Queen Yavara Ch. 56


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"It is done then?" she asked.

I nodded.

She frowned, and touched her chest. "You told me when we first met, that I would be a husk if we ever separated. I remember how empty I felt without you, how desperate I was to reconnect with you then." She looked up at me, "I do not feel that now."

You were so very fragile then. You had never felt what it was like to be without me. Most of all, you had never known true pain. You know it now; you know it keenly. Pain makes us grow, and you have grown.

"You lied to me," her brow furrowed, "I was hardly more than a girl, and you used me."

I used you for far longer than that, Yavara.

She looked down at herself, and ran her hands over her naked astral body. "How much of me was shaped by you?" She whispered fearfully.

We shaped each other. We were born together and grew together and blossomed together. When I told you that you would feel my absence forever, I was not lying. But like an old wound, I will fade with time, and as you grow into the void-space I left, you will soon only notice me as a scar. I sniffled, and wiped the tears from my cheeks, I am sorry, Yavara.

She nodded solemnly. Her eyes trailed up my body, and back to my face. It pained her to look me in the eyes, but she held the contact admirably. "Thank you," she muttered.

For what?

"For everything. For being me with me. For the love and the hate, for the pleasure and the pain. Thank you." A tear cascaded down her cheek, and she laughed, and wiped it, "I guess I love you. I mean, I don't have a choice, do I? You're me."

I reached out, and grasped her hand. Our fingers entwined, and I clasped tightly. I was never you, Yavara, and you were never me. We were simply 'we,' and that is why we are parted now. But for what it's worth, I love you too.

She blushed, and averted her eyes cutely. When her bashful gaze found the bravery to connect once more, she said coyly, "I guess you can give me a goodbye kiss then."

I leaned forward. So did she. I took her gently by the face, and guided us together. Her lips opened, and I stopped her. Before her questioning gaze, I elevated myself, and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Goodbye." I whispered with my real voice, so strangled and cracked with age that it hardly resembled a voice at all. Yavara blinked back her tears, and eased away from the embrace.

"Goodbye, Alkandi." She whispered, and stood up. She walked across the black expanse, to where Zander Fredeon lay steaming. She knelt at his side, and uttered a healing incantation. There was a glow of golden energy, then a flash, and they were both gone. I knew it was the last time I'd ever see either of them with my own true eyes. I wished Yavara the best in her life. As for Zander, I wished for his forgiveness. I wasn't as cold and hard as I often pretended to be. For that matter, neither was Leveria.

I turned and faced my next incarnation. She had no natural power, no athletic ability, and no skill in combat, but she had bested me at every turn, and that was something. Perhaps I wouldn't have the god-like power that merging with Yavara Tiadoa would bring me, but I would have the devilish mind of her sister.

Leveria watched Yavara and Zander disappear, then turned to me. She assessed me for a moment, then sneered wickedly. "So, Alkandi," she said, pacing dramatically toward me, every step shooting her hips this way and that, "now that the losers are gone, you and I can have a nice candid chat, hmm?"

I returned her smile. No hard feelings?

She guffawed. "A woman can hardly be blamed for chasing primo pussy. We wouldn't be kindred spirits if you didn't try to get deific powers at all costs."

It's nice to finally speak to another pragmatist. Your sister was—

"...a fucking child, I know." Leveria rolled her eyes, "Always throwing tantrums when things didn't go her way, always crying when people didn't like her, always passing off responsibility to everyone else, and never taking any for herself. I wonder what her excuses will be now that you're not to blame for her behavior?"

Don't go too hard on her.

Leveria giggled evilly. "That was funny Alkandi, thank you. It's good to know I'll inherit your sense of humor. God knows I need one."

I narrowed my eyes at her. I mean it.

"Didn't I just save her life? And after she killed me! I'd say she owes me."

She's still powerful, Leveria, and she's been taught by the two greatest magic users in the world. She'll be stronger than you until you hone your craft.

"Oh, I won't be too harsh on little Yavara," she said with a wave, "especially since her cooperation is essential for my grand plan."

Which is?

"You'll find out soon." Leveria tittered, "So tell me, what kind of powers will I soon be getting?"

Inferno, telekinesis, healing, telepathic indoctrination, and... well, I guess you'll get Yavara's transformative power too, as she was technically my last incarnation, though I suspect it will be expressed differently.

"Wonderful." Leveria beamed delightedly, "Inferno and telekinesis sound like good fun, and healing will be practical, I suppose. I see the potential for the transformative ability, but what I really want to know about is telepathic indoctrination."

I thought you might like that one. In my opinion, Yavara underutilized it terribly.

"She had a child's opinion of power. She thought moving things and burning things made her strong." Leveria stopped before my kneeling form, and looked down at me with an imperious glare, her little smile curved sardonically. "She didn't understand that the mind was the only thing worth mastering. And now the Dark Queen herself is kneeling before me, waiting to service my every pleasure."

Don't enjoy it too much, Leveria. I said with a crooked grin, I might decide to take out all my rejection on you.

Leveria cocked her head, letting some of her hair fall over her face, giving her a very dangerous look. "I know Yavara didn't think up those tortures all on her own." She snaked her fingers into my hair, "I know she wasn't the one who cackled like a banshee while I was burned alive, torn to shreds, and raped senseless. I've read the stories about you, Alkandi. I know what you liked to do to your prisoners. Hell, I got half my ideas from you." She forked her fingers about her pussy, and spread her blushing lips open to reveal their pink center, "Let's practice some of them, shall we?"

She rooted her fist into my hair, and twisted. I purred like a jungle cat, and rose as she pulled me to her. I thought you said there weren't any hard feelings?

Leveria's grin was so evil that she seemed a demon looking down at me. "I lied."

She forced my face into her cunt, and sat atop my head like a stool. I closed my eyes, snaked my tongue out, and savored the sadism I would soon be a part of. None of my other incarnations had ever tried to dominate me before Yavara and Leveria; perhaps there was just something different about these Tiadoa girls.


Mom was a gluttonous vampire. She ripped the tendons and sinew from the warg carcass, and plunged her head into the hole she made. I watched her from the shadows, curiously testing my new body. I glanced up at the woman who had given it to me. For a moment, there had been a connection between Adrianna and I. Her thoughts were projected telepathically to me. I didn't think she knew she was broadcasting them, for the thoughts were intimate and beautiful. Then the connection faded, and I knew Adrianna was dead. She had been more than my commander. She had been the father I'd never had. She had shown me what it meant to be honorable and true, and she had instilled more of the qualities of my character than anyone else—even Yavara. And though I had hated Adrianna for a long time, I knew that hatred could only have come from love, and for the piece of me that had been created by her, I wept. There was a hole in me that would forever be named, 'Adrianna.'

Mom came to her senses, and pulled her head out of the warg's side. She blinked stupidly, looked up at me, jumped in fright, and scurried behind the corpse she'd just been feeding upon.

Mom, it's me. I said telepathically, and smiled through my tears.

She let out a yelp, and covered her ears. Who the heck was that?!

Me, Mom. Your daughter, and now your blood-mother, just to add to our ever-twisted dynamic. You can call me 'Mommy' if you want.

She cowered behind the carcass for a moment, then seemed to realize herself. She looked down at her own body, and rose with an expression of wonder and shock upon her pallid face.

"Oh my god, I'm a monster," she whispered. She looked up at me, "Elena, what did you do?!"

"It's not permanent," I said, "but your other body is near death, so you can't transform back until we get a mage to help you."

Mom looked down at the sculpted statuesque body she'd grown into, a vision of feminine perfection and predatory sensuality. "I suppose I can suffer this... indignity for a while. No need to rush, Dear."

"You won't lack for food, anyways." I said, "I doubt anyone will come to the castle for some time. Keep the bodies frozen, or they'll rot."

Mom daintily wiped the blood and gore from her face, and looked up at me. "And where will you be going?"

"You know where."

She studied me carefully. "What will you do when you see her?"

"I don't know."

"What will she do?"

"I don't know."

Mom chewed on her lip with her new fangs. "You said you don't know her anymore, but you love her, Elena. You think that love has faded? When you feel her touch on your flesh, it will strike you like lightning. If you go, you will not come back to me."

"Do you want me to promise otherwise?"

"I'd prefer not to make a liar of you."

I sauntered over to her, and took her in my arms. The hug we shared was platonic, but the kiss was not. When we parted, we gazed into each other's red eyes. I gave her a promise that could not be spoken with my lips, and she accepted it with solemnity. I would do whatever it took to get back to her, and that would have to be enough for now. I just wished "for now" was longer, but it was already over. Time was moving fast.

I picked up the warg's body, and used it as a sun-shield as I crossed the beams that spread out on the floor. I stopped in the far shadows of the room, and knelt before Adrianna's body. I placed a kiss on her brow, and folded her arms together before her chest. She would have a ranger's funeral; I would make sure of it. Ternias, however, would not have a ceremonial exit. After throwing his head into a canvas bag, I hurried down to the pantry. I piled on a plate full of bread and dried meat, sat down, and rested my face upon the food. I transformed back into my elven body, and with only the strength left to open and close my mouth, I began to eat myself back to health. When I had enough calories in me to walk, I pulled out the portal, and examined it. It was an intricately-cut gemstone that glowed faintly red in one spot. I pressed my finger to that spot, and was transported.

A moment later, I was atop the ramparts of the Noble District. I looked around, and saw no one else.

"Adri?" came a little voice.

I looked down, and saw one of the strangest creatures I'd ever seen in my whole life. She was a high-elf woman with obscene tattoos scored upon her face. She was pretty despite the ink, though her lack of limbs certainly made her a unique kind of beauty. She was fixed to a harness, and wrapped in a bundle like an infant. When she realized I was not Adri, she began to weep.

"Hey, hey," I said soothingly, dropping to my knee before her, "I'm not gonna hurt you."

She wiggled her little stumps, and blue magic sparkled about her. "If you're here, it means that Adri is... is... is..." She couldn't get out the final word, her grief was so great.

I took her up in my arms, and cradled her. She tried to wiggle away for a moment, but it was quite natural for her to submit. Terribly natural. Not knowing what else to do, I rocked her gently, and sang a wordless lullaby. She quieted after that, and her mouth sought my nipple. I let her suckle, and though there was no milk for her to take, she seemed content with just having it in her mouth. After a while, she released my nipple, and looked up at me studiously.

"You're like Adri."

I nodded. "I was a friend of hers. She sent me here to get you."

"Will you take me to Alkandra?" She asked with big, hopeful eyes.

I cracked a rueful smile, and rolled my eyes to the east. "Actually, I was hoping you'd take me there."


When I awoke, I was choking. The world was dark, and something heavy was suppressing me from above. I couldn't breathe. I squirmed in a moment of panic, and threw the weight off me. Something hot and hard slid out of my throat, and I gasped for air, clutching my neck. My hair hung before my face, blocking my vision of the dimly-lit room. I pulled back my blonde mane, and looked out at the world behind my blue eyes.

There was a massive dick right in front of my face, which seemed wholly apropos given the circumstances. It was strange that I had struggled so mightily with it, but I guessed that losing Alkandi probably also meant losing my natural dick-sucking capabilities. It was a small trade-off, though I had traded much more. The energy that had once coursed through me was gone. In its place was a quieter energy, like a secondary rhythm to my heart instead of a full-blown electrical transfusion. This was my magical reservoir. It was small compared to what it had been, but when I flicked my fingers, a flame popped from my thumb, and when I pointed at a pillow, it floated from the bed, and that was enough to confirm that I was still special—just not unique. That was OK. I was me. The world was scary, and I felt smaller than I ever had, but that was OK. I was me. I would grow organically within the confines of my life, and I would flower in my niche, knowing without a doubt that I belonged there. That reassurance was nearly worth all the power in the world, and the peace that came with it was worth even more. I was me. I was Yavara Tiadoa, and no one else. I wasn't even a vampire anymore. I laughed, remembering that I had begun this journey seemingly so long ago in an attempt to find myself, and I had ended it not knowing at all who I was, but being perfectly fine with it because I was me! And all the experiences I'd had as the Dark Queen were invaluable and precious, even the terrible ones, for they all led me to this moment of catharsis when everything inside me seemed to fall right into place. I was always Yavara, but now I was wholly her. Now I got to find out who she could really be.

I was so stricken by the euphoria of the moment that I had temporarily forgotten how I'd gotten there. I glanced back at the large penis lying next to my face. It was bronze, smooth, and beautiful, though I didn't stare at it with the pure covetousness that I once did. In truth, I was actually a little scared of it. I enjoyed that fear for a moment, and found within it, a strange excitement. Did fear arouse me? I'd always sexually reveled in the extremes of emotion, but I'd so rarely felt fear in all my life that I never got to explore it. Now those other carnal emotions were dimmed—rage, avarice, and bloodlust—and though I still enjoyed their sexual nature, they didn't compel me quite like fear did. I knew in that moment that I was a masochist. I had dabbled often in masochistic lust before, but I had never truly delved into it. I enjoyed the power-play, the degradation and bondage, but I had never felt the fear before; not since that night Brock had taken me, and since that night, I had so bemoaned the loss of true victimhood. Why... fear was the crucial ingredient! And now I had it! Now it was a part of me!

I sat upright in glee, and stopped, realizing with creeping terror exactly who that penis belonged to. A woman. A beautiful woman. A terrible woman. Leveria's hair was still platinum blonde, but everything else had changed. Her breasts had gone up a size, her hips had widened, her thighs had thickened, her shoulders and arms were toned with muscle, her abdomen was a washboard, and her pelvis converged into sharp lines. And at the convergence of lines, was an eight-inch cock. It flopped over her left thigh, still glistening with my spit, so thick that I couldn't wrap my hand around it. I had made a hybrid out of her—or rather, she had taken advantage of me to be made into one. She was beautiful; the most beautiful of all of them, actually, for Leveria was a stunning beauty even before her transformation. The new look fit her naturally, though in truth, I thought she should dye her hair a darker color. Perhaps red? Or maybe...

A pulse of light went through my sister's sleeping body. She pulsed again, and again; each spasm radiating from her chest and shooting outward like a shockwave until her entire diaphragm was aglow. I could see her heart through her very flesh, every ventricle and chamber alight like the sun. It pounded so loudly that I could hear it accelerating until I was sure it would explode. I cringed back behind a pile of pillows, and peered out from my plush fortress. Her heart contracted and convulsed a thousand times in a minute, then slowed to an even beat. When it was done, Leveria's hair was so lustrously black it seemed to absorb the very light around it. At first, I thought that was the only change she'd undergone, then I looked down. Beneath her beautiful bronze cock, and above her little pink pussy, were two smooth testicles. They hung pristinely from her organ, symmetrical and proportioned, each of them veiny and heavy with lust. I was so transfixed by the roiling orbs that I didn't even notice that Leveria had awoken.

"My eyes are up here, Yavara," she snickered.

I yelped, and receded deeper into the pile of pillows, encasing myself in darkness. The darkness was broken by a pair of burning orange irises.

"Boo." Leveria giggled, and tossed away the pillows, leaving me wholly exposed. I cringed back, and ignited both my hands with flame.

"Whoa-whoa-whoa," Leveria said defensively, and eased back, "Yavara, I'm not going to hurt you."


"I mean it." Leveria knelt a safe distance away, and opened her hands unthreateningly, "Besides, you could still kick my ass anyway."

"You're the ruler of Alkandra now, and I am the only high-elf for a hundred miles. The men are restless the day before a battle."

Her lips quirked evilly, and the expression was so frightening and sexy on her new face that I almost blushed. "The thought did occur to me," she confessed, eyeing me like a snack, "but it would be a waste, and there's no need. As far as I'm concerned, we're even."

I raised my brows. "What do you mean we're even?"

"I'd say we're about square, unless there's something you feel that's been left unsaid."

I laughed incredulously. "You think you can just throw away all the baggage we have?"

"No, but we can leave it where it is. There's no reason not to just restart."

"After everything?"

"I can't think of a better time than now."

I narrowed my eyes. "You're using me."

"Of course I am, Yavara. I use everyone." She tilted her head, and smiled warmly, "Just because I see people as tools, doesn't mean I see them as lesser. People are useful, and like any good craftswoman, I take very good care of my most useful tools."

"I won't be one of your tools ever again."

Leveria scoffed. "You were never one of my tools; you were the blunt object I used all my tools on, but you withstood all my sawing, grinding and cutting, and since hard blunt objects make excellent tools, I suppose I should simply recognize your value, acquire you, and move to a new project."
