Ready Maid Family Bk. 02


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Gage wrapped his arms around her, standing up as she planted her lips on his, kissing him hungrily. He kicked the chair away as his hands pulled her tighter to him and he turned, sitting her on the table.

"Fuckin' jeans...shoulda wore a skirt." Sara muttered as she tore at the button on her pants, then pushed them down quickly and pulled him down onto her.

Gage's pants dropped around his thighs, and his hips pushed forward as she reached down and grabbed his cock, guiding it into her.

"Jesus. Can you believe this?" Julie giggled, taking Sylvia's hand in her's when she felt her come up beside her.

"Shut up. This ain't gonna take but a minute." Sara laughed as his cock plowed into her, and he started fucking her hard and fast, his ass a blur as he pounded his cock into her.

Julie and Sylvia stared wide eyed as he fucked her roughly, reaching up to jerk her shirt open and push her bra up out of the way. His mouth dropped down and covered one of her nipples, making her groan, and a moment later, they both stiffened, clutching at each other wildly.

"Oh my fucking god!" Sara screamed as Gage raised up, his hips slamming forward, burying his cock to the balls inside her as he started cumming.

"Do it!" She grunted, grabbing the front of his shirt, pulling him back down on top of her. "Shoot that shit in me baby brother! Just like that time down at the church!"

She humped up at him frantically, her ass bouncing up and down on the table as he fucked into her roughly.

They stopped just as suddenly as they had started. Gage laid out over her, supporting his weight on his forearms as they both lay gasping for breath. Sara wrapped her arms around him, bringing her legs up, her knees squeezing his hips.

After a moment, he raised up, a smile spreading across his face as he looked down at her.

"Hey there, big sister. Nice to have you back." He said softly.

"Oh shut up, ya big dumbass, and get off me." She laughed, pushing him away. "You can do it proper next time, but right now, I got shit to do..."

* * * * *

"You said you loved me." Sylvia giggled, nudging Sara with her elbow.

"Well, I do darlin'. And there's just so mucha you to love." Sara laughed. "And yer a lot better in bed than most o' the bubbas, lemme tell you!"

She turned and grinned over at Gage.

"You owe me a shirt asshole. You done ripped all the buttons off this one."

"Would someone please tell me when the obnoxious, well spoken woman that got here last week got replaced by this trash talkin' redneck?" Julie laughed, smiling over at Sara.

"About half an hour ago." Sylvia said, looking at the clock over her shoulder. "Right about the time she started ranting and raving about her mama's gravy."

"This is how she talks most of the time at home." Gage said. "I've been wondering when the real Sara was gonna show up, so I'm not surprised."

"I like it, I think it's sexy." Sylvia laughed.

"I didn't say I didn't like it, I was just wondering where it came from." Julie said, looking back and forth between Gage and Sara. "What the hell did she mean when she yelled, 'like that time down at the church'?"

They both burst out laughing, and it was a couple minutes before they were able to calm down. When they finally did, Gage grinned over at Sara.

"You tell them, you tell it better than I do anyway."

"Oh shit, you're gonna love this." Sara laughed, looking around the table. "It was baptism day, the church we went to, Mercy Tabernacle Baptist, did it twice a year, in the fall and in the spring. Well this one year, Mama Mae decided it was time for us to get baptized."

"How old were you?" Julie asked.

"Hell, I don't know, we were in high school. Anyway, this was a long, drawn out, all day affair, and it was borin' as shit. I mean, there was only a dozen of us gettin' dunked, and they coulda done that in half an hour. So partway through, me and him snuck off and went back into the choir room and started foolin' around."

She stopped and took a sip from her Dr. Pepper, then continued.

"We were makin' out all hot and heavy, and we're both gettin' pretty frisky, so we said the hell with it, and decided to go ahead and fuck. I mean, we had been playin' with each other for almost an hour, so fuckin' wasn't gonna take real long."

"My panties was already off, I never did find 'em after, and I hopped up on a table, and he whipped his willy out and stuck it in. We're both humpin' an' pumpin', and right about then Reverend Hall comes walkin' by."

"Oh god, I bet he shit a brick." Julie giggled.

"Nah, he looked down at us and said, 'You kids need to wrap this up and get down to the river, they're about to start.' Then he just kept on goin'! He stopped at the door and looked back and said, 'Sara, you come see me after the services, you don't need to clean up.'"

"'Yes sir.' I said, and wrapped my legs around Gage and started humpin' real hard. He hadn't missed a stroke, and a minute later, busted a nut in me. We got up and got our clothes'n robes straightened up, and ran down to the river just in time to get baptized."

"Didn't you get to cum?" Sylvia asked, looking over at Gage.

"Let her finish." He laughed.

"I don't cum every time I fuck, hon. Most times, just havin' a dick in me is fine." Sara told her. "But that day, Reverend Hall told Mama Mae that he was gonna do some spiritual counselin' with me, and that he'd bring me home later. After everybody left, we went up to his office, and he sucked on my clit for a while, then spread my pussy open and started suckin' like crazy. All that jizz I had up in me just poured out into his mouth and he gobbled it up like he was starvin' or somethin'. I was walkin' bowlegged when he finally quit."

"On the way home, he told me to start lettin' Gage fuck me before Sunday services, or get him to cum in me before I came by the church during the week. I fed him a couple creampies a week till I went off to college."

"That's creepy and hot at the same time." Julie muttered.

"Aw, it wasn't so bad." Sara laughed. "All he ever did was eat me out, and I came buckets every time he did. I still haven't met anybody that eats pussy as good as that old bastard."

"Even me?" Julie and Sylvia said at the same time, then grinned at each other.

"I'm sorry, girls, but yeah." Sara laughed. "Ya'll both got a natural talent, and I plan on lettin' ya chow down on me as often as you want, but ol' Reverend Hall'd been eatin' half a dozen beavers a day for thirty years by the time he started on me. He was suckin' off half the women in the county. Sixteen or sixty, it didn't matter to him, if they'd spread their legs, he'd eat 'em out."

"He was suckin' off alot of the local guys too, but he liked them young." Gage said.

"And you never let him go down on you?" Julie asked.

"No, I didn't pick up on his signals, so I guess he just quit trying." He laughed. "All he ever did with me was talk about my soul, and ask me to have Sara drop by for some reason or another."

"But you knew what he was doing with Sara?" Sylvia asked

"Yeah, right from the beginning." Gage laughed. "She came home after that first time and dragged me out to the shed and told me what happened. I was pissed, but she just laughed and pulled her skirt up and laid back on a bag of feed and told me to fuck her. She went nuts as soon as I stuck it in, so I figured, what the hell, if she's gonna fuck me like this, he can do whatever he wants with her."

"And he never got caught?" Julie asked.

"Oh, his wife knew what was goin' on, but she was doin' alot of spiritual counselin' of her own, if ya know what I mean." Sara chuckled. "She liked 'em young too. She had a deal set up with the coaches at the local high school. They'd send the players that they thought deserved a reward, or needed an incentive to play better over to see her."

"I heard she pulled a train with the guys on the basketball team the year they went to regionals." Gage said.

"Not all at the same time." Sara told him. "Larry Brewster told me she took 'em on four at a time. He was in the second group."

"I guess you didn't fuck her either." Julie said.

All three of their mouths dropped open when he just grinned and looked down at the table.

"You sneaky little bastard. How come you never told me?" Sara asked him.

"I don't know. It happened that summer you went away to cheerleader camp. It only happened a few times."

"How many is a few?" Sara asked, her face coloring with anger. "And don't you lie to me, Gage Carson. You know I can tell when yer lyin' to me."

"I don't know, thirty or forty." He said, keeping his head down. "I mean, it was a whole summer."

"It was six weeks, you asshole!" Sara yelled as she got to her feet. "You fucked that ugly bitch thirty or forty times and it never occurred to you to mention it to me?"

"Sit down Sara." Julie laughed, then waited while she took her seat again.

"I know how you feel right now. He may not have said anything to you about it, but he lied to us."

"Hey, you're right." Sylvia said, looking over at him. "You said that you'd been with four women, me and Julie, and Sara and Margo. This preacher woman makes five."

"So are there any others you might have forgotten to mention?" Julie asked.

"No, and that's the truth." He said, turning to look at her. "I didn't even think about her the day we were talking about that. I kind of figured we were talking about people that meant something to us."

She looked at him for a moment, then nodded and started to smile.

"So, was she any good?" She asked. "She must have been, if you want back thirty or forty times."

"Are you kidding me? I was in high school for god's sake!" He laughed. "She was in-FUCKING-credible! She knew tricks that I never heard of, and haven't had done since. My dick would be so raw by the time she got done with me, I'd have to beg her to stop."

"So I guess the question shoulda been, how many women have fucked you till you were just stupid." Sara said, glaring at him.

"The answer to that would be five." He said, grinning at her.

"Nice save, boss." Julie laughed, leaning over and kissing him on the cheek. "But your ass is still in a sling over this."

"His balls are gonna be in a wringer before I get done with him." Sara muttered.

* * * * *

"Hey, whatcha doin'?" Gage asked as he stepped into the small study off Julie's room.

"Just playing with some videos." She said, looking at him over her shoulder. "I was trying to see if I can make up a few greatest hit clips, and I wanted to see if I could edit that session with Sara and Syl down a little. You know, just kinda splice the high points together with fades in between them."

She saved the clip she was working on and leaned back in her chair.

"Sara said she wanted to go buy some more clothes since she's gonna stay for a while, so she took Syl with her." She said as she turned toward him. "I asked them too pick up a couple of wifi extenders for me at BestBuy. I already paid for them online, so all they have to do is pick them up."

He nodded, then pulled a chair over and sat down. He looked at her for a moment, then smiled shyly.

"I didn't mean to lie to you." He said softly. "And I was telling you the truth when I said that I didn't even think about..."

"It's okay, sweetie. I believe you." She smiled. "I think Sara's alot more upset than I ever thought about being. She has problems with you being honest with her, or at least giving her complete information."

She paused, then continued before he could say anything.

"That's something that you're going to have to work out with her." She said. "But we're not going to have that problem. I'm going to tell you the truth, and you're going to do the same for me. It's the only way we can last."

"Well, you know all my secrets now." He said. "I..."

"Are you kidding me?" she laughed. "I don't know very much about you at all. I know you used to run your own company, but you sold it. And I only know that because Sara mentioned it. I know that you do some kind of work, but I don't know what it is. You disappear into your office for a couple hours a day, and never say what you're doing in there. You're a man with alot of secrets, Gage."

"Why didn't you ask?" He asked her. "I would have told you."

"If you want the truth, I wasn't sure I wanted to know."

"Yeah, I guess I haven't shared a lot of the day to day stuff, have I?" He said. "I wasn't trying to hide anything, it just didn't come up. If it makes you feel any better, I'm not doing anything illegal."

"That makes me feel alot better. But I'm still curious about what you do for a living." She said. "I know you paid cash for the house, but you still need money coming in for what you give me and Syl, and utilities, and..."

"I think I told you that I own a half interest in the diner." He said, leaning back in his chair. "My end from that is a couple grand a week before taxes."

"You said something about getting a manager, but that place doesn't look like it would do that kind of business." She said.

"You'd be surprised. The food industry is a high volume, high income business." He told her. "We buy everything from local suppliers at a discount, and because of the location, we get alot of truckers coming in, and can charge higher prices than the competition. Throw in the fact that the food is great, and you have a nice little money making machine."

"My main income comes from being a business consultant. Sara is my partner. We'll probably clear a little over thirty million after expenses this year."

"Is that before, or after taxes?" She asked, looking at him with a stunned expression on her face.

"After, that's what clear means, hon." He laughed.

"I knew that, but the way you said it..."

"Yeah, I could have said that better. I bill out at eight thousand an hour, and Sara gets eleven. We don't actually bill by the hour, but that's what it comes out to on the average contract. She's more into the financial setup, while I look at the structural and management side of things. Companies contact us, we poke around, then tell them what they need to fix, what they can get rid of, and how to be more profitable."

"And you can do all that in a couple of hours a day." She said slowly.

"Sara probably puts in four or five hours a day, but yeah, once you get in and start looking at things, the problems kind of jump out at you." He laughed. "I used to travel, and spend eight or ten hours a day digging through records, but now we have people that do that for us, and we just look at the end product, and give approvals."

"Having a degree from TCU, which has one of the best business departments in the country, and a masters from Harvard, gets you noticed, and people listen to what you have to say. We..."

"You went to Harvard?"

"Yeah, it only took a little over a year to complete the masters." He said. "Margo worked at a pharmaceutical company in Boston to support us, and quit when I wanted to move back to Texas. Sara got her bachelors and masters at Stanford, then went on to get her PhD from Duke."

"Jesus, I barely finished high school, and I've been working crap jobs, living in my can you..."

"Were you happy?" He asked. "I mean, were you enjoying the life you were making for yourself?"

"I don't know if I was happy, but yeah, I enjoyed my life." She laughed. "I liked living in my van, it was my little house on wheels. I was just scared that I was gonna get robbed, or busted, or..."

"I wasn't happy with my life, and after Margo died, it just got worse." He said. "That's why I sold the company. I found this place and bought it, then the tumor showed up, and I had to fuck with doctors and hospitals, which was just as bad as what I had been doing with the company. So I took off to Europe, and just traveled around for a couple years. I talked to some doctors there, but none of them offered anything better than what had already been done, so I came home."

"Sara saved me. She wouldn't let me just mope around here, she knew I'd end up killing myself eventually. So she asked me to go into business with her." He told her. "We started the consulting company, and it took off because we both had contacts in the business sector. Now we turn down clients because so many companies want us to help them."

"I still don't understand why you would want someone like me or Syl in your life." She said. "You know powerful people, you could hang around with celebrities and movies stars...we're just..."

"You're regular people. I knew as soon as I met you that you could make me happy." He laughed. "I talk to powerful people everyday, and most of them are assholes. They whine and complain about how much what we're telling them to do is going to cost, or how hard it's going to be. And the celebrities are worse, they expect you to kiss their ass just because they're famous. They don't care about what you've accomplished, or what you're well known for. It's all about them."

"You and Syl came in here and treated me like a person, then you fucked my brains out that first night. And it's been a roller coaster ride of good times and hot sex ever since. You've done a great job on the house, so now it's a home, our home. You're both good people, why wouldn't I want you in my life?"

"I swear to god, I don't think I'm ever going to understand you." She laughed.

"Don't bother, it'll just piss you off. I quit trying to understand people a long time ago." He laughed. "I'm more interested in why I like someone, what I like about them, and what I can do to make it easier to like them more."

"Well, while we're on the subject, why don't you go ahead and tell me what you like about me. I know you love me, but liking me is different." She said.

"That's one thing right there. You know the difference between things that are important. And you have a knack for cutting through the bullshit most people spend their lives wading through. You keep this place running, and all I have to do is pay some bills." He said. "You and Syl got this place cleaned up and cleaned out in less than three weeks, but she was following your lead. Her talent is in the kitchen, and you just can't compete with her there."

"Yeah, she does feed us well." She laughed. "But go on, what else do you like about me?

He got up and stepped closer, then pulled her to her feet. He put his hand on her chest and smiled at her.

"You have a big heart." He said softly. "You remember that first day, how nice you were to Syl? Then after I let those other girls go, and it was just the three of us, you tried to help her relax, and let her know that you had her back, that you wouldn't let me hurt her. That really impressed me."

"But what I like most." He whispered, dropping his hands down, then slipping them up under her shirt to cup her tits. "Is your body. You're so buxom, and beautifully rubenesque..."

"Hold it right there." She said, putting her hands over his and holding them so he couldn't move them. "I looked up those words, rubenesque...and what was the other one...?"

"Zoftig." He grinned.

"Yeah, that was it." She said. "Well, from what I could find online, they both mean fat. You think I'm fat."

"No, go look them up right now. You'll see words like plump, sensuous, full-figured, well-rounded, curvy, voluptuous, but you will not see the word fat in any definition of those words." He laughed. "Go ahead, I'll wait."

"Okay, I may have been wrong about that." She smiled. "But you remember that first night, I was laying on you, and you said I was heavy. Then in the doctor's office..."

"You were heavy, babe. You weigh a hundred and eighty pounds." He laughed. "But it's spread over you in such a delightful way, you have this fantastic layer of fat covering you...god, you make me want to cum in my pants just looking at you!"
