Radiance Ch. 96


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"It truly is my love, thank you so much for this," Visa said with a choked-up sound of joy and pure happiness bubbling in her throat.

"you never have to thank me for wanting to make you happy my sexy Alpha, it's my job in life, to make my woman happy and keep her that way no matter what," Seven said.

"You are a good male Seven, far better than I ever believed I deserved, thank you for choosing me over all others," she said.

"Think it should be me who is thankful Visa, you took a chance on me seeing you the way that I do and took a leap of faith with it, if you hadn't doubted I'd have ever plucked up the courage to take the step on my own for fear of losing my head or face," Seven chuckled making Visa laugh.

"These days only place that handsome face of yours gets lost is under my tail or between my thighs," Visa purred making Seven laughs again.

"Yeah ain't that the truth, but can you blame me? Do have such a sexy tail," Seven said running one of his invisible hands up the length of it swivelling it around in a spiral so that it slipped along the underside close to the root making Visa lose an involuntary growl with a healthy amount of purr mixed in.

"If you keep that up I'm going to insist you land us somewhere quiet so I can pee you out of that annoying tin and ravish you, my human," Visa growled huskily.

"Ahh, my sexy alpha Claw seems to be under the illusion that she has any power up here, up here you're in my world sweet scale, up here my word is law and my hands go where they please, exactly where they please," Seven purred back and to prove his point two more of his invisible hands joined the party and while the original one stoked the underside of her tail and tickled between her orbs of glory, these two ran over her thighs switching to the inside as they crawled higher.

This made Visa short circuit and lose a growl that morphed into a gasp as those nimble invisible human-shaped fingers neared the tops of the inside of her thighs, "Now what do you say we turn this flight into a pleasure cruise, would you like that sugar tail hmmm?" Seven said using those invisible fingers to gently pry back Visa's protective flap so that he could get access to the tasty treat hidden below it and making Visa let out a very unClawlike squeak as they traced her outer lips.

"Yessss please!!" Visa howled no longer caring about appearance or status or control, she wanted her male to do whatever he please to her just as long as he didn't take the magnificent sensations and feeling away from her, but that was a worry she needn't have had, this was Seven her most beloved one, her joy was his ecstasy.

So as they cruised along swishing in and out of the fluffy hills, Seven's invisible fingers slipped between her lips and began to attack all of her softest and sweetest spots all at once making her thrash and moan held tight by his restraints, "Oh and I've learned a new trick, it came t me while flying and morphing the shield, wanna see or well try it out?" Seven purred and all Visa could do was nod her head as her words were completely lost in the sea of pleasure in her head.

"That's what I like to see, my girl's sense of adventure, well I figured that since I'm in this can and you're out there and I can't exactly use my real one I can however do this," Seven said and as he spoke the fingers that were currently rubbing Visa's G spot deep inside her morphed into an invisible and perfect replica of his manhood filling her up and making her howl as she realised exactly what she was feeling in her depths.

"Ohhh I think my sweetest of tails approves of my inflight entertainment, well then let's get started shall we?" he said and with that be began to pump his invisible faux manhood in and out of her savouring the feeling and sensation of her powerful inner walls trying to clamp down on him and draw him into her core as they flew.

Under such intense stimulation, Visa had no chance of holding out for long especially as Seven kept torturously changing the tempo at random so she had no chance of letting her body develop a rhythm, it was like every movement was designed to keep her balanced on a razor's edge over a pit of the purest pleasure imaginable until finally she lost her balance and fell horns first right into it.

Visa let out a roar so loud that Seven knew it could be heard for miles thanks to how high they were, he also felt the explosion of hot fluids that burst out of her as her orgasm tore through her like an explosion of liquid fire, he also couldn't help but chuckle about anybody unlucky or possibly lucky enough to be underneath them at the time, warm, thick Claw flavoured rain would be quite the mystery.

By the time Seven landed them back at the camp Visa was a giggly gibbering wreck of a Claw who could barely stand up on her own, she kept giggling like an oversized scaley school girl who got into her parent's cider supply and he had to hold her up to walk back and that's when Vess and Thundertail noticed them.

"What is wrong with lucky Alpha Claw Visa?" Thundertail asked looking concerned and alarmed as she began to rush forwards to help her.

But Vess caught hold of her by the shoulder and she looked at her in surprise as the big Alpha Matriarch Claw shot her a fang-filled grin, "Oh there's nothing wrong with her young one, lets just say she's been enjoying some in-flight entertainment at the hands of her devilish human, that one there truly knows his way to a Claw girls heart and he never misses an opportunity to strike, if he wasn't a human he'd have made a truly remarkable Claw, one I have no doubt that Visa would have had to lock in her nest and guard with the fury of a whole pack of Alpha Matriarch Claws though I'm pretty sure she'd have had quite a clutch to help her do it by now," Vess said with a chuckle and for a moment Thundertail looked confused before what looked like a lightbulb flicked on in her head.

"You's means that they.......up there!?" Thundertail exclaimed pointing into the sky that they had all seen Seven whisk Visa off into before vanishing into the clouds high above and Vess nodded.

"Not sure how but if I know one thing about that male of her's he's got more surprises up his sleeves than a whole pack of burrowed molerats," Vess said chucking.

"Me's thinks me's name for lucky Alpha Claw Visa is correct one, she is lucky to have human-like him, he loves ground she walks upon and air she breathes," Thundertail said and Vess nodded.

"She is indeed young one but I also think it is true of all Claws who are lucky enough to win over a human, their love is nothing to be sniffed at and while the vast majority might not be able to do what Seven can thanks to that power of his, one worthy of you will endeavour to make that up to you in any way they can and trust me when I say rewarding them for those efforts is the sweetest nectar this life has to offer," Vess said watching as Seven helped Visa to their room to lie down though it resulted in him having a lie down too as she refused to let go of him.

When they reappeared later on Visa looked spring fresh and had a true spring in her step and a swish in her tail, "I'm getting you back for that little surprise my beloved human just you wait and see, this Claw knows how to ambush too and when I spring my trap you will be the powerless one next time, just you wait," Visa said as they headed towards the other making Seven chuckle.

"Already looking forwards to it," he said with a grin.

"Ahh, there you two are, well I'm glad to see that Seven has taken to flying like a Radgoose to bullying Gatorclaws," Eve said with a bright smile on her face.

Thundertail subconsciously hugged her tail protectively, "Me's hates those nasty geese, bite hard and will not go away," she said looking around herself in worry of one popping out of the shadows and rushing at her with a war honk.

"So how's the rest of the plan going?" Seven asked.

"Good we've got down where we need to go and I do believe Shauna and Timothy are done with their work as well," Eve said glancing at the pair who nodded their confirmation.

"So far we only have the one but more are on the way, though some more parts would always be welcome and it might be worth doing a trial run on one of those bodies that haven't had their collar detonated to see if it works properly before using it in the field," Timothy said holding up a device that looked like a cross between a gun and a tuning fork to Seven.

"Alright sounds good, how does it work?" Seven asked turning the device over in his hands and studying it.

"Turn it on with the button on the top then place the prongs on either side of the detonation circuit, pull the trigger and it sends a high voltage pulse of EMP right across the circuit frying it and all the sensors at the same time, this should allow you to simply pop the lock on the thing and remove it safely without anyone's head turning into a paste," Timothy said making Seven wince.

"Alright I'll take a flight over to the wild west zone and Dryrock Gultch and test it out on one of the bodies I saw," Seven said.

"You might want to confirm that the bombs are live first you know set one off just to be sure that you aren't getting a false positive," Shauna said and Seven nodded.

"Alright so what about the order of attack?" he asked and Eve nodded and pointed at Chris and Vess.

"We've been going over the documents and details that both Eve and our friendly neighbourhood Gatorclaws have been giving us, those guys are a mine of useable intel, they see everything that goes on around here and their hunts take them quite far out so they've managed to give us quite a few good locations as well as some possibles on those cultists, apparently they worship some form of creature that lives out here and both it and they fear the Gatorclaws so they run when they see them, which could be of quite the advantage to us if they are shit scared of them sending a couple out ahead ous before we attack would throw them into disarray," Chris said pointing to a now far more detailed chalk drawn map on the board.

"A Gatorclaw Vanguard I like it but I'll want them armoured, I know Thundertail's people can soak up a lot of damage and still keep going but if it is at all possible I want them as protected as possible after all this is over I want every one of them still walking around happy and healthy not mourning lost ones," Seven said and both Visa and Vess both nodded both obviously happy at his display of concern for Claw lives.

"Not sure how we can pull that off without Malakai, spiderboy's silk is the strongest and lightest bullet sponge we know of, anything else is just bolt-on by comparison," Chris said.

"Well with my new flying trick, I might be able to go and get some if push comes to shove, I can be there and back in no time at all given the speeds I can go, but we should try and sort this out ourselves first before we distract him for their part of the mission, they have their own worries by the sounds of things," Seven said and both Timothy and Shauna looked thoughtful for a moment.

"We might be able to help there," Shauna said and Seven glanced at her.

"Well I saw a poster on our way over here running an advertisement showing that the Nukacola cooperation was sponsoring the military and one of the things they were doing was painting some power armour frames and droids in their colours, if you could locate them we could strip them for parts and with some clever engineering from my sexy scribe come engineer here I'm sure we could convert the parts into a kind of Gatorclaw battle armour, wouldn't be as comfy or light as what Malakai can whip up but it'll do the job in a pinch," Shauna said.

Seven nodded enthusiastically, "I like the way you think Shauna, my power armour can soak up a serious ton of damage before it gives out, if we can equip the Gatorclaws with armour made out of the plating and frames they'd be basically walking tanks on the battlefield," he said and Shauna nodded.

"Exactly," she said.

"Alright then, well I'm sure Thundertail here wouldn't mind being your model get her to try out anything you come up with and if it works for her we'll go with that design, meanwhile I'll head out and test out our bomb defuser and then finally we can really get this party started," Seven said and with that, the group split up to get to work, while Seven took to the skies, looked like things were finally looking up for once.

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