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Nate led me through parts of The City I had never seen before, or only from a distance... a journey of discovery in my own backyard! Parks, hills, and twisty neighborhoods drew my eye. I sketched and painted frequently. Nate had his tenor 'uke to provide flavor.

All this exercise keeping us sleek meant we would only need the gym's pool most evenings. In bed, Nate kissed my sore biking muscles and other juicy bits. I only howled a little.


Tickets awaited us Sunday at The Boarding House for the Demons' show. Feeny saw us and waved us backstage. All the band hugged us.

"Nate, we've played for years," Mick said, "we think we know what we're doing. But fuck-ola, we have NEVER sounded this good! You are a wizard, man!"

"And these are only prototypes? Holy fuck," Rolf said. "Go into production with these and I guarantee, every working group in the country will drool for them. But watch out for cheap Japanese knockoffs."

I smiled. "My old law firm will drool over the prospect of patent infringement lawsuits."

"Enough now," Signe said. "Go grab your seats and see how great we sound."

Yes, they sounded great. Yes, they bought the prototypes. Everyone was happy.

===== the rest of the summer =====

We fell into a rhythm, knowing it would change when Nate's SF State courses took much of his time. I painted portraits Mondays and Wednesdays with Nate on hand, diagramming circuits or writing songs. He kept another tenor 'ukulele at the rented studio.

On other days we biked up and down the coast, except for occasional weekend events at Argo's galleries, or more car-painting sessions. Our corporation lent gift vehicles from such sessions to our management team for personal use; thus Open Services LLC did not need to store or maintain them. Clever, are we not?

We spent time at the gym, and at Maxwell's Demon shows (with Nate sometimes playing), and on the waterfront, and otherwise enjoying ourselves. That means lots of lovemaking. I felt like we were one spirit in two bodies; but two bodies were definitely involved in fucking.

All was not well. Señor Figueroa was an old cat now, and less lively, and he slept a lot. One morning he did not wake up. I was useless for a week afterward; I drank and puffed too much. But I was not yet ready for a kitten. I needed to cherish memories first.

I hated to admit that Figgy's passing freed us for bike camping. Nate led us down the coast to a World War II lookout tower on a clifftop above Devil's Slide one afternoon. We swung around the chain-link fence, locked the bikes at the tower's base, hauled our light packs to the top, and anchored the old small tent to the open meshwork flooring.

"I was up here once and didn't have the tent tied down," he said. "A strong wind caught the sucker and blew it right over the edge. It's probably in Peru by now."

Waves crashing on the rocks below drowned traffic noise. Sips and puffs relaxed us. We made love with the tent rippling in the wind and the tower rocking slightly. I howled my orgasms in perfect safety.

We stayed on that dramatic tower for two nights. I started healing then.

Nate won acceptance in all SF State programs he applied for. He will major in electronics, minor in liberal studies including more guitar classes, and he also made the swim program, which will fill his Saturdays. He is a bit old for a swimming star but he will do fine, I know it!

===== the rest of the year =====

Nate was busy with school six days each week; we had only Sundays to ourselves unless I accepted limited 'events'. I scheduled portrait sittings for weeknights when he could be in the rented studio but now those were mostly for sketches or photo shoots that I would paint the next day. Notables from near and far still wanted a portrayal by L.Barnes. I remained a star.

Nate wrote more songs for the Demons but had little time to play with them. A couple songs they recorded were regional hits. The 'Holiday' royalties spiked as each public day neared.

Captain (now Major) Jason Neary's tedious West German deployment was over; Lyn drove him, Lori, and Larry up for a long Thanksgiving weekend. They loved our new home, and my fresh paintings, and the Maxwell's Demon show at Winterland. Jason and Lyn were awed to be hugged by their musical heroes while the kids giggled at a backstage rendering of 'Anty Lidee's Song'. The band was proud to sit for a fast portrait with the song's muses. I would paint free versions for all, of course.

Lori and Larry missed Figgy nearly as much as I did. We cried together and put flowers and beads on his backyard grave.


Nate and I took a long Winter Solstice break in Mendocino without drama. After a Christmas Eve evening of torrid lovemaking, we showered and lounged in bed.

As we almost dozed, Nate said, nearly off-handedly, "Hey babe, want to get married one of these days?"

I did not stop to ponder. "Yes," I whispered. "Yes, I do."

I felt him slip into sleep. I could not close my eyes all night. I laid my head on his chest, felt his warm breath, his lungs working, his heart beating, and yes, joy and fear swept over me.

I must have slept eventually because I woke when he left the bed to pee. I followed him, and returned to bed.

"Did you mean that?" I dared to ask.

"Well," he yawned, "I know I wasn't really romantic, but it seemed like the right thing to say at the right time. So, are you up for getting hitched?"

"Yes yes yes yessss," I hissed, and threw myself on him.

"You sure?" he asked.

I twisted and sucked his cock as far down my throat as I could. I took a breath and looked up to his face.

"Damn sure," I said, and returned to fellatio. He stiffened sufficiently; I rode him like a cowgirl.

"Yes yes yes yessss, damn damn damn sure, oh fuck yes," I cried, bouncing on him, my breasts swaying until he mouthed and fondled me. "Oh damn oh damn oh damn, yes yes yessssss..."

I calmed after I felt him erupt inside me. I fell on him and held him tighter than ever.

"Yes," I repeated, "but when?"

"I have an idea," he said.

We had more immediate ideas. I blew him back to stiffness and he fucked me for a long time.


I fretted a little later. That was my nature.

We lunched at a garden eatery near our B&B. I put my teacup down and held his hands.

"Nate, my lover, hy heart, my life, are you sure you want an old broad like me? I'm old enough to be your unwed mother. I've got—"

"You've got sixteen years on me," he interrupted, "and in another twenty-six years we'll both be just past our primes, you a sleek and sexy sixty-four, and me tottering along at forty-eight. Men don't last as long as women, y'know, so we'll stay equivalent. Oh, by the way: I love you."

He squeezed my hands. I nervously squeezed back.

"Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm 64?" I could not help myself there.

"Bet on it," he said, and squeezed harder.

"Do you want kids? I'm getting too old for kids." I feared his answer.

"If you want kids then I want kids. I think I'll be ready for fatherhood when I finish at SF State in a year and a half. Think you can stay on The Pill for another year?"

"I should probably see an ObGyn before I commit but yes, I think I can handle motherhood. Yes, I want kids. I want YOUR kids. They can have cats and puppies and birds and lizards and..."

"And they'll probably be as sharp as my niece and nephew. Trouble, trouble, trouble."

I slapped his shoulder. "Most likely. But when? When should we get legal?"

"Like I said, I have an idea."

===== Valentine's Day 1975 =====

The wedding and the reception's first stage were in our house's big backyard. Family, our work friends and corporate crew, plein air painters, gym rats, even Maxwell's Demon and Wilona 'Legs' Smithers, all managed to squeeze in; we paid airfares for those more distant. One surprise was an unknown daughter from Nate's first marriage. How would they develop?

Milla and our parents, cousins, and aunts and uncles showed up, as did Nate and Lyn's... a vast family reunion, with friends, all crowded together in a grand melange of memory and merriment.

The Unitarian Fellowship's marrying-burying guy officiated. Both our mothers passed out when we said, "I do"... probably amazed that we were doing something right with our lives.

The reception began in the yard with cookies and fruit juices to wash down the congratulations. Then we passed out swimsuits; and we all, the preacher and Mr Salman too, walked to the gym for a pool party with cake, wine, juices, only a little splashing, and much echoing laughter.

Nate had wanted the wedding ceremony in the pool too but I feared that many would strip, and would strip us, too. No, not prudent. This was our compromise. I was relieved.

We finally abandoned the locals, gave our house over to family, and flew to our honeymoon cottage on the black sands of Kaua'i island, Hawai'i. We swam modestly in the warm waters lapping at the cottage's beach. I knew Nate would acquire handcrafted 'ukes. I would undoubtedly exude paintings. Why change?


===== Valentine's Day 2000 =====

Almost 26 years together on our 25th anniversary! Now I am indeed a sleek 64, and studly young Nate at 48 still needs me and feeds me. Our difficult daughters Wendi and Alicia and their bright husbands and lively kids — my grandchildren! — and Lori's and Larry's families, and Nate's daughter Erin's family, and surviving elders, all celebrated with us in our lush backyard filled with flowers, and cats, and the weird sculptures Nate carved.

Then most of us walked to the gym for a private family skinny-dip hour, a helluva anniversary fest! Nate and I looked okay in our decrepitude while Julia and Romero were amazing, over a decade older than me, but fit from endless exercise. They are our role models.

===== Valentine's Day 2020 =====

Our noisy families, all those generations, came to celebrate with us on our 45th anniversary, but no skinny-dipping now. Not that we look bad; we don't want to shame or intimidate them with our fit, toned bodies, hah! I am a somewhat crinky 84 and young Nate at 68 is starting to slow down after retiring from his electronics enterprise, but our sex is still damn good. And I do not need a stair hoist yet.

I still paint. Nate no longer designs circuits but he still carves and writes and goes a-busking on the waterfront but now plays with a slide as his fingers are clumsier, except when pleasing me.

We hear of a new virus going around but we will beat that. This is a good life.

===== The End =====

Author's note: This scribbling is copyright © 2021 by Hypoxia Smurf. Many thanks to 29wordsforsnow and RandyD1369 for eagle-eyed beta-reading. Any remaining typos and defects are totally my fault. Constructive comments are always welcome. If you like this VALENTINES DAY 2021 contest entry, join the 1%ers and VOTE, dammit!

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29wordsforsnow29wordsforsnowover 3 years ago

Now, after enjoying it a second time, I can honestly say it was a pleasant read which left good memories to read it another time later on.

My personal highlights were the humor - "I still do not entirely trust cats. Even Figgy." - and mostly well balanced story line between ups and downs, trust and doubts, which both leaned to their respective first aspect, the main characters slowly - in terms of story telling, maybe less in a way of reported time - growing together.

While the third quarter was less balanced in that way, to some extent more fairy tale-ish; it also held a different kind of morale: would money (and success) corrupt you - and maybe even your love? In this moment, Nate seems to be the more grown up - or wiser from experience - to stick to his principles, all the while, he's the Devil's advocate, inspiring all these new business projects which might spoil the artist's pure soul...well, it ended happily, I hope.

Thanks for allowing me a look on the raw version.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Love it!

I couldn't stop reading. Standing ovation with 5 curtain calls.

You painted wonderful images in my mind.

Character development and relationships are rich and warm.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
20 pages???

WAY too long. Not even a great editor would have saved this train wreck.

Ravey19Ravey19over 3 years ago
Absolutely Great Story

Maybe a little too long for a contest entry, otherwise a good length story packed with detail making a leisurely and pleasurable read. The style was punchy and quirky which that helped carry one through the detail.

And I loved the humour, fancy giving Lois and Clark as names at the hospital. As we're others such as howling through her orgasms.

Very well done. 5 stars from me.

BobbyBrandtBobbyBrandtover 3 years ago

Nostalgia is always appealing to us 'old' romantics. Nicely done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Wonderful story

Great story wonderful detail especially the electronics back story. Read it all in one sitting. Brings back memories of the 70s. Thank you. Looking forward to your next story.

AloneTooLongAloneTooLongover 3 years ago

Love the story (even though I rarely read stories 20 pages long). Perhaps I loved it because I was married to a younger man for 29 years. Overcritical needs to use paragraphs!

HypoxiaHypoxiaover 3 years agoAuthor

Keep in mind that QS is essentially the diary of a legal secretary with a good memory. A 3rd-person POV would have seen more but felt less. Everything in the novella is there for effect and flavor, and a 'romance' can linger on many details, although I *could* have skipped the homage to Kage Baker.. Sorry you didn't enjoy it. BTW Figgy was my family cat and Maxwell's Demon was my high school band.

OvercriticalOvercriticalover 3 years ago
Maybe there's a gem hidden under all these words.

I wonder how this would have appeared as a 5-7 page story about their actual romance rather than their extensive business dealings. It was a sort of B-school exercise in business development along with the associated legal and management concerns. The first movement to Beethoven's fabulous violin concerto is the longest such movement in the classical repertoire, but only because the first half is more or less repeated to double its length. I wouldn't even begin to compare this quality of "literature" with the music of Beethoven, but this author did the same thing to make it 20 pages long instead of 7. She/he didn't really need to create two episodes where the cars are painted and Lydia gets both a Citroen and an Audi. Wasted verbiage. And all the duplicate sketching, drawing and painting and studio music scenes. Too much without really adding to the thrust of the story.

And you can put me down in the column of those who think 16 years is too great an age spread for people. Not that the age itself is a deterrent, but the level of individual maturation is so different. A 38 year old and a 22 year old are in such different places in their individual growth paths that it would be a miracle if they meshed. Well, in Fantasyland (aka Literotica) maybe such miracles happen, but it doesn't sit right in my mind.

Another point that didn't sit right with me is the inordinate level of detail in the descriptions. I won't win many points among the "woke", but I have found that women writers over-describe the action in a story and without looking at Hypoxia's bio I would bet this author is a woman. The fact that it is written from the woman's point of view is sort of a give-away, but I think the over-detailed descriptions seal the sources gender.

I'm not sure why I slogged through all 20 pages - maybe because in this Covid induced isolation I have some extra time on my hands, but I did and it was indeed a brave literary effort, but I was so worn out that I couldn't rate it above 3*. I'm going to look at something else by this author and see if she can indeed write with some discipline. There may well be a real writer hidden under all that wordage.

Davester37Davester37over 3 years ago
Nice story!

I almost gave up around page 8 or 10, but I’m glad I stayed on. It was worth it!

Thank you for writing, and thank you for sharing your work.

JaceyTreyJaceyTreyover 3 years ago

Amazing epic. An opus. A masterpiece. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

🤔Little too long that an editor could have tightened up, BUT I enjoyed the trip.

Good work.👍🥇

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I thoroughly enjoyed this lengthy but excellent tome.

MacHardyMacHardyover 3 years ago
Lovely story

I loved this. Nice development of the characters, the sex does not got boring, yet stays relevant. Keep writing!

HypoxiaHypoxiaover 3 years agoAuthor
Author's comment

Much of this story, which grew longer than I expected, was written on a tablet and is slightly based on real people and events although I omitted the mass bike streaks, the crowds of naked couriers rolling through the SF Financial District on sunny noontimes. The tale arose from overhearing a receptionist ask a bike courier, “College man?” A distant spinoff “Quicksilver Blues” may be forthcoming. I urge you to listen to psychedelic music by Quicksilver Messenger Service and Steve Miller’s QUICKSILVER GIRL.

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