Reality, What a Concept

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Nobody was getting hurt, so what did it matter?
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Rodney J. Crowell: "Till you've been beside a man, you don't know what he wants. You don't know if he cries at night. You don't know if he don't."

= = = =

After pulling into the far slot in the garage, I hit the close button on my remote. The garage door slowly shut out the sunset as I gathered my briefcase and phone. David's car hood was warm, so I knew he hadn't been here that long.

Entering the house, I saw a glass of Chablis waiting for me. Kicking off my heels, as I set my briefcase on the kitchen table, I took a sip. The view was magnificent, as was the taste of this wine. As I entered the living room, I announced my arrival "You upstairs?"

"About time! The bathtub is filling. Did you see the glass of wine on the counter?"

"Not only did I see it, it's already half gone. I hope you have the bottle up there. Ready or not, here I come. Did you remember to pick up the lube?"

"Duh! And risk missing out? Get serious."

Bouncing up the stairs, I found David in his birthday suit. I set my glass of wine down so I could unbutton my blouse. With his five inch cock standing proud, David unzipped my skirt. Once my blouse was open, David slid his hands underneath the cups of my bra freeing my jiggling boobs. They're starting to sag a little, but that's to be expected.

Putting my hands on David's shoulders, he mauled my tits as he alternated sucking the nipples. I felt a few drops trickle down between my legs. Pushing David away, I playfully jumped on the bed, eventually landing on my back. I pulled my knees apart and forced then to my shoulders. David scrambled between my legs, positioned his cock at the entrance to my pussy, and gently slid in and out.

Try as he might to slow his first orgasm, he failed. Less than two minutes later, he erupted inside me. After he rolled off, he fumbled around trying to find my clit. I helped him as he finger fucked me to a mild orgasm.

I slid off the bed, grabbed my glass of wine, and stepped into the warm bathtub. David was moments behind me. We talked about work, weekend plans, and the upcoming awards banquet. My foot was massaging David's cock back to life. He held my leg in place, encouraging me to continue.

Next up would be toweling off, dropping to my knees, and sucking David for a few minutes. He'd then loosen my rosebud by applying the jelly lube. One finger, and then another pistoned in and out. He was considerate enough to make sure I was ready before his tiny cock filled my ass. Once again, he erupted long before I had a chance to climax. My hand tried desperately to finish the job before the moment passed.

Showering alone, I fingered myself to a satisfying orgasm. After drying off, I put a robe on and found David in the kitchen. The sushi, recently delivered, was very filling. David does have exquisite taste in wine and foods. He is such a confident man. He takes what he wants, and he wants me. There's something about the aura of power.

David was spent, so we spent the rest of the evening catching up on work. Classical music had a calming effect on me. We spooned after retiring for the night.

Sometime in the middle of the night, I felt David's cock being pushed into my mouth. I knew the routine and sucked him for a few minutes. After filling my mouth, he rolled over. I used the bathroom and then rinsed my mouth.

The alarm went off as scheduled and David mounted me doggy style. Trying for a fourth orgasm, David couldn't finish quickly. No complaints from me, as I finally had a mild orgasm. That did trigger a small ejaculation from David.

He showered in the guest bedroom while I did the same in the master bedroom. We left simultaneously, with the intent of heading into work.

+ + + +

David and I walked through the kitchen to get into the garage. He hit the button to open the double wide garage door. Mine was the further car. As I was placing my briefcase in the passenger seat, I heard David scream.

"What the fuck is this?"

I looked in my side rear view mirror and saw what looked like boxes and furniture. They were blocking both cars from getting out.

"Dammit! We need to get into the office before nine. There's no way we can miss that meeting."

I responded "Whose stuff is this? Why is it here?"

David snapped at me "How in the hell am I supposed to know that?"

I recoiled at the venom in his voice.

"Shit! These boxes are all glued or taped together. This table has to weigh over one hundred pounds."

Then the 'ah-hah' moment hit me. That was my kitchen table. The one my grandmother had given us when Anton and I got married. My stomach clenched as I checked off all of the furniture as belonging to me. The sofa and loveseat from our front room. The dining room table and chairs. My guess was that the box springs and mattress must be from our master bedroom. The dresser mirror was smashed. Anton knew how much I loved that mirror. I couldn't hold it in. After sprinting to the side of the driveway, I puked.

"What's your problem? I've called for a ride share to take us into the office. The app says it will be here in ten minutes. If traffic goes smoothly we'll still have about thirty minutes to get things set up before the meeting."

"David, this is my stuff. Anton knows about us. Oh gawd, I don't want a divorce."

"That's just fucking great. We need to get this shit out of here before my wife gets home tonight."

It was my turn to snipe "Well big shot, what kind of plan do you have? We need to be in that meeting, and if history repeats, we won't be done until about three. That means someone else needs to move this. Well?"

David was on the phone again. He was stomping around out near the road when he screamed "FUCK!"

I knew better than to speak. He was beat red as he marched towards me "The main road is blocked! Some idiot crashed on the bridge. Red lines both directions on maps. The ride share just cancelled as it's almost forty miles to get here using the alternate route in."

My phone dinged as an email arrived. It was from Anton, my husband of ten years. The email wasn't addressed just to me, as I was one of about fifty cc'd parties. It was also sent to the president of the company we were meeting with this morning, to discuss merger details.

'Leah and David regret to inform you that they were so busy disrespecting their wedding vows that they failed to make appropriate contingency plans. Please see any of the videos attached to get a sample of what I'm talking about. Some of you will get to work with my attorney as we sort out who owes what. Regards, Anton Merino'

For the second time in five minutes, I cleared my gut, this time down to the dry heaves.

"What in the fuck is your problem woman?"

"Check your email asshole."

After fifteen seconds "I'll kill that motherfucker!"

I stayed on my knees as I wasn't certain that I could balance on my wobbly legs. Anton was good. He was not just out of town, he was in London. At least that's what I thought. If he was, he'd arranged for someone to empty our house of my belongings, and block David's garage door with them. The attached videos in the email were certain to get David and I fired. Two things I loved more than anything, my husband and my job, gone for a meaningless short term affair.

When my cell phone rang, it was my personal secretary.

In my best cheery voice "Good morning Ann."

"Not really Leah. HR had security empty your office. When you arrive, your badge won't work. Security will come get you. I hope it was worth it Leah. Good bye."

My tear ducts were already sore, but something told me I was far from done crying.

David yelled at me "UBER has a car in the area. We can still get to the office by ten."

I looked up with my mascara stained face "It doesn't matter David. I've already been fired."

"What are you talking about? How do you know that?"

"Ann called me. Security emptied my office. Have you even talked to anyone?"

"No. I sent Brett a text saying our road was blocked. He had the meeting pushed back an hour. Fuck, I guess I better check in."

Body language told it all. From standing proud and confident to slumped shoulders and shuffling his feet while he trudged towards me.

"Get your shit off of my property!"

I was shocked at the tone of David's voice. His wild eyes had me thinking that he might get violent. I tried calling my brother to see if he could help. It went to messages. When I tried our best friends in the neighborhood, they hung up on me. It took about a dozen calls before my pastor said he would see what he could do.

Reflecting on my poor choices, the next fifteen minutes crawled by. David came out of the house. He smelled like booze.


Raising my voice to bitch level "I'm working on it! Back off!"

The pastor called back and said a couple of guys would be here in about ninety minutes. When David reappeared, an hour later, he was drunk. Worse than that, he was waving a pistol around.

"When are you going to get this crap out of here?" he slurred.

"Somebody is supposed to be here, soon!"

David pushed the gun above his head and fired twice at the angels.

"I want it gone NOW!"

There was nowhere for me to hide. If he's going to kill me, I have no defense. Thankfully David turned heels and went back inside. Ten minutes later two sheriff cars pulled up. An officer from each car scrambled to grab their assault rifles, and then they squatted down around the boxes.

After using bullhorns to warn David of the consequences, a very drunk moron emerged with empty hands above his head.

Even though the helpers from the church arrived as promised, the scene was now cordoned off with yellow tape. I begged the guys to stay, but they left. The good news was that David was also gone. The deputies had arrested him for discharging his firearm.

+ + + +

The hits just kept coming. As I needed to charge my phone, I sat in my car hooked to the USB port. I had plenty of battery, but noticed that there were no bars. The phone had worked fine earlier. When I tried to do anything I received the 'No Service' little red box. Dammit Anton! How can we work this out if you keep doing shit like this?

The neighbors, who had watched David being hauled off, had long ago dissipated. When I knocked on the first door, they simply told me 'Go away or we will call the police.'

I probably walked a mile before someone would let me make a call. The pastor said he would come get me. When I made it back to David's place, three boys were going through my boxes. They got a big kick out of holding up my bras and panties.

"HEY! Get away from there!" was about all I could do. They didn't appear to be very scared of me.

"Model these for us lady!"

I had nothing. In my condition there's no way I could battle three kids, or for that matter even one. They got a big kick out of emptying my dainties onto the driveway.

The sun was sinking in the western sky. Hopefully the pastor gets here before David's wife. I haven't eaten all day and puking had left me a little dehydrated. Was I breaking the law being inside of the yellow tape? Would I get in more trouble if I helped myself to some of David's beer and snacks?

Having that beer wasn't the smartest thing I've done today. Hell, have I done anything smart today? When Reverend Thomas tapped on his horn, I pulled my tear soaked hands away from my face. I wobbled to his car, taking my purse, keys, phone, and briefcase with me. I was holding my high heels by the straps. Too bad I wasn't smart enough to grab a pair of tennis shoes. There had to be several to choose from in one of those boxes.

"That's your stuff in the driveway Leah?"

"It's all of my belongings. Apparently my husband found out about my affair and emptied our house."

In a quiet condescending voice "I see."

Damn it! I need somebody to shout at me. I fucked up. I know it.

"You called from two different phone numbers. When I tried calling you back on the first number, it says that phone number was no longer in service."

"It stopped working shortly after I talked with you the first time. Anton's handiwork, I suspect."

"Quite the mess you've made of your life Leah. What are your plans?"

"I don't know. I need to get my stuff out of that driveway, but it's inside the yellow tape, so I don't know the legalities."

"I'll make a call and get some advice. Did you want to stop by your house and see what's left?"

With tears leaking down my face "Please."

We rode in silence until the good reverend pulled into my driveway. There were no lights on. My key still worked but my heart bounced off of the empty floor. Everything was gone but the dust balls. The enormity of it knocked me to my knees. He's gone. We're done. And for what?

"Reverend, I need to eat. Can I buy you dinner?"

"A quick one. I have some marriage counseling sessions tonight. You and Anton should try to get on my calendar."

I sobbed an unintelligible 'Will do.'

When I went to pay for dinner, my credit cards didn't work. Of course they didn't. Why should I be so stupid to think that Anton would forget about those? Fortunately I had enough cash. Should I waste my time checking to see if my ATM card works? I did. It didn't.

Borrowing an air mattress and some blankets from the reverend, I spent the night in the echo chamber formally known as my house.

+ + + +

The pastor picked me up in the morning, and allowed me to use his phone. Telling my parents what I'd done was very painful. I begged for their help. My father deferred to my mother. After we talked a bit longer, she said they would drive up tomorrow as my father had a doctor's appointment today.

My parents did help me secure two rental vans. I assisted two young men from the church loading all of the boxes and furniture into the two vans. Many of my boxes had been looted. I don't know what Anton did with my jewelry. It was worth a bunch, but only time would tell if it was in one of the boxes.

The entire time we were loading my things, a verbally abusive woman ripped me up one side and down the other. She made it very clear that she was David's soon to be ex-wife and that I should be very afraid. I believe her. She was pissed.

After loading the vans, her driveway was clear. I backed my car out of David's garage. Life isn't difficult when things work. It is unbelievable difficult when nothing works. The young men followed me home, and an hour later, I was alone with my belongings and my tears.

According to the digital fuel gage, I had two hundred eighty miles left before hitting empty. My first stop was the bank. Our accounts had a hold on them. My pleas for cash fell on deaf ears. If I had some money, they'd let me open my own account. This is like that chicken and egg thing. My last paycheck needs to go into an account, which I can't open without that last paycheck. Why can't they just cut me a paper check?

Next stop was the cell phone store. If I could provide a valid credit card, they would reinstate service on my previous number. I knew I had a credit card with a small limit, in my name only. Trouble was I never carried that card. I really needed to go through all of those boxes and see what was there.

I spent the next few hours searching for that credit card. My jewelry was with my shoes. Eventually I did find that credit card, and an hour later my cell phone service was working again. I left a voice message on Anton's phone. I seriously doubted that he would respond, but he proved me wrong when his ringtone played.

"Anton! I'm sorry. Please believe me."

"Sorry? Really? What exactly are you sorry about?"

"Not being the wife I promised to be. We belong together."

"Not happening. How many other times have you exposed me to some slimeball's STDs?"

"David is the only other man I've been with. We got too close at work and things just happened."

"Well I felt that if you were going to play house with David, then you might as well have all of those things you pissed and moaned about until I got them for you."

"I'm sorry Anton. Where is your stuff?"

"In storage. You can have the house. Hey, you can turn it into a whorehouse. Get it? A whorehouse!"

"Anton Please! When are you coming home?"

"Don't really know if I'll even come back to the states. Jeff Jenkins tells me you'll be served tomorrow."

"Anton, I don't want a divorce. You know you'll have to play me alimony now that I'm unemployed."

"You keep thinking that sweetheart. You trusted me too much. I had you sign a second mortgage application a few weeks ago. After getting the loan approved, I immediately converted all that cash into bit coin. Likewise, all of my retirement plan is coming with me. All of our accounts have holds on them. You'll eventually gain access to that money, but it will take time. You're welcome. I've quit my job and am starting a new life. This is the last phone call I'll make with this phone. Tag, you're it. It will take time, but you'll eventually find me, slut."

"No! We can work this out Anton!"

No response so I tried again "Anton?"

Damn it! He disconnected. I called him back, but a strange voice answered.

"Who's calling?"

"Is Anton there?"

"Who's Anton? Is that the guy who just gave me this phone? Are you the whore he said would be calling? When do you want to get together honey? He said you're not very good but at least you're cheap. Can I do your ass? He said you like that."

This time it was me hanging up. A minute later Anton's phone called again.


"No bitch. Don't hang up on me. You still live at 1440 Jackson? Me and the boys are feeling frisky."

I hung up as my heart started racing. Did this mean Anton wasn't really in London? He not only gave his phone to some sicko, but our address too? I called the police, who were less than concerned. Call them when someone was breaking in or at my door. I gave them Anton's cell phone number, but the officer claimed that it went to voicemail.

Feeding myself from the Dollar Tree wasn't a very balanced diet, but it was cheap. While I choked down the food, a sedan pulled up. I raced upstairs and watched from the bedroom window. The car sat there for five minutes before leaving. I was scared shitless.

One of the problems with having my cell phone number reinstated, was that jerks like David could call me. It was around midnight and the asshole was drunk. It was somehow my fault that his wife was divorcing him. Fearing that gun he had brandished previously, I let him rant until he got bored and hung up.

After days of resorting to crying, I was now stoic. Nothing seemed to matter enough to shed a tear. I was just beginning to pay the price.

Dad helped me move my stuff to a storage unit. I was back living at home, only this time in the basement, as my former bedroom had been converted into a sewing room for my mom.

+ + + +


It's been two years since that fateful day. Wherever Anton is, I wish him well. I screwed the pooch, but nothing like the number he did on me. Our house went into foreclosure, but at least I only owed a little after it settled.

If I win the lottery I may track him down, just so I can vent at him. I've vented at him about a thousand times, to our wedding picture that is. It helps me deal with the reality I dealt myself.

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AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago

Good story, but maybe an ending like this...

The man did show up with two of his pals. I mindlessly answered the doorbell when it rang. Three hours later I'd been used and abused in every part of my body. David came by looking for some sympathy sex but they just dragged him into the bedroom and made him their second fuck toy bitch. We both ended up working as whores for them so Anton's words came true, my house was a whore house until the cops showed up and arrested both me and David. Jail is no fun but from what I hear David won't make it out alive.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

never really like the cheaters perspective.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Five inches is right at the lower end of average. Sounds like she had a short term affair for the thrill and excitement but for objectively mediocre sex. Well she paid for it in spades.

LechemanLecheman4 months ago

Cock sizes on LIT appear to be important when conveying a guy's masculinity.

Regardless of size, I've always held the belief it's what pleasure a guy can give to his woman is is way more important - mutual satisfaction.

But, yet again, this is all fiction.

skruff101skruff1014 months ago

It’s always amusing when cheaters get caught and their assumption is that it can be worked out. L.O.L.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

She got her prize.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzar11 months ago

Anon's wet dream.

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 year ago

Mmmmmmmmm nice to see from her side

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 1 year ago

Five inches isn't a "tiny" cock.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good story Leah got caught good! She must have wondered how long he must've known to execute his plan.Screwed her real good,good luck with playing Lotto.It's a one in a billion shot the odds are against you slut.As for David his luck ran out,discharging a gun! I guess we all know where he's going.If Anton plans this out strategically he knows about David's wife temper.Revenge sex is the ultimate pay back,she has warned Leah.This lady is your enemy for life.It'll take Leah time to track Anton down while she's busy dodging David's wife.I say good for Anton an very good for the righter,keep up the good works.I give a rating of 5. Bye.

AllNigherAllNigherabout 1 year ago

So much fun packed into so few words. Great job!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

5 inches were more important than marriage to sl*t

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A good story, but writing a BTB from the B's perspective is rarely a good idea. People who enjoy BTB want to connect with the victim and watch them burn those who hurt them. Writing from the B's perspective, especially in a story like this where her husband was never really in the story, prevents that connection. It's a good story, but the impact is muted.

SteelPaperTSteelPaperTover 1 year ago

Ohhhhhh, poooor her. Treated so badly, so wrong. Just for being a ..... normal female. Should get revenge on Anton.

Elias1Elias1over 1 year ago

I love your writing... over the top BTB stories work because wives that cheat deserve all of this and more ... contrasted to what happens in our reality today.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsalmost 2 years ago

I wonder if it is really possible to do all that is described there? It was an amazing burn, and I hope that someone somewhere out there is getting what they deserve.

ErotFanErotFanabout 2 years ago

Clever opening. Anton moved pretty fast for a "short term affair!"

Dlh143Dlh143about 2 years ago

Got what she deserved!

OdessaLesOdessaLesabout 2 years ago

She sure as hell got what she deserved. Very well written. Great story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Ok. So In the history of the world, the sexes have always been maneuvering to get the upper hand on each other. WW1 and 2, exacted a terrible toll on the male population of Europe. Men had an upper hand because of supply and demand, and women were loyal. Fast forward to today- we no longer have extensive wars to cut down the male population. Women have all forms of birth control available to them. Most work outside the home. The court system is more than happy, to help them screw over any poor bastard that marries them, and has kids. So now, the situation, and the law, favors women. But trust me, evolution is still at play here. There are only so many resources a man will have available to him, in his lifetime. I expect that the pendulum will swing back again, as it always does. Now that sex is no longer a reason for a man to marry, what does today’s woman, have to offer? It is an interesting question....

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