Ready Player Two Ch. 03


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J.D. saw the quick battle in Diana's eyes and smiled at the outcome. She pushed Diana gently onto her back and spread her legs, all while continuing to gaze into her eyes. J.D. stroked the soft folds of Diana's sex slowly, gently.

"We don't have that kind of time baby," Diana said softly.

"Shh," J.D. continued staring down at her as she parted Diana's folds and traced the velvety, slickness with her fingers. Diana moaned as J.D. slid fingers up and down the length of her sex but avoided her throbbing button. J.D. was amazed at how lucky she was to be right there at that moment. To have this incredibly intelligent and beautiful woman staring into her eyes, trusting her with her body, trusting her with her heart. Diana had given her a second chance and J.D. knew that her own heart relied on her to not screw it up.

J.D. bent down and started placing light kisses on Diana's face as she circled Diana's opening with her fingers. Diana sighed, reveling in the attention. J.D. took some of the wetness onto her fingers and slicked it around Diana's clit causing her to arch her hips and gasp. Still searching Diana's eyes, J.D. slowly pushed two fingers into Diana's center. Diana's eyes widened and her hips came up to meet J.D.'s palm. J.D. bent down and as she lovingly kissed her she began to slowly stroke in and out of Diana. Diana moaned into J.D.'s mouth, the tension of the building orgasm and the loving way that it was being given were almost more than she could handle. It took everything she had not to take over and rush into it. J.D. ended the kiss, stopped her movements, and looked down at Diana with a smile. Before Diana could protest, J.D. slid her fingers as deeply into Diana as she could. She put her thumb on top of Diana's engorged nub, causing Diana to gasp. She curled the fingers that were surrounded in Diana's tight velvety embrace and pressed them to a special, sensitive area on the front wall of her sex.

"Oh, J.D.," Diana groaned, knowing exactly why J.D. was smiling.

"Come for me Diana," J.D. said gently and began to move her fingers and thumb.

J.D. watched as she took Diana up and over the edge and through wave after wave until J.D.'s hand was sopping wet and Diana was shivering and breathing hard into J.D.'s chest.

"Oh my God," Diana panted and J.D. heard a small sob.

J.D. turned Diana's face so that she could see those eyes again and the tears that were in them alarmed her.

"What is it?" J.D. panicked. "Did I hurt you?"

"No, not at all," Diana looked back at J.D. with love. "That was just so tender, so perfectly sweet." Diana raised her head to kiss J.D. deeply. As they were kissing a noise came from somewhere close by in the house, causing J.D. to jump.

"It's just my parents," Diana reassured. "They must have come in late last night."

"Your parents are home?" J.D.'s eyes got big and she jumped out of the bed.

"Ummm yeah," Diana replied, amused. "They live here."

J.D. grabbed a nearby towel and wrapped it around her naked body. "I thought they weren't supposed to come home until today."

"It is today," Diana's amusement was quickly fading. "Get back here. I'm not done with you."

"Nuh uh," J.D. grunted, shaking her head. "Not with your parents here."

"They live here," Diana stated again. "Are you telling me you are not going to have sex with me while my parents are home?"

"It's disrespectful Diana," J.D. said while searching for her clothes. "Your father... Your mother..." She stammered. "They're in the next room." J.D.'s face was incredulous. "I wouldn't be able to concentrate."

"Well I can. So you don't have to." Diana's voice took on a tinge of frustration. "Stop getting dressed and come here. We still have a few minutes."

"I can't Diana," J.D. looked horrified. "I'm sorry. I just can't."

"Damnit J.D.!" Diana's frustration caused her to raise her voice. "We're all adults here."

A soft knock on the door interrupted their argument.

"Diana? Is the Lieutenant with you?" A deep, male voice asked from the other side of the door.

"Yes, Dad," Diana sighed, staring angrily at a panicked J.D.

"Okay. We have about 45 minutes before we have to leave for base." Diana's father advised. "I'm going to whip up some breakfast if you two are hungry. Your mother is still sleeping so try to be quiet."

Diana heard the smile in her father's voice, but apparently J.D. had not.

"Oh. My. God." J.D. was in a state. "Your father probably heard us. Only I would fall for a General's daughter. This is insane." J.D. mumbled to herself while tugging her shoes on, hopping in place. She looked at Diana, "Please get dressed so that we can get this over with."

Diana didn't know whether to laugh or go into full bitch mode. She decided on neither. "We have 45 minutes," she said lazily and relaxed back into the bed.

"I can't go down there by myself," J.D. whined. "Please Diana."

"Mmmm," Diana purred. "There you go again, plying me with sweet words. I'm not ready to get up just yet. Come here." She patted the bed next to her.

J.D. looked at her, completely exasperated. She finally stepped over and sat down on the bed next to Diana.

Diana reached over and turned J.D.'s face toward her. "My father is not only this hard-ass General that you knew from Officer School. He's also my best friend and number one confidant. He's an amazingly cool, collected, and caring human being that I can and have talked to about everything." She stared hard into J.D.'s eyes and continued, "And I mean everything." Diana rose up and J.D. couldn't help but let her eyes wander to the beautiful breasts that rose with her. Diana smiled as she watched J.D. look at her. "He has also confided in me. We're not just father and daughter. We're friends. And J.D.?" J.D. pulled her gaze back up to Diana's eyes. "He approves of this," Diana said, indicating the two of them with her hand. "And he, and my mother, understand what this entails. So, please, just fucking relax." Diana leaned over, placed her lips on J.D.'s, and kissed her deeply. Diana could tell that J.D. felt the kiss all the way to her toes when she moaned. "Now that's more like it," Diana purred as they came up for air.

"You are amazing and I'll try to relax," J.D. conceded, smiling. "But I still don't think it's right for us to make love while your parents are right next door."

"Okay," Diana countered, teasingly. "Then we won't make love. We'll just fuck like two sex starved strangers. We can do it on the couch if you want. Or how about the kitchen counter. Oooh, I've always wanted to desecrate the formal dining room table." Diana waggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"You want to fuck where your parents eat?" J.D. asked, teasing but also definitely feeling turned on.

"They hardly ever eat there," Diana smiled wickedly. She took J.D.'s earlobe between her teeth and sucked. "I just want to have orgasm after orgasm. With you. Everywhere."

"Let me think about it," J.D. took Diana's face into her hands and gently pulled Diana's bottom lip into her mouth. "Actually I need to stop thinking about it," she moaned. "I have to get to work."

"Okay lover," Diana looked deeply into J.D.'s eyes. "But this conversation is far from over."

Diana got dressed and led J.D. down the staircase to the breakfast nook where General Rogers sat with a newspaper and a cup of coffee. Retired General, J.D. thought to herself while taking deep breaths in an attempt to slow her pounding heart.

"Good morning Dad," Diana said brightly before she kissed his cheek.

"Good morning sweetheart, Lieutenant," he replied unsmiling, nodding at each woman in turn.

"Good morning sir," J.D. replied strongly, not daring to meet the older man's piercing, and seemingly accusing, stare. This man hates me, J.D. thought miserably.

"Dad?" Diana sighed, her hand on J.D.'s shoulder. "Stop torturing J.D."

Diana's father's face transformed completely as his lips formed into a shit-eating grin. "Have a seat J.D. Diana, get our guest something to eat." He chuckled before smiling full on at J.D. "Sorry about that. I just couldn't help myself. I'm glad to see you again J.D."

"Uh," J.D. stammered before smiling back. "Thank you sir."

"It's Saul. Sir is reserved for the base. Or if Diana's in trouble," Diana humphed in response as she made plates for J.D. and herself. "And my only other rule is no "shop talk" while off base. You cool with that?"

"Shop talk?" Diana asked.

"No Army talk," J.D. explained. "Yes si... Saul, I'm cool with that."

"Then we'll get along just fine," Saul beamed an incredible smile at J.D. that she just couldn't help but return.

"I can see where Diana gets her smile from," J.D. mused.

"Every one of them in her extensive armory," the man grinned. "I'm betting you've seen quite a few of them."

"That's enough talking about me," Diana interrupted. "Here," she said roughly setting a plate in front of J.D. "Do something useful with that mouth."

J.D. coughed hard as her mind tossed up the memory of Diana saying something similar to her the day before. Diana smiled knowingly.

"Diana," Saul sighed. "Stop torturing J.D."

Diana pulled up outside of the designated building at Fort Benning and turned toward J.D. "Dad promised me he'd have you free by 1800 for dinner. I guess he's going to be helping with a lot of the new tech training your team is doing this week."

"Yeah," J.D. agreed, feeling her nerves start to jitter. "Apparently they'll be more training with the local troops in Iraq, but some of the more sensitive stuff has to be mastered here."

Diana brushed a thumb across J.D.'s lips tenderly. "I hope you like lasagna. It's my mother's mother's recipe. She'll supervise so I don't screw it up." She caressed a cheek and slowly extended it down the left side of J.D.'s throat, eliciting a shiver.

"I love lasagna," J.D. said softly while returning Diana's gaze of longing. "And I'd probably eat crusty shoe leather if you'd just keep touching me and looking at me like that. I'm going to pay get these windows tinted as soon as I can," J.D. said, wanting nothing more than to pull Diana across the seat and into her lap, but she knew that she couldn't even kiss her properly while on base. There were too many higher ranked officers around who knew them both and the saying "loose lips, sink ships," was never truer than when a general's daughter was romantically involved with a female officer.

J.D. leaned over, kissed Diana's cheek and whispered into Diana's ear, "Then we could make love in the car." She sucked and nipped at an earlobe before opening the car door, getting out, and closing the door.

"Been there, done that," Diana laughed.

J.D. spun around. "The Firebird?" She sighed at the reminder of her wrong doing. Another thought then entered her head as Diana raised an eyebrow at her. "Are you talking about this car?" Once she recognized the jealousy that churned in her stomach it immediately faded, but there was no doubt that it had flared.

"See ya later J.D.," Diana laughed while blowing a kiss as she drove away.

Oh yeah, J.D. thought to herself as she watched Diana drive away. I've fallen and fallen hard. How in the hell am I supposed to deal with being thousands of miles away from her? Possibly for years?

J.D. shook her head at her impossible circumstance and walked into the building.

Diana wiped down the kitchen counters as her mother set the table. Mother and daughter had worked together on dinner for a little over three hours. Few words were spoken but Diana noticed that her mother seemed lighter, not in weight, she had always been a slight woman, but lighter in the way she carried herself. She had also not been condescending at all towards Diana, which was a welcome change. She's humming, Diana realized, as she watched her mother place glasses on the table. Diana smiled curiously at this small amazement until she heard the door being opened.

She rushed into the front room, wrapped her arms around J.D. and gave her a loud kiss on the mouth. J.D. stood stiff as a board, her cheeks flushed. With quick glances at Diana's parents, J.D. kissed Diana on the cheek and took a step back. Diana laughed, took hold of J.D.'s hand, and led her towards the kitchen.

"Dinners almost ready," Diana stated as she took the lasagna out of the oven and set it on the range to cool.

"It smells awesome," J.D. sighed as she leaned back tiredly against the counter and watched Diana flit about the kitchen. Diana looked up with a smile and noticed J.D. watching something other than her, saw tears gathering in cobalt eyes, and hurried over to see what had grabbed the dark haired beauty's emotion-filled attention. Diana's parents were still near the front door and they had their arms wrapped around one another. She could see small smiles on their faces as they rocked slightly back and forth, dancing to some internal music that only they could hear. She felt her own eyes fill at the scene.

J.D. smiled sadly, "They remind me of the incredible love that my parents had."

Diana took J.D.'s hand without taking her eyes off of her parents. "I've never seen them like this."

J.D. looked at Diana and tenderly swiped a tear off of her cheek. "Really?"

"Yeah, really," Diana replied and turned to look into J.D.'s eyes "Remember how my dad said 'don't make the same mistake I did'?" J.D. nodded solemnly. Diana sighed. "He put his career first. Didn't ask to marry my mom until she got pregnant with me. By then I think she was pretty much over it. But she's always been super responsible, so..." she trailed off letting J.D. come to her own conclusions.

Diana looked back at her parents and smiled. "Come here you." She grabbed J.D.'s hand suddenly and dragged her into the formal dining room. Placing her palms flat on the table, she bent over and wiggling her ass, looked over her shoulder at J.D. and smiled wickedly. "So what do ya think? We start like this and then end up sliding all over the top of the damn thing. I'd have to take the tablecloth off, of course."

J.D. blanched. "Stop that," she admonished while looking over her own shoulder. "We're going to be eating on that shortly."

"Exactly what I had in mind," Diana purred, turning and pulling J.D. into her arms. Diana went in for a kiss only to have J.D. suddenly back away. "Damnit, J..." Her frustrated words were cut off by her father's voice.

"J.D.?" Saul Roger's naturally commanding voice beckoned J.D. to turn toward it. "Allow me to introduce you to my lovely wife and Diana's mother, Celeste."

"Hello ma'am," J.D. smiled, blushing slightly. "It's a pleasure to meet you." She offered her hand to the gentlewoman.

Celeste brought her arms up, stepped forward, and wrapped J.D. in a hug.

Now that's different. Diana thought to herself. What has happened to my mother?

"It's my pleasure J.D." Celeste replied while holding J.D. by the shoulders. "All that I ask is that you withhold judgement of me based on my daughter's behavior."

Oh, there she is. Diana held her breath.

Celeste smiled brightly. "Unless she's being very good, that is," she finished with a wink and kissed J.D.'s very pink cheek as Diana's father laughed.

What!?! Did my mother just tease my girlfriend? Who is this woman? She asked herself as she noticed that J.D. was looking as if she wanted to melt into the floor.

"So I think dinner's ready to be served." Diana announced for J.D.'s sake.

"I'll help," J.D. quickly turned and headed for the kitchen as Diana's parents chuckled softly. Diana shook her head at all three of them and followed J.D.

J.D. felt a hand on her back as she looked for something to serve as a pot holder. She stilled before turning. Her nerves were so tight she thought they might simply snap at any moment.

"It's ok love." Diana said softly, looking deeply into J.D.'s panicked gaze. "Take a deep breath and calm down."

J.D. inhaled deeply and tried to hide the nerves. It's just dinner. She told herself. It's just dinner with Diana's parents, the parents of the woman that I've pretty much fallen madly in love with and have had multiple sexual encounters with, in their home, those parents, one of whom is a retired brigadier general. Her mind argued back at her maddeningly. J.D. inhaled again.

"Look at me J.D." Diana put her hands on J.D.'s shoulders. "I'm sorry."

J.D. met Diana's gaze, the what? clearly visible in her eyes.

"I should've been more sensitive." Diana looked sorry. "I'll keep my parent's talking and I won't touch you or tease you in front of them. Okay?"

J.D. nodded her head, visibly relieved. She took one final, cleansing breath and stood up straight. She kissed Diana on the forehead with false confidence, but true feeling. "Where are your potholders?"

Diana smiled. "Here," she handed over a dish towel while grabbing potholders for herself. "I'll be responsible for the lasagna, you grab the bread out of the oven."

Diana served everyone and kept the conversation flowing as they all ate. At one point she noticed her father took her mother's hand and intertwined his fingers with hers. Very shortly after, she felt J.D. take her own hand under the table and fold their fingers together in the same way. Diana could not believe how happy she was in that moment. Her parents looked as if they were finally happy, the only woman that she could imagine being with was sitting right next to her and holding her hand, and everyone she loved was gathered, smiling and talking warmly with one another. Don't ruin this by thinking of the future Diana, she warned herself. Just stay in the here and now. She squeezed J.D.'s hand and smiled back at her when she shared her happy, cobalt eyes. Her parents smiled knowingly across the table. Oh yeah, Diana thought. The here and now is absolutely perfect.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very very engaging and good to read. Guess this is the last but you write so well just hope we might get more sometime. Thanks for this story anyway.

Nerdyqueen94Nerdyqueen94about 3 years ago

Loved this story the characters and their interactions were superb. My parents fully accepted me when I told them I was Bi, they have been my best friends my whole life. Sadly about a year ago I lost my mother she was my world. I know if I had ever had the opportunity to introduce them to someone I was dating they would have teased them and I mercilessly, but all in good fun. I know my father would delight in trying to embarrass me. So very happy I found this I just wish there were more.

flbifemflbifemalmost 5 years ago
So yummy

I know I could never had sex when my parents where home with a guy much less another girl. The fact her parents fully accept her and her girlfriend is so nice. I know my parents never will. I love how you developed the relationship between them. Is there wedding bells in the future?

Trace_WatersTrace_Watersalmost 5 years ago

Enjoying the storyline thus far. I think I'm just as nervous for Diane and JD as Diane and JD are regarding their future. Looking forward to the next chapter. Thanks for sharing curious_joy. 🙂trace

jenorma2012jenorma2012almost 5 years ago
pretty good

I thought this pt was the best one, I really enjoyed it and I hope you keep it up

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