Questions That I Don't Have Answers


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What happened to them to make them want to do that? Did they have overbearing mothers and/or controlling sisters? Were they scarred from having to dress as a woman for a Halloween Masquerade party? What? Why do cross dressers feel compelled to dress as women? I'd really like to know.

I don't get it. Does anyone know? Do we have any cross dressers out there willing to enlighten me? I mean, seriously, 99% of the time, we can tell a cross dresser from a real woman. A man six foot or taller wearing 3" heels with a 3" high wig, doesn't look like any woman that I know.

* * * * *

Being that my favorite cars are a Bentley, a Ferrari, and a Mustang GT, why do so many people love Mustangs? Lee Iacocca hit a homerun, a grand slam when he introduced that car in 1964. When cars have come and gone, the Mustang is still here with us 50 years later. Even after Lee Iacocca is dead and buried, the Mustang still renews itself with new styling, more power, and better suspensions.

Have you see what the old 60's Mustangs sell for at auction? Wow! They're all six figures. They all sell nearly as much as the 60's Corvettes. What's that about? Does anyone know? Hands. Let's see a show of hands. Who knows why old Mustangs sell for so much money?

It doesn't make sense to me that a more than 40-year-old Mustang should cost more than a new Mercedes.

* * * * *

Here's one that baffles me. Why do multimillionaire movies stars make commercials? Does Jamie Lee Curtis really need the money to do Activia commercials? Some of these actors and sports celebrities have more money than God. I recently saw LeBron James doing a McDonalds commercial. Are times that tough for him that he must sell big Macs and Happy Meals? Give me a break.

"So, lemme get this straight," said LeBron. "In addition to you paying me millions of dollars for me to make commercials for you, I get all that I can eat for free. Right?"

"That's right, Mr. James. In addition to the millions of dollars that we'll pay you to make commercials for McDonalds, you get to eat for free," said the agent.

"I only have one question," said LeBron.

"Yes? What's your question, Mr. James?

"Can I get fries with that?"

"Of course," said the agent.

Truth be told, I'd buy anything that Jack Nicholson sold. I just love the man. He's one of my favorite actors.

"I will not advertise Kiwi black shoe polish. I don't care how good the product is," said President Obama. "People will make racial connotations and racial slurs to my doing your commercials."

"We'll pay you a million dollars for doing a sixty second commercial with residuals every time it shows, Mr. President."

"Okay, where do I sign?"

How can Nike, Reebok, Converse, and Adidas afford to pay athletes tens of millions of dollars to do their commercials, hype, and wear their products? I don't understand. To save production costs to give athletes their advertising dollars, is that why they all have their sneakers made in China, Bangladesh, Taiwan, and Viet Nam?

Pennies on the dollar to manufacture their sneakers, these companies should be ashamed of themselves to circumvent child labor laws in the United States by taking advantage of the global child labor force in countries that don't have such laws. How dare they? If these sneaker companies didn't pay sports stars such outrageous sums of money, maybe we could all buy sneakers at a fraction of the inflated costs that they charge.

* * * * *

Why do so many woman want to be a blonde? I was born a blonde. I'm a natural blonde. Blonde hair looks good on me.

Yet, women who don't have the complexion want blonde hair. I don't get it. Why aren't they happy with their natural hair color?

There are plenty of dark haired beauties in the way of Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer Lopez, Natalie Portman, Amy Adams, Kristen Stewart, Angelina Jolie, Emily Blunt, Jessica Alba, Lynda Carter, Kim Kardashian, Natalie Wood, Anne Hathaway, Courtney Cox Arquette, Demi Moore, Eva Longoria, Fergie, Jennifer Garner, Jessica Biel, Keira Knightley, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Connelly, Kate Beckinsale, Megan Fox, and Selma Hayek. There are lots of sexy, beautiful redheads in the way of Nicole Kidman, Christina Hendricks, Blake Lively, Sophia Loren, Lucille Ball, Julia Roberts, Lindsay Lohan, Molly Parker, Reba McEntire, Marge Helgenberger, Susan Sarandon, Priscilla Presley, Sissy Spacek, Katherine Hepburn, Maureen O'Hara, Deborah Kerr, Ginger Rogers, Greer Garson, Susan Hayward, Annette O'Toole, Tina Louise, and Julianne Moore.

Then, as soon as they waste $150 to color their brown hair blonde, their black roots peak through to tell everyone that they're not real blondes in the way that their eyebrows and pubic hair attest to the truth too. Hello? You're not a blonde. Sorry but you can't be a blonde just because there's blonde hair color available in a bottle.

* * * * *

Here's a question for the perverts. Let's invite the perverts back in the room for this question? Wow, there are a lot of you. Oh, look, there's Vice President Biden.

"Hello Mr. Vice President."

Just between you, me, and the mailbox, I always knew Biden was a pervert. Speaking of perverts, George W. Bush is in the back of the room wearing a disguise. He's dressed as Hilary Clinton. He may have passed as Hilary, only Hilary is on the other side of the room next to her husband, President Clinton, two of the biggest political perverts.

So, here's my question. If women dress provocatively, slutty, and like whores, and when men treat them in the way their dressed, why do they suddenly act so virginal and become so offended? I don't get it. If you're dressed like a slutty whore, then that's the message that you're giving men. Why do women act so surprised when they are treated like the slutty whores that they are to show so much skin to men?

"Look at me. I'm a slutty whore. Only, don't you dare call me a slutty whore. Just because I dress like a slutty whore doesn't mean that I am a slutty whore, even though I really am a slutty whore, I think."

Jenny wore a skirt so short that it could be deemed a belt. Every time she sat, she flashed her panties to whomever was sitting across from her. Her blouse was so low cut and because she wasn't wearing a bra, when she leaned forward whoever was standing over her got a great down blouse look of not only her breasts but also her areolas and nipples.

"Oh, my God, you're such a pervert to be staring at my panties," she said to a man sitting across from her on the subway. "Oh, my God, you're such a pervert for staring at my tits," she said to a man standing over her on the subway.

Hello? What did she expect? So my question is this. Why do women dress for sexual attention when, seemingly, they don't want any sexual attention. When they do get sexual attention for dressing so sexy, they act as if they're virgins instead of whores. I don't get it. I don't understand. Does anyone have the answer?

"You can't go out dressed like that. You look like a slutty whore wearing just a thong and pasties," said Father.

"Why can't I go out dressed like this? I'm covered. You can't see my ass crack, my pussy, and/or or my nipples. I'm totally covered."

"Men will touch you, feel you, and fondled you before forcing you to do dirty, nasty sexual things to their bodies."

"Why can't I go out dressed like this?"

"Why? Because you're a Nun, Sister Mary Elizabeth."

* * * * *

Here's a good one. When all terrorists have bulging eyes that make them look like they're related to the late, great Marty Feldman of Monty Python and Young Frankenstein fame, why must the rest of us go through TSA security checks? When all terrorists have wild, black hair, a black beard, and brown eyes, why can't our government eliminate those who aren't terrorists to zero in on the real terrorist, the people with the bulging eyes, wild black hair, black beards, and brown eyes, instead of searching grandmothers and children? When most terrorists have names like Imad, Ali, Abdul, Khalid, Mohammed, Osama, Ayman, Fazul, Mustafa, Fahid, Sheikh, Abdullah, Anas, Saif, and Mushin, why must Tom, Dick, and Harry be used and abused by TSA agents?

I think I know that answer to this, only come closer to the screen. I don't want anyone else reading this over your shoulder. I don't want my name appearing on a no-fly list. I mean, seriously, how man strip searches can they give me before someone asks me out on a date, buys me a meal, and puts a ring on my finger? God, I'm so tired of being touched, felt, fondled, and then being forced to strip, opening my mouth, bending over, and spreading my legs.

The reason why our government doesn't arrest the obvious terrorists, those with bulging eyeballs, wild black hair, and black beards with names that no American mothers would name their sons, is because there's no money in it. There's money in establishing a waste of our tax dollar TSA agency, paying police overtime to patrol the airports, train dogs, scare people on the news so that they'll all go out and buy guns, guns, more guns, and lots and lots of bullets.

If you want to stop the terrorist from flying on our planes, surround the airport with good old boys armed with semi-automatic rifles. Trust me. They'll know real Americans from foreigners with bulging eyeballs, wild hair, beards, and funny sounding names.

"Hey you! What's your name? Achmed? What the Hell kind of name is that? That doesn't sound like an American name to me. Does Achmed sound American to you Clem?"

"Nope, Billy Bob, he sure don't," said Clem spitting tobacco on the shoe of the suspected terrorist.

"And who's your friend? What do you have under that turban?"

An army of good old boys patrolling the airport, our historic monuments, and even the White House would do a better job, I dare say, then the Secret Service of late.

"Billy Bob, there's a guy running towards the White House," said Clem.

"I got him," said Billy Bob shooting off one shot and hitting the man in the ass.

"I'll send Buster to go fetch him," said Clem. "Get him, Buster. Get him."

Clem's Coonhound picked the intruder up by the back of his pants and dragged him to Billy Bob and Clem.

* * * * *

Here's another more pressing question. Answer me this question if you can. When a black man, a United States citizen who was born in this great country, steals food to feed his family and, if caught, goes to jail for twenty years, how come no one, not anyone, nobody was arrested for the banking meltdown?

Why was Angelo Mozilo of Countrywide Bank able to go home without arrest with $450 million dollars of our money?

Why was Henry Paulson, U. S. Treasury Secretary, not arrested when he lied to congress about his old company, Goldman Sachs, being in good financial heath?

Why did he lie to Congress about the sound financial condition of his old company? He lied so that Goldman Sachs' stock wouldn't tank before he could cash in his stock options, all $450 million dollars of them. Moreover, because he was taking the job as the Secretary of the United States Treasury and becoming another public servant (my ass), he didn't have to pay a penny worth of taxes on the money. Why wasn't he thrown in jail not only for lying to Congress but also for SEC fraud?

Why was he allowed to open the treasury doors and pass out billions of dollars of TARP money to banks without accounting for who received how much? Why was he allowed to bail out the thieving banks?

Are you kidding me? This was our money? Did you get a bailout? I didn't get a bailout, even though I'm unemployed and even though there all no jobs but for part-time, service, low paying jobs with no benefits. With all of that Treasury money they gave away so that banks and insurance companies could pay those who caused the meltdown millions of dollars in bonuses, our government could have given all of the unemployed unemployment extensions and/or jobs.

Here's another question. If we have so very many guns in this country, how come one angry man who lost his house, his truck, and his family because of criminals like George Bush, Dick Cheney, Angelo Mozilo, and Henry Paulson didn't take matter into his own hands.

"A crazed gunman is holding members of the Republican Congress hostage until he gets a job with a livable wage and decent benefits," said the reporter. "Oh, wait. We have more important breaking news. This just in. Oops, Britney Spears does again. She's caught alighting out of a limousine without wearing panties."

I give up. I don't have any answers. Just questions.


ForbiddenLover78ForbiddenLover78over 2 years ago

Sorry, forgot to answer the one about aliens. You're right, there are hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy and there are hundreds of billions of other galaxies in the universe, so the chances that sapient life evolved on just ONE planet orbiting ONE star out of all the trillions of stars out there, especially when we have already identified numerous potentially habitable worlds, seem ludicrously small.

It's almost a statistical certainty that, at some point in our universe's 13 billion year history, some other life must have existed outside of our planet, and it's likely that at least a few species must have achieved a similar level of advancement to us, right? So then, where are all the aliens? This is the essence of what is called the Fermi Paradox. Google it, you'll doubtless find better discussions than I can offer here.

There are a number of possible reasons why we haven't found any aliens yet, here are a few of them:

1) The nearest confirmed exoplanet (i.e. a planet outside of our solar system) to us is Proxima Centauri b. It's in the habitable zone of its parent star and lies about 4.2 light-years away from Earth. If alien life exists on that planet, how would we discover them? If we sent a radio signal at the speed of light, it would take 4.2 years to get there. Then, assuming that a) the aliens detect our signal at all (they have their radio telescopes pointed at the right part of the sky), b) they recognise our signal for what it is, c) they have the technology to send their own return signal, and d) they even want to send a return signal, we'd have to wait at least another 4.2 years for their return signal to reach us.

2) For all we know, aliens might have been picking up signals from us for the last 100 years and still be deliberating amongst themselves whether we're an existential threat to them or not. Alternatively, they may be so far advanced that they see us as primitive apes, of no consequence or interest to them.

3) Our solar system is only about 4.6 billion years old. That means that the universe was already about 9 billion years old before our planet even formed. Plenty of time for life on other worlds to evolve, discover fire, invent primitive stone tools, split the atom and annihilate themselves in nuclear fire. Countless civilisations throughout the universe could have risen and fallen in the time before the first life existed on Earth. We could just be really late to the party.

4) Maybe we're just really lucky. Our lineage has survived several major extinction events that wiped out 99% of the species that have ever existed. If other planets have undergone similarly turbulent development, it's likely that most species that might otherwise have evolved to sapience were wiped out by some disaster or other.

ForbiddenLover78ForbiddenLover78over 2 years ago

Death... well you weren't alive for a long-ass time before you were born, right? And, at the time, you didn't know or care much about it either, I'm willing to bet. So it makes sense that death is pretty much a return to the same state.

To put it another way, ever been under a general anaesthetic? Not just numbed or sedated, but out like a light? I have. They counted me down from 10 and I was out before they reached 4. That's the last thing I remember, before waking up maybe a couple hours later. There were no dreams, no experiences, no thoughts - nothing.

That's how I imagine death to be, and I'm OK with that. I'm not afraid of death, though I'm apprehensive about the process of dying. Hopefully I'll go quietly in my sleep, like my grandfather, and not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus...

Would Heaven be so great? You get to be with all the people you loved, right? Except what if the people you loved were of different faiths, or no faith? What if the people you wanted to see in Heaven had committed sexual sin (by enjoying sex for its own sake - the horror!) and they all went to Hell? Would you miss them? What if you found Heaven to instead be populated by your self-righteous, Bible-thumping, preachy relatives? And not just immediate family either, but going back generations - becoming more and more puritanical with each successive step in your family's lineage. Then there's the whole reason you're really there - to praise God and worship and glorify his name. Does that sound like a fun way to spend eternity? Maybe it does, not for me to judge. But consider this - you can't leave. Ever. If you get bored of praising and worshipping, or you've had enough of your great-great-great-great grandfather crowing about the witches they used to burn when he was a kid, tough. You're stuck there. For eternity. At least Hell has parties and drugs and orgies and heavy metal music, right?

Of course, there's no evidence to suggest that Heaven and Hell actually exist at all, other than anecdotes by people claiming to have seen one or the other. Kat Kerr has some really entertaining stories about Heaven. Sure it says they're real in the Book, right? And the Book is true because the Book says so. Seems legit.

Some part of you will live on after you die - whether it's your genetic material passed on to your offspring, or your writing here on Lit, or the impact you have on the lives you touch as you go through yours. As for a soul, consider a couple of hypothetical (but nonetheless real-world) scenarios: -

Firstly, a patient with severe epilepsy, whose corpus callosum (the bundle of nerve fibres that connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain) has been severed in order to control their grand mal seizures (this is an actual treatment still used today, though usually reserved for extreme cases). The patient can develop two distinct personalities as a result of the surgery, as has been observed in a number of such patients. Documented cases exist of split-brain patients simultaneously holding conflicting beliefs, and even acting opposite to one another (such as the case of a man who went to hit his wife with one hand, but was restrained by the other hand, as if each hand were controlled by a different person, despite both being attached to the same body!). In such a case, does the patient have one soul, or has it split into two, along with their personality?

Similarly, in the case of conjoined twins who are joined at the head and share all or part of one brain between them (such that you could tickle one twin and the other would feel it, for example), do they share one soul, or are they two individuals, each with their own distinct spiritual essence?

Finally, consider a patient with a neuro-degenerative condition, such as Alzheimer's. Over the course of months, or years, they slowly lose their minds, unable to recall events, people, names - even to the point where they can no longer recognise their closest friends and family. What happens when they die? Do they wake up in the afterlife with all of their memories miraculously returned to them? Are they restored to the prime of life and health? Or do they only take with them what they had left? Imagine being in Heaven, with a healthy body in its 20s or 30s, surrounded by your friends and family, but with your mind as it was just before you died. All these people smiling and welcoming you, but you have no idea who any of them are, or whose body you're walking around in. Imagine being stuck like that forever - with the cognitive capacity of a toddler and no memory of your life. If you ever thought that the prospect of being consigned to a "care" home for your final years sounded like a fate worse than death, imagine being stuck there for all eternity... and you can't even escape by dying.

But if there's no eternal reward to look forward to, how can life have any meaning?!?! Think about the last time you went out to a nice restaurant. Were your memories of the evening any less pleasant because it had to end? Was the meal any less delicious? If I get in line for a ride at a theme park, I know I'll spend 30 minutes queuing and less than 3 minutes on the ride. Case in point, the Stealth ride at Thorpe Park in the UK. The car accelerates from 0-80mph in about 2 seconds and goes over 200ft up, over an arch and back down again. The entire ride is over inside of 30 seconds. I've had longer orgasms and had to pay a lot less for them too. Does the fact that the ride is over so quickly mean that there's no point going on it? Of course not - it's an amazing and thrilling experience and I'm glad I went. Life is short and finite, that makes it precious. Go out and make your own life mean something, because nobody else, especially not a dead book, is going to do it for you.

As for cross dressing, I dunno. I'd consider myself a straight guy, though that's more due to the fact that I've only ever been in hetero relationships and I've never really found myself in a situation where I had the opportunity to experiment beyond that. I'm sure I'd be at least bi-curious, given the chance. I'm not transgender or gender-fluid and I don't cross-dress, as in the full outfit, but I do have a drawer of silky, lacy intimates - some of which I bought myself, others I "acquired" from my girlfriend because they look sexier on me than they do on her. I might rarely wear a pair of lacy panties under my jeans when we go out in public, but only my partner and I know they're there. Why do I wear them? They feel nice on me and I think they look sexy. She certainly seems to agree and we both get turned on by me wearing them.

I couldn't go out wearing women's clothing, though. For one, I don't think I have the shape for them. They're just not made to flatter my form. For another, most women's clothes, especially those designed to look attractive, don't always seem to prioritise comfort or practicality, and those are my two foremost criteria for purchasing any item of clothing (barring the aforementioned intimates, which are mainly for bedroom use).

If I was going to wear women's clothing, it would have to be comfortable to wear and not leave me desperate to rip it all off as soon as I got home. Straps constantly slipping down? Panties disappearing up my crack? Bra underwires cutting into my chest? Fuck that. Don't even get me started on trying to walk in women's shoes.

It would have to be practical as well, and that means POCKETS, and not just the decorative kind that are either too small to contain anything useful, or stitched up altogether. I mean, actual pockets you can put your hands in, or your phone, or your keys, or a packet of tissues. I swear, women's clothing is deliberately designed without pockets, just so they can sell more handbags.

So no, I guess I can't answer your question about cross dressing. I just couldn't imagine wearing a full set of women's clothing in public and feeling in any way good about it. Unless you could recommend an outfit that suits my shape, is comfortable to wear all day, doesn't require constant adjustment, has pockets for everything I need, without me needing to carry a handbag or resort to keeping items in my bra, and comes with flat shoes that I can walk in without feeling like a circus act... and by that point it'd be indistinguishable from the same "male" clothes I wear anyway.

Back tits. Eh, I don't think it'd catch on. I mean, if they'd just always been there, as natural and ubiquitous as their front-mounted counterparts, then we'd just accept them because we'd never known different. But adding them on at this late stage, I think it'd just end up being weird and not sexy at all.

Southpaw1430Southpaw1430over 2 years ago

Unfortunately, you expect consistency from life. As I have gone through life, the question that keeps popping into my mind is “what just happened.” Anyway, in a very few years I will have the answer to your first question, I probably won’t get back to you. I do hope you will continue with your excellent stories. Thank you.

goo_neiggoo_neigover 2 years ago

Do you want answer or do you want to rant ?

goo_neiggoo_neigover 2 years ago


I find a class in session.

The leader asking questions.

heaven and hell and life before and after. that is the first topic.

love it. Come to wank and find an invitation for filosophy

gee. Perception is a major root. Devil and angel on our shoulders.

Misled and-or (?) misinterpreted I shipwreck as I pass them. Oops failed.

Again I need deux-ex-machina. Divine intervention.

Fuck I gave them pass-age and I shipwreck.

OK must learn not to give them passage this time.

I tried before. Must do better this time.

I WILL get it. Just need to strengthen my feeble will.

This time I am stranded not shipwrecked.

Must get free and move on.

tried tried and tried. I sit down to take a rest.

Sitting there I see ships wrecking.

All ships ? No. Most ships.

Which ships pass the sirens on our shoulders ?

Here and now is the nexus. The axle of our wheels.

Always under us.

Before us is the future after us the past.

To get a better future we must heal our wounds.

We must clean our perception.

We are living on a ball. We call that ball Earth.

That ball is our axle, our nexus.

I have had several visions.

In one I saw a soul coming to the earth. It split up in male and female. I am that male split.

I saw I had many lives on earth. Starting from the beginning of live on earth.

Only saw a flash of that. Not a human live it was.

Human live came later.

So yes there is live after dead.

From our birth to our dead.

Growing in knowledge.

Growing in love.

I find love the must beautiful thing there is.

Growing in healing.

Growing unshackling.

Growing in not being lost.

I ones was walking in a little forest.

I came upon a house. No not made of candy.

It had a concrete , cement wall.

Immediately as I saw it I thought iiiii ugly.

Directly followed be the realization that I gave myself a foul mood because of a perception a opinion I had about a wall before me.

Not wanting that. I closed my eyes and put my focus on me with the intention of not having a foul perception of that wall. Upon opening my eyes I learned it worked.

I was happy. Thrilled with happiness.


I thought soap operas are no good. Waste of time. Waste of life.

In a organic food shop where I am a regular I said so to the young girl serving me.

I go to an organic food store so therefore I am a noble man and she is serving me at the time.

She works there so she is also a noble woman.

Oops crashing on the cliffs of noble arrogance is lurking here in the grass.

Relieve. Humbleness restored.

really ? Faintly.

She said she is a vegan. A vegan is person that considers anything but vegetable beneath consideration for consumption. She also said that her family do not understand her. BUT.

There is deux-ex-machina of the soap opera.

One of the characters on the soap is a vegan role. And seeing that the family now understand her.

Thank you deux.

I ones was troubled.

Existential trouble. The bane of intellectuals.

I looked for answers far and wide.

The answer that can be found is one close bye.

The answer that can be found is one that can be perceived from what is in my mind.

I had a problem whith seeminlgy chatoic jazz.

Where is the music in there ?

I found it when I emptied my mind of preconceptions.

You would be great doing a one person comedy show whit this writing here of you.


We go a store to bye stories.

We are here on liretory for the stories.

Stories are a game of perception.

I am lucky that I was not indoctrinated whit the believe - a perception, a story - that the family honour lies whith the prudenes of our woman. There for I did not go in rage when my sister got a boyfriend.


a masterpiece by a known master artist is worth millions.

a masterpiece by an unkown is not worth millions.


Is seeminly chatoc jazzz music ?


Is the law moral ?






We are conditioned.

dl3spedl3speover 7 years ago
Correction, a class of 3 ;)

I read out of knowing you took the class.

Some very interesting issues raised (I was tempted to say 'points raised' but ever the British gent...yea right!! :)

As to the very last one with the news flash, sadly, that sells more than the worlds problems. Don't figure, huh!?

With the fear of sounding very selfish, please NEVER stop writing as you truly are gifted, (guess some small amount of praise should go to David Cassidy too for getting you going ;) I meant, started.

Thankyou Susan xx

bogusguybogusguyabout 9 years ago
so many little time

Answers in no certain order. Black man vs rich guy hired better lawyer. Guns....back in the day we needed gums for protection from England, indians (the term before native Americans), outlaws. Also needed it for hunting food. Nowadays it's still for hunting and protection from them terrorist you talked about. Though I am for gun ownership, I don't see the need for civilians to carry machine guns. Profiling...liberals cry foul at profiling so you will continue to be groped and delayed at airport screeners'. Tit's on women's back...I'm for it hehe. What happens when I'm dead? Creditors will curse me, worms will love me. My soul? Uhhh.....i guess I'm not the know it all some people say I think I am. Btw...if you do get boobs on your back, please give me a hug!

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 9 years ago
I Know

Instead of just asking questions, why don't you just figure things out for yourself? I have. My only problem is when I start telling people they took me to Gotham City and put me in the Arkham Asylum. where I now wonder where are my shoes. Can someone help me find my shoes? Damn where is Batman when you need him. Uh-oh, they're coming. I have to go now. Bye

nameless111nameless111over 9 years ago
Just a comment

Dear Susan,

I won't pretend I have answers to your questions. I do want to say that I love your mind. The way you think, the things you think about. Ultimately there are only questions, answers come and go. I realize that knowing brings comfort and feeling secure, so the motivation is leading not the question. And within our motivated mind there are a lot of directions, all leading to the same......namely, more questions.

So, dear Susan, without answering any of your questions I want to thank you for your wonderful writing.

Take care, Thomas

rcrmonte3rcrmonte3over 9 years ago
Yes, Susan, Heaven is for Real

This was just what I needed on a dreary day--tongue in cheek humor. I love the story/letter/lecture(?). As far as your Heaven/hell question, read "Heaven Is For Real", a non-fiction book written by the minister father of a boy who experienced Heaven and lived to tell about it. The boy who had the experiences he told his father about was between 4 & 6 yrs old.

My name isn't Lester. I don't read all your stories on Lit, but I do read the ones that sound interesting--and usually are. Thus, I have read a majority of your postings on Lit. and given them 5*.

sglewsglewover 9 years ago
T'was fun

Have you ever noticed how often people who claim to be reincarnated were either famous or connected to somebody famous in a past life. Such as Julius Caeser's dog or Shakespeare's ink supplier. No one ever claims they were a grocer in Birmingham.

As for breasts on your back, then perhaps vaginas should be on women's shoulders and penises on men's index finger, so you could tap someone on the shoulder for directions and have fun at the same time.

One question I have: if heaven is people sitting on clouds playing the harp and hell is a bacchanalian orgy, then is heaven hell and hell heaven?

HeisenhugHeisenhugover 9 years ago

You can tell I was really tired writing that comment... The word my spellcheck mangled in the last answer was Afghanis.

Also I missed the last question... The answer to that is "corrupt people are corrupt"

HeisenhugHeisenhugover 9 years ago
So many questions...

1/ it's "Lester, Norma and I will"... Take out the other names and see if it sounds right... "I will" vs "me will"

2/ On the subject of heaven... I personally believe that there is a vast "pool" of raw consciousness and emotion. Think of it like a big pile of Lego, lots and lots of the building blocks for making something. When we reach the point of development where we can possess sentience we get a bunch of those bits to make up what people call the soul, and when we die that enriched essence merges back in to the pool. That pool is where the notions of heaven and reincarnation come from.

To be fair, I have no better proof of that idea than anyone else has of theirs, however it works for me and fits with all the provided evidence.

In any case, live a good and full life, treat others well, and then if nothing else you will arrive at your deathbed with a reasonably clean conscience no matter what comes next.

3/ Why us, here and now? The irony in this question is amusing... People wonder if our planet is special, if there is a reason for us being here at this specific world and time. These people overlook the obvious fact that we couldn't ask that question if we weren't here in the first place. The matter of a thousand years either way is actually pointless if you think about it... What matters to our reaching this stage of development is our ancestors... Shift the whole history of humanity a few thousand years one way or the other and we'd still be at the same point in our relative history.

In geological or astronomical terms a few thousand years is almost no time at all.

Remember that alien really just means "not from here", so to the perspective of another planet's life we'd be the aliens. I'm sure there is life out there, and at least some of it must be intelligent, but the chances of meeting that life form with time and space being so vast.... Well the chances are literally astronomical.

4/ reincarnation see answer 2. It sounds like you're describing an interpretation of string theory that holds that the universe we perceive is a 3 dimensional cross section of 9 (spatial I think) dimensions. That theory has a lot of loose ends though.

Woo for science pun!

As far as the supernatural goes, well just remember that we only actually know about a tiny fraction of what makes the universe tick. There's so much that we don't know about, such that any good scientist shouldn't write off any theory unless they can solidly and reliably disprove it.

5/ guns... Guns aren't there problem, the irresponsible morons who let other morons get hold of them are the problem. Better, saner gun laws are needed. Nuff said.

6/ not sure of the question here... Do we all want to be heroes??

I think most do want that, some manage to do it.

7/ Back boobs are a terrible idea, sorry. They wouldn't work... Imagine a cow with udders on its back, how impractical would that be? Also, having a suckling child in front provides an evolutionary advantage by allowing the mother to better shield the child while it is vulnerable.

8/ cross dressing, now there's a minefield. Some do it for comfort, some because it's liberating, others because it feels more normal. It's like asking someone why they like a certain type of music, there's no single right answer.

Also remember that there are plenty of dual role individuals who may dress because they want to be a woman on a temporary basis but go back to male later. It's very complicated.

And besides, have you seen the junk men have to wear? Women's clothes are way nicer.

9/ cars just aren't made like they used to be made. These days they are either boxy, blobby or trying to look like something that just left the F1 track. No character or beauty in any of them.

Give me a classic caddy, a t bird, an older convertable... I want a car that is as much art and style as it is transport. Bring back the fins and chrome, dammit!

10/ Celebrity endorsements are easy... The more you earn the more you spend. Not like they do things like saving ya know. After taxes, property upkeep and staff costs they have surprisingly little left. Being rich ain't cheap.

11/ can help much there, I'm totally in to redheads, sorry. I think some men equate blonde with easy and/or dumb and thus blondes get away with more and get dates easier. Some women change their hair colour because it makes them feel more confident about themselves.

12/ people are hypocrites.

Some women dress provocatively because it makes them feel good... There is something to be said for taking a moment to just enjoy the feeling of being alive and "vital" (as in vitality).

Some women dress to attract attention but in general they only want attention from their target group of men.

Then again, a lot of guys need to learn how to be a gentleman and respect a woman's body, privacy, boundaries, etc.

13/ that's called racial profiling and it's bad. Not every Muslim is a terrorist, most Afgahies are nice people.

Enough ?

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketover 9 years ago
You raise some interesting points

This is a tongue in cheek piece which actually does point out several social and economic problems we have in the US for which there seems to be no will or solution to address or solve. I think part of the reason for this is because the country is so completely fragmented. The United States is no longer consists of a united people with common interests, culture, and concerns. The United States has become a balkanized nation.

Suite21menSuite21menover 9 years ago
Crossdressing Males

I don't wear dresses, but I can see the attraction. Women's clothes can be silky, soft and sensuous. It is only on rare, special occasions that I see many women dressed like they mean it. Sexy but not slutty. Male crossdressers don't dress up in pantsuits like so many women do. They dress in slinky dresses and stockings and garterbelts. I contend that a lot of them do it because lot of women in today's society don't and the men are wishing the women would and dressing in women's clothes is the next best thing. I know a proud crossdresser. He looks better as a woman than he does as a man.

Myself, I love the feeling of silk briefs. I have gotten them from Fredricks, Magic silk, Mansilk, and a few others. The best brand I found was Iris Silks. Fit those parts like a glove but they stopped making them. Somehow, a pair of my wife's panties got mixed in with my silk briefs. I put them on with out realizing it until I took them off that evening. Needless to say, I kept them and felt sexy when wearing them.

As to your short skirt, no bra person calling the watcher a pervert for looking at what she is showing: That is just an exhibitionist absolving herself of all the guilt and responsibility. "Just because I get off showing my pussy and tits, doesn't mean you should look."

You have questions? I have answers but that is enough typing for now.

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