Reading the Defense Ch. 06


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Samantha moved in the seat, sitting on the edge as she got familiar with the local fixtures. Gabe turned to Samantha and saw her smile as she took it all in. He pointed over to the coffee stand, "There's a cute woman who runs that coffee shop. She doesn't let anyone drive up, you have to walk up. Even if it's fifteen below, with the wind chill."

Samantha turned to Gabe and raised an eyebrow, but he knew she was being playful. "Cute woman?" Gabe laughed and dropped his hand to her thigh, where he squeezed it lightly before resting it on top. "She's got to be in her sixties—cute."

The way he spoke while he laughed made her all warm. But at the same time, made her remember seeing his ex-wife at the stadium during the game. She had forgotten about it, mainly because the game had turned into a wild circus during the first two minutes of the fourth quarter when Marcus Jennings caught a pass and rushed fifty four yards to complete a touchdown. Samantha lowered a hand down to Gabe's and laced their fingers together, he squeezed hers loosely as she turned her body in the seat to face him.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded and then cleared her throat. "Gabe, today at the game—I'm not really sure how to say this." Gabe tightened his grip on her hand and looked at her with a worried expression on his face. "Say, what?"

"Okay, I know you've been married. This isn't news or anything, and I swear I have never looked up your ex-wife or anything like that—but...." She took a deep breath. "Gabe, your ex-wife was at the game today."

For a minute, he didn't know how to respond. Gabe straightened in the seat, his foot slipped off of the gas pedal slowing the truck's speed. "How did you know who she was?"

"Camille pointed her out, she was sitting kind of close to us?"

Gabe resumed the speed and loosened his grip on her hand, but held it comfortably within his own. "I didn't know she would be there. Did she come up to you?"

"No. Have you ever seen her—I know you're preoccupied with the players, but..." Samantha couldn't finish the statement as her voice stammered. Gabe rubbed her hand with his thumb and sneaked a quick glance at her as the truck passed the town's limit nearing the lakeside properties.

"Sam, I haven't seen her in years. I don't see anyone in the stadiums." He brought their hands up to his lips, and turned to her. "Except you." Gabe kissed the top of her hand and held their hands close to his lips for a short moment. Samantha shivered at the gesture, then smiled over at him.


Gabe dropped their hands and laughed at her casual response. "Okay? As in, you really are okay with seeing her? I can't think of why she'd be there, and don't really care."

Samantha nodded her head and kept looking over at Gabe. "I really am. It was definitely a weird coincidence, I hope that I don't see her again—but I'd like to think I handled it well."

Gabe slammed on the brakes and started to pull over to the side of the road. "Gabe!"

As the truck slowed to an almost stop, his eyes raked over her entire body stopping at her blue eyes that were glittering from the streetlight the truck was nearing. "I don't see any war wounds, but you have sharp teeth that can cut through skin." Samantha pulled her hand away and slapped his shoulder as he laughed and pressed on the gas. She gaped at him as he teased, "They really are sweetheart, I have marks all over my body."

"You are impossible sometimes, you know that?"

"Yes I do, but you love me for it." Gabe turned to her and winked.

"You are an idiot. But—yeah I do, so I guess you are a loved idiot." Gabe guided the truck down a gravel path and over a small wooden bridge before pulling it to a stop. Samantha didn't wait for him to get out, as she thrust the door open and quickly got out to take in his cabin.

The small wooden house was exactly as she had imagined. The front of the brown cabin had more windows than she could count. Even in the dark of the night, she could tell that the house was trimmed in white. Perched in between so many overgrown trees dusted with snow, it looked like a snowy getaway. Samantha's eyes were wide and moved from one side of the yard to the next. She turned to Gabe who was standing next to her side. "The porch lights are on."

He laced their fingers together and walked with her as she moved slowly on the snow covered ground. "One of the neighbors stopped by during the week to turn the heat on and turn the timers for the lights on." Samantha stopped next to a wooden bench on the side of the house and looked up at Gabe. "What?"

"What all do you have planned here?"

Gabe leaned down and kissed her glossy lips, only to pull away and purse his lips together. Because of the gloss, his lips were sticky so he brushed a finger across them clearing the gloss off. "Nothing, I wanted to make sure there was heat."

Samantha tore her hands from his and dashed across the yard toward the back and wished it were light so she could see the view. The night sky was brightly filled with glowing stars, the water still from the wintery winds. "I'm not hot enough to keep this place warm?" She called out to him only to stop near the back doors.

Gabe slowly walked over to where she was, checking the windows to make sure they were secured and the insulation boards were in place over the outdoor vents. Samantha's eyes were roaming the wood deck covered in snow, the wooden platform leading out to the lake, the wooden chairs on the porch. Samantha's breath caught and tears fought to break free at the back of her eyes. She walked over to Gabe who was crouched near one of the sideboards checking for rust and crouched down next to him. Surprised by her action, he looked into her face.

"You made everything, didn't you?"

Blinking slowly, he let his fingers fall from the screws and placed a hand under her chin. "Yes, it's what I do in the summer. I didn't build this place, but built pretty much everything outside and in." He gave her a mischievous smirk, "Wait 'til you see inside." Samantha took a deep breath, leaned forward and kissed him deeply. Her legs were beginning to fall asleep, both of their jackets made them look like giant marshmallows but she didn't care. She had known his house would be impressive, but this was above and beyond.

Whispering to Gabe when she pulled away, "I want to see inside, now." All he could do was nod at her, this woman who had the ability to break all of his self control. They walked back to the truck and picked up the bags; naturally he reached for Samantha's. Being the type of woman she was, packing light—did not exist. She laughed at him and grabbed her own bag and together they made their way to the front door. As Gabe got the door unlocked, Samantha's breath hovered on the enclosed porch.

After a couple of jabs, the frozen lock finally gave way and they walked in only to have Samantha once again stop dead in her tracks as she walked straight into a side table. She gave a 'whoop' of surprise and started to fall to the ground. With the light from the porch shining through the open door, Gabe moved quick and grabbed her before she fell to the hard wood floors. Helping her up, Samantha looked up into his face with wide eyes. Gabe was the first one to laugh. Only she would be the one to fall like that, and he would be the one to catch her.

Dropping her bags, she started to walk through the small cabin. The rich smells of oak were ever present from the house's foundation. Much like his house back in Rockford, the walls were filled with candid pictures of playing days and family and friends. There was plush overstuffed couches in one room and overstuffed chairs in another. Where in his rented home, the furniture filled the place, here in the cabin it felt lived in. Comfortable. Just right.

In the front room, she noted that there wasn't a television screen and as Gabe came up to her she asked him why not. "Because I watch so much of it with game film during the season, I leave it to the smaller room in the back for catching a show or something. Why do I think we're going to be spending a lot of time back there watching your reality TV series'?"

Samantha smacked his chest and kept walking around. The cabin itself was only one level but was long. On the outside it looked rather small, but as she walked through the halls and saw each room she knew better. Gabe let her wander around, making herself comfortable with the house while he unpacked a few things and started the fire. She couldn't get enough of the house, it was everything that could make Gabe a living house. When she made her way to the kitchen, she laughed outright before walking to the table. Perched in the center of the table, that had been crafted by his hands, was a large bouquet of hydrangeas. Shaking her head, she turned to Gabe who was leaning against one of the counters with a beer in hand.

Samantha sauntered over to him and snagged a belt loop of his jeans with a finger. Looking deeply into his eyes she raised on her toes and kissed the corner of his mouth. Gabe leaned back to look down at her as she dropped back down to the ground.

"What was that for?"

"Everything. You had your neighbor bring the flowers too, didn't you?"

"A smart woman wouldn't even have to ask that."

She raised an eyebrow at him, "I'm a smart woman, and I still say the same thing."

A few strands of her wavy hair had fallen into her face, Gabe let his fingers brush the strands behind her ears. "I couldn't have you come home, and not have flowers." His eyes bore deep into hers, he was giving her this place just as he had everything else that was a part of him. Samantha nodded her head, a tear escaping the corner of her eyes. It was Gabe who led her toward the back of the house where their bedroom beckoned.

Before he could turn the lights on, she threw herself at him pushing him against the wall closest to the door and started to tug and pull at his clothes. With each inch that she brought the shirt up and closer to pulling it over his head, she would give him a brutal kiss. Thrusting her tongue inside only to remove it quick enough that he would be leaning forward for more. With his jeans, he wore a buckle and as his arousal grew harder she took her time removing the clasp and sliding the zipper down. Gabe groaned in agony and pleasure as Samantha moved with infinite patience in getting the jeans to slide down his sturdy thighs. With a strong hand, she placed it on his chest and pushed him back so that he was leaning flat against the wall. Looking deeply into his face, she lowered herself to her knees and began to love him exactly the way she knew he needed. Gabe's eyes rolled back and a moan escaped his mouth as Samantha's warm lips took him. Her sugar sweet tongue circled around his pulsing erection while her hands roamed his torso. With her mouth, she took his body away from him and made it hers.

Gabe's body started to tremble, his hands had found her hair and helped in guiding her in her own rhythm of pleasure. Just when he thought he was going to die, she broke away from him and leaned back on her heels. Reaching down, he didn't know where he found the strength, but he flipped the switch to the lights in the room and half pulled Samantha to the bed. She fell onto the soft fleece comforter with a giggle, only to moan immediately once Gabe started to trace her innermost secret places with his fingers. With her still fully clothed, her senses were on overload. Within seconds, her clothes were shed and Gabe was pushing her back onto the pillows giving her enough space to be comfortable so he could give back to her what she had just done to him.

Starting at her collarbone, Gabe trailed kissed down her entire body. When he reached her inner thigh, Samantha lifted her hips only to have Gabe draw back and laugh sinfully at her. "Hurts, doesn't it?"

Samantha whimpered at him in protest, but gave up with her pout as his hot lips found sensitive skin just above her softest spot. Her head fell back into the pillows as a moan escaped her lips, her hands reached down and toyed with his thick dark hair. His light kisses were driving her mad, he would use his tongue only to draw back and blow on the wet skin. She arched again with her hips only to have his hands press down on her, and his head to fully drop and kiss her where she craved him most. Samantha cried out as she felt his mouth on her. Her fingers tightened on his hair as he brought a finger next to her trembling skin by his lips. On the brink of an orgasm, Gabe took immense pleasure in feeling her muscle contract and as he suckled hard she fell over the edge in aloud wail. With her body still shaking, he rose up and brought himself in between her thighs.

Her body was still trembling with need; Gabe knew she wasn't done but also knew her skin was sensitive and could be set off easily. He kneaded her sides while licking her neck, Samantha's head thrashed to the side and she lifted her knee to rub against him. His arousal pulsing adamantly against her stomach, she reached down and grabbed him. She needed to feel him, touch his hot skin, know what he was feeling.

At the touch of her hands on his erection, stroking him, Gabe growled into Samantha's neck. He couldn't take it anymore, he needed to bury himself deep within her. Pulling away from her neck, and placing a hand over hers as they together held his arousal in their hands he nodded at her in a silent request and she let go. Widening her legs, she wrapped them around him as he lowered himself and entered her in a smooth single thrust. She cried out as he began to thrust into her. Instead of his slow and controlled lovemaking, he moved fast and hard. Samantha squeezed his shoulder and raked her nails along his back. Gabe groaned at the pain that only increased his thrusting.

Gabe's breath was deep and heavy as he thrust into Samantha's welcoming body. Her cries out to him encouraging him to take her to higher levels, but as her body quivered for a third time, he knew he couldn't send her alone. Just as she dug her nails into his shoulder and threw her head back in a giant cry, he gripped her thigh, thrusted his hips and groaned, spilling himself within her.


With Gabe still in bed half dozing, Samantha got up to go and make some tea. Their clothes lay in a giant rubble on the ground near the door and as she crouched low, she grabbed Gabe's shirt from the pile that was under his pants. After shuffling the material, a small and shiny piece of something fell out of the pockets onto the floor. For a minute she sat on her knees, staring at the piece without comprehending its importance.

She must have made a loud indrawn noise, because Gabe sat upright before bolting out of the bed.


He stood over her, while she was still on her knees holding a ring up to him. She grabbed for his boxers and threw them at him while she threw his shirt over her head. Her big doe eyes were swimming with wonder.

"You weren't supposed to see that."

Samantha clutched the ring close with her fingers. Words couldn't have escaped her lips if she wanted them to. Gabe dropped to his knees next to her and held her hands in between his own.

"How long have you had this?"

"A while." His voice was just as quiet as hers. "I got it right after we fought—"

"And you've been holding onto it ever since?"

"Yes. For good luck. At every game, I have had the ring in my pocket and we've won."

Samantha sat back on her heels and stared at him. When she finally found her voice, it was breathless. "For luck?"

Gabe nodded. "It felt like you were right there with me, with every call, every play."

He knew what she wanted to hear and immediately placed his palm on her cheek. Samantha clutched his wrist and they stared at each other for a long sweet moment.

"Samantha, I love you. I know being with me is difficult during the season. But I don't want to be without you. Ever. I want to propose to you, but have to do this right."

Samantha couldn't blink, she croaked out, "" She trailed, losing herself in the words. Gabe leaned forward and kissed her lips softly, before laughing.

"Ishouldmeet your family first."

Samantha's shoulders relaxed and she smiled up into his dark eyes that were as warm as his soul. "Gabe, my family already knows you." Gabe raised his eyebrow at her, while she only laughed. "Through me, goof."


"Gabe, I love you. Only you. Whenever you feel it's right, then it's right." Gabe heard something else entirely in her words. Staring into the depths of her eyes, he knew he had found his match in life. He dropped his lips and caught her mouth with his own. Their tongues danced together and he could feel the tightness in his chest he associated with her love. Pulling back, he spoke.

"I love you. Will you marry me?"

Tears streamed earnestly down her cheeks as she looked back at the man she loved more than anything. "Yes! Yes, I will." He kissed the moist corners of her eyes, only to drop his lips to the corner of her mouth before Samantha turned to capture his lips with her own.

They sat on the floor hugging, kissing each other until Gabe had enough presence to pick her up and carry Samantha back to the bed where he could make love to her. He would continue making love to her for as long as they would have each other.


Author's Note: What began as a telephone conversation over boredom and pregnancy, turned into a love affair. Thank you for sticking this one out, I hope that Gabe and Samantha's story is enjoyable to read as much as it was to write. They've formed a special warm spot in my own heart and I loved every second of writing them together.

As always, I must give thanks to Estragon for reading over this section and the previous four chapters, for really tightening up my writing. Thank you is never enough.

*for Erica

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Anomandaris2Anomandaris2about 1 month ago

This was super cute and a fun lil read.

Bra46Bra46over 3 years ago
It couldn’t have been better written.

What a wonderful story. Well written, solid plot, and a proper ending. As another wrote, no meeting, then jump in the sack, torrid sex, then marry. This seemed like how real life might play out.

WordcraftWordcraftover 4 years ago

Reading a love story from a feminine perspective is refreshing from the wham-bam stories I see. Well written and plotted and thankful the romance was the main focus and not football.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Great read! Liked the struggle. Loved the ending

yankeecatladyyankeecatladyabout 9 years ago

I loved your story!

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassalmost 10 years ago

it makes the world go around. How could Gabe and Samantha not get married? They need one another.

Thanks for posting this story--you've written a great romance.

OverstarOverstarover 11 years ago

I felt the story was a very good read. Thank you for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Great story

I really enjoyed reading the story, but there were a couple of blaring mistakes from a football fan perspective. At one point the injured player is called a linebacker, when he's a wide receiver. Also the regular season for football ends in December. A team would only be playing in late January if they were in the playoffs. Can't wait to read the next story.

luv_romanceluv_romancealmost 13 years ago

Erica, that was a wonderful story. Thank you!

Write some more please....

estragonestragonalmost 13 years ago
Thank You, Ilmonamour

It was wonderful working with you. I eagerly await another story from you. Copy editing good, sweet, hot stories is a delight. And you are a gifted writer. More!!!

VgheatVgheatalmost 13 years ago
Wow again!

THE most beautiful and realistic story on this website. I miss the characters already.

somethingsamisssomethingsamissalmost 13 years ago

Wow great story. I can't wait to read more from you that was a wonderful story. With loveable Characters.

naughtycouturenaughtycouturealmost 13 years ago

I just had to comment on how much I enjoyed the end of the story! I've been chomping at the bit for it to get posted. Every day I've checked... hoping it was up! Today I couldn't have been happier to see chapter 6 there waiting for me :-)

As I have commented before, I love these 2 characters. You did a great job with the dialog between the two... both during their argument in chapter 5 and the reconciliation in chapter 6. I know how difficult they can be to write, but you did a wonderful job showing their emotions and I'm so happy they were able to talk openly about their feelings.

I love that Gabe had the ring already, and was just waiting for the right time. And, I'm glad you didn't leave that up in the air. Because his reasoning that he should meet her family first was just silly... men, lol! It couldn't have been a more perfect proposal. It fit them and their relationship perfectly. Plus, as a reader, there's no way I could've been satisfied with a "he's gonna propose, and you know she'll probably say yes... but we're gonna wait". That would have KILLED me!!! LOL!

Great end to a wonderful series. I also would love to see an epilogue. Even just a one-two page little blurp so we can see that they're still going strong :-) It's funny how characters like these end up becoming like real people!!

Hope to see more wonderful writing from you soon!! Thanks for finally finishing up this wonderful series and giving us the happy ending we were all hoping so much for!!!

NightimevisionsNightimevisionsalmost 13 years ago
Loved it

I loved this story from start to finish. It was a great ending, though I am sorry to see it end.

I hope to read more from you in the near future.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
I'm going to need an epilogue.

This story was too darn good, I absolutely love it, hate to see it end. I beg of you an epilogue! It could even be short! Not even two pages, but please oh please oh please oh please! An epilogue?

LoneStarRiderLoneStarRideralmost 13 years ago

Excellent story. Certainly, one of the best on Lit.

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