Reckless Behavior


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Jess felt the intensity of his erection slacken ever so slightly. Feeling guilty at her almost medical examination of him, she began to stroke him gently, looking directly into his eyes. To her surprise, his gaze actually flickered and broke off from him. He seemed to shake himself slightly before lifting his eyes to meet her again. He did not step away from her. Her actions resulted in an immediate intensification on his part.

As she stroked him languidly, she had an almost out-of-body moment. Here she was, behind some watering hole, stroking the cock of a man who was a total stranger to her half a day ago. To go this far was madness. To go any further, complete insanity. So the night would end like this. Her giving him a handy, he finishing on her shoes, and the two of them going their separate ways. Not fucking likely.

The pavement bit into her knees as she crouched before him. For a moment she remained on her knees, the tip of his dick nearly touching her lips. She reached for that voice telling her that she was an evil woman. Silence. The scent of his precum hung in the air like incense. It was, in a strange way, mesmerizing. She started from this daze. It must have been only moments. Before she could have another lapse, she slid him between her lips.

The taste of manhood filled her mouth at once. In her present mood the taste was of pure desire. Her arousal intensified and she began her blowjob routine.

She had taken only two dicks in her life, but she had significant experience with both, and she had developed what she thought was a good routine. It had never failed to make either of the men she had been with climax in short order. She began by teasing his head with her tongue slowly, eliciting moans from him. She transitioned gracefully to his balls, licking her way down his shaft until her tongue lapped at his testicles while she worked his cock with her hand. She then worked her way back to the tip, where she bobbed on the end of his dick, swirling her tongue rhythmically.

After repeating this procedure for several minutes, increasing tempo as she went, her confidence slowly dissipated. She had never blown a man this long before. Kieran was making low noises of approval, but all at once Jess began to worry that they were rote, formulaic, bored even. Besides, she was getting a little tired.

"Is... Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, you feel amazing." Was that boredom in his voice?

"Are you sure?" Jess was again struck by the sheer preposterousness of the situation. Here she was blowing a stranger behind a bar and she was worried about his satisfaction.

His response was delayed, only for a moment, but already noteworthy in the short time she had known him. "I think you can take more. I think you want to take more." With that, he slowly began to thrust his cock deeper down her throat. She had rarely had an object this far into her mouth (never intentionally), and as he insistently probed ever farther, she began to worry that he would soon trigger the gag reflex that she had occasionally caused in herself through carelessness.

Deeper and deeper. She soon realized that she was taking him nearly to the hilt. His slight paunch began to bump into her forehead, and she chortled at the thought of that. Perhaps mistaking this for a gag, he immediately withdrew his cock from her mouth, looking concerned. Her response was a quick definitive nod and to take his shaft in her mouth once again.

He remained largely still and very quiet as she blew him. She realized as she slid his cock rhythmically in and out of the back of her mouth that this stillness and coolness was the quality that best defined him. He seemed ready for whatever the world could possibly throw at him, even as his cock plumbed new depths in her throat.

He wasn't totally calm, however. He began to thrust with slowly increasing vigor, and his breath quickened slightly. Jess was by now in uncharted territory. He was essentially fucking her throat and though she wanted to enhance this experience for him, she was unsure of how. She attempted to move her tongue, but she knew she was only reaching his shaft, which must have been of limited pleasure to him. She moved in rhythm with him, hoping that if nothing else her enthusiasm would come through. That motion had a downside: she was already winded from the activity and with his dick thrusting ever more rapidly out in and out of her throat she found it increasingly hard to replace her air. Having her mouth fucked was really turning her on, though. Despite Kieran's ever-quickening pace, he seemed as cool and placid as ever. Could he go all night?

Fortunately for her, Jess soon learned that Kieran even came cooly. "Here comes, darlin," he drawled quietly. Then, very strangely, he gently tapped her twice behind her left ear with his right hand. She didn't stop blowing him but she found herself wondering about this odd gesture. As she pondered the tap, she felt his cock twitch in her mouth. Hard. She had just enough time to realize that she was actually feeling his dick pumping his load directly into her before she felt his first spurt ricochet off of her palate and begin to fill her mouth. She realized that he had graciously dislodged his cock from her throat before letting loose. Jess felt his dick pulse between her lips as spurt after spurt of hot cum filled her mouth with the heady funk of ejaculate.

As Kieran continued to climax, Jess's excitement surprised herself. She hated it when Jaime came in her mouth. It seemed vile, unnecessary. It wasn't that Kieran tasted any better than Jaime or something absurd like that. What, then, made this experience so much better? A mounting emergency pushed this train of thought from her head. Kieran may not taste any better than Jaime, but he certainly came more than Jaime did. A lot more. She pushed down the quick panic that gripped her long enough to manage a swallow, clearing her mouth for still more of Kieran's load.

When Kieran finally finished he paused for just a moment before drawing his cock slowly out of Jess's mouth. She allowed herself to roll the still-warm contents of her mouth around her tongue for a few moments, trying to catalog the taste and feel in her memory. Then she dispatched this portion down her throat.

She knelt there for a moment, breathing hard. The feeling that beat in her chest was one of intense pride. She had had her throat fucked without a single gag and then swallowed his massive, almost unbelievable load with ease. She imaginged she could feel it sloshing around in her full - but by no means overworked - belly. Lower still, powerful, almost overwhelming arousal gripped her.

She had a moment of deflation. She was accustomed to Jaime finishing in her mouth and ending their sexual encounter for the evening. Kieran quickly dispelled this anticlimax.

"Now you," he said matter-of-factly.

She barely had time to murmur her assent before he dragged her to her feet, stripped her shorts and panties off, and faced her towards the loading dock with her legs spread. He bent her forward so that her hands could support her on the waist-high concrete surface in front of her. Standing there in the warm evening breeze with her shorts and panties around one ankle and her pussy steaming, she wondered for a moment if she was about to feel Kieran's cock plunge into her. She was too far past caring what happened next, but she realized that Kieran had just emptied what felt like half of his bodily fluid down her throat, and would probably need a moment to recharge.

For a long moment, nothing happened. She surveyed the drab metal door of the loading dock - her only view - with waning interest. What was he doing back there? Was he going to ditch her after all with the hunger raging through her body?

For some reason she resisted the urge to look backwards. As if looking would somehow break the spell. Her patience was rewarded. She felt his presence close behind her. It was his breath first. Just as she had the opportunity to register this sensation, she felt his beard tickling at her vulva. She was extraordinarily aroused and she wanted him to get to her fucking clit already, but to her annoyance, that was not his way.

The tickle of his beard gave way to his tongue. Long, slow laps of his tongue bathed her pussy as he licked her almost lazily. Her anticipation was reaching unbelievable heights. A worry entered her chest - did this guy know what the fuck he was doing? She didn't think she could endure much more teasing without release.

If he was making his way to her clit, he was certainly taking the long way around. He began thrusting his tongue into her, his face pressed hard up against her body. Her impatience was almost rage now, such was the strength of her desire. She was right about to say something - to demand he start doing his fucking job - when he switched to her clit, by now practically burning with desire.

Still behind her, he got lower and slid his tongue with surprising gentleness over her, just barely grazing her clit. She almost climaxed just from this, instead involuntarily letting out a long low moan. This seemed to be the cue he was waiting for. He began paying considerable attention to her clit, though his gentleness still surprised her.

He worked patiently as waves of pleasure rolled through her body. She tried to take stock of her situation and failed. Her head swam and there was only pleasure. Then all at once it stopped. She was still coming back to reality as he manhandled her into a new position: seated on the loading dock, her legs still splayed. The concrete of the loading dock rasped at her butt. She once again perceived the faint stink of the dumpster. She looked first at her shorts and panties still hanging from one of her aloft ankles like a flag, and then at him quizzically.

"Better access," he said by way of explanation. Then he stooped before her and began to lavish his attentions on her again. He resumed licking her clit with the same patient intensity he had been using before. Jess had a moment to wonder why the shift in position if he was just going to do the same thing when he thrust a finger slowly but confidently inside of her. She shivered at this new sensation, her mind instantly wiped of the whys.

He was doing it exactly right. His finger slid in and out. Her arousal continued to mount. But he was not content just to finger her. He began to massage the inside of her vagina with his finger, perfectly matching the motion of his tongue on her clit. This was a totally new sensation to her and at that moment she thought she could explode with pleasure. Among the waves of pure sensation she had a moment of clarity - "oh, that's my G-spot." This thought folded into borderline despair as he pulled his finger out of her. She gasped like she had been stabbed.

But before she could voice a word of complaint, he penetrated her again, this time with two fingers. He began to massage her G-spot and lick her clit with renewed vigor. All rational thought evaporated. If she could have put a cogent thought in her head, it would have been "I hope this lasts all night." In the event, she lasted a minute before her orgasm tore through her like a wildfire. She shuddered and shook as the pleasure melted her higher faculties. A moment of perfect oblivion. No family, no obligations. Just immersed in the bliss of the abyss.

It rolled on and on. She wasn't sure how long he continued to pleasure her but at some point she realized that he had stopped. She slowly came back to reality, catching her breath. It was only when she had her wind back that she opened her eyes slowly to see him standing over her. He had taken the opportunity to completely undress. Her earlier impressions were confirmed - a rudimentary, primal man. Though his shoulders and forearms were well defined, he had a gut and his pecs bordered on man-boobs. His legs were like tree-trunks, however. He seemed every bit the man of appetite that he had claimed himself to be. Though she was considered tall for a woman, she felt small and delicate before him.

"May I enter you now?" It seemed an oddly formal way to ask, but perhaps he sought to offset the crudeness of standing before her, his fully erect member in hand.

She held up one finger, and then tore her t-shirt and bra over her head in one motion. After a moment's thought she also kicked her shorts off or her leg. Then she bit her lip and nodded. He stood for a moment, drinking her in, pleasuring himself slowly. She wondered which part of her he found most appealing. Was it the work that she had put in at the gym, granting her toned legs and a (nearly) flat stomach despite the rigors of childbirth? Or was it the full C cup breasts and sharp, pretty face genetics had gifted her with? He was not able to resist her for long. He dragged her towards him so that her ass was now half in the air, half on the dock. The motion scraped her once again on the rough concrete. She was annoyed with him for the split second that it took him to slide all the way inside of her, replacing any possible sensation with pleasure.

He started slow, and she was not the insensate beast of a few moments ago. In fact, she had time to consider that he had not put a condom on. Catching an STD was one of her greatest fears - it was something she fretted about on a day to day basis, even when she was not fucking anyone at all. She looked up at the man who was sliding his cock in and out of her. He looked deadly serious and almost pained - the same look that all men adopted while experiencing intense pleasure. And through it all, crazy as it seemed, she thought she could feel waves of positive energy pouring off of him. Did she trust him? Her brain asked what choice she had. Her heart chimed in that she did indeed trust him. The rest of her body just told her that it was crucially important to cause this large, soulful man to climax inside of her. Birth control be damned. There was always the morning after pill, anyway.

He was penetrating her with increasing ever-increasing tempo. He did not get extraordinarily deep, but he filled her out a lot more than she was used to. She even had the silly notion that her husband might notice the stretching before remembering how stupid that was - vaginas were elastic, any mother could attest to that.

Jess rarely climaxed from being penetrated alone, so she was surprised to realize that her pleasure was rising past the heights ordinarily caused by having a cock inside of her. It could have something to do with the duration of his lovemaking. Jaime would have finished long ago. Or, it could just be the difference in size of penis. Or even the fact that she was getting plowed by an absolute stranger with no protection behind a bar and she was eager for him to finish inside of her.

"Cum in me." Despite coming out as a whisper, Jess surprised herself by saying anything at all.

Even Kieran seemed a little surprised. "What's that, darlin'?"

Requesting something so ridiculous was turning her on, and she spoke louder. "I need you to cum in my pussy." Even the vulgarity was foreign and erotic to her. "Drain your balls deep inside of me."

His only reply to this was to pump more vigorously. He was breathing quite heavily now, and she thought she could sense his cool facade beginning to crack. The idea that she could drive such a composed man to such pleasurable heights (coupled with his big cock fucking her with gusto) pushed her to the breaking point and she began to orgasm yet again, her body wracked with spasms and her mind drenched with pleasure. Kieran also began to cum at this moment - perhaps driven to the moment by her exclamations of ecstasy.

She would have sworn that she could feel his cock pumping another massive load into her, though in retrospect it may have merely been his whole body shaking as he came, coupled with the knowledge of the volume of cum that would later spill out of her. His coolness was temporarily shattered, and though he did not shout as he came, neither was he silent, letting out a series of intensely pleasured gasps.

He remained inside of her for a while after he finished, leaning forward to kiss her deliberately. Then he withdrew himself with a sharp intake of breath and began to collect his clothing. Jess sat on the loading dock, her legs still splayed, gently caressing herself. She watched him dress, and for the first time in the whole evening, his attention appeared to be everywhere other than her. Unnerved by this, she stood up and began to dress as well. As she hopped to put on her shorts, she dislodged some of his jizz. Jizz was a funny, absurd word. And now Kieran's jizz - the jizz of a man she had just met - was running out of her pussy and down her legs. She began to laugh, startling him for the first time. He looked at her quizzically as her mirth increased.

"Jizz." She said, scraping some of his off her thigh and holding it up by way of an explanation. "It's just a funny word."

Kieran burst out laughing at once. "That it is. That it is." They laughed together for a moment. Then Kieran looked at her very seriously.

"Jessica Munn, it has been the pleasure of my life to meet you."

"You too." Jess said it before she realized that she absolutely meant it.

"Christ, the songs I'm going to write about you." A pause. "I don't want to sound crass, but I hope you have a beautiful life." With that, he turned and left.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well done, especially the parts about her fucking him with no protection and then telling him to fill her pussy up with his cum

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It has potential to add another chapter as you point out she wasn't on birth control so would love to know the result of this liaison .

bigurnbigurnover 2 years ago

No LW here. Just a Slut story. Dad piece of crap, actually. 1 star

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Once and done ? You need to write more stories , you obviously have the talent for it ! This story was well written and had a sky high hotness factor ! Don’t leave us high and dry , you’re too good a writer to not share your imagination with the rest of us ! Giving it 5 stars

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 3 years ago

Very well written. Excellent depiction of the chemistry between them. The similarities the differences. Made a very out there concept seem acceptably common.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 3 years ago

Terribly stereotypical.

WillowghbyWillowghbyabout 4 years ago
Not in the LW mold

R_G, you stepped away from the typical formula found in typical Lit LW stories. Really well written and paced, with characters and plot that weren't too far removed from reality. I knew when your story ended that you would receive hate-the-bitch and FTDS comments. My advice to the naysayers? Sometimes, the imagination is the best story teller. Excellent tale told in two pages!

roguerrillaroguerrillaabout 4 years ago

I loved your story. It flowed so naturally from start to finish. Good representation of a real woman. Ignore the trolls and continue on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
A bit odd, but, ...

The premise that her husband had been uninterested in her for a year is a tad odd, at least without the implication of an affair, so she goes out to drink and spice up her life. Well, ... I guess it starts to sound reasonable now that I wrote that down, ... somewhat. I guess it's really no more implausible than most of what others write every day, including myself.

All told, I was entertained and appreciated the language.


mattenwmattenwabout 4 years ago

One can only hope that all women who act like your protagonist become infected with HIV and suffer a slow and painful death!

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago
Complex characters

What's complex about a low life cheating whore?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Keep it up

Well done,keep writing,ignore the haters. You e done well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Good and different

I liked the woman and her thinking. She could see thru his bs and saw it as humorous. Well written and original. Keep it up.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJabout 4 years ago
Nothing erotic about a cheating wife

Sad that her kid doesn’t get to grow up with both parents. Living on the farm with his dad and occasionally visiting his disgraced mom and her bastard kid. Meanwhile the asshole “poet” fertilizes the back 90 acres where the husband buried him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
what bothers me..

sometimes a story like this can be a true accounting of an event as presented in the story... I am older than dirt... This does go on in marriages and happens... Having a story presented and comments are made not in support of the story is fine...But this happens.. Do I like it or not I can see the truth as I have seen in my many years...

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