Recolonization Ch. 01

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The first chapter of this breast expansion Sci-Fi epic!
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Authors note: This is a slow burn BE & pregnancy story which I plan on making 100+ pages. So, this is a lore focused chapter meant to set up the setting and characters. Don't worry, things will get much spicier very soon ;) Also this my first time ever writing so any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. Enjoy!

Warning: Self-harm briefly mentioned

Chapter one: Fortuna


Her screams of ecstasy bellowed from her chest and reverberated down the endless halls. Over and over again. My mind consisted of a singular thought: fuck. Likewise, my view consisted of a singular vision: breast. An endless ocean of glorious breasts stretched across the horizon as far as my vision would permit. Oh, what a sight to behold. However, an ocean is not an ocean without its beautiful perpetual waves, and indeed the waves did come because soon my body was glazed with her saccharine milk. And just over that horizon lie a goddess, perfect not only in the flesh but in the mind as well. One look at her, and one would never forget her awe-inspiring features. I seriously wondered to myself, what did I do to deserve this? I must have won the lottery of the lottery simply to be graced with her presence, let alone be making love to her. Yet here I stand or rather quiver as I am overcome with a pleasure whose source must surely be supernatural.

"I can't hold on any longer!"

"Nngggg! I can't either! Mhmmmnnnn! Please cum inside me! PLEASE!!! DON'T LET ANY OUT!!! I WANT IT ALL! I WANT ALL OF YOUUUU!!!!!"





I grabbed onto her yoga ball-sized breast and braced for impact...



Suddenly my vision consisted of a singular sight: white-a burning white light. Certainly, I must have experienced so much pleasure that I went to heaven. Honestly not the worst way to go-


Oh. The Angel assigned to me must be calling my name. I bet even they don't compare to the goddess I was just with.


Damn. I must have gotten the grumpy Angel.

*BANG!* "JASON!!!!"

All of a sudden the white disappeared and I was greeted with the sight of quite possibly the ugliest Angel imaginable. He had a short and stubby stature, disturbingly bulging dark eyes, and horribly receding hairline which receded basically into what appeared like pubic hair. Honestly reminded me of an Aye-Aye (look it up for reference, 1 to 1 resemblance). An angel that looked like a monkey. But just my luck right? No, this person is the antithesis of the word angel. I seriously must have landed myself in the run-down part of heaven.

"That's it. I've had it with you."


The white disappeared and I instantly realized where I was. This was 100%, not heaven. It was the opposite: hell. No actually worse. The hell of hell: my job. Well my job itself wasn't hell I actually enjoyed doing it. I work for a private research company that focuses on gene therapy, particularly in livestock such as cows and pigs. The main goal of the research was to develop genes that made livestock more resistant to disease, which if accomplished would save the farming industry millions, maybe even billions, paying for expensive and harmful anti-biotics as well as in the loss of cattle. And of course, I had my little research project on the side, but it's kind of a secret ;). Nevertheless, I got my master's in biochemistry to get this exact type of job. I was pretty lucky too because I worked at a new small facility and had my own lab to work in which is a dream for any scientist. Honestly, I could not have asked for a better job if it weren't for one factor alone, the one factor who I thought for a second was my "Angel" escort, yet turned out to be none other than my boss, Hugh Heffner, the archfiend of this underworld.

"This was strike three. I want you packed up and out of here by toni..."

As I regained consciousness and the words he uttered rang through my body, I was sent into fight or flight mode. Or in this case, beg on my knees mode.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Hold on just one second before we do something irrational."

Breathe in...Breathe out... OK.

"Mr. Heffner, let's be honest, you know how much you need me."

He grunted at this in a primal way that sent shivers down my spine.

"OK, so I sometimes take naps on the job. But that's just a part of my process, and it works. Right? Every time I meet my quotas without fail. And you know better than anyone that none of this equipment runs at all without me, and I'm not sure that corporate would like to hear that you fired the one guy who kept this place running over something as trivial as a quick power nap...."

It was a bold move, blackmailing my boss, possibly too bold and likely to get me a black eye to take home along with the rest of my belongings. But I was willing to take the gamble.


He grunted again in a different way that made me shiver less, but only slightly less.

"You bastard. I shouldn't have let you talk."

Oh yes looks like I won the gamble, time to go cash in my chi-

"But as punishment for your actions, including but not limited to, blackmailing me, sleeping on the job, and annoying me..."

Welp, looks like I can't cash in just yet.

"I'm docking your pay an amount that I find suitable, and over the next few days I want you coming in 2 hours earlier and staying 2 hours later, without pay"

WHAT??? I was screaming internally at the sound of this. DOCK MY PAY? Does this imbecile not realize that he already nearly pays me the minimum wage? For a job of my caliber? Don't get me wrong I'm not doing this for the money, but it's hard enough getting by on my pitiful salary as is. AND he tops that shit sundae off by extending my already 10-hour workday to 14 hours? He must be out of his mind.

But just as I opened my mouth to respond, he held his finger over my mouth and gazed down at me with his bulging eyes just inches from mine. He must have stared through my soul. And without him uttering another word, I knew this was an unwinnable battle, so I surrendered.

"Ughnn... Ok, fine whatever you say, boss." I mumbled

"Good, now I must be on my way. You nearly caused me to be late for my appointment with my...uhhhh... therapist. Yes, my therapist who helps relieve my headaches from people like you..." he said.

The therapist he mentioned was the hookers he hired every weekend. I know about them because he can't keep his mouth shut about the times he has with them. He uses them as a bragging point. Like "Hahaha I pay for poor women to suck my shriveled dick and you don't Hahaha". God give me a break.

"See you on Monday morning. Early Monday morning..." he annoyingly said as he walked out of the room.

As soon as he left and was far down the other side of the building I slammed the table as hard as I could.

"SHIT" I yelped as my hand throbbed in pain. I lowered my gaze down to the desk which remained unchanged despite the recent impact with my fist and it almost seemed to silently scoff at me saying "Hmph is that all you got?"

Come on man, now the table too? God, were you not listening earlier?

After cleaning up the lab, I stepped outside in the pouring rain and let out a big sigh. I began sprinting to my car only to be greeted with the horrible sight of my windows rolled down.

"Man, you really can't give me a break can you God?" I said to the sky.


So Jason headed home in his soggy 1999 Honda Civic that his parents bought for his 16th birthday. That is, just a few days before they passed away in a car accident on a night just like this. Jason would like to say he's moved on from their death, but ever since he hasn't been the same. He lost his passion for his favorite hobbies like music, photography, and sports because doing any of those things reminded him of the two people he did them for, his parents. In addition to his hobbies being ruined, their death took the biggest toll on his mental health. The once outgoing and comforting person he once was, devolved into a modern-day hermit. He secluded himself from the outer world and trapped himself in his room at his computer. Honestly not much has changed since then. His computer still remains his one refuge from the pain and the one thing he longed for at the moment.

After what felt like a long drive he finally made it home. Well to be honest it wasn't fair to call it that, a "home", because it didn't feel like it in any way. On the outside it was fine, it fits in well in the homogenous suburban neighborhood where it was located. But as with many things, there was more to it than meets the eye. It was empty, both in the physical sense and the metaphorical sense. The rooms were devoid of any furnishings or decoration whatsoever. Jason never bothered to furnish any of the rooms because for one he didn't have anyone over, two he didn't have the extra revenue to afford it, and three he hardly ever left his room anyways. The lack of decor resulted in the place giving off a very unwelcoming presence which could be likened to a psych ward, but it didn't bother Jason.

When he arrived home, he quickly pranced to get to the front door to avoid the rain, which didn't work at all. The squishing sound of his wet socks and dripping clothes resonated against the blank walls as he threw his dinner into the microwave. Unconsciously Jason dozed off to the symphony of the humming microwave and delicate rainfall. And for a moment there he felt somewhat at peace, which was abruptly interrupted by a lightning strike surely hurled by Zeus himself which struck right down the road. Then, darkness.

"No fucking way. A power outage too??? my hot pocket is still half frozen, man." Jason, who at this point had to be the most unlucky person alive, rightfully whined into the empty halls.

After a much-deserved long hot shower, he stood there staring in the mirror and wondered to himself "What am I doing here". It was a legitimate question to be asking in his current situation. his life wasn't much to speak of. He didn't have any friends or family, hardly anything to his name, and nothing to look forward to in life. The only thing that really mattered to him in his life was his job, and even that was now in the gutter all because of his subhuman garbage boss. He looked over to the right side of his sink and the gleam from his razer caught his eye. It called out to him. It offered him the thing he desired the most at that moment: Peace. Jason slowly inched toward the sharp edge. He could already feel the burden lift off his shoulders the closer he got to its comforting blade. Spurred on by this feeling he moved with increased vigor. Closer and closer and closer till inches away and... Suddenly, Jason got the inkling feeling that some ominous presence was watching over him. He turned around, which incidentally caused his finger to clip the edge of the razor blade. A jolt of pain shot up his arm as he recoiled his arm and held his finger tightly.

"Shit" he said after sucking on the fresh wound. However, he was so focused on his injury that he forgot about the reason he turned around in the first place. The ominous figure disappeared just as it came without his notice.

Jason settled down in his bed and pulled out his laptop since he couldn't use his desktop with the power still out. He set up his hotspot on his phone and began mindlessly scrolling through his Twitter feed. Spontaneously, he decided to check his email, which nowadays was filled with spam. However, to his surprise, there was mail from a sender he did not recognize, Festival Cruise Lines. It was a clear ripoff of Carnival Cruise lines but even though it reeked of stolen credit card info incoming, he felt weirdly intrigued by the otherwise boring advertisement. The headline read in bold "You have won the trip of a lifetime!". Sure he has, and so has the other 100 million people this was sent to as well. "This luxury experience will take you on an adventure through uncharted territory with countless memories to be made ahead." After having his daily dose of spoonfed marketing barf, he nearly deleted the email right before he saw the big red button that reads "Click here to receive your reward". Despite knowing the possible consequences of clicking that button, he did it regardless, only to be abruptly reminded of the fresh cut he had on his finger. he winced in pain only to open his eyes to bright white lights filling his vision. he instinctively covered his face with his arm to protect his eyes from the harsh lights, then as his vision slowly adjusted he heard a soothing voice.

"Hi, Jason, welcome aboard the Fortuna, our cutting-edge cruise ship. I'm Venus, this ship's first mate and I will take care of you today. Allow me to give you a private tour of our services. "

"Wait what? I'm on a cruise ship? How did I even get here?" he said in disbelief.

"Please hold all your questions till the end of the ride. Thank you."

He found it hard to believe he was on a cruise ship because he was strapped down to what appeared to be a white roller coaster chair (more like a restraint suit if you ask me). The tour took place not on a boat, but on what appeared like some sort of eerie Disney ride, except instead of being surrounded by your childhood memories, he was shuttled through a sterile, white hallway surrounded by promo videos of this unheard cruise company.

"Here we have our one-of-a-kind cattle tour through the beautiful Italian countryside".

He struggled to pay attention to what the pre-recorded female voice said as he was in such a state of shock. Nevertheless, all of these promo videos only made his already terrible mood even worse as he was reminded of how insufferable his own life was. So, he couldn't help but ignore all the surroundings as he wallowed in his feelings. But little did he know what was going on behind these fluorescent walls would change his life forever.

Meanwhile, behind the walls sat the real captain of the ship, Venus herself. Venus, the name she gave to herself after educating herself on Greek mythology, was neither human nor alien, but an android. However, due to the progression of science back on her home planet, she was indistinguishable from a real human whether it be her appearance, intelligence, emotions, or reproductive capabilities. Some say that she might even have a soul. Nevertheless, while Jason was having his quarter-life crisis, she was mindlessly playing her favorite game again (which she has already beaten 526 times) and indulging in her favorite human snack, Cheeto puffs, as she "responsibly" monitored the new specimen. But just as she got up to get another round of appetizers, an alarm went off that she had not ever heard in all her time spent on this ship. In her panic, she haplessly dropped all of her stuff on the ground and sprinted to the nearest monitor. Despite her expectations, the alarm didn't result in a red panel of flashing warning lights of imminent danger, but a green beacon of hope that sent a delightful chill down her spine as she shouted,


Immediately, Venus scrambled to put in the commands to stop the cruise tour simulation. She rushed over to the room holding the new passenger. Meanwhile, Jason was confused as his Disney ride ended and was surprised to find himself in a blank bright room, strapped down to a white chair.

"What the hell is this?" Jason asked himself. Suddenly his restraints come off and he stands up out of his seat. Before he had time to take in his surroundings, a random person barged into his room. The random person falls to their knees and begins crying at Jason's feet. Jason has absolutely no idea what is going on or why this platinum-haired woman he has never seen in his life is crying at his feet. Soon, the woman speaks.

"You have no idea how long I have been looking for you..." Venus says as she tries to hold back her tears.

"Why are you crying and where am I?" Jason asks, still confused.

Venus stands up to her modest height about a head below Jason. She was donned with some lush, striking platinum-colored hair that looked like something out of an anime. Her b-cup breast and shapely ass gave her a fit, womanly appearance. Otherwise, there was nothing too special about appearance, except her face. Her face could best be described as perfect, almost like a realistic doll. Immediately, Jason was attracted to the supermodel woman. She then wiped the tears from her eyes and fixed her gown to appear more professional.

"I'm sorry I was having a moment there. My apologies, my name is Venus, and like the video said you are on Fortuna, our state-of-the-art interstellar ship."

"Interstellar? Like between stars?" Jason asked.

"Yes between stars. I am from a faraway planet in the 'Milky Way' galaxy as you so call it. And I was sent here on a mission."

"Ok, but what does that have to do with me? And how did I get here? Did you teleport me?"

"Technically yes I did teleport you and I was planning on using a memory wiper on you after your little 'tour', but you are special, very special," Venus said as she smiled.

"I have spent 6128 years on earth looking for the one. The one who would save our people. And that one is you." she said.

"Excuse me? 6000 years? For me??? Why? There's not a single distinguishing feature about me and I'm somehow special. There's no way this must be a dream" Jason said in complete disbelief. In response, Venus moved closer to Jason and put a hand on his chest.

"Yes, you are special. And I will prove it to you." Venus said in her velvety voice. She grabbed his hand and led him out of the room. They entered the hallway adjoining the holding room and it looked just how Jason imagined: pure white walls with segmented tiling, clear polished floors, and bright LED lighting. Almost out of a Star Wars movie. Venus led Jason further down the hall.

"These are all the rooms that we now previously held people like you and tested them for compatibility."

"Compatibility with what?" Jason asked.

"You'll see soon." she replied.

They turn the corner to find a large open room which appeared to be a dining room filled with screens, seating areas, and an endless view of open space. Jason stares in awe at the sight before him.

"I must be dreaming"

"Oh don't you worry, the dream has only just started," Venus said.

She led Jason across the room to a large door. Venus swiped her wristband and it opened smoothly and swiftly. They entered a room that appeared very familiar to Jason.

"These wristbands give access to the different parts of the ship. You will have your very own soon." Venus said.

"Cool. Is this a lab?" Jason asked.

"Yes, it is, glad you noticed. This is the main lab on Fortuna, which comes equipped with our finest medical and scientific instruments"

They were very fine instruments indeed, most of which Jason had never seen the likes of before despite working in a top-of-the-line lab back on Earth.

"Please come over here," Venus said as Jason was distracted by all the amazing lab equipment.

"This is why you are special" Venus held up her hand and pointed to the monitor on the display.

It had all of Jason's biological info and it had everything including his blood type, height, body fat percentage, and much much more.

"Wow, this is incredible. It literally has everything"

"Yes, it does, including this" Venus moved the on-screen display to show a model of Jason with a flashing red light on his hand. It was indicating the cut on his finger.

"Here let me help you out," Venus said as she grabbed Jason's hand. She picked up what looked like a futuristic gun and sprayed a mist over Jason's injured finger. It completely healed.