Red Daddy: Ceres Station Pandemic


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"Dooo I know theszzzz ppllll?"

"Oh, maybe. Probably not, unless you have afterimages from when you were really out of it. They showed up... after the initial ... stuff."

Suddenly, I was tired again. "Can ... I lie down again"

Dawn said, "Not yet. Soon. We need you to sit up for about another ten minutes, and then we'll walk you, and then you can go back to bed. You can sleep for, maybe, 3 hours, before it'll be time for another juice. We'll see."

"We have juice?"

She laughed, and Pam, too; she said, "No, not that kind of juice. We need to ensure you're properly drained. You just did about 20 minutes before your bathroom visit, if you remember."

"Nottthhthtthhngg bfore abathroooom." Dammit, still slurring. I had to work harder. I tried again, "You mmmeaaannn thattt I needz to coming... Damnit, no... AGGG! You mean, that I need to come, to, ejaculate, and youuu, you, you are doing that."

"Yeah, honey, we have to do that. Both of us do it, we take turns, and the day shift takes turns, too. It keeps you alive. Every 4 hours, so not quite as often."

I thought about how embarrassing it must be to jack off someone you didn't know. "I'm sorry if I'm ... being ... awkward. It must ... be.."

Pam laughed, "Don't worry, silly. It's not bad. Heck, you're asleep, more or less, but the important parts work anyway. Takes about 10 minutes, start to finish, but I usually want to take a little longer than that so I start early." She was very matter of fact about it, I noticed. There must be so much of this now that the idea is old and it's not embarrassing.

Dawn said, "Pam and I do about the same sorts of things. Sir. You need care, we give care. We have to protect... "

Pam shushed her, "Not now. Protocol."


I said, "Protocol for what?"

"We have to wait 24 hours after your first hallway walk. Then, we can tell you all sorts of things, like, news. But, before then, we just can't, I'm really sorry. You have a lot of stuff to handle right now, mentally and emotionally and physically, we can't..."

Somehow that made sense, and I could see I was getting nowhere with it.

After a little more small talk, they picked me up, my arms over their shoulders, and I "walked" out into the hallway, down the hall to the turning, back down to the other turning, and back to my room. There weren't many people out and about; the lights showed it was 3rd shift, middle of the night except if you were unlucky enough to get assigned there for classes or work.

We went back in and they put me on a mattress, obviously my bed. It was a lot of work, I had to concentrate on moving every single muscle and even then I was incredibly weak.

As I was lying down, they fed me a granola candy bar. It was fabulous, decadent. The flavors exploded in my mouth, the sweetness, the textures... I loved it. That said, it was hard to chew, kind of, but I had enough strength to do that.

Sleep came quickly.

Some hours later, I awoke to the sensations of my underpants being removed. I opened my eyes and saw Pam matter-of-factly pulling down my underwear. The blankets were folded to the side, almost neatly. I could see I had a full-sized boner... but Pam was naked, too, her breasts hanging nicely with pointy nipples showing either it was cold or she was turned on, and after some consideration I decided it was probably the latter. She had an eye out for that. Her eyes traveled up to my face and I managed to smile.

The light from the kitchen area was kind of dim and shadowy, but we connected well enough. She smiled back at me, happily, and set my underwear aside, then took my erect penis in hand and bent down to suck it into her mouth in one swift motion. There wasn't much lead-in, she just went down to it. She couldn't get that much in her mouth, though, it looked like it filled her mouth up, and I could see she wanted to deep-throat it, but couldn't get very far down.

Something was different, I thought. I looked down at myself in the dim light, and sure enough, my penis had... some kind of slightly different shape. It still had the curve, sort-of, but the size was off, and so was the overall shape. Now, it wasn't vastly different, it just seemed... thicker. And, probably, it was longer, too. I was pretty sure I wasn't this big before. Of course, her hands or her mouth could be smaller than normal, but I didn't think so. My cock head seemed to be more bulbous, too, more mushroom-shaped.

She mumbled on it once and then I could see she was leaving a lot of spit on it as she pulled up her head, crawling up my body then. She said, "It's so odd that you're awake now. I'm all self-conscious!"

I smiled even more at that and said, "And miss this beauty in front of me? I don't think so."

The words didn't come out slurred this time, and I was pretty sure I was thinking more clearly.

Straddling my hips, she reached down quickly and rubbed my cock up and down her cleft, breath catching as she passed her clit, then pushed it backwards and sat, coming down on it in tiny almost-vibrations of motion. It wasn't that she was rocking with lots of motion, they were tiny up-and-down motions, pretty fast, but more and more until she was completely settled on me. "Ooooo, you... you're always a surprise, Red. I'm coping with this, but it's a bit larger than... well. It's nice, let's say."

"Thank you."

I moved my arms, slowly, towards her knees. They were leaden, still, and I could barely move at all. She didn't mind. She kept the rocking up, and put her hands on my shoulders so she could lift and drop more effectively. That gave me a nice view of her breasts dangling. They were larger than Ev's or Cora's, I decided, and a little saggier, but probably just from being larger.

She leaned down and kissed me, and I kissed back, which surprised her, too, like she'd forgotten that I was even awake. I suspected this had happened a lot already and I had missed all of it.

Sedately, calmly, she rocked back and forth on me, setting up a good rhythm for a couple of minutes, and I was very much enjoying it. I could feel my cock all the way in her, and even that it seemed like it was bumping into her cervix, too, though she didn't seem to mind that and the books said that was sometimes painful.

Leaning back, then, she splayed her legs differently and used her fingers on her clit to make circular motions, obviously interested in getting off. I had nothing to do but watch, so I did. Her eyes were closed, and her other arm crossed her body to play with the opposite breast -- really nipple and areola, pulling, twisting, and rolling it between her fingers.

Her breathing got heavier and heavier, gasping, wanting, catching in her throat, and her motion changed, too, to be jerkier and stay all the way down on me for longer times.

Finally, she came, deeply grunting and almost yelling out, shattering the quiet around us, her legs twitching and her torso swaying suddenly, jarringly, side-to-side as her face looked like she was about to sneeze, grimacing and then hugely smiling, then grimacing again, each separated by an almost bass-note of deep, exhaling, wanting grunt.

Inside, I felt her vaginal muscles pulse on me, grabbing, the tight pressure and motion putting me over the edge, and then, I, too, cried out, grasping at her legs and twisting my body back and forth as I, too, came. I yelled a bit, too, something like, "Thrust... Into ... that... fucking cunt, yes! Yesssss! FUUUUUccckk yes! Ohhhh yannnnnnngngnngng aahhh!!!"

This went on, I mean, the orgasm, not my yelling, for much longer than I remembered coming in the past. Most orgasms, I think, were shorter, but this one lasted a full minute, maybe, with all the extra convulsions afterwards that just kept echoing through my body. I wasn't really controlling anything, but I managed to lift her up from the bed with my hips during the middle of it.

She grinned at me, then bent down and lay with her head on my shoulder, her breasts pressed against my chest and her pointy nipples being very noticeable, too. After a couple of minutes, her hands roaming slightly over my shoulders and squeezing like she was appreciating my musculature, she pushed herself up a little, letting me turn my head to her and share a kiss. At first almost glancing, she moved her tongue on mine and we toyed with each other.

I could feel she'd pulled off of my penis, and it had dropped down, I thought, but I could also feel some of my spunk dripping on my abdomen, too. I didn't mind it, it just was fun that I was able to sense it.

Giving one final peck, she pulled up off me, picking up a washrag that looked wet from a kitchen plate she'd set on a chair seat next to the bed. Pushing this to her crotch, she walk-waddled to the bathroom, where I heard the bidet function tinkling for quite a bit before it turned off.

She emerged, and I actually felt awake still, so I asked her, "Can I have another light on?"

Diverting to the side lamp by the sofa, she flicked it on and we had more room light, still soft but enough to see pretty well that one of the cubs was closed, the others open and dark. I asked, "Are we the only people here?"

"No. Dawn's shift ended. That cub is the next girl, April. I would have left, too, but protocol is that when someone wakes up, one of the people on-shift has to remain in that room for 24 hours. It's to help you feel more secure and cared-for, whereas brand new people having different work-times would make for a lack of continuity and not feeling at home where you are."

"Makes sense." I thought a moment. "And... You really can't tell me what's going on?"

"Not yet."

I knew that Tipu wasn't there. I knew that Peter wasn't either. It was obvious by my question that she should have told me if she could, so I didn't press it.

She said, "You want to try sitting up? You might want something to eat?"

I loved that idea. She nodded and stood again, still naked, and walked over to the cub that was closed, rapping twice quickly but quietly.

It opened, and a girl that must have been almost 2 meters tall crawled out, blonde, clear skin, pretty, but with broad shoulders enough that I knew she'd win any 'tussle' even if I was back to full strength. She smiled at me, and I smiled back. She walked over and bent down, holding out her hand, "April."


"I know, silly. I've been taking care of you over ... well, a while now." She looked at Pam and said, "Shower?"

Pam nodded, and April looked back towards me, "Shower it is. Ready?"

"Uh, sure. I probably need one."

She laughed, "It'll be more complete than a sponge bath. We've done it before, but it will probably be easier if you're awake."

April was walking back to the cub and pulling off her shirt, then bra, then shucking out of her pants, socks, underwear... Pam and I both just watched her. I think Pam was watching me watch her, too, though I didn't know why.

She turned around to me; her breasts were very close to her chest. Her most notable feature was her musculature. I knew nothing about her life or her profession, but her defined muscles meant she did some kind of heavy work daily. Even her abs were six-pack'd, going down to a surprisingly trim little ultra-blonde landing strip. I had just come, but I wasn't blind.

I said, "Wow! Two beautiful ladies, to give little old me a shower..."

They nodded and smiled dismissively at my utter suck-up. Pam helped April get me up, then April carried me into the bath. Pam cleared the way and brought in a small steel coffee-table and set it in the middle of the shower, and I had a seat.

The warm shower water cascaded over me, Pam and April taking turns holding me up and rubbing soap, then shampoo, all over me. I could move a little, my arms and legs were starting to come around. I could almost sit up on my own, too, but it was a stretch.

The side effect of sitting in a shower whilst being bathed by two relatively tall naked women was that I was nose-high to a pleasant view. Water dripped not just off me but off Pam and April, too, the spray obviously was cold because their nipples got very hard and their areolas puckered. April's areolas were interesting, medium sized and all, but they had a bottlecap sort of arrangement where the whole areola got larger and had an entirely different radius of curvature than the rest of her breast.

I liked it and wanted to touch it, but my arms were really tired. I asked, "April? I'd like to try to lift my arms to touch you, but... you'll have to stop moving."

She grinned and asked, "Oh, really? You want to touch me, then? Where exactly would you like to be touching, exactly?"

Looking up, I saw she had obviously been watching me oogle her breasts. "Oh. Sorry to stare."

Pam and she laughed.

April said, "It's nice to be noticed, Red. I'm your nurse, not your girlfriend, but if you want, you can touch them." She moved so she was standing right in front of me, Pam behind propping me up with her knee and side, soft skin on my back and warm water coming down my front where the shower wand was.

I realized I'd presumed something not in evidence. "Uh, I didn't...."

"Don't get hung up on it, Red. Just touch. We'll call it physical therapy."

Though my arms were like lead, I could move them if I worked at it, so I worked. My hand came up and I pressed with separated thumb and forefinger on the areola on either side of her nipple. It pressed in, but the whole areola dented in a different way, and it kind of acted stiffer than normal breasts do.

She laughed, putting on a snarky New York accent, "Hay, dare, bud! Ya gettin' a workout eeer! Look a dare, Pam! Eee muz be Italian 'cuz he's gat Roman Hands!"

They laughed at me, and I let my arm fall again, exhausted at keeping it outstretched. I wanted to explore that more, but they were ready to be done, I could tell.

Figuring out how they wanted to do it, they tried a couple of moves until I was standing, held up by Pam, mostly, and April put my foot up on the 'chair'. This opened my butt area up and she spritzed me really well under there.

I tried apologizing again for putting them through this hassle, but they said, "Stop. This is what we're doing. You do your thing, which is getting better. We'll do our thing, which is nursing."

Water off and headed for the dryer, I waited for it to run across all of us. I was prepared for it to be ice cold and low volume, but instead it came out really nicely - genuinely warm and medium-high flow rate, even better than my parent's one. I was confused. "Hey, Pam? This is the same room, right? This dryer is... nice now! It used to freeze every time..."

Pam nodded, "Yep. Ev took care of that a long time ago. She's an engineer, and a good one, from what I hear. She fixed that up, and some other stuff around here, early days. She's off doing important stuff now, really important stuff."

Suddenly I was really fatigued. "I'd like to... sleep, I think."

April carried me again, like it was nothing. I had been middle-weight, but I could see I'd lost some mass from being sick.

Pam went ahead and pulled off the sheets, grabbing some more and changing them while Pam just stood there, holding me in her arms. Her breasts pressed up against the side of my shoulder. I could hold my head up, but it was taking more effort as time passed. Pam got the fitted sheet on, so April set me down, and they quickly added the top sheet, blanket, and even a clean pillowcase.

I vaguely remember Pam kissing my forehead, I think, before sleep dominated.

== Chapter: Rehabilitation Clarity ==

Again, I awoke to Pam pulling down my covers, the cooler air on my skin.

My cock hurt a little from being hard, but Pam's mouth again wet it as best she could and she again mounted me. I observed more than participated, I was still pretty tired, but I did manage to get my arms to respond more, and I held her around her back as she rubbed up and down me. She didn't come this time, just moved up and down regularly until I came, spurting and spurting, her tight pussy, giving me excellent 'care'.

Sleep, again, overtook.

The next time I awoke, April was getting ready to feed me oatmeal. It was amazingly good, and she spooned it into my mouth like I was a baby. I held the spoon and did it for a little while, but it was slow going. Orange juice followed. I asked where Pam was and she said, "Pam's asleep. She was near the end of her shift when you woke up, so she was on duty for ... 39 hours, but not done yet? It's been a while, I'm not sure."

The bowl was empty so she took it back to the kitchen and came back to me. "Now, we can see you're tumescent again, you're due in about half an hour, but if you want, we can do this now..."

I shrugged. The food had done me good, but I knew I wasn't awake for long. "Sure, that's fine."


She stood back and unzipped her uniform, getting naked and then telling me to hold on a moment. She was in the bathroom for at least 5 minutes, but when she came out she was breathing a little hard.

Pulling down my sheet and blanket and (underwear? I didn't put those on, did I?), she got the bottom half of me naked and bent down. Sniffing me a little, she licked up the side of my penis, then kissed the head, then rolled her lips over her teeth and sucked my head in, bobbing a little. Her other hand, I could see, moved down to between her legs, and did a little motion there. Her eyes closed with the combination of those two, and mine did, too, as I leaned back and enjoyed it.

I felt her shifting around, but by the time I looked up, she was sitting down on me, her strong leg muscles showing me strength while her oh-so-soft pussy wrapped and came down with some difficulty, so tight was the fit. I would have expected her height and larger size to mean the opposite, but the reasoning was irrelevant in the face of the strong grip she held on me. I felt it shudder a little, and she started rising and falling on me.

Looking up, I could see tears in her eyes, a very sad look. I got worried, but she sniffed and smiled thinly, and said, "Don't worry about it, just close your eyes and go with it."

Not having much choice, I did, her rising and falling, rising and falling, the wet, hot, strong grip of her pussy giving me all sorts of great things to occupy my senses. Still, my brain was worried a little, even as I felt her movements and the pleasure that flowed from them.

Building up over several minutes, I came, spurting into her, and feeling her grunt with satisfaction at the feelings she was getting from my coming. Per what she'd said earlier, I just kept my eyes shut and pumped away, feeling all the sensations and losing myself in the moment, as long as that moment went. Again, it was a lot longer orgasm than I normally had. I wasn't objecting.

The effort and food had tired me out. I felt her pull off, and then awoke briefly as she gave me a sponge-bath around my privates. It ended quickly, and I went back to sleep, rolling over and having it feel pretty good to do that.

== ==

When I came to, I opened my eyes to see Pam there, reading her pad, and another girl sitting on the couch next to her. I vaguely recognized this girl -- but who knows from where. Her face was pretty, medium-length light-brown hair, trim body (from what I could see where I was). The room lights were on about half-full. I was partially on my side. I opened my eyes all the way and found I was pretty alert. I realized I seriously had to pee... and poop. I rolled to my side and sat up, pushing myself up with my arms but finding it was a lot harder than it normally was.

Very quickly it came back to me that I'd been very out-of-it and weak, so this was better than normal, actually, so I felt better about not being able to move much. Pam was there quickly, helping me sit.

"Hey there! Aren't we ambitious! Sitting up, now? Sure, okay... Suze, ...Yeah, you get that side."
