on his head and eventually pulled him up to her. She attacked his mouth with hers, probing him with her tongue, tasting her own tanginess in his mouth. She reached up and whispered in his ear, "That was heavenly. You may do that again and again."

"I enjoyed pleasing you."

"Now I have a few little packages in the drawer over there. Care to put one on?"

"Umm-hmm." He slid over and while she teased him with her hands, he opened the package and slid the condom on.

"Please make love to me, Trev, I need you in me now." As he slid in her, he felt the moist pressure teasing him, squeezing him and pulling at him. He started to slide in and out as she adjusted her pelvis to meet his. They eventually achieved a comfortable rhythm, in and out; pubic bone to pubic bone and then retreating until his tip was right at her opening. Later she started to pull on his pelvis, pulling him closer, not allowing him to pull back so far. As their tempo rose and the strokes seemed to go deeper and deeper, she developed a faint, reddish blush on her chest. Her eyes closed even tighter than before as she rolled her head from side to side, arched her back and cried out his name several times in the midst of her climax.

Watching her, feeling her, smelling her arousal and hearing her all gave sensory input which he could no longer ignore. He plunged deeply into her as he felt the waves of intense pleasure coarse through him from pelvis to brain. As he collapsed on her and was still breathing deeply, his mind cleared a bit and he realized for the first time in his life what a soul-fulfilling event a sexual encounter could be. Previously he had "gotten his rocks off," but this, this had been a life-altering event. He realized he wanted to have this with her forever.

"Am I too heavy on you?" he asked.

"No, feels good, don't go."

"Allie, I don't know how to say this...but that was absolutely phenomenal. That wasn't just sex..."

"No, Honey, that was love."

"Earlier I said all of me 'likes' you. You know it wasn't completely true, don't you?"

She looked at him with a tiny look of fear in her eyes.

"No, no. You don't understand. All of me 'loves' you, Allie. You're not going to get rid of me now, Roomie, you're stuck with me."

"I'd love being stuck with you, Trevor."

"Hmm, it seems we've known each other for several months. We've been roommates for two weeks. We've slept together for two nights. And now we've made love. I think we've known each other more than long enough for me to say honestly that I love you, Allie, I truly do."

"Oh, I know you do," she said with a soft sigh. "And you know what? I love you, too."


Trionyx -- April 2020

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sg1010sg10104 months ago


Short & Sweet !


Russ43ChandlerRuss43Chandlerabout 1 year ago

Another “feel good”, well developed story. Thanks

KingCuddleKingCuddleover 1 year ago

Smooth & Sweet!

I'm feeling VERY at-home with you!

joeoggijoeoggiover 1 year ago

Really well done. Great characters. Excellent situation. You pulled it all together!

TheOldStudTheOldStudalmost 2 years ago

Superbly crafted story on the CoViD thing with a twist. Your writing makes me feel like I was sitting there with them. Also, for me at least, the little warning at the first of the story telling the reader not to expect a lot of sex lets me know I'm in for an excellent read...

Rancher46Rancher46about 2 years ago

Nice short but sweet love story. Great storyline and good character interaction. Well Done 5-stars.

A_BierceA_Bierceover 2 years ago

A feel-good story

and well-written, to boot. A rare bird in this aviary. Five kudos...err, stars.

norafaresnorafaresabout 3 years ago

This is adorable. 5 stars from me!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Loved the story.

Not to take away from the story but an edit on the UI would help. The employer not the employee pays the UI premiums.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Cute little story

A nice little twist about the roommates tricking them. I liked to know about her background story, it added something to her personality. 5*

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