Recovery Pt. 03


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"Sorry," I said and pulled slightly away from her.

"No, please keep it there. I like it." I pushed forward and nestled back in and she squeezed me with her butt cheeks. She began to slowly slide her butt up and down my hard-on.

"Dottie, please."

"Just playing, Peter." She grabbed my arm and pulled it tightly around her.


We awoke two hours later, longer than I had hoped. After getting dressed, freshening up, and grabbing my books we climbed into my Cherokee and headed into town. A 15 minute drive brought us to Carpe Librum, an internet café/book store that was very accommodating for the University's students to study. We went in and the place was pretty crowded. The smell of coffee and espresso and books was almost overwhelming; fortunately I loved that smell. I ordered a Café Americano and Dottie an iced caramel latte.

I unloaded my backpack and, for a time, actually got some studying done. There were a couple moments when Dottie lifted her foot up and explored my crotch with it. I would swat it down and she would just smile, unperturbed and seemingly innocent. No one would be able to see a thing unless they were sitting right next to us. Eventually she stopped and let me study.

She glanced through my text book. "This is all pretty basic stuff, Peter. If you over-study you'll just get nervous and tired and do worse. Trust yourself."

"There's just so much. Concepts and definitions and names. I know this is all stuff I did in high school but, I swear, the moment I was handed that diploma I forgot everything."

She flipped through the book and stopped. She held the book up so I could see. "See here? This is a penis." She turned it around and looked at it again. "Yours is much more impressive," she whispered, giggling.

"Dottie, come on, someone might hear," I said quietly back, glancing nervously around the room. The café was teeming with young people studying and talking and laughing. No one was paying us any attention, aside from the frequent glances and double-takes Dottie would get, from men and women alike, but I was used to that. I had grown accustomed to the lingering stares and dropped-jaws from strangers when my sister and I were together. I never faulted anyone for that; she was perfection in a world of ugly. I would always think, 'Enjoy this, you will never see her equal.'

"Come on, Peter. We've been here for more than two hours," she whined. "You know all this stuff." She rubbed her foot on my calf. "Let's go home and you can study my biology."

Just then, movement caught my eye. Two girls were talking quietly and looking over at me. I recognized one of them and waved. She waved back and stood and walked toward me.

Dottie glanced over and watched the two approach. "Who's this?" she asked quietly.

The two girls, a pretty brunette and a redhead I didn't know, stood next to our table. The brunette smiled at me and then glanced over at Dottie.

"Uh, hi Peter," she said nervously. "Am I interrupting something?"

I glanced over quickly to Dottie. "Hi Celeste. No, this is my sister Dottie. She was helping me study for that stupid Biology test tomorrow."

Celeste looked over at Dottie and smiled. "Hi Dottie, it's great to meet you. Peter's told me a lot about you."

Dottie looked over at me and raised her eyebrows. "Is that right?" She looked back at Celeste. "Well, it's great to meet you, too, Celeste."

I patted Dottie on the hand. "Celeste sits next to me in my Eastern Civilization class. I'm passing because I cheat off her tests."

Celeste giggled behind her hand. "Oh, Peter that's not true!" She turned to Dottie. "Does he try to play dumb at home, too?" Her expression changed suddenly. "Oh my gosh, Dottie, you are gorgeous! Do you model or something? Your skin is perfect!"

Dottie shifted uncomfortably, as she always did when someone she didn't know complimented her. "Oh, no, it's just the lighting and a ton of foundation."

Celeste leaned in a little and smirked. "Runs in the family, does it?" She looked earnestly at my sister. "Seriously, you could make a ton of money. You make me look like Steve Buscemi." She looked to her friend and said, "Am I right, Ashley?" Ashley nodded shyly.

"By the way, Peter," she continued, "this is Ashley, my friend from back home. She took the week off work so she could provide moral support through finals." Ashley raised her hand slightly and gave an awkward but polite wave. She seemed much more reserved than Celeste but was really pretty, red hair flowing down her back, green eyes and a cute little nose. She looked quickly away when I looked at her directly.

"It's nice to meet you, Ashley. It's great you could be here for support. Finals week is terrible." She smiled. "Are you not going to school?"

"Hopefully this fall," she said quietly.

Celeste spoke up. "Peter, are you ready for the test Thursday? We're down to the wire."

I sighed. "No, not really. But that's pretty typical for me. I try to plan for things but eventually just kind of wing it."

Celeste laughed, a sweet, pretty sound. She reached into her bag and pulled out a notebook. She scribbled something on a piece of paper and handed it to me. "Give me a call this week if you want to study before Thursday." She smiled brightly. "Or if you want to get together this summer or something." She then turned to Dottie. "It was really great meeting you, Dottie." She shook her head. "Seriously. Gorgeous." She turned and walked out, Ashley close behind.

Dottie and I sat silently for a moment. Then Dottie cleared her throat. "Well. She seemed nice."

I tried to read my sister's face. I couldn't tell if she was serious or not. "Yeah. She's great."

She reached across the table. I thought she was going to grab my hand but instead tapped the piece of paper I was holding. "Are you going to call her?"

"To study? Maybe."

Dottie smiled and shook her head. "Now who's being coy? You know what I mean, you dork." She gave me a genuine smile. "She's very pretty."

I returned her smile but set the paper down on the table. "Yes, she's pretty."

"And her friend is very pretty, too."


"So? She's nice, she's pretty. What's the issue?"

"I have no interest in dating Steve Buscemi."

Dottie snorted and squeaked out a laugh, which of course made me laugh. Then her expression changed to one of concern. "It would be easier for you, though, wouldn't it?"

I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "Okay, when I want easy, I'll call Buscemi. Right now, everything I need is at this table."

She looked around the table and said, "Yes, you do need that text book. And that pencil."

I squeezed her hand again and whispered, "Oh my god, Dottie, I want to kiss you so badly right now."

Dottie leaned in, glancing about. "Yeah? Where do you want to kiss me?"

"At home."

"Hah! Coy, Mr. Harper, coy."

I put my text book in my backpack. "Do you want to go home now?"

Dottie exhaled sharply. "Yes! Before any other girl throws herself at you!"

"Celeste didn't throw herself at me, Dottie."

She stood and helped me put everything quickly into my bag. "Well, she would have if I wasn't here."

"Come on, she was very sweet and respectful of you. She even stated the obvious and called you gorgeous."

Dottie grabbed my hand and started pulling me toward the door. As we left the table she grabbed the piece of paper and stuffed it in her pocket. "That was just to get on my good side. That's a tried and true method: get on the good side of the little sister or brother. It's probably what I would have done, too. She's a very clever girl."

We got into the car and started for home. This was not nearly as easy a task as it should have been. The whole drive home, which now involved considerably more traffic than when we were headed to the coffee shop, Dottie had her hand in my crotch. She was constantly squeezing and rubbing, smiling at me and reading my reactions.

"Dottie, please..." I begged.

"Please what?" she responded, squeezing my dick firmly through my jeans. "Please squeeze tighter? Please pull your zipper down? Please give it a little kiss?"

I groaned. "Dottie, you're going to make me crash. It feels so good but I'm going to run into that Impala in front of us."

"You're no fun." She stuck her lip out in a pout. She continued to lightly rub my dick.

"You'll never know how hard it is to tell your dream girl 'No, now's not the time'."

Dottie pulled her hand away and looked at me, her lips slightly parted and a surprised look on her face.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm your dream girl?" She seemed seriously surprised that I said that.

"Is it not obvious?" I grabbed her hand and held it on my knee. "Dottie you are perfect to me. You are funny, smart, loving, and amazingly gorgeous. Every other girl I've ever known comes in a distant second." I laughed. "I remember when I was about 15 and was hanging out at John Fennick's house. He had a Victoria's Secret catalog and we were looking through it. He would say, 'Hey look at this one. She's hot!' Or, 'Check out those tits!' and I would always laugh and agree or whatever. But in my mind, I was thinking 'yeah, but she's no Dottie.'" I glanced quickly over at her, observing the happy look on her face. "You've simply never had any real competition. In my eyes, you never will. You are perfect."

"Peter," she began, her voice quivering slightly, "I don't know what to say. You are so much better at this stuff than me. I guess because you're an artist and more in tune with these things." She put her other hand on top of mine. "I've never been this happy in my life. I know there have been guys that were attracted to me, ones that thought I had great boobs or a nice butt. But I know I've never had anyone feel the way you do about me. It's startling. And it's true for me too. Ever since I was a little girl, you were my dream guy."

I pointed to my cheek. "Kiss me, right there."

Dottie smiled, leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

Ten minutes later, we pulled into our driveway. Dottie made dinner, steak with salad and I cleaned up afterward. Our conversation turned to more mundane things: the weather, finals, Dottie's impending graduation in a couple weeks. We didn't continue our conversation from the car; we independently made the decision to keep that for another time. Right then, we just wanted to be with each other, talking and laughing and touching, kissing often, always soft and always filled with unspoken meaning. It was one of the greatest evenings of my young life.

Around nine o'clock, Dottie said, "I know you have to go to bed soon. Your test is at eight, right?" I nodded. "Do you want to watch 'The Commitments' for maybe just a little while?"

"Dottie, you hate 'The Commitments'."

She reached out and held me in a hug. "Well, it's not my favorite. But it is yours." She squeezed me tight. "I just don't want the night to end."

"Yes, let's go watch the movie."

"Great! You get it loaded and I'm going to run up and take a quick shower." She darted for the stairs. "I'll be down in just a few."

I ran upstairs quickly and changed into some shorts. A few minutes turned into twenty or more. I kept thinking that I should just skip it. I needed the rest if I was going to stand a chance with that test tomorrow. Lord only knows what kind of shenanigans we were going to start tonight. Dottie, my wondrous obstacle. If I missed a few minutes of sleep I would survive; I wasn't so sure that was the case if I missed a few minutes of Dottie.

I loaded up the movie in the VCR. 'The Commitments' was indeed my favorite movie. I had a heritage of Sicilian and German on my mom's side of the family and Dutch and French on my dad's, so naturally I was infatuated with all things Irish. That movie was classic Ireland. Plus, it had a really great soundtrack.

I had settled onto the couch, remote in hand, when Dottie came back into the family room. Her hair was still damp and hanging loose down her back. She was wearing my Dead Kennedys T-shirt, which fit me kind of tight, so it fit her very snugly across the chest. She also wore a pair of white panties with horizontal blue stripes. She approached the couch with a glorious smile on her face. She was a wet-dream come to life.

She noticed my look of admiration and adoration and said with a grin, "Hey, you made the rule. I'm just following." She sat next to me and cuddled up close, holding my arm tight to her. I pressed play and the movie began.

We watched the movie for awhile with Dottie asking frequently, "Who's that guy?" or "What did he just say?" or even on one occasion "Oh, I like this song." About 30 minutes into the movie Dottie began to yawn, finally feeling the effects of a short night and a long day. Eventually she lay down with her head in my lap, sighing contentedly.

"Peter," she said after a moment. "Are you a virgin?"

"What?" I asked, surprised. I don't know why I was still surprised by Dottie's questions.

"Just that. Are you a virgin?"

I ran my fingers through her damp hair. "Are you sure you want to have this conversation?"

She rolled to face me, her head still in my lap. "Yeah. I'm really curious. We've never talked about it before. You know my lack of sexual history but I seriously have no knowledge of yours."

I continued running my fingers through her hair and said, "No, Dottie, I'm not a virgin."

"Oh," she replied. "That's too bad." She looked quickly at my crotch, then up into my eyes. "How many times have you had sex?"

"About 20 times but only with two girls."

"Really? That seems like a lot." She paused. "Will you tell me who the girls were?"

"Well," I started, feeling blood rush to the lower half of my body, "there was Anna. Do you remember her? She was Carlie's friend?" Dottie nodded. "After Dad died, she tried to comfort me with sex. It worked really well. She comforted me about 19 times."

"Who was the other?" she asked, glancing down again at my crotch. My dick was really beginning to swell. From where she was lying I would almost poke her in the eye, if I reached full growth. She looked back up at me, trying to hide the concern in her voice. "Was it Celeste?"

I smiled. Oh god, I loved this girl. "No Dottie, it wasn't Celeste." I slid my hand down her body and started caressing her butt. "It was the party we had for my 18th birthday. And it wasn't even really sex. I just got a 'happy birthday' blowjob."

Dottie got a kind of sad look on her face. "Oh. Who was it?"


"Jackie? Molly's cousin?" I nodded. "She's like 27!"

"Something like that."

She reached down and started rubbing my dick. "How did she get this thing in her mouth? Her jaw must have really been aching!"

I laughed. "You're the best, Dottie, but it's really not that big."

"Hey I don't know much but this thing," she slid her hand up the leg of shorts and grasped my cock. "This thing is big. And it's really wide." She pushed the leg of shorts up and pulled my dick out. She didn't take her eyes off it while she stroked and looked adoringly at it. Her bottom lip was between her teeth, my favorite expression of hers. She looked so hot. "Did you love them?"

I had some difficulty grasping on to cognitive thought as her hand moved up and down, up and down. She ran her thumb over the head and spread pre-cum around the glans. "N-no," I sputtered out.

My breathing became very erratic as she moved her hand faster and faster. Her pumping was so close to her face I could feel her breath on my dick. She never took her eyes off it. "Thank you for last night, Peter. But tonight it's about you." She pulled my desperate cock close to her face, looked up into my eyes and smiled sultrily. Then she planted a soft kiss on the head of my dick. She could sense my imminent explosion and kissed my dick again, her lips parted slightly, allowing just the very tip to pass between them. She then pulled it out and licked a couple times across my frenulum.

"Oh god, Dottie...I'm...I'm..."

"Are you going to cum, Peter?" she asked with a smile.

"Oh god, watch out," I gasped. "There's going to be a lot!" She just smiled and continued pumping. It was the most erotic thing I'd ever experienced.

Finally, my dick began to twitch. The first spurt flew right over her head and splashed on the coffee table. She angled my cock down and aimed at her tits. Three more strong bursts splattered across my T-shirt she was wearing and the rest boiled out over her hand and onto my leg. I sat there stunned and excited at my incredible fortune. The most beautiful girl in the world just gave me a hand job and stuck my dick in her mouth and gave me the most intense orgasm I'd ever had. It could only be a dream. But there Dottie lay, her hand still around my half-hard dick, lightly stroking. I suddenly realized I had a death-grip on her butt. I released it and whispered, "Oh god, Dottie. That..." I didn't even know what to say.

"Yeah, for me, too," she responded softly, smiling at me with love. "See there? I could barely get the tip in."

I laughed, exhausted. "It's a good thing you didn't, I probably would have drowned you."

"Yeah, is there always that much?"

"Well, sometimes but that was the most ever."

"I inspired you?"

I grabbed her butt again and began caressing softly. "God, you're amazing. How did I ever get so lucky?"

She smiled radiantly. "Me too." She looked at my still half-hard dick, still held loosely in her hand. "How long before you can go again? That was really fun."

I groaned. "Dottie, I could do it again in about five minutes with the inspiration you give me but I have to get some sleep."

"Yes, you do." She released my dick and sat up. She grabbed the hem of the T-shirt she was wearing, pulling it over her head. Her beautiful, round, gravity-defying boobs bounced free. "I'm all sticky." She used the shirt to clean off my dick and pat at the small drop that was on her collar bone. "Next time I'm taking in more than the tip." She bent down and kissed the tip again, then stood up, extending her hand. I grabbed it and we walked, hand in hand, to bed.

My dream girl and I. Life is beautiful.


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ScottishTexanScottishTexan8 months ago

Another excellent chapter. I really enjoyed the fact that you are putting the emotional connection in front of the sexual attraction. I've read too many sibling incest stories where they fuck just to get off. 🙄 I prefer the love stories. 5/5

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcalmost 2 years ago

Well done but the discussion with the aunt was a little too vague for me to believe. 5*

WargamerWargamerabout 3 years ago

Hot, hot,hot!!!!!


rightbankrightbankover 3 years ago
He should learn from his sister

she is younger, more aggressive, and eager.

he is clueless

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Very Good!

It would have gotten a 5 star had he taken her virginity.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

When the next story coming don't keep us waiting..

honybipolahonybipolaalmost 7 years ago
completely hooked

can't wait to read the rest of this hot story

thedayafterthedayafteralmost 7 years ago

Love the story so far, please continue it.

va45va45almost 7 years ago
Good chapter

Very loving and giving, hope to read more

SirCarlSirCarlalmost 7 years ago
All chapters, so far, are

Very well thought out, written, and presented. Keep going.

Comentarista82Comentarista82almost 7 years ago
Great add!

LOVED this new chapter, with Peter telling Dottie she's his dream girl. I love how you crafted their banter and interaction, with the scene of Ashley and Celeste proving quite playful too.

I love how you've written them so into each other with the aunt so accepting. I hope to read the "full coupling" soon; if you write it anything like their interactions to date, it will sizzle! 5

honybipolahonybipolaalmost 7 years ago
it keeps getting better and hotter

with the romance too.. so please bring on the rest of the story sooner... can't wait to read the chapters any longer...there goes all the stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
I need CPR!!!!

I honestly don't know how I'm still alive after reading this, my heart melted before page one was even over. Absolutely love the strict slow burn of the story progression and the fact that their love is only growing bigger and stronger the more time we spend with them. And now that their aunt gave them an OK pass to do as they see fit as long as they do it out of adoration life couldn't be better. Those small moments of doubt like when those girls approached them at the caffe were used adorably (Dottie was a bit doubtful but in a really cute way) and only strengthened their bond. With the exam around the corner I expect things to escalate when he comes home tomorrow yet have complete confidence that it won't turn into a sex fest on the doorstep. How they managed to come home in once piece still baffles my mind though...

Another 5* and hopefully the next part is in the works already!

sabra16023sabra16023almost 7 years ago
A Great Story

Please keep the words flowing into the next chapter. Thanks

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