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You spin me right round baby right round...
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The Manager, Owner and General Everything of Dermadol Specialised Suits looked over at the chief (and only) of design, who was also his brother, with a raised eyebrow.

"The client" he said, "Wants to be upside down."

"What?" said the Chief of Design. "Can't you just tell them to do a handstand or something?"

"No. They want..." The Manager's voice trailed off. "Look. It's kind of hard to visualise. Take a look at the email they sent and see for yourself. They included some pictures and diagrams."

They read the email together. The Chief of design scrolling slowly down, while the manager watched on in silence. He read through it twice, and looked carefully at the pictures for several minutes, stroking his stubbly chin.

You know? This might be possible." He looked out of the office window to the small production area next door, with its moulds and curing oven, the racks of slightly creepy looking empty flaccid suits on their hangers and the chemical smells of dyes, latex, silicone and glue.

"When do they want it by?"

"Absolutely as soon as possible. Top priority. But as high quality as we can give them. If we can get it to them within a week, they will pay an extra 50%."

"A week? Jeez! Hang on. Let me look at that again."

He scrolled up and down the screen, and made some rough doodles on a scrap of paper.

"OK. So if we look at this picture here, it shows a woman on her hands and knees. with her butt stuck in the air."

The design chief pointed a thick finger at the paper, then continued,

"At the same time the client is inside the doll, but facing the other way. So where the thighs go down to the knees, that's where the arms go. We would have a decision to make there.

If we use the the elbows as knees, then the thighs would be really short. If we don't they will be really long. We may have to find a compromise, as we might for the head end of the doll."

"If they are too short we can always lengthen them", said the Manager. "Just put solid latex up to the knee joint."

"Probably. I will load it into CAD and see what I can come up with."

The chief of design frowned.

"This is going to be a bastard to set up. It's a long way from our standard designs internally. It helps that they've provided such detailed and comprehensive measurements for it. But any way, the butt."

He looked the the picture of the woman again.

"We would have to tilt the head back quite a way. And of course, it's imperative that we put some kind of neck protection in. A neck brace basically."

"So the mouth, of course is where the pussy is, and the nose lines up pretty much straight to the anal opening. That's handy. They want eyeholes, or to make the latex really thin where the eyes are. Then where the doll's booty is, there is space for the rest of the head."

"And then finally for the head, there's this bit here. The client, or one of them, has made a cast of her vagina, and wants us to model it and incorporate it into the doll. It should be here this afternoon.

"One of them? How many are there?"

"Three. A Dom couple and their sub." said the manager.

"They want us to cut off the bottom of the cast so that the tongue forms the base. If we shape things right it will hold the tongue in place. It should help lubricate things, and give more sensation to whoever is inside it."

He brightened. A grin appeared on his face.

"Actually, there's no need to restrain the tongue at all. Imagine that. A vagina with a built in warm wet living licking moving tongue! You know, We might be onto something here!"

A frown furrowed the chief designer's brow for a moment as he looked first at the screen, and at his hasty sketches.

"They're going to have to be pretty careful with it though. It's fine on its hands and knees like this, or if it's lying down on it's front or back, but if they sit it down too hard, they will break the nose of whoever is in it. I know the buttocks give some protection. I might need to make them a bit thicker."

"She's a big girl anyway" observed the Manager. It will need to be balanced out."

"Yes of course." came the reply. "The first bit should work well. The way the shoulders flare works well with the hips. We would need to build up the thighs and shape them into the buttocks. The neck is the weakpoint, but there is a lot of padding around it. We would need to put voids in here and there so that it doesn't put too much pressure on the neck."

He took a breath, then continued.

"After that it would be a pretty standard torso. We have the dimensions, inside and out."

He looked up from the screen for a moment.

"We need to tell them to wear a corset. Not so much to cinch the waist, but to add extra structural rigidity. We could even connect it to the neck brace somehow."

The designer pointed his pencil at the picture on the screen.

"They want it to be pose-able, so we would put locking devices on the major joints.

The head would go on here between the legs of the person inside. There would be some sort of catheter involved here. I hope they don't intend to stay in it long enough to need to poop. I think it's best to leave a hole there just in case. That gives them another orifice too. Just in case this isn't messed up enough already.

The arms of the doll would be fitted over the legs of the person in it, and yeah. I think it's best to just give the doll rather long arms."

He looked at the picture one last time.

"At least her elbows and knees both bend the right way. So what's their budget?"

The manager told him, and he blew out his cheeks.

"Wow! They are doing all this to create something that pees through it's mouth, smells through it's asshole, sees through its butt cheeks, and craps through a hole in the back of it's neck."

"There's no accounting for taste. I suppose it's the being fucked in the mouth that they're going for." said the manager.

"Well I left the most important bit to last." said the designer.

"There has to be air to breathe even if the doll is sitting on a soft cushion, or being fucked. Putting tubes from the dolls nostrils would be a poetic choice."

The manager nodded his approval.

"Routing the catheter tube to the urethral opening would make it pee more authentically too."

He looked up at the other man.

"Will there be any problem making the outside to the client's requirements?"

The designer studied the dimensions on the screen.

"That should be straightforward. The person it's modelled on is a little taller than the person going in. A little broader too."

He looked at the photos and added, "The head and face of the doll are mainly a specialised paintjob. They've asked us to put a bluetooth speaker in the mouth so that the doll can make the right noises. We can do all that."

He rubbed his hands together.

"I will make a start right away. Can you tell me any more about the client?"


Well, that would be me. And I am very confused. In fact, the whole week has been confusing. But today is just off the scale weird.

I'd followed the hippie trail here, got a room in a shitty shared house where every night was party night.

After a couple of months, I was washed out, exhausted and increasingly bored. I started making plans to move on but then someone ripped off my wallet while I slept off the previous nights excesses. Bye bye money cards and passport.

I was now pretty much broke, so I looked for a job. This wasn't easy.

No work permit. I scarcely spoke a word of the local language yet. No contacts beyond a group of drop outs.

I wont dwell on how depressing those few days were.

Then one of the girls upstairs told me about a couple that were looking for someone. She wasn't exactly clear what it was they were looking for but she thought it was some sort of domestic or home help. She had a phone number, and I had just enough credit on my phone to send them a text.

They sent a taxi to collect me, which I must say seemed really nice of them.

And a nice pad it was too. Set back from the road in it's own grounds. "There's money here for sure." I thought to myself.

Inside the house it was sparse, chic. Nothing was out of place.

Like the hair on the head of the lady I was now meeting. It was jet black and scraped into a severe ponytail. It gleamed like it had been oiled in the small spotlights that shone from the white ceiling.

She was tall. A couple of inches taller than me, and stockily fit. She was immaculately dressed in what even my untutored eye could tell was a designer suit. She shook my hand very formally, with a tiny nod of the head, although her eyes never left mine.

Despite the severity, she had a smile on her face, and was talking to me in a soft voice. I had no idea what she was saying, and I tried to explain this, at which point it became obvious that she didn't understand me either.

So like I say, it was confusing. Why on earth would a posh lady in a posh house want someone like me? Not that I was going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

We both retreated into silence but she continued to smile warmly at me, and shrugged her shoulders. Then a man walked in. He too was smartly dressed. Tall. Well built. Groomed from head to shiny leather toe. They both exuded an aura of power and confidence. He too was friendly enough though.

He spoke a little of my language. We found out each others names. With the aid of gestures, I asked what the job is and he told me, as best as I can paraphrase,

"Her job takes her away from home a lot. You would fulfil some of her duties while she is away. We think you will start work in about a week. In the mean time, relax. Have fun. Get used to the place."

"Would I be living here?" I asked, anxious to leave the hippy horrorshow hotel.

"Oh yes." came the reply. "Come now if you like. Would you like to see your room?"

Yay! Result!

And so I did relax and have fun. They measured me very carefully all over as soon as I'd agreed to start.

"For my uniform", he explained.

I guess a couple as well tailored as this would want their staff to be smartly dressed. They seemed especially anxious to get the size of my head right. What kind of domestic role requires a hat?

All I could think of was chauffeur, and I thought it might be a fine thing to be driving them in a big black sports car or something. Then I thought chef, but I'm terrible at cooking. If that's what they want I won't last a day.

But life was easy after the constant stress and chaos of the previous couple of months. I had a room at the back. It was bright and clean and even had a TV. I could get up when I liked so I slept a lot. I could help myself to food as and when I wanted.

They gave me some money, some of which I spent on dope and alcohol. I thought they might be angry with me, but apart from asking me to smoke outside, they seemed indifferent to anything I did.

I hardly saw them anyway apart from the evening meal.

I put on a little bit of weight during the first few days, and I noticed they gave me smaller meals after that. They seemed a bit OCD about uniforms fitting properly if you ask me, but there you go.

And then this morning there was a delivery. Shortly afterwards I was called into the main room of the house.

Then they tied me up, and blindfolded me.


Well actually they blindfolded me first.

"The big reveal of the much vaunted uniform!" I thought to myself as I stood, acquiescent before the smiling woman with the length of soft black silky fabric in her hands.

Then my hands were pulled behind my back and cuffed,

"What the actual..." I had time to say before a ball gag was strapped to my face.

After that, it's difficult to say precisely what happened. First thing they did was secure me to something solid. Then they cut my clothes off. They uncuffed my hands but tied my arms so that my knuckles were touching my shoulders.

Something heavy and constricting was being pulled up my legs.

Whatever it was got pulled up to my waist, at which point something met my groin. I felt a tube get manipulated over my genitals, then all of the attention switched to my head end.

Someone manoeuvred my stumpy arm into something soft and stretchy, then my other arm. I could smell a rubbery smell. At the same time, I felt the ball gag being unfastened.

As they took out the gag, I managed a brief loud cry, when a moment later I felt something else intrude.

Something quite soft and flexible that pushed in rather further than the ball gag. It was quite thick at the base, keeping my teeth apart. I pushed my tongue up and felt...

Well it felt like...


Then the pulling continued, yanking my head back and bringing something wrapping, enveloping. The rubbery smell became intense.

At the last moment they pulled off the blindfold and I saw a flash of light, blindingly bright after the enforced sightlessness..

And then somehow, incredibly, unaccountably, bafflingly, I was looking at the back of a pair of legs and I could no longer move or turn my head. All sound became muffled, so that all I could hear was my heart pounding.

They used a glue gun to weld the overlaps in the top and bottom together. I could smell it. Felt the heat of the hot glue around my waist, sealing me into this craziness completely. I tried to move but something stopped me doing more than just rocking from side to side ever so slightly.

I could see them in front of me, but I could not speak. He was holding a video camera of some sort. He walked out of view, and She pressed a button on a remote control. A few seconds later, a screen flashed to life right in front of me.

And that, dear reader brings you bang up to date.

You can understand my confusion, can't you?


I expect to see myself, but on the screen, I see a naked woman lying flat on her belly on a bed.

Her head is face down on a pillow. She has strangely long arms that are stretched out in front of her.

Then he pans the camera along and down, pausing at the squashed oval of breast before continuing over the narrow waist and rounded buttocks.

He finishes at the feet, one of which he lifts up, and I feel a corresponding tug on my elbow.


Now he pushes the legs back sharply, sending the doll's ass into the air, and holy fuck! Everything has just clicked into place.

I push my tongue up into the roof of my mouth again and feel the soft bumps and ridges.

Oh my fucking God!

Desperately, I try to struggle but it is useless. My most strenuous efforts get the doll to shake her booty in a most enticing way.

The man steps back, and films the naked doll moving and jiggling her butt from side to side, and up and down for a minute or so, then walks to the head of the doll, and pulls my legs up under me, spreading them a little to make a stable base.

On the screen, the doll's head lifts from the pillow and hangs down. Its jet black hair swinging to and fro, almost reaching the bed.

The doll twerks much more vigorously in this pose. Its dangling breasts bounce and sway.

The man has removed his all of his clothing except his unbuttoned shirt and his boxer shorts, which bulge even more than the muscles on his torso

Somehow, by some means I cant work out, He can move me at will, but I stay exactly where he's put me. Then I see him turn a little something after adjusting a knee.

Funny how your mind works in times of stress isn't it? "Like a cheap Ikea wardrobe" was what popped into my head when I saw it.

He pushes the chin of the doll's head up, and I feel a pull on my groin. She now looks straight ahead.

Her long dark hair is scraped back into a severe ponytail. Just like the lady in front of me. It has the same face too.

It could almost have been a spare head she'd had specially made for herself for some reason.

Now he is close to me, and the screen shows the doll's crotch. The doll's vulva is flowing with my glistening drool. It looks amazingly realistic.

He pulls the camera back a little, showing the butthole, and cleft.

A pair of wide shocked eyes briefly stare out incongruously before the camera pans away.

Then the screen goes black. The hand holding the camera goes to his side.

The other is resting gently on the head of the woman who is now kneeling in front of him, with one hand pulling down his shorts and the other up her skirt.


"So, dearest," she says.

"What should we dress our new doll in? Wedding dress? Swimsuit?"

"I think those clothes you're wearing right now would look wonderful" He replies.

She gets undressed right in front of me and lays the clothes on the bed. Simple, elegant, as you might expect. Just six items, panties, bra, stockings, strappy stiletto heeled shoes, an elegant white blouse and a short pencil skirt.

She takes the panties off last, and puts them onto the doll first.

They are black lace and high leg. The back is satiny black silk that probably really is silk.

This is trimmed with lace around the edges of the leg-holes and waistband.

There is a rectangle of soft grey material at the gusset, saturated black with wetness in the middle.

She slips them over the feet of the doll, and pulls them up the legs towards my waiting face. Then they seem to balloon as she pulls them out away from the body of the doll to get them over the buttocks.

Then I'm looking through the lacy edge of the fabric and a powerful female smell assaults my nostrils from the still warm fabric now covering the doll's ass and groin.

The last visible trace of me disappears behind a flimsy layer of lace and satin.

Somewhere behind me, I can feel the garment being pulled up and everything tightens up. The thing in my mouth gets pushed in a little further in, and the back of the panties slides between the butt-cheeks, pushing on the tip of my nose.

I feel but cannot see them put on the bra and blouse. I can only watch as the tube of black stretchy fabric ascends the legs until everything gets much darker and my view is reduced to a slit. Through this slit I watch the high heels being strapped to the dolls feet and there is a moment of calm stillness while they stand back to admire their handiwork.

A marvellously realistic doll kneels on the bed dressed in its pretty outfit. If you look, you will see it move its black skirted rump a little from time to time, like an invitation. And if you listen carefully, you can hear a few throttled gurgles and squeaks.

"That's incredible!" He says.

"She looks so like you."

"Mmmmm..." She purrs.

"But will she feel like me?"


So, reader, there's no getting out of this one. What would you like to see happen?

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