Random Encounters: Siren

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A shipwrecked sailor encounters an enchanting siren.
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Enchanted By Her Alluring Song


Copyright © 2020 C. D. Fable

All rights reserved.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

All characters appearing in this story are over the age of 18.


The old ship creaked and groaned as it swayed from side to side on the clear blue waters. The crew scurried about the deck, making storm preparation by securing all the lines and moving things below deck. They moved quickly, the electricity in the salty sea air warning them of what perils that awaited them if they didn't.

Anne wiped the sweat from her brow and fanned herself, quickly pulling at her loose-fitting white sailor shirt. She looked to the horizon. The dark clouds ahead had her worried. Not only that, if the legends were true, the storm might be the least of her worries. She double-checked the lifeline she'd been tying and pulled it tight. Perfect. She looked over to the short, blond, androgynous elf next to her. They went by Alex and were the newest member of the crew.

"Careful, that's no good," she said, leaning over them. "Like this." She showed them the proper technique. "Now, do that to the other four lines and we'll be set."

"Alex! How you holding up?" shouted Gavin as he approached. He was a tall, sturdy, bearded man. He slapped Alex on the back, almost strong enough to knock them over. "Orc Arms not giving you too much trouble, is she?"

Anne grumbled. "Piss off, Gav. Don't you have work to do?"

"It's getting done."

Alex cleared their throat. "Orc Arms?"

"Hah, Anne here." He poked at her muscular arms, earning himself a slap on the hand. He shook off the attack. "Ow, see what I mean?"

Anne crossed her arms and glared at him.

"Oh, don't give me that," he said dismissively. He looked down at Alex, "She's taller than most of the human crew and is probably the second-best human hauler. Next to yours truly, obviously." He looked back at Anne. "It's a compliment, really." He went to poke her arm again, but Anne preemptively smacked him away. "Hey, that one actually hurt. See what I mean? She's even got that bad orc attitude. Throw in the grey skin and I wouldn't be able to tell you apart from the quartermaster."

"How about I call her over and she can show you what actual orc arms look like since you're here bugging us and not securing the rigging."

"Easy, easy. No need to involve Adelgund. Unlike you, I'm not keen to spend an evening under her 'supervision'."

Alex looked at Anne, but upon seeing the fire in her eyes, decided their attention was best focused on tying the lifelines.

"Seriously, Gav, go do your job. I've got a bad feeling about the storm."

Gavin looked at the storm and then back to Anne, his expression more serious. "Her island is around here, isn't it? Probably covered by the storm."

"Who's island?" asked Alex, looking up.

"The siren," replied Gavin with dramatic flair.

"It's just rumors," said Anne, "stay focused on those lifelines."

"Oh, it's true!" said Gavin leaning down to Alex's level. "The big titted sea witch haunts these waters."

"W-What?" stammered Alex.

"Oh aye," said Gavin leaning in closer, "she's an ugly hag who lures in ships to their ruin with her bountiful bosoms. I heard that the round part, you know, the bit around the nipple, is the size of your head, and the nipples themselves are like a dwarf's pinky! No one has seen her and lived to tell the tale."

"Areola. Also, if no one's seen her, how do they know what she looks like?" asked Anne flatly.

"Oh, you can hear it in her devious song," said Gavin with an exaggerated arm wave.

"And other than her chest, she's ugly?" asked Anne with more sarcasm.

"Well, no one pretty would go around wrecking ships now, would they?" He laughed. "Think with your head and not your arms, Orc Arms."

"You sure it's not her voice that's alluring?" she said, reaching levels of unimpressed previously thought impossible.

"What man wrecks a ship over a voice?" scoffed Gavin. "We don't visit the music hall after months at sea. We visit the whores. So, logically, the only reason you'd divert course would be to get a peek at a great set of tits."

"Incredible. I can't believe they won't promote you to helmsman."

"You three!" came a gruff guttural voice. The seven-foot-tall half-orc quartermaster hulked over them. She grabbed Gaven and tossed him towards the rigging like he was a sack of potatoes. "If I catch you slacking again, it's the brig for you!"

Alex averted their gaze as though the ropes had suddenly become the most fascinating thing in existence.

"Anne," said Adelgund with a smile, her small tusks protruding slightly. Anne returned a forced, awkward smile as Adelgund walked away.

Alex let out a long breath as they continued struggling with the lifelines. "She's terrifying."

"She's not so bad."

"And you two..." Alex blushed, unable to finish the sentence.

Anne sighed. "You get lonely at sea... and, well-" she gestured to her muscular physique. "Not a lot of other women go for this... At least not on this ship." She laughed a little through her nose. "Since orcs and half-orcs don't have sexual preferences and only go for strength, well, it's convenient. Plus, it doesn't hurt to be on good terms with the quartermaster. Well, it hurts a little. Her idea of foreplay is... rough."

"So it's only for convenience's sake or..."

Anne screwed up her face. "Well... Yes? No? Kind of, I mean... It's better than nothing. It's just... Orc Arms, you know? Being with her reminds me about this-" she flexed her impressive biceps. "She's nice enough off duty but-" Anne's thought trailed off as a few droplets of rain fell.

Alex pulled a lifeline tight. "Seems like a strange conflict to deal with every few months."



"Weeks. I get pent up pretty easily, and there isn't much else to do on this ship. And with you shadowing me since we left port last month, let's just say the storm isn't the only thing that has me on edge right now." There was a crack of thunder as the rain grew in intensity. "I'll help you with the rest of these. We need to get these done before-"

A beautiful melody rang out over the water.

The ship fell quiet as everyone stopped what they were doing. A crack of thunder broke the silence.

"Alright, listen up!" shouted the Adelgund. She issued the captain's orders, dictating who was going below deck and who was manning stations.

Midway through the orders, a wall of rain enveloped the ship. The deck became a chaotic mess of ropes, crates, and hurried sailors. After a few seconds, words only traveled a couple of feet in the rain. The music continued to rise in tandem with the storm.

Anne finished tying her lifeline as a wave crashed over the deck of the ship. Several large crates and some netting washed by her. She heard Alex yell.

"Alex!" She rushed towards the sound of their cries, narrowly dodging sailors appearing out of the rain as they rushed past her. She found Alex pinned against the rails of the ship by several crates. The ship tilted in the violent waves, pushing the crates harder against Alex.

Anne grabbed the edge of the crate, propped herself against the rails, and pushed with all her might. She cried out, summoning every last ounce of strength. The crate budged and Alex drew a desperate breath. Anne continued to push. It moved enough for Alex to wriggle their way to freedom.

Alex fell onto the slanted deck, gasping for air and wincing with every breath.

"Slowly, you've got broken ribs," shouted Anne. "You gotta get below deck!"

"C-can't, m-move," gasped Alex.

Anne noticed Alex's lifeline dangling off the ship.

"Shit. I told you to ignore Gavin and-"

Another wave crashed onto the deck. Anne grabbed Alex by the shirt and crashed into the rails along with several other sailors. Alex fell unconscious.

"Shit shit shit!" Anne untied her lifeline and fastened it around Alex.

Adelgund's voice cut through the rain, "Cargo's loose! Look out!"

Anne looked up just in time to see a crate hurtling towards her. She pushed Alex out of the way. The crate connected with her sending her careening backward over the rails.

The fall felt like an eternity.

She hit the water with a dull smack. As her consciousness waned, the haunting melody grew louder and louder. She sunk into the violent waters. The music was all around her. It was oddly peaceful, calming even. There was a flicker of turquoise as the music faded along with her consciousness.

* * * * * *

Anne sat up and gasped for air. After several desperate breaths, she frantically looked around. The bright sunlight blinded her eyes. She patted herself down. She was mostly dry save for her back and hair. She felt sand and could hear the gentle lapping of waves on the shore accompanied by the occasional squawk of some distant gulls.

Her eyes adjusted and she found herself on a beach. The sun hung high above in the cloudless blue sky. There was ocean as far as her eyes could see and no ships in sight.

She took a steady breath, followed by a controlled exhale. The taste of the salty sea air lingered in her nose. "Well, I'm alive." A wave washed over her, re-wetting her legs and bottom. "For now, at least..."

As the waters receded, they revealed a naked half-fish half-human lying next to her, resting her head on her hand.


"Gah!" screamed Anne as she scrambled backward, her face contorted with horror.

"Woah! Sorry sorry!" said the mermaid pushing herself up. She dragged herself a few feet closer towards Anna, who responded by mumbling and pointing at her lower half. The mermaid looked at her turquoise fin and then back to Anne before coiling herself up and sitting upright. She put her hands up and tried to appear as non-threatening as possible. "It's okay! You're safe. I'm not going to hurt you." Her voice was mellow and melodic.

Anne looked her up and down in disbelief. The sea witch of legend. Or was it actually her? She didn't fit Gavin's versions of the tale. Nor any other she'd heard for that matter.

The siren's upper half was beautiful, though not entirely human. For starters, her glistening skin was a light blue hue. Her face was very pretty and unmistakably human save for her long-finned ears. Her lengthy black hair had hints of purple throughout and was impossibly silky for a creature that spent most of its time underwater. Her neck had several closed slits running along both sides that moved slightly as she breathed. She was slender but well-toned, the result of constant swimming.

Her lower half was more in line with what Anne expected. Her vibrant turquoise fin was nearly double the length of her upper half and looked very smooth, soft, and had an almost impossible shine to it.

"Y-You're the sea witch!" stuttered Anne.

The mermaid put her hands on her hips. "Sea witch? Kind of hard to be a witch when you don't know any magic."

Anne looked her up and down again. She had an uncanny beauty and was far from ugly. Her breasts were perky, and on the smaller side, a far cry from Gavin's crassly detailed description. She felt a little silly basing her assessment purely on attractiveness and bust, but that's all she had to go on.

"So," Anne began, feeling slightly more at ease, "W-Who are you? What are you?"

"My name is Ceol. I'm a siren, mermaid, fish person, whatever you prefer." She gestured at her coiled fin-tail. "This is usually the give away," she laughed.

Anne gave a forced smile and a nervous laugh. "And Ceol... you eat..."

"Oh my gods, do you think I'm going to eat you?!" she replied in horror.

"Well, it's just-"

"Fish! I eat fish! And seagulls, but they're basically sky-fish."

Anne gave her a confused look. "Isn't that cannibalism?"

Ceol crossed her arms. "I don't know, do you consider eating chickens cannibalistic because they're also on land?"

Anne felt silly about her line of questioning. The two looked at each other for a period of time that felt longer than it was.

"So," said Ceol, easing up, "are you hungry?"


"Fish," laughed Ceol, "I know you leg-havers aren't fans of seagulls."

"I'd really like that. I'm starving," admitted Anne.

Ceol smiled and uncoiled her lower half and, in a motion that was half slithering half stumbling, moved towards Anne. "Follow me." She offered Anne her hand.

Anne grabbed her hand and was abruptly pulled to her feet. The siren was stronger than she looked. Anne shook off the last of her shock. "It's- It's Anne, by the way."

Ceol smiled at her. "A pleasure, Anne." She smiled at her warmly.

Anne followed behind Ceol as she slither-stumbled along the shore. The siren's movements on land were far from graceful. Anne felt a little safer seeing this and found it somewhat charming.

Ceol looked back at Anne as they moved along the beach. "So, how'd you fall overboard?"

"You saw me go overboard?"

"Well, I found you in the water near a ship I was singing to so..."

"That was you?! We thought you were trying to crash the ship into your island."

"What?! Why would I do that? I was trying to help guide the ship through the storm! Honestly, how did your kind ever figure out the seas?"

Anne cleared her throat. "Well, I had a bad lifeline. Thank you, by the way, for saving me," she said sheepishly.

Ceol looked over her shoulder and smiled. "Happy to. It isn't every day something as pretty as you get tossed overboard."

Anne stopped in her tracks and blushed.

"You coming? We're almost there."

"Y-yeah." Anne ran to catch up to the stumbling siren.

A moment later, they arrived at a spot on the beach where a few dozen fishing polls had been dug into the sand. The lines were already cast in the water; some were motionless while caught fish tugged at others.

"How-" started Anne.

"A few months ago, a ship was trying to make landfall. I tried to warn them about the rocks along the island, but they wrecked. Everyone got in lifeboats, but they left behind some neat stuff. That happens a lot."

Anne chuckled. "Huh, I figured we'd be swimming for our meal."

Ceol giggled. "Well, we could, but I've seen your kind swim and it's kind of pathetic. Plus, these things make life a lot easier. I wouldn't mind a swim with you later, though." She gave Anne a little check with her fin. "If you're feeling up to it."

Anne blushed again. She wasn't sure if the siren was forward or flirting.

One fire and a few fresh trout later, the sun was beginning to set on the island.

"That was fantastic, thank you," said Anne with a satisfied sigh. "I've had nothing but grog and gruel for a month." She looked over to the smiling siren. She moved in closer and sat next to her, leaning against her coiled fin.

Ceol looked down at her, smiled sweetly, and hummed an alluring tune. Anne closed her eyes and listened intently. The melody was enchanting and soothed the last of her worries about being stranded on the island. Ceol softly held Anne's head and pressed it against her chest. Anne got goosebumps as she felt the vibrations of Ceol's voice on her cheek.

She looked up to Ceol, smiling as she finished her song. "That was beautiful. I wish I could sing like that. Hells, I wish any of my crewmates could sing like that."

"I'd be happy to show you," she replied enthusiastically. "Show me what you've got!"

Anne nervously cleared her throat. Placing her hand to her chest, she hummed an off-key sea shanty. Her face reddened with each passing bar until she could take no more. "Sorry, it's awful. I'm usually drunk when I sing it."

Ceol giggled. "No worries. Actually, hold that thought!" She made her way back to the calm waters, almost bucking Anne off her in her excitement.

Anne watched her vanish into the ocean before staring into the glowing embers of the fire. She's very sweet, she thought to herself. Playful too. She idly drew in the sand and continued to think. Very pretty. A goofy smile crept across her face. Very pretty...

There was a nearby splash and Ceol emerged from the waters with a large cask over her shoulder. Anne drank in the sight of the glistening naked mermaid moving towards her. She was so entranced she didn't notice Ceol almost fall over three times.

Ceol put the cask down in front of Anne and pointed to the stopper on the top. "Would you do the honors? I could never get this one open."

The stopper made a satisfying pop as Anne easily pulled it off with a single swift jerk. She could instantly smell the sweet spiced rum inside.

"Bottoms up!" said Ceol lifting the cask above Anne's head.

"Wait! Bleck!" Anne coughed as she drank back several gulps of spiced rum. Most of it ran down her chin and spilled all over her shirt making it stick to her body.

Ceol pulled back, laughing as Anne wiped her mouth and smacked her lips.

"Mmm, it's delicious!" exclaimed Anne between coughs.

"Do me, do me!" said Ceol pushing the cask into Anne's hands.

Anne snickered.

Ceol lay down in the sand, stretching and sprawling out her entire length. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth. Anne took a moment to admire the siren's seductive body. She felt a pang of excitement in her. Her eyes wandered over her gilled neckline, down her supple breasts, along her toned stomach and across her long, scaly, fin-covered, lower half. She let out a small groan of want.

She remembered what she was doing and tipped the cask over. A stream of golden rum ran into Ceol's awaiting mouth. Splashing on her face and splattering all over her naked body.

Ceol's face scrunched up as she drank, desperately holding in a laugh. She rolled onto her belly, unable to keep drinking, and laughed heartily. "Mmm, delicious!"

Anne couldn't help but smile.

Ceol pushed herself upright, her hair whipping around. "Let's go for a swim!" She swayed with tipsiness, almost falling back over.

"That rum hit you fast, huh?" giggled Anne. Her head was already swimming, thanks to the alcohol. "I'd say I've enough swimming today, but sure, what the hells."

Ceol laughed and lifted the cask to her face and took another long drink, spiced rum running down the front of her body.

Anne tried not to stare and failed miserably.

"Alright!" she said, smacking her lips. She clumsily flopped her way over to Anne. "Here, I'll help you."

"Help with-"

Ceol pulled Anne's shirt over her head, nearly knocking them both to the ground in the process.

"Ah!" shouted Anne, crossing her arms over her chest, her face red with embarrassment.

"Oh no, did I hurt you?!" Ceol inspected Anne's body.

"No, no, I just-" Anne paused. She slowly lowered her arms, exposing her naked chest to the siren. Her face reddened further. "I wasn't expecting that." Her heart raced. She didn't feel as awkward as she expected being exposed in front of Ceol. She wondered if it was the fact that Ceol had been naked since they met, or maybe she drank too much rum.

"Well, I know you humans are fussy about getting your clothes wet."

"Yeah-" said Anne gazing into the siren's eyes. "Uh, yes."

Ceol gazed right back at Anne. "Well, then let's stop wasting time."

Anne got goosebumps as Ceol pressed her body against her. The siren's warmth made her want to collapse into Ceol's arms. She would have if those arms weren't busy pulling down her pants.

She kicked off her boats and stood naked in front of the siren. Her heart beat faster. What am I expecting to happen here, she thought to herself. She felt a knot in the pit of her stomach. She wished she could pull herself inward. What the hells am I doing. She brought her legs together, crossed her arms around her stomach, and looked at the sand.
