Recruiting on Hushrim


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"I will fuck a human tonight," she stated to herself. With that, she sank down on his erection and clenched her eyes shut almost as tight as her jaw. She exhaled sharply as her hips continued to descend. Ralus found himself gritting his own teeth. She was a tight fit down to the letter. It felt good, exceptionally warm and soft. The same sensations from earlier came back to him, lighting up his brain's pleasure centers all at once.

A deep-seated part of him had always held out hope that he'd get to bang an alien one day. Today was that day, apparently. This was finally a-

"You're already so deep. I can't do any more," Yelna moaned, trembling as she locked her legs to hold her current position. She was on all fours, feet on the ground and hands on Ralus's chest, hunched over to achieve the angle of penetration she wanted. Her breath was erratic as it was heavy at this point.

"Do you want to do another position?" Ralus asked, watching her face contort between pleasure and discomfort. She locked eyes with him and appeared to debate the difference it would make until she lifted herself off him slowly.

His head went back as his erection begged for more, causing him to buck up into her out of instinct. She gasped, groaned, and then held him down as she finished dismounting him entirely. They both took a moment to relax, her lying on top of him with her face tucked into the crook of his shoulder.

"You can use the back way," she said, nipping his neck. "You'll fit there."

Ralus felt an adrenaline dump hit his blood stream at that notion. He looked down at her and she gave him a nod without looking up. Without saying anything, he picked her up and set her on the countertop behind them, rubbing her sex with his erection teasingly. She shook all over and held her ears down to keep them from twitching aimlessly.

"Do you want me to go slow?" asked Ralus as he teased her with penetration again. Her hips angled back to allow him easy entry and they stayed like that, easing his cockhead in and out of her body, lubricating it with a substantial amount of her fluids.

"Stay like this for now. I like this," she admitted.

"This does it for you?"

She reached up to grab him and they made an attempt to kiss again. The difference in height was evidently too great to let that happen and simultaneously keep them busy below. She gave up on the idea and scooted her thick hips forward some, pushing him a little further inside her without much discomfort.

"I don't want to mate with another Maephin tonight. I want a human. I want a human to fuck me." She inched herself even further, wincing as he went as far as he'd gotten the first time. He started up again slowly, feeling the velvety folds of her sex clinging to him tightly. He fought the urge to plunge himself all the way in immediately.

She motioned for him to stop a few minutes in and pulled herself back. He came out of her, gleaming and slick and no less eager to continue than before.

"Are you ready?"

She laid herself flat against the countertop and lifted her legs up to expose her anus to him. "Go slow."

"We can work our way up to it," he soothed, spreading her legs apart and grabbing her by the hips. It was going to be a while before he found another woman with a hip to waist ratio as dramatic as Yelna's. Even for Maephs, she appeared to be pretty stacked. It wasn't often he got to wear a pair of thick alien thighs like a necklace. Time to live it up while you're still down the well, he mused.

Ralus pushed his tongue into her sex and she locked her thighs around his neck like before.

This time, however, he brought one hand up to her face and she leaned into it, allowing him to trace the curve of her high, smooth cheek bone with his thumb. His right hand worked at her sex in unison with his tongue, lubricating his fingers with the oily fluids she secreted. He pressed his index finger against her anus and she stiffened.

"Do it," she said.

"With pleasure," he replied smoothly. His finger slid into her without much effort. It was a lot warmer than he had expected. A lot less constricting too. He worked his finger in and out of her a few times before testing out two at once. She gripped his hand against her face, but said nothing. Her hips rocked gently in rhythm to the pattern he made with his tongue and his fingers.

They worked their way up to three fingers before she felt confident enough to move ahead with actual sex. By the time she was ready, Ralus was getting a little woozy from the combination of alcohol and restricted air flow from her thighs clasping his neck like a vice. There was a fair amount of muscle in there, he realized.

Peeling her legs back from his neck, he caught his breath and stood back up straight, erecting bobbing up and down between Yelna's open legs. He took hold of her hips and she quivered with unrestrained giddiness.

"Please human, I'm ready for it." With no further encouragement needed, Ralus pushed his glans against her anus and felt Yelna's body clench instinctively. He made a visible effort to relax, mostly succeeding as he applied pressure. Her lips curled back as he pushed into her, sliding past the smooth muscle barrier without much effort. The generous amount of lubrication she'd given things appeared to have worked.

"You want to-"

"Yes. Put all of it. All the way in," she managed, unable to keep her thoughts separated. The pilot nodded and eased himself further in, watching his progress closely as his cock disappeared into her body. Every warning system in his brain shut off as bolts of pleasure hit him in sequence. Warm. Fleshy. Wet. Soft. There was little else going through his head besides how good this felt right now.

He started to pull out, but Yelna grabbed his hand and bit her bottom lip with exertion, ears flattened against the sides of her head.


"Leave it in me," she commanded in an uncharacteristically authoritative tone he hadn't heard from her before. He pushed back in and collided with her with more force than anticipated. Her legs jerked against him, but she held onto him regardless.

He watched her quietly, unsure of where she wanted to go from here. She just stared back at him with a deepening gaze, unmoving, unspeaking as her hands continued to grasp his knuckles tightly. He couldn't read her expression. Being seated completely inside her and getting constant stimulation from every pleasure center in his body didn't help his cognitive abilities any. There was something otherworldly about the intimacy of the moment. No thought of consequences. No moral dilemmas. Not even thinking about how they'd come to this moment. Just waiting on the event horizon of what was about to be an act of hedonistic depravity.

Yelna brought his hand up to her face and kissed his palm."Fuck me, human."

He pulled out and pushed back in quickly, holding her hip with one hand and cheek with the other. She rasped hoarsely as he started a rhythm to it, pushing and pulling her insides at will. He could barely contain himself. This was probably the best sex he'd had in his life. Everything in him screamed to let everything go and slake the desire in him to go as hard and deep as possible with every stroke.

He tilted Yelna's hips forward some to get a better angle and her legs locked around his waist.

"I'm not a fragile as I look," she explained. He nodded knowingly and pulled all the way out, taking a step back to pull her forward enough to get her hips off the counter top. He picked her up and deposited her on the floor, flipping her over so her face was in his discarded shirt on the floor. She grabbed it as he pulled her hips up toward his throbbing erection.

Void, he would never get over how big her ass was for her size. He pushed back into her and they both moaned this time. He bucked against her, cock fully seated already. A breathless groan was pushed out of her as she shuddered uncontrollably.

"Let me know when to stop," Ralus said as he placed a hand on either side of her shoulders. She grabbed his wrists and held on tightly as he started up again, returning to the rhythm before. She turned her head enough to look directly at him with one eye.

"I told you to fuck me," she growled.

Two hundred thousand years of instinct kicked in. Ralus slammed their hips together so hard that Yelna's knees came off the floor. Ralus raised a hand to her ass and gave it a squeeze, enjoying everything about her reaction to it. He slammed their bodies together again and Yelna's voice cracked. She held his wrist next to her for support as he started to piston in and out of her as an increasing pace, putting both hands on the floor again to stabilize both of them.

As he thrust into her with abandon, she pushed back up against him, driving him deeper with every cycle of their hips. The airways on the back of her neck opened fully, sucking in air as fast and hard as her lungs would allow. Ralus couldn't hear anything besides the smack of their hips colliding and his own heartbeat though. Everything seemed to beat to the same rhythm.

Purposefully, she arched her back to bring his angle of penetration straight down into her body. He came off his knees and braced himself on the floor on all fours, ramming himself into her over and over again. Despite her size, she didn't appear to be worse for wear. In fact, her enthusiasm seemed to have only gotten more intense.

They lost themselves in the motion, hard strokes rippling purple flesh and lungs gasping for air. Ralus could barely understand the situation as every part of his brain not necessary for fucking this alien raw shut down and left only the most primal, basic portions left in command of his body. He looked down at Yelna's face, ears flopping around limply as her eyes focused on a distant horizon.

Something about the slack expression on her face drove him even harder, sheathing himself in her hard enough to scoot them both forward some. He felt a coil of tension start to build just beneath his navel.

"Almost there," he panted, quickening his pace as he felt everything about to come to a close.

"Uhgasm," Yelna slurred, unable to say anything more. Ralus felt his body asking for release and held out a little longer, grinding his teeth as he continued. This was it.

The coil of tension in him broke and he slammed their bodies together hard enough to force the air from Yelna's lungs. Every pleasure center in his body fired off at once, dumping a medical-grade feel good chemical cocktail into his blood and his brain.

He couldn't tell what felt better, the ecstasy of being sheathed completely within Yelna's furnace-hot insides, or the brain-wiping current that struck all the way from his toes to his eyes. A live wire of euphoria was pulled tight inside him and held for longer than he could asked for under the circumstances.

He came back to his senses when his body demanded air, sucking in a lungful as his vision pulsed and blurred at the edges. His legs gave out and he dropped to his knees, allowing his back to finally relax some. His world spun.

The pilot realized at some point he had dropped to one side and was lying on the floor next to the purple alien still on her knees, face buried in his shirt. Her chest expanded and contracted in waves, body shuddering intermittently as she panted with absolute exhaustion.

After a while, her ears perked up and her hand slid across the floor toward him without much intent. He reached out and she grabbed his thumb, squeezing it hard. They stayed like that for a few minutes, neither moving or saying anything. Ralus had just experienced probably the best orgasm of his life. No words were going to be able to do this one justice. Legendary even seemed like it fell short of everything that had happened tonight.

Yelna turned her head to him when she had recovered enough to move. She flattened out against the floor, exhaling sharply as her back came to rest at an angle that didn't look like an exponential growth curve. All the concentric ringlets in her eyes contracted together into a solid band.

"Did I tell you I have a thing for humans?" she asked.

"Did I tell you I have a thing for short women?" he joked. She waved an ear at him in response. Amusement. Ralus closed his hand around hers and pulled her to him, rolling onto his back so she was lying on his chest.

She spread herself out over him and lazily gave his cheek a pat with the palm of her hand. "Good choice. I need a minute to rest, then we can go."

"Same here."

A minute turned into both of them falling asleep for almost five hours.

------ Ralus, aboard Aether, in orbit around Hushrim ------

Ralus checked the heat shielding around the forward maneuvering thruster of his strike craft for the third time today. He had been complaining about it for weeks, but the techs were still occupied with structural repairs to two other fighters farther up the drydock list than his.

Not that the thing was going to rip off if he hit atmospheric pressure in a well, but it always paid to take good care of your machines. They tended to throw you less surprises when you knew exactly what condition they were in.

It wasn't like it mattered much at the moment. Aether wasn't scheduled for active combat patrol or any sort of legitimate fleet business besides anti-piracy patrols for at least another two months. That was more than enough time for his fighter to get looked at and the shielding replaced. He sat back against the boarding ramp and watched the last few shuttles from Hushrim make their way into the hangar.

The bay doors shut and a number of sensors indicated that the enormous room was being repressurized and for the occupants to not remove their e-suits or helmets. It took all of about thirty seconds before the pumps managed to pressurize everything and the sensor color to tick from red to yellow.

Ralus watched boarding ramps come down and passengers leave their shuttles, loaded down with personal gear and bulky military lugarounds. A duo of short aliens caught his attention as they struggled to keep all their belongings together in zero-g, mag boots clunking with the awkwardness of someone who hadn't spent much time out of a gravity well.

Let's go find out if it all worked out. Ralus tapped his hip to switch off his mag boots and kicked off the side of his fighter, floating across the expanse of the hangar to the shuttles. There, he caught one of the landing struts and swung himself down to the floor, activating his boots again.

One of the maephs turned to him and lifted its helmet off, revealing a face he didn't recognize. The other didn't appear to pay much attention as it fumbled with more luggage than its short limbs could manage. He looked around at the other maephs disembarking from the other two shuttles.

None of them looked familiar. Somehow, his disappointment was greater than he thought it would be. Even though it had been a long shot from the beginning, when Yelna had asked him seriously about getting contract work aboard Aether, he'd given her all the help he could. The reality of her not actually getting a contract was unsurprising, but ultimately still disappointing.

He deactivated his boots and flipped back over, diving off the shuttle and back toward his ship like a swimmer in a pool. Half way there, he noticed a marine and two cargo jacks lined up in front of a very meek looking maephin.

He chunked down to the floor at his fighter and the marine looked up at him.

"We found a contractor trying to sneak onto the fighter."

Ralus almost laughed as Yelna turned her head and both her ears dropped straight back. Embarrassment. She gave a little wave.

"This one's mine."

One of the cargo jacks clapped the side of the fighter. "Well, lucky we found this thing trying to sneak onto it, yeah?"

"I wasn't talking about the ship," Ralus explained.

All three of the Unity soldiers looked at Ralus with confusion.

"So you were expecting it, then," the marine answered. "Nothing out of order here, then." She nodded once and then motioned for the cargo jacks to leave. Giving the maephin a last look, they left and returned to their duties elsewhere in the hangar.

Yelna gave Ralus an embarrassed look.

"I saw you over here and thought I would surprise you inside when you came back. Apparently that was suspicious activity."

Ralus folded his arms across his chest. "And from a new contract worker. Sounds like a saboteur at work, doesn't it?"

"I hadn't thought of it that way," she admitted. "Now I feel dumb."

Ralus gestured toward the open airlock door of his fighter. "If you still want to surprise me, the code is three nine nine seven one four seven."

The maeph's ears perked up. Excitement.


"I do need a mechanic to look at my heat shielding. The only way to do that effectively is from the cockpit out." Ralus keyed the remote access code and the airlock cycled. Yelna looked hesitantly between the open cockpit and the pilot assigned to be in it.

"Are we allowed to do this?"

"Probably not, but you're not enlisted. I'm not on active duty for another..." Ralus looked at his timer. 0:0:29:27 "Twenty nine minutes. And you haven't officially been added to the ship's personnel list yet. So technically, there are no regulations dictating any of this."

Yelna's eyes met his and her ears went forward. What's that one mean?

"You're wasting a lot of time not getting into this cockpit, Ralus."

"Well, this particular vehicle is mine, so I can just key th-"

Yelna smirked. "I wasn't talking about the ship."

Ralus watched the maephin grab a hand rail on the side of the fighter and pull herself into the cockpit. I think I know what ears forward means now, Ralus thought as he followed her in.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I think this could be the start of something really good

abiostudent3abiostudent3over 3 years ago

I love this! A part two would be very welcome.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Great to see you writing again

This was quite the good story I enjoyed it immensely, it is also great to see you writing again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

this was a great little story!

Crusader235Crusader235over 4 years ago

Cute story, it has to be fun fucking Aliens as long as they don't eat their mates after sex!

praitorianlord11praitorianlord11over 4 years ago

Welcome back! Interesting to see where this one goes!

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