Rag Doll Ch. 08.1 - Sherry Baby


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Sherry reached out and took my hand, her fingertip lightly tracing a meandering path around my palm.

"Danny, I came to Southampton to...to be as far from you as I could get. I just couldn't be near you, not the way I was feeling, not then. Mum knew, she worked it out, but she chose not to make a big deal out of it; after all, nothing had happened, and if I went away, nothing would ever come of it. At least that was the plan, and then you turned up here and put the kibosh on it! I'm sorry about Mum, I...I couldn't be there, I just couldn't. It would have been too much, I'm sorry! I said goodbye in my own way, and I think Mum understood; she knew why I couldn't be there, she knew what it was doing to me, she understood..."

She sighed, looked me in the eyes and I was shocked to see tears brimming and threatening to spill over from her glorious eyes. What was going on here, and why was she so close to tears? She wiped the backs of her hands across her eyes, and continued.

"It all worked so well; I was doing well, everything was fine and falling into place, and then I heard; Mum told me, you'd won a place at the med school in Southampton, and I couldn't have that, I couldn't be in the same place as you Danny, I just couldn't!"

I recoiled from her. How could she hate me so deeply: what had I ever done to hurt her that she should hate me with such intensity? My head was spinning with the enormity of it; my sister had thrown away her career in medicine rather than be in the same place as me: she'd dropped out and taken a low-paid job rather than share a university campus with me? Why? What had I done to deserve that kind of hatred?

I cringed away from her as far as I could, my own loss and loneliness of the last two years suddenly compounded by the knowledge of why she'd deserted me. I had to ask her, just so I knew.

"Shel... Sherry, what... why... what did I do? Whatever it was, I didn't know; I'm sorry, I would never hurt you, you're my big sister, I...I love you, I didn't mean to hurt you, please don't hate me. Whatever I did, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... "

Sherry stared at me in what I could have sworn was shock.

"What? No! No, Danny, you didn't do anything, Dan, I swear, you did nothing wrong, it was me, all me, I was the reason, not you! Oh baby, come here!"

Suddenly she was holding me, crying as she hugged me tight, and the feel of her arms around me again after so long was almost indescribably wonderful. I held her and soothed her as she cried, wondering what possible reason she could have for not wanting to be anywhere near me, but even to hold her again was, for me, a tiny slice of my own private paradise.

Sherry's sobs slowly turned to snuffles, then soft murmurs as she tried to speak, but I shushed her, instead handing her tissue after tissue and savouring the feeling of holding my lovely caring sweet wonderful big sister again after so long.

At last, she seemed in control of herself enough to let go of me, and sat back so she could look at me again.

"Every time I've seen you these last weeks, I just wanted to grab and hug you, Danny, and tell you how gorgeous you are, how tall you've grown, how proud I am of you, how much I missed you! The only reason I didn't was because I thought you knew what was going on with me, that Mum had told you before...y'know, we lost her, and you'd come to get me! I was waiting for you, but you never did..."

Now she was off in unknown territory again; just what in the hell was she talking about? Time to get to the bottom of this, it was late, and we were talking in circles here...

"Umm, Shel, why would I come and "get" you? What for? Three weeks ago I never even knew you were still in Southampton: you never told me, remember?"

Sherry pulled me close again, hugging me tightly to her.

"Oh Danny, you're still so sweet, I never stopped thinking about you. That's why I dropped out when I found out you were coming here, you were coming to So'ton; I thought Mum might have told you, and I really, REALLY couldn't be anywhere near you!"

We were back to that again. I pulled her off me and held her out so I could see her clearly.

"Sherry, will you just for Chrissake tell me what you're talking about? All this cryptic bullshit is giving me a severe pain in the arse; this is me, Danny, your brother, so just tell me what it is you're trying to tell me!"

Sherry looked at me levelly.

"Daniel...Danny, I left home mostly because of you. I had to. I had no choice. Mum and me, we talked about it and talked it over and over, and we decided that the best thing I could do was leave, apply to a medical school as far away as I could get. Southampton accepted me; I couldn't get into Edinburgh, and even though I was accepted at Birmingham and Leicester, I couldn't go to either one, both of them would have been too close to home, too close...to you."

I looked at her quizzically, but said nothing; she had some explaining to do, but now she'd piqued my curiosity; why did she think those places were "too close" to me? What did she think I had that she needed to quarantine herself away from me?

"Danny, I feel so bad saying this to you, and I know you'll hate me, but I want to be honest with you, the way you asked me, the way you've always been honest with me. I had to get away from home because of...of the way I felt about you, the way I've always felt about you. Danny, ever since we were young, I've been attracted to you, and as we got older, it just got stronger; I wanted you, I used to dream about you. Mum found me crying over you one time, and she got the whole sick story out of me."

I was shocked to see two large tears roll down her cheeks, her beautiful eyes downcast as she refused to look me in the face.

"Oh Danny, I'm sorry, I know how disgusted you must feel, but I can't help how I feel; please don't think I'm some kind of pervert; it's just...it's not...I, I can't help it. I'm sorry, baby, please believe me, I know it's wrong, I never wanted to feel this way, but I do, and I don't know how to make it go away!"

I looked at her, hardly able to believe what I was hearing, unsure whether this wasn't all some obscure prank or put-on she'd cooked-up for my benefit.

"Sherry, are you telling me... you're in love with me?" I asked her, half-way convinced it was a prank, yet hoping against hope she was telling me the truth; my heart leapt as she nodded.

"Danny, I'm sorry: I tried to not feel this way, really, but I can't help it. I'm sorry; every time I dated someone I compared them to you, how you ate, or talked, or walked, or laughed, and they never matched up."

The tears continued to roll down her cheeks as she rattled on, almost gabbling in her haste to say what she wanted to say.

"Oh God, I'm such a low-life, only sick twisted perverts think like that about their little brothers. I didn't want to tell you, I never thought I'd have to, and then you showed up, and you were all grown-up and just so tall, confident and handsome, even more than I remembered, and it all started over again, only now, now you were an adult, so big, so grown up, a grown man now, so I thought I could lead you on and see if you were interested and if you were we could have something, and you weren't, you ignored me. I'm so, so sorry I embarrassed you in front of everyone. I'm sorry, please don't hate me!"

She was crying properly now, big, distressed sobs, and I hurriedly pulled her into me. My head was spinning, but my heart was singing; beautiful, sexy, desirable Sherry, my gorgeous young aunt, my beautiful big sister, the girl of my dreams, wanted me; she wanted me, oh yes, yes, Halle-fucking-luiah!

I pulled her closer still as she cried, and she wrapped her arms around my neck, and suddenly she was sitting on my lap and hugging me like it was the most natural thing in the world. I stroked her hair and murmured in her perfect little ear as she cried, telling her it was OK, that I didn't hate her, that she didn't make me sick, and that I loved her. I told her that I'd always loved her, and I always would, no matter what, all the while breathing in the intoxicating scent of her, of her hair, her skin, her perfume, the undertones of shower soap and deodorant, being the happiest I'd ever been in my life.

Sherry calmed down as I hugged and caressed her, her lips resting in the crook of my neck as I rocked her gently on my lap, until two facts came to my attention. One, she was lightly kissing my neck, and two, I was getting an erection, and it felt like a good one too. I continued to hug and gently rock her, occasionally gently kissing her hair as I murmured soothing words to her, but I was also enjoying immensely the feel of her grazing on my neck. Sherry was also beginning to shift around on my lap as my erection made itself felt, until it must have become obvious to her what she was sitting on, at which point she began gently squirming, making sure I knew that she knew.

Sherry left off kissing my neck to lift up her head and look into my eyes, her beautiful blue eyes burning like lambent jewels.

"Do you like me, Danny? "she asked, "I mean, if I wasn't your aunt, sister, whatever it is I am, would you like me? Please, Danny, I have to know!"

With my painfully erect cock poking her solidly in her delectable rump, something she couldn't have failed to notice, I decided that honesty was, right then, the best policy.

"Shel...Sherry, ever since I was ten years old, you've been the only girl I've ever dreamed of; I'm in love with you, and I always have been; how sick is that, eh? The most beautiful girl I've ever known is my big sister, who's also my aunt, and she's the only girl I ever wanted. What a pair we make; there's you crying over me, and all I've been doing for the last ten years is pining for you. I love you Sherry; I just never knew how to tell you, but I guess you had enough problems of your own!"

Sherry's eyes widened as I made my confession, then she swiveled around to sit astride me, her fingers interlinked behind my neck, her pose bringing her lips level with mine.

"Danny, you've never lied to me, ever, so I have to believe you're not lying now. If you only knew how it feels to hear you say that..."

With that, she leaped forward, her body weight bearing me over backwards, and kissed me, but not a sisterly kiss; this was the real thing, and it went through my head like a blowtorch through butter; the one thing I'd wanted since I was a boy, from the most beautiful girl in the world, and now it was really happening.

My hands automatically slid around her waist, holding her to me, then slipped down to cup and squeeze her lovely show-stopping little rump, pulling her belly to belly with me, something I'd wanted to do and fantasised about all my life. Sherry moaned into my mouth as she ground herself against me, her lips pressing even more tightly against mine, her tongue probing inside my mouth as she writhed and rubbed against me.

My cock was like a steel bar, and Sherry grinding against it wasn't helping matters. I tried to stop, and I did, for about 0.001 of a second, then pulled her in even closer; this was my perfect fantasy, my dream come true, and the fact she was my big sister/aunt/whatever made no difference at all; to me she'd always be Sherry Young; unattainable, shit-hot Dream-Girl first, and big sister/aunt/whatever a very poor and distant second. Kissing her was wonderful, but now that I'd got her here, and I was a big boy now, I wanted to do more and judging by the way she was squirming and moaning as she rubbed against my aching cock, so did she.

I broke our kiss, Sherry staring into my eyes for a second, then a slow smile of understanding quirked-up the corners of her delectable lips.

"So Danny, it's finally come to this, baby-boy; I've been wanting and waiting for this seems like half my life, come here and help me, I want you to see me, what I have for you, if you want it..."

If I wanted it? Was she crazy? Most of my life had been building towards this, now it was here I was going to enjoy every single split-second of it. She must have seen my intent in my eyes, because she smiled that smile, like honey pouring from a spoon, slow, rich and delicious, and I moved in for the kill, slipping my hands into the waistband of her stretchy glossy pedal-pushers. I slid them down and around to hold and squeeze her delectably firm buttocks, while a thousand adolescent fantasies raged through me, all of them centred around me doing exactly what I was doing right then.

Sherry grinned at me, catching her lip between her teeth in a way I found almost unbearably sexy, before cupping my face in both her hands and kissing me once again, letting me know that this was where she wanted to be, doing this with me. As she kissed me, she ground herself against me, confirming what she wanted, and I wanted to oblige her in any and every way; when your super-hot dream-girl lets you know what she wants you to do to her, you seriously have no choice but to do it; to hold back would mean a lifetime of regret at lost opportunities, and I wasn't made for regret.

Sherry hissed softly and grinned naughtily, grinding herself against me, obviously feeling me hard and unrelenting against her, not that I was complaining.

I knew what I had and how to use it, had since I was in my teens, and that had stood me in good stead through my teens and early university social life. Knowing what I had, and how to use it meant I'd never had any complaints, and not a few return bouts. I didn't know exactly how long my cock was (because I stopped measuring it when I was 16 and realised the only people who were interested in things like that were the willy-watchers who looked over your shoulder when you took a piss in a public urinal) but I knew, without being arrogant about it, that I'd always delivered, and now the one girl in the entire world I'd always wanted to do it with was here, now, ready and wanting me.

Sherry teased me with her lips, kissing me with darting little pecks on my lips as she wriggled and writhed on top of me, driving me slowly and inexorably mad with lust for her, always ducking when I tried to capture her lips for some serious kissing, always coming back to dot my lips with more of those rapid-fire pecking kisses, soft as snowflakes, sweet as strawberries, while her eyes danced with glee as she played with me.

She should have remembered, two could play games, and I had my hands around her waist, holding her to me, so I slid my hands back inside the waist of her pedal-pushers to cup and squeeze, and fondle her perfect little bottom-globes, seeing her sexy little bite of her lip as I pulled those delectable globes apart just to hear her gasp and giggle.

"Danny, naughty..." she breathed, wriggling even harder against me, feeling my size.

"Oh my, you really are a big boy now!" she teased, kissing me more definitely, longer and more seriously now as my hands explored those tautly wondrous globes.

"Finish it Danny, please..." she breathed, so I reluctantly let go of my two prized handfuls to slide my thumbs in the waistband of her jeggings and slid them down to mid-thigh, finally letting me see the perfection of her body, the alabaster translucence of her skin, and the trim, sleek curves of her body. Looking down at the two perfect globes of her naked bottom, I knew my dreams had come true, this was real, and she was mine.

Sherry kissed my chin and sat up, pulling her top off in one fluid movement, and I gazed in wonder at my dream vision, her two perfect, bite-sized breasts, her protruding, enticing nipples the exact same shade as her coral-pink lips.

"Your turn, baby boy!" she smiled, and I hustled to obey her, tearing off my sleeping T-shirt. Sherry rove her eyes up and down my torso, taking me in.

"Wow, you filled-out nicely, Danny, whoo-wee! You were so slim and graceful when you were young; now look at you, girls must be queuing for this! Too bad it's mine now..."

She slid off me and wriggled and shimmied out of her leggings, revealing the smallest, most minuscule thong I'd ever seen, basically just a pair of threads and a tiny triangle of material covering her modesty, more a cache-sexe than a true lingerie item. I whistled appreciatively; I hadn't seen anything like that since my holiday in Saint Tropez the summer before I started medical school. Sherry smiled cheekily and pirouetted daintily so I saw the whole thing, and my cock, already achingly erect, went to a whole new plateau of arousal at the sight of that slender thread bisecting her naked buttocks so sexily.

"You like, Dan-Dan?" she flirted, winking at me. "I wore it so no VPL with my leggings, and for you, too, in case we ever got...you know, here; maybe you can peel them off me in a bit, yes?"

'Maybe? Fucking definitely!' was my knee-jerk emotional response; Cherie Young, my Sherry baby, was burning hot and setting off all kinds of calls inside me. I went to slip my shorts off, and she stopped me.

"No baby, mine!" she grinned, tugging at the waistband as I lifted my hips, hazed-out and horned-out to the max at what my dream girl was doing, but I focused like a laser when she gasped and stared at my midsection.

"Oh God, Danny, that's lovely, oh my God, oh yes!" she murmured, so I took it she approved.

"Can I?" she whispered, reaching out for me. Are you kidding me? Of course I agreed; this was the moment my life had been leading up to, like arse I was going to hum and haw now!

The feel of her warm little hand on me was indescribable, the sparkle in her eyes as she held and felt my size for the first time was an image I'd hold and keep for the rest of my life. She slid back onto the bed, kneeling next to me and kissing me, never once relinquishing her hold on me, and then she began slowly, gently, fisting me, holding the back of my head with the other hand so she could kiss me deeply, lustily. My arm went around her waist, holding her to me, my splayed hand pressed again her sleek flank as if I never meant to let her go, and I didn't; too much of my life was here, with her, to ever let go of her ever again.

I groaned at her nearness, a soft, involuntary sound, yet another teenage fantasy coming true as she slid up against me. Her warm sweet-scented satin skin against mine set my senses aflame, and memories of her and memories of dreams of her rushed and tumbled though my scattered mind, soaking up the feel, the scent, the here and now of her, while all my days without her tormented my soul. That was the part of me that had always been in love with her, of course; it was the horny student in me that wanted to just fuck her as hard as possible.

But I knew I couldn't do that, not now, not ever, not to my Sherry, the only girl I'd ever loved.

Sherry bore me over backwards again, something she was getting good at, my head hitting the pillow as she kissed me as if it was her life's purpose, while her hand worked at me, keeping me aroused, although it wasn't necessary; just her presence was enough.

Sherry slid down next to me and I turned to her, my arm once again encircling her waist, pulling her close as we kissed endlessly, and I knew what I wanted to do next, what I'd always wanted to do to her. As she continued to fist me, I gently rolled her onto her back and kissed her throat, her shoulder, the hollow of her neck, while she murmured softly and squirmed gently, obviously liking what I was doing. I kissed lower, the notch at the hollow of her throat, and then the upper slope of her breast, but when I flicked her erect nipple with the tip of my tongue her breathing hitched and she gasped softly.

"Oh yes, like that..." she murmured, the fingers of her free hand clutching my bed coverlet as I kissed her body. I played with her nipple, scraping it so, so gently with my teeth, and Sherry shuddered every time I did it, her eyes tight closed and her throat and neck flushing, while her lips parted like she was looking for another kiss. She made such an appealing picture, I was literally needing to pinch myself to check I was awake and this was really happening, but the subtle perfume of her skin, the sweet, heady scent of her arousal, the soft, breathy sighs as I worked her up, I couldn't have imagined those, ergo this really was real.
