Red Polka Dots - Sequel


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"I know," Catherine said, "Janet told me to preheat it to 400?."

As he watched her spreading out what Janet had prepared on cookie sheets, so they could go into the oven, his attention was once again drawn to her generous cleavage, nicely on display due to the style of the bra, and he couldn't help staring a bit.

"I know, I know," Catherine giggled as she finished, closing the oven door, and obviously aware of what Matt had been looking at, "I should have worn a chemise, but it's too hot in this kitchen for that."

"Oh, sorry," Matt said, suddenly embarrassed at his leering behavior.

"Don't worry, I knew what would happen if I ditched the chemise, so it's my own fault! But it's just a bra after all. You've seen one before no doubt."

"But not very often one quite as nicely filled out," Matt said gallantly.

Catherine gave him a fetching little smile, which told Matt she took it as a compliment, as he had intended.

"You're sweet," Catherine said, coming over to him, and then getting up on her tiptoes to give him a tiny kiss on the lips, "c'mon, there are some people I would like you to meet."

In the living room, he was introduced to Emily, a natural redhead with grey-brown eyes, freckles and a slender figure. Her facial features were nice, but average. Her hair was clearly her best asset, and it tumbled like a fiery waterfall over her shoulders almost to the tops of her breasts. Much taller than Catherine, she was wearing a short patterned sheath dress in a glistening copper colour that had a low neckline, and almost no back, as he soon discovered when she turned away from him for a moment to answer a question from Ron about a drink.

"Another braless one!" Matt thought to himself.

Beside her, and chatting with Sarah and Janet, was another young man, not quite the height of Matt or Ron, but similarly dressed with dark slacks and a short sleeved designer dress shirt in a blue broadcloth fabric. He had blue eyes, neatly trimmed dark hair, and an intelligent look to him.

"Phillip, meet Matt," Catherine said as she led him up to this group. After they had been introduced, Janet and Sarah resumed their conversation with Phillip, so Matt turned his attention back to Emily, who was now holding a glass of white wine. Matt had assumed that Phillip and Emily were a couple, but that proved to be wrong. Emily told him that she and Catherine had been friends since grade school, and that she had just met Phillip tonight as well. She thought he was a friend of Ron's, but wasn't sure.

Soon Ron was offering a drink, and he chose a rye and ginger ale, learning as he tagged along with him to help that Philip had been recently dumped by his live-in girlfriend, and that Emily was equally unattached. And not long after that Janet and Catherine were passing trays of hot hors d'oeuvres around. And after they were sampled, Ron was around offering refills, which were universally accepted. About 45 minutes flew by as people got to know each other, and ate and drank.

By the time the Catherine called the rest of the group to the dining room, the conversation level had risen in volume consistent with the alcohol consumption!

* * *

They were pretty much through the main course when Catherine said to Emily, "Did you read Janet's story?"

Janet saw Emily give her a surprised look, "'RED POLKA DOTS', you wrote that?"

"Yes." Janet replied somewhat proudly, "that's why I bought this skirt."

"Goodness," Emily exclaimed, "I thought only a guy would dream up something that wild."

"I use a pseudonym; like a lot of writer's on the site do ... you wouldn't want some pervert being able to actually locate you."

"What site?" Philip interjected.

"I'll show you after dinner," Ron said helpfully, "and you can read Janet's story ... it's pretty hot."

"What does the little red 'H' beside your story mean?" Catherine asked.

"People vote on your story," Janet explained to her, "from 1 to 5. If you get an average of at least a 4.5 your story is 'Hot', or at least that what I think it stands for ... my story got a 4.57."

"Is that good?" Emily asked.

"Yes, but to win a story contest you need to pretty much get a score over 4.75," Janet replied, "but even so, I think it's pretty good for my first try."

"You're going to write some more?" Catherine asked in a surprised tone.

"Probably; I have time when the baby takes his naps," Janet answered, "and it's fun!"

"More fun than that game?" Emily said with a laugh, and a sly look around the table.

The others all laughed back except Philip, who was still in the dark about the contents of Janet's creation.

"The story is called 'RED POLKA DOTS'," Matt explained to him, "about a so-called 'Sex Game for Adults' that Janet dreamed up. But it would be better if you read the thing for yourself."

"It's very naughty," Catherine explained to Philip with a giggle, "when you play you end up naked pretty quick, and then you get touched and kissed in all sorts of ... um ... personal places, and finally you have sex with someone in front of everyone else."

"Just good old fashioned clean family fun," Philip said back to her with a touch of sarcasm, making everyone laugh again.

"Why did you make it so extreme?" Emily asked Janet in a puzzled way.

"When you write for a site like that you need to go pretty far, or no one will even notice your story," Janet explained.

"What about the characters," Catherine said, "because they seem pretty real, especially the girls?"

"I used myself as a model for one of the girls," Janet explained.

"The one with the 'over the top' sex drive no doubt?" Catherine offered with a smirk.

"Exactly," Janet replied with a knowing nod and a laugh, "and I used Sarah for another; and a girl, Michelle, that we used to know, for the third ... the guys I made up out of thin air!"

Janet glanced over at Sarah, who was sitting across from her. She now had a concerned look on her face, and gave her head an almost imperceptible shake as a warning to Janet.

"Of course I changed their names," Janet added quickly, "and invented their sex lives to fit the story."

"You know," Emily said thoughtfully, "it might have been good to have done something totally, totally out there, just once, like what happened in your story."

"You mean you haven't?" Catherine teased her.

"Not quite ... what about you?"

"Not so far ... but you never know?" Catherine said in a hopeful tone, "Anyway, let's get dessert."

* * *

The dinner was over, and Matt was relaxing on the living room couch; he had had a fair amount to drink, as had the others, what with the cocktails and wine, so he made a mental note to slow down for a while. Catherine seemed the least affected, because she had spent a lot of time running back and forth to the kitchen, rather than imbibing.

Ron had taken Philip into the study to read Janet's story, while everyone else cleared the table. When that was done, Janet and Sarah then excused themselves to use the washroom, while Emily and Catherine headed towards the kitchen. He had volunteered to help, but they had quickly shooed him out of their way; complaining, through their giggles ... the alcohol no doubt ... that he was likely much more trouble than he was worth.

As he sat there, he was wondering when the time would be right to disclose "it" to the group; and what their reaction to "it" might be?

He and Janet had decided to open up their marriage, at least occasionally. And "it" seemed to be the best way to make that happen. But would "it" actually work?

Janet had said Sarah would likely go "all in", and after her behaviour earlier tonight, he believed it. But the others, who knew?

* * *

"Don't talk about us being the models for 'RED POLKA DOTS' like that," Sarah admonished Janet in the hall outside the washroom, "you might give us away."

"I hope not," Janet replied, "I covered it up by saying I invented Sean and Roman. I don't think Matt has figured out that the story isn't just a story."

"Are you sure? He's pretty smart."

"I don't think so; anyway, after he and I unveil our little surprise tonight ... buckle up!"

"What's that?"

"Wait and see!"

* * *

"What a story," Philip said in an admiring way to Janet, "you actually made that up?"

They were all seated in the large living room on a couch, an adjacent loveseat, and on a couple of armchairs. The couch and the loveseat shared a sizable rectangular glass-topped coffee table.

"Uh, huh," Janet answered him.

"Closet tramp," Catherine exclaimed with a laugh, "who knew?"

"Just because you're a girl," Janet said defensively, "it doesn't mean you can't fantasize about sex, or other men."

"She's right," Emily said, jumping into the conversation, "we have every bit as much of a right to think about sexy stuff as you guys do; so there!"

"OK, OK," Philip said with a grin, putting up his hands in surrender.

"I wonder," Philip said to Janet, "if someone will read your story, and decide to manufacture a 'RED POLKA DOTS' game to sell in adult stores?"

"Who would buy it?" Ron asked with a laugh.

"Who would play it?" Catherine said.

"You might just be surprised?" Emily replied with a smirk.

"Would you?"


"Suppose we had the game here right now; and Sarah and Janet and I agreed to play, what then?" Catherine asked Emily mischievously.

"That's pretty hypothetical, since the game doesn't exist, except in Janet's imagination," Emily replied with a laugh.

"You didn't answer my question," Catherine said, "would you do something like that if you got the chance?"

"I guess so ... sure ... why not?" Emily said with a twinkle in her eye, "I think I could handle it if everyone else could. But anyway ... too bad ... no game ... no fun!"

"That used to be true ..." Matt said to Emily, seizing the opportunity, "... but just give me a second. I have something to show you.

Matt got out of his seat and went quickly into the front hall, sensing the perplexed eyes of the group following him as he walked.

Retrieving the shipping box from a bag he had used to carry it, he returned to the living room, and placed it on the coffee table where everyone could see. It was gratifying to hear the startled reactions as his audience realized what was printed on the top: "RED POLKA DOTS - A Sex Game for Adults".

Matt had adorned the top with a picture of a young 50's couple, and the sides with a few of the silver dollar sized red self-adhesive labels he had used to make the Red Polka Dot Activity Cards.

"Ohmigod!!" Catherine exclaimed, no doubt paraphrasing the thoughts of everyone else.

"Matt made it," Janet said rather proudly, "he did a really nice job."

"But ... but ... why?"

"So we can play it, of course!"

"But you and Matt are married."

"Where have I heard that before," Janet said with a snicker, while glancing at Sarah.

"But ..." Catherine protested further, seemingly unable to quite find words.

"It's not complicated," Janet explained in a forthright fashion, "we want to have sex with other people once and awhile ... we may be married, but we're not exactly dead!"

"But why use this game?" Catherine asked, gradually overcoming her astonishment.

"Because when you play 'RED POLKA DOTS' as a couple, whatever happens, the other person knows about. Like what you did, and with whom; so it's all in the open. And also, you don't get to choose someone to get, ah, friendly with, unless you win. So it's more exciting, and random. If the luck of the draw says that Matt has to go down on you ..."

"Janet!" Catherine exclaimed, putting a hand over her mouth.

"... then you have to let him. Those are the rules of the game."

Matt observed that Janet was thoroughly enjoying herself, as she deliberately tried to tantalize the rest of the group.

"Can we see what's inside?" Emily asked boldly.

"Are you sure?" Matt replied, even though he was certain that the entire group was filled with curiosity about the contents of the box.

"Well if I'm going to be asked to play this game, I need to see what the parts of it are ... no pun intended!" Emily responded, with a meaningful glance in Janet's direction.

"OK," Matt said, removing the box top, and retrieving the Activity Cards.

Removing the elastic that held them together, he flipped over the first one to display a Red Polka Dot Card.

"Where did you get the blank cards," Ron asked.

"Teacher's supply store."

"Perfect ...," Emily giggled, "for a brand new learning experience!"

Everyone laughed again.

"And then I printed off pictures of the various body parts on my colour printer and glued them onto the cards, because the cards are too stiff to print on. Here, I'll show you one."

Matt dealt another Activity Card revealing the Pussy Card to the group. As expected there were a combination of gasps and snickers as he laid it down face up.

"Where did you get that close up," Philip said with a grin, "the Internet?"

"No," Janet said with a very seductive smile, flushing slightly, "that's me."

"No way," Philip exclaimed, "you're kidding right!"

Matt observed the others now staring at the card with wide eyes.

"It's only a picture," Janet suggested with a mischievous grin; she obviously knew the effect this startling piece of information was having.

"But ..." Catherine said; her face colouring.

"Uh, huh ..." Janet said in a tone that didn't suggest argument, "I had Matt take it with our digital camera. It's my game ... and my pussy," she added with a giggle, although she was also now blushing.

"C'mon," Ron said in an amused way, "that's a picture of a nude model or something."

"There's certainly one way to find out for sure," Janet said, giving Ron a suggestive look.

"How's that?"

"Play 'RED POLKA DOTS' with me; and you can see for yourself!"

"And I suppose," Catherine interjected with a grin, "that you used Matt as well?"

"It seemed only fair!"

"Here I'll show you," Matt said searching the deck until he found an Erection Card, and then laying it on the table beside the other card.

"How did you get him ready to pose?" Emily asked; her eyes full of sparkle.

"Guess?" Janet said coyly, running her tongue over her lips.

"Had to Photoshop it down in size," Matt said, teasing, "so it would fit on the card, and look more like what most girls are used to. I don't want to frighten them off."

"Naturally," Catherine replied with some sarcasm, "and I suppose if I play 'RED POLKA DOTS' with you, I can find out if you're lying?"

"That's the plan!"

"Only one problem with this game," Matt continued, trying to intrigue his audience, "sometimes when this happens," he turned over the Erection Card so it was face down on top of the Pussy Card, "you can accidentally end up with diapers, and cribs, and strollers ... and we don't want that, now do we?"

There was quite a lot of laughter at this warning, which Matt observed, had reduced some of the electricity in the room.

"So?' Janet said turning to look at the others.

"So what?" Catherine responded, a little hesitantly.

"So, would you like to try a game?"

"Seriously ... right here?"

"Well Matt didn't go to all that work just so these guys could get to see what my pussy looks like, now did he?"

"I ... I don't know ... I mean I'm not a prude or anything, but your game is pretty extreme by anybody's standards. Uh ... uh ... what do you think Ron?"

There was a lengthy pause as Ron considered the question. No one else spoke. Catherine was staring at him intently.

"I guess we could play, but everyone needs to be pretty sure about it," he finally replied cautiously, "maybe you should ask the other girls what they think before you decide."

"Good idea," Catherine said, sounding relieved at not having to make the decision quite yet, "c'mon ladies, we need to talk!"

* * *

"What about you Sarah?" Catherine asked.

Janet and the rest of the girls had gone into the kitchen to have a private discussion about whether or not to play 'RED POLKA DOTS'.

"I'm OK with it," Sarah replied in a straightforward way, "I'm on the pill; so no worries there ... I trust Matt; and Ron and Philip seem like pretty decent guys too. I'm not with anyone right now, so I don't have to worry about consequences afterwards," she continued giving Catherine a sidelong look.

"Yes," Emily said to Catherine in a serious fashion, "what about you and Ron ... Janet and Matt, that's different; they've had lots of time to discuss this, you two haven't?"

"So," Catherine said defensively, "we're not married yet ... he hasn't even asked me. You heard him say it was my decision."

"Besides," she continued now blushing a little, "he had at least one other serious girlfriend before me, and they were together for quite a while, and I don't think she was his first. And what did I have before I met him ... a couple of teenaged quickies that were over so fast, if you blinked, you missed them. So fair is fair; maybe I get to have sex with another man, to see what it's like!"

"I know Sarah is OK, baby wise; what about you two?" Janet finally asked, looking at Catherine and Emily.

"Pill," Catherine replied quickly, "what about you?"

"Same ... we're going to wait a couple of years before we try for another."


"No," she replied, hesitating a little.

"Oh, oh," Sarah said in a concerned tone.

"No, it will be OK," Emily responded, "it's right before my period, and ..."

There was a pause as they all looked at Emily, whose face was now colouring, as she hesitated.

"And what?" Sarah said, trying to encourage her to continue.

"Well it's just that ... well ... this time of the month I ... I just get so desperate," she replied, turning even redder, "must be hormones or something."

Sarah nodded in a knowing way.

"... and I haven't been with a man for a long time. So if this game will get me laid ..."

"Emily!" Catherine exclaimed in a shocked tone.

"... I'm in," Emily continued, ignoring her friend, "because I'm already so ready just even thinking about it after Matt showed us the game!" she continued sheepishly, blushing even more furiously.

"So we're good?" Janet asked, carefully looking at each girl in turn.

"Not really," Catherine admitted with a nervous giggle, "but let's play anyways; maybe it will get easier once everyone takes all their clothes off."

* * *

Matt looked around. At Catherine's suggestion they were seated in a circle on a large plush oriental carpet in the main floor family room, the guys having moved some furniture to clear a space. Catherine had also supplied some beach towels for sitting on.

"We don't own this rug, and it's worth a fortune," she had explained.

The group had closed the blinds on the windows to keep out prying eyes, and true to Janet's story, lit some candles and turned off the lights. There had been a lot of forced laughter, and sly looks, while all this was been done.

It seemed to Matt quite astonishing how little reluctance there had been to what he and Janet had proposed, because despite being the only married couple in the group, there were other potential issues in the room ... Ron and Catherine's relationship for one; or their friendship with Sarah, to name but two. After all he and Janet had had numerous conversations over some period of time before deciding to make, and more importantly play, the 'RED POLKA DOTS' game; the rest had just had it sprung on them. It had been a little embarrassing to have the girls see his erect penis on its Activity Card, but it didn't matter much now, they were going to see the real thing pretty soon anyway!

Again true to the story, they had rolled the dice to see who was to start, and Matt won. To his left was Emily, then Ron, followed by Janet, Philip, Sarah and Catherine. Matt shuffled the Activity Cards while Catherine, ever the efficient one, passed out the Activity Ladder Cards and then put the Activity Tokens in a small bowl.